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ㄑㄧ [qi1 (also ㄒㄧ [xi1). [Var. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
v(1)  To roost, to stop for rest: 鳥樹上 a bird alights or roosts on a tree;
動物 amphibious animal;
息,[qi1xi2], [qi1zhi3]↓;
(fig.) to make one's home;
(2)  Interch. 悽 disconsolate, see 悽惶,悽^惻 22A.93.
Words1.遁 [qi1dun4], v.i., to live in retirement. 
2.苴 [qi1jU1], n., floating weeds. 
3.止 [qi1zhi3], v.i., to stop and rest in (place). 
4.身 [qi1shen1], v.i., to dwell, obtain shelter. 
5.息 [qi1xi2], v.i., to dwell, dwell for rest. 
6.宿 [qi1su4], v.i., see [qi1xi2]↑.