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ㄏㄨㄤˊ [huang2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  A surname.
(2)  The yellow color.
(3)  Short for personal and place names: 炎子孫 descendants of 神農 and 帝 the Yellow Emperor, see [huang2di4]↓;
老 Taoism of Yellow Emperor and Laotse;
for 岐伯 and Yellow Emperor, reputed fathers of medicine;
(for 西皮 and 二) place names in Hupei where present Peking opera music originated.
(4)  Certain animal products: 蛋 egg yolk;
roe of crabs;
(Chin. med.) product from diseased cow livers for treating nervous diseases of children.
Adj(1)  Yellow;
肌瘦 (person's face) thin and colorless;
葉 brown leaves of autumn;
不接 gap between two harvests causing starvation, also gap between new and old;
gamboge (much used in Chinese printing): 草 straw-colored;
yellow as color of emperor;
榜 imperial edict;
袍 the imperial robe;
馬褂 the Yellow Jacket, rank conferred by emperor;
帶子 Yellow Girdle, Manchu nobility.
(2)  Yellow race: 種 yellow race;
禍 the Yellow Peril.
(3)  Catering to sex interest (orig. borrowed from “yellow journalism”, now used more widely): 色新聞 sex stories in papers;
yellow journalism;
色小說 sexy novels;
這部小說好 this novel is very sexy (also of films);
這人說話太 this man's talk is very indecent.
(4)  Spoiled, withered: 明日花 “a withered flower of yesterday”-topic no longer of interest;
這個買賣(這副牌)眼看要 this business (hand of cards) is about to fail (end in a draw).
Words1.柏 [huang2bai3], n., pop. form of [huang2bo4]↓. 
2.包車 [huang2bao1che1], n., rickshaw. 
3.表紙 [huang2biao2zhi3], n., yellow paper for prayer to the gods. 
4.病 [huang2bing4], n., jaundice (=疸病). 
5.檗 [huang2bo4], n., (bot.) the yellow bark, Phellodendron amurense; name of a Zen master in Tarng Dynasty (檗禪師). 
6.白 [huang2bo2], phr., gold and silver; 白術 alchemy. 
7.錢(兒) [huang2qian2] ([huang2qia2er0]), n., paper-money for burning before gods. 
8. [huang2qi2]1, n., pop. form of [huang2qi2]2↓. 
9.耆 [huang2qi2]2, n., (Chin. med.) the yellow vetch, much valued as gen. tonic, Astragalus hoantchy
10.芩 [huang2qin2], n., (bot.) the skullcap, a plant, Scutellaria baikalensis
11.泉 [huang2qUan2], n., the grave; the nether world. 
12.疸 [huang2dan3], n., jaundice. 
13.道 [huang2dao4], n., (astron.) the ecliptic; 道帶 the zodiac; 道吉日 a lucky day; 道光 zodiacal light. 
14.碘 [huang2dian3], n., (chem.) iodoform. 
15.帝 [huang2di4], n., the Yellow Emperor, a legendary ruler, synonymous with the father of Chinese civilization (2698-2598 B.C.). 
16.豆 [huang2dou4], n., soybean (also called 大豆); 豆牙 common bean sprout. 
17.獨 [huang2du2], n., a name for yam (potato). 
18.髮 [huang2fa3], n., an old man: 髮垂髫 old and young. 
19.風 [huang2feng1]1, n., sandstorm from Mongolian deserts. 
20.蜂 [huang2feng1]2, n., wasps, hornet. 
21.瓜 [huang2gua1], n., cucumber (also called 胡瓜). 
22.海 [huang2hai3], n., the Yellow Sea. 
23.河 [huang2he2], n., the Yellow River. 
24.花 [huang2hua1], n., another name for 菊花 out-of-date news; 花女兒 an old spinster. 
25.花岡 [huang2hua1gang1], n., a place near Canton where the 72 martyrs of the Chinese Revolution lost their lives. 
26.花魚 [huang2hua1yU2], n., (zoo.) croacher (also called 魚,石首魚), Seiaena schlegeli, much valued for its blubber (known as 魚肚). 
27.昏 [huang2hun1], n., sunset, dusk. 
28.薑 [huang2jiang1], n., turmeric. 
29.教 [huang2jiao4], n., Yellow Lamaism. 
