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ㄌㄧㄠˊ [liao2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To chat idly: 請多一會 please stay and chat a while yet;
天, [liao2tian1], [liao2liao0]↓.
(2)  To endure: [liao2lai4]↓;
民不生 the people find it hard to live on;
adj., bored, oppressed, find time idle, also boring, (play, performance) most unintersting: 無的很 (of meeting, play) boring;
beneath concern: 這個人太無 this person is not worth keeping company with, is a bore.
AdvRather, just, just a little: 勝於無 better than nothing;
陳愚見 just express my opinion;
勝一等 just a little better;
以助興 just for entertainment;
以自慰 comfort oneself with thought.
Words1.且 [liao2qie3], adv., just, see Adv.↑. 
2.浪 [liao2lang4], adj., (AC) unrestrained, wandering freely. 
3.賴 [liao2lai4], v.i., to endure (boredom): 百無賴 be completely bored, despondent. 
4. [liao2liao0], v.i., have a chat. 
5.天(兒) [liao2tian1] ([liao2tia1er0]), v.i., chat idly (=談天).