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ㄕㄨ [shu1 (also ㄙㄨ [su1).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NA surname.
Adj(Interch. 32S.70) negligent;
懶,失,散,etc., see 32S.70.
Words1.隔 [shu1ge2], adj., silent in correspondence, having not corresponded (=闊 32S.70). 
2.慌 [shu1huang1], adj., out of practice. 
3.交 [shu1jiao1], n., distant, not close friend. 
4.快 [shu1kuai4], adj., (MC) carefree. 
5.剌剌 [shu1la4la4], adj., (MC) forlorn, wind-blown. 
6.頑 [shu1wan2], adj., (AC) carefree, insouciant, see 慢,^放 32S.70. 

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ㄕㄨ [shu1 (also ㄙㄨ [su1; *ㄕㄨˋ [shu4).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  (*[shu4]) Memorandum to emperor: 上 send memorandum.
(2)  (*[shu4] or [shu1]) Commentary on earlier commentary: 注 commentary and further commentary by later scholar.
(3)  A surname.
V(1)  To clear, dredge (river bed): 導,通,[shu1dao4], [shu1tong1], [shu1jUn4]↓.
(2)  To disperse: [shu1san4]↓;
財仗義 disburse money in public cause.
Adj(Interch. 32S.01) (1)  Scattered, far apart, distant: 星 scattered (few) stars;
網 a loose net;
髮 thin hair;
close and distant relatives;
音問 have been negligent in correspondence;
(2)  Raw, crude: 食,糲 (also 蔬) coarse food, [shu1shi2], [shu1li4]↓;
學淺 (self-deprecation) I am crude and unlearned.
(3)  Negligent, careless, inadequate (in plan, duty, attention): 忽,略,[shu1hu1], [shu1lUe4], [shu1man4]↓;
虞,[shu1yU2], [shi1shi1]↓.
Words1.宕 [shu1dang4], adj., untrammeled, unconventional (character, spirit). 
2.導 [shu1dao4], v.t., to dredge (river), to channel water into course. 
3.放 [shu1fang4], adj., see [shu1dang4]↑. 
4.忽 [shu1hu1](1)  adj., careless, negligent; (2)  n., an oversight, small mistake; (3)  v.t., to neglect (person, duty). 
5.濬 [shu1jUn4], v.t., to dredge (river). 
6.狂 [shu1kuang2], adj., see [shu1dang4], [shu1fang4]↑. 
7.闊 [shu1kuo4], adj., (1)  cool (relationship), negligent in correspondence, long separated; (2)  not cogent (reasoning). 
8.懶 [shu1lan3], adj., negligent, indolent (in duty). 
9.朗 [shu1lang4], adj., bright (weather, room). 
10.糲 [shu1li4], n., crude repast. 
11.理 [shu1li3], v.t., put to order, disentangle (confused situation). 
12.落 [shu1luo4], adj., thin, scattered (population, leaves). 
13.略 [shu1lUe4], adj., inadequate, sketchy (report). 
14.慢 [shu1man4], adj., see [shu1hu1]
15.散 [shu1san4], v.i. & t., (1)  to disperse (population, crowded area), relieve (congestion); (2)  relax by taking stroll. 
16.神 [shu1shen2], v.i., to relax the mind. 
17.懈 [shu1xie4], adj., see [shu1lan3]↑. 
18.率 [shu1shuai4], adj., careless, untrammeled, incautious. 
19.失 [shu1shi1], n., slight mistake, oversight. 
20.食 [shu1shi2], n., a coarse meal. 
21.鬆 [shu1song1], adj., puffy (hair, cake). 
22.頭 [shu1tou2], n., (AC) a sacrificial prayer to the dead. 
23.材 [shu1cai2], n., (self-deprecative) my unworthy ability. 
24.辭 *[shu4ci2], n., see [shu4tou2]↑. 
25.通 [shu1tong1](1)  v.t., (a) to dredge (water course), (b) to remove misunderstandings, spec. to speak for s.o.: 向他通一下 please speak for me to s.o.; (2)  adj., 通知遠 (AC) showing deep penetration and foresight. 
26.宗 [shu1zong1], n., a distantly related clan. 
27.鑿 [shu1zuo4], v.t., to cut through (tunnel). 
28.外 [shu1wai4], v.t., (LL) see [shu1yUan3]↓. 
29.野 [shu1ye3], adj., raw, crude (person). 
30.遠 [shu1yUan3] (shu-'yuan), (1)  adj., distant, not in close touch; (2)  v.t., to neglect (person), keep at distance. 
31.虞 [shu1yU2], n., see [shu1shi1]↑.