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ㄌㄨˋ [lu4. [Abbr.]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Land: 大 continent, mainland;
歐洲大 the European Continent;
by land and water;
by land: 棲 (of animals) live on land;
運 land transportation;
沉 country sunk in chaos, (AC) stuck with the past (知古而不知今).
(2)  Land forces: 軍,戰隊 [lu4jUn1], [lu4zhan4dui4]↓.
(3)  Capital writing in checks for “six” (六) pr. ([liu4]).
(4)  A surname.
Words1.半球 [lu4ban4qiu2] n., continental hemisphere (opp. 水半球 oceanic hemisphere). 
2.圈 [lu4qUan1], n., (geog.) continental sphere. 
3.稻 [lu4dao4], n., upland rice. 
4.戰隊 [lu4zhan4dui4], n., (mil.) Marine corps. 
5.軍 [lu4jUn1], n., the army (cf. 空軍 air force, 62A.30, 海^軍 navy 63A.50). 
6.離 [lu4li2], adj., weirdly beautiful. 
7.續 [lu4xU4], adv., continuously, from time to time (send money, etc.). 
8.田 [lu4tian2], n., dry farm (opp. paddy).