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ㄘㄞˊ [cai2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NForm: 體 form and style of writing;
person's figure.
V(1)  To cut: 縫 tailor (“cut and sew”);
to trim tree, cut things into shape;
衣 to cut a dress;
to cut and trim lines;
詩 write poems.
(2)  To cut out, reduce (armament, guards, staff, budget): 併,撤,汰,[cai2bing4], [cai2che4], [cai2tai4], [cai2jian3]2↓;
員 reduce staff;
(3)  To judge, make decision: 鑒,尊 your discerning decision;
奪,度,[cai2duo2], [cai2duo4], [cai2jUe2]↓.
(4)  To kill in 自 take one's own life.
Words1.併 [cai2bing4], v.t., reduce (administrative units) and combine into one. 
2.兵 [cai2bing1], v.i. & n., disarm, disarmament. 
3.撤 [cai2che4], v.t., abolish (post), withdraw (troops). 
4.成 [cai2cheng2], v.t., (AC, of Nature) to give form to all life. 
5.處 [cai2chu3], v.t., to cut down and dispose of (unneeded items). 
6.答 [cai2da2], v.i., to compose letter of reply. 
7.斷 [cai2duan4], v.i., to exercise judgment, decide. 
8.度 [cai2duo4], v.i. & t., to weigh and decide. 
9.奪 [cai2duo2], v.i. & t., to make decision. 
10.縫 [cai2feng0], n., tailor, dressmaker. 
11.剪 [cai2jian3]1, v.t., (1)  to cut (paper, cloth) into certain shape; (2)  to trim (trees), cut and give form (to book, essays, etc.). 
12.減 [cai2jian3]2, v.t., to cut down (budget, conscription). 
13.軍 [cai2zhun3], n., disarmament. 
14.決 [cai2jUe2], v.i., to make decision. 
15.可 [cai2ke3], v.t., (LL) to approve officially. 
16.量 [cai2liang2], v.i. & t., see [cai2duo2]↑. 
17.判 [cai2pan4], v.t., to hand down court decision, to pass sentence; 判司 magistracy; 判員 umpire. 
18.排 [cai2pai2], v.t., (MC) to arrange (matter), make possible. 
19.汰 [cai2tai4], v.t., eliminate (unnecessary staff, expenses); to liquidate, cause to become extinct. 
20.衣 [cai2yi1], v.i., to make dress. 
21.員 [cai2yUan2], v.i., to reduce employees.