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ㄘㄨ [cu1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
Adj(1)  Rough, -ly, careless, -ly, not thorough: 心,通,[cu1xin1], [cu1tong1], [cu1lUe4]↓.
(2)  Heavy, bulky, wide in diameter, opp. 細 [xi4], small, slender: [cu1ben4], [cu1zhong4]↓;
繩子,線 heavy rope, thread;
脖子 stodgy neck;
眉大眼 bushy eyebrows and big eyes.
(3)  Simple, coarse, unrefined, lower-grade: 布 coarse cloth;
米 brown, unpolished rice;
糧食 inferior foodstuff (corn, sorghum, millet instead of rice);
菜 simple fare;
枝大葉 done in broad strokes or rough outline;
聲,嗓子 coarse, heavy voice;
人,俗,[cu1ren2], [cu1su2], [cu1ye3]↓.
Words1.暴 [cu1bao4], adj., (person) coarse rude. 
2.笨 [cu1ben4], adj., heavy, bulky (furniture, luggage); adj., awkward, heavy-handed (stroke in callig., or gen. way of doing things). 
3.淺 [cu1qian3], adj., superficial (knowledge); elementary. 
4.蠢 [cu1chun3], adj., see [cu1ben4]↑. 
5.大 [cu1da4], adj., bulky. 
6.豪 [cu1hao2], adj., (person) forthright, not urbane. 
7.話 [cu1hua4], n., coarse language, esp. obscene language. 
8.活 [cu1huo2], n., heavy manual labor. 
9.壯 [cu1zhuang4], adj., robust, sturdy, stout. 
10.重 [cu1zhong4], adj., heavy (luggage, work opp. 細軟 what is light and soft). 
11.糲 [cu1li4], n., coarse, plain fare. 
12.陋 [cu1lou4], adj., ill-mannered, not refined (person); plain (living quarters). 
13.魯 [cu1lu3] ([cu1lu0]), adj., stupid, vulgar. 
14.略 [cu1lUe4], n. & adj., gen. idea; rough, not detailed. 
15.莽 [cu1mang3], adj., rash, boorish (person). 
16.人 [cu1ren2], n., (1)  a boorish, unrefined person; (2)  a man good only at heavy work. 
17.線條 [cu1xian4tiao1], adj., vulgar, not refined (in manners). 
18.細 [cu1xi4], n., both light and heavy work; all kinds (of material, work, furniture). 
19.心 [cu1xin1], adj., careless (in work). 
20.疏 [cu1shu1], adj., careless, overlooking details. 
21.率 [cu1shuai4] ([cu1shuai0]), adj., choppy (work), careless, roughly done. 
22.實 [cu1shi0], adj., solid (furniture, box). 
23.俗 [cu1su2], adj., vulgar. 
24.通 [cu1tong1], v.i., barely understand (a subject). 
25.糙 [cu1cao1] ([cu1cao4]), adj., rough (work), coarse. 
26.躁 [cu1zao4], adj., hasty, rash (temperament). 
27.野 [cu1ye3], adj., vulgar, uncultured. 
28.樂 [cu1yUe4], n., music played with percussion instruments.