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ㄆㄧㄢ [pian1. [Dist. pr. ㄅㄧㄢˋ [bian4, 91B.42]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  了 to have eaten ahead of group dinner (modest exp.).
(2)  Incline to one side: 他過頭去 he turned his head.
Adj(1)  Slanting, slanted, favoring one or the other: 不不倚 impartial;
於某方 partial to one side;
see 心,愛,頗,[pian1xin1], [pian1ai4], [pian1po1], [pian1jian4] and many common compp.↓.
(2)  Special, on the side: 才 special aptitude, esp. apart from gen. studies, such as chess;
門 side door, side line.
Adv(1)  Against one's thinking or wish, in an unexpected and curious way, stubbornly: 他巧(不巧)來了 he turned up against expectations.
(2)  Conveying sense of stubborn opposition or emphasizing the opposite: 他不答應 he stubbornly refused;
你要去,他不去 you want to go, but he insists on not going (on purpose);
你說他不會,他會 you think he cannot do it but (to one's surprise) he can.
Words1.愛 [pian1ai4], n., special favorite, have fondness for (person, subject). 
2.安 [pian1an1], v.i., rule a region (in times of national division). 
3.差 [pian1cha1], n., deviation. 
4.棲 [pian1qi1], v.i., live life of widow, “roost alone.” 
5.情 [pian1qing2], n., (Catholic) the passions. 
6.殿 [pian1dian4], n., side temple. 
7.方 [pian1fang1], n., remote region; 方兒 [pian1fang1er0], (Chin. med.) special, not regular, prescription. 
8.房 [pian1fang2], n., concubine (in gen. use). 
9.廢 [pian1fei4], v.t., to neglect (some aspects). 
10.鋒 [pian1feng1]1, n., term, in calligraphy and painting, signifying moving brush at a slant, cf. 中鋒. 
11.風 [pian1feng1]2, n., semi-paralysis. 
12.孤 [pian1gu1]1, adj., bereft of father, with mother living. 
13.枯 [pian1gu1]2, n. & adj., semi-paralysis; (part) suffering from neglect. 
14.好 [pian1hao4], n., hobby: 有所好 loves it specially. 
15.諱 [pian1hui4], n., taboo against either of two characters in parent’s or emperor's name. 
16.護 [pian1hu4], v.t. & n., be partial to and support (one side, person). 
17.角 [pian1jiao3], n., (astron.) declination of heavenly body from celestial equator. 
18.見 [pian1jian4], n., prejudice. 
19.墜 [pian1zhui4], n., one-sided hernia. 
20.重 [pian1zhong4], n. & v.t., emphasis on one to the detriment of the other (subjects, aspects, etc.). 
21.執 [pian1zhi2], adj. & n., stubborn (ness); 執狂 monomania. 
22.狂 [pian1kuang2], n., special craze; monomania. 
23.勞 [pian1lao2], v.i. & t., (court. of a person who) works harder than the group, also phr., thanking person for special effort: 勞了你. 
24.盲 [pian1mang2], adj., blind in one eye. 
25.旁 [pian1pang2], n., the right and left parts of a character, but more esp. the right (phonetic) part, against the left (radical). 
26. [pian1pian1], adv., stubbornly, against expectations, see Adv.2↑. 
27.僻 [pian1pi4], adj., little known, out-of-the-way (place). 
28.頗 [pian1po1], adj., biased (opinion). 
29.衫 [pian1shan1], n., monastic jacket. 
30.生 [pian1sheng1], n., (MC) see Adv.1↑. 
31.向 [pian1xiang4], n. & v.t., angle, slanting or favored direction: 向某人 inclined toward person. 
32.斜 [pian1xie2], adj., slanted, not fair. 
33.心 [pian1xin1], adj. & n., favoritism, lack of impartiality. 
34.蝕 [pian1shi2], n. & v.i., (astron.) partial eclipse. 
35.私 [pian1si1], n. & adj., selfish, favoring one's own. 
36.袒 [pian1tan3], v.t., unfairly partial to (person, side). 
37.疼 [pian1teng2], v.t., (of parents) love specially (a child). 
38.頭痛 [pian1tou2tong4], n., (med.) migraine. 
39.才 [pian1cai2], n., special aptitude. 
40.災 [pian1zai1], n., disaster caused by drought or flood. 
41.倚 [pian1yi3], adj., partial, not fair.