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ㄅㄧˋ [bi4.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
VTo close: 關 to close;
目,眼,目養神 close the eyes for rest;
口,嘴,上你的嘴 shut up;
會 close meeting;
歇營業 close up shop and stop business;
keep under detention;
月羞花 woman's beauty puts the flowers to shame and outshines the moon.
Words1.氣 [bi4qi4], v.i., stop breathing voluntarily; draw last breath. 
2.糴 [bi4di2], v.i., ban buying of rice (stop hoarding). 
3. [bi4e4], adj., in difficult circumstances. 
4.關 [bi4guan1], v.i., close the border, i.e., stop foreign trade; v.i., 關自守 stop international intercourse for defence; also live in isolation, stop seeing friends; v.i., 關主義 n., isolationism. 
5.經 [bi4jing1], v.i. & n., menopause. 
6.蟄 [bi4zhi2], v.i., hibernate. 
7.靈 [bi4ling2], v.i., stop receiving condolences at funeral after a certain period. 
8.路 [bi4lu4], n., closed circuit (television, broadcast), also called 合電路. 
9.門 [bi4men2], v.i., close door: 門謝客 stop receiving visits from friends; 門不納 be not received (of visitor); 嘗門羹“drink the soup of closed door,” be denied entrance; 享以門羹 to give such “soup,”deny (person) entrance; 門造車 phr., (a) (AC allu.) to be able to build a carriage at home and fit the car body, i.e., with standardization; phr., (b) indulge in fantasy, build air castles. 
10.幕 [bi4mu4], v.i., curtain down at plays, close conference, meeting; 幕典禮 ceremony at closing of conference. 
11.塞 [bi4se4], v.t., stop (ped) up (nose, sewer, avenue of expression).