30.金 [huang2jin1]1, n., gold; 金時代 the Golden Age. 
31.巾 [huang2jin1]2, n., Yellow Turbans, a rebel movement at close of Hahn Dyn. 
32.精 [huang2jing1], n., (bot.) the deer bamboo, Polygonatum giganteum
33.酒 [huang2jiu3], n., a rice wine, also known as 紹興 Shaoshing
34.鐘 [huang2zhong1], n., one of the twelve bells determining musical scale in anc. China. 
35.種 [huang2zhong3], n., the yellow race. 
36.口 [huang2kou3], n., infant: 口孺子 (derog.) immature person. 
37.蠟 [huang2la4], n., beeswax. 
38.曆 [huang2li0], n., (coll.) almanac. 
39.連 [huang2lian2], n., (bot.) the golden thread, a plant, Coptis japonica, known for its bitter taste; 啞子吃蓮 a dumb person eats this bitter plant-be a silent victim. 
40.粱夢 [huang2liang2meng4], n., (allu.) a tale like Rip van Waikle-signifying vanishing of dream or of time; disillusionment; a vanished dream. 
41.流 [huang2liu2], n., (AC) wine. 
42.鸝 [huang2li2], n., the golden oriole (also called 鶯). 
43.燐 [huang2lin2], n., yellow phosphorus. 
44.落 [huang2luo4], v.i., (of plants, leaves) turn brown and fall off. 
45.櫨 [huang2lu2], n., (bot.) the Hungarian fustic tree, Rhus cotinus
46.毛(兒)丫頭 [huang2mao2]([er0]) [ya1tou0], n., (contempt. or facet.) a witless young girl. 
47.梅 [huang2mei2], n., (1)  the apricot; (2)  the yellow plum flower; 梅天 rainy season about time of summer solstice. 
48.門 [huang2men2], n., (1)  a palace gate; (2)  a eunuch: 門官,門監 eunuch in charge of inner palaces. 
49.米 [huang2mi3], n., millet (=黍). 
50.鳥 [huang2niao3], n., the oriole. 
51.牛 [huang2niu2](1)  n., the common ox; (2)  n., professional guide or contact man for illicit purposes; 色情牛 procurator of girls; 電影牛 movie ticket scalper; (3)  v.i., to fail to show up at appointment: 又牛了 again fail to show up. 
52.胖兒 [huang2pang4er0], n., a portly person with yellow skin. 
53.袍 [huang2pao2], n., (1)  imperial robe; (2)  robe worn by Buddhist monks of certain ranks and sects. 
54.浦 [huang2pu3], n., military academy known as Whompoa Academy in Kwangtung. 
55.熱病 [huang2re4bing4], n., (med.) yellow fever. 
56.砂 [huang2sha1], n., loess, see [huang2tu3]↓. 
57.心樹 [huang2xin1shu4], n., a tree of magnolia family. 
58.水瘡 [huang2shui3chuang1], n., eczema. 
59.鼠 [huang2shu3], n., a desert rat; 
60.鼠狼 [huang2shu3lang2], n., skunk, weasel. 
61.蜀葵 [huang2shu3kui2], n., (bot.) the okra, or lady's finger, a flower. 
62.絁 [huang2shi1], n., Taoist priest's robe of coarse silk. 
63.血鹽 [huang2xUe4yan2], n., (chem.) yellow prussiate of potash. 
64.湯(子) [huang2tang1] ([zi0]), n., (pop. and derog.) wine. 
65.琮 [huang2cong2], n., a kind of yellow jade, used in sacrificial vessels. 
66.銅 [huang2tong2], n., brass. 
67.土 [huang2tu3], n., loess. 
68.芽菜 [huang2ya2cai4], n., sprout of celery cabbage, grown in darkened basement. 
69.楊 [huang2yang2], n., boxwood. 
70.鶯 [huang2ying1], n.,the golden oriole. 
71.鼬 [huang2you4], n., a kind of skunk. 
72.油 [huang2you2], n., butter. 
73.玉 [huang2yU4], n., (min.) topaz or chrysolite. 
74.魚 [huang2yU2], n., (1) 花魚 see [huang2hua1yU2]↑; (2)  (sl.) passengers taken in freight trucks during the war. 

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ㄏㄨㄤˊ [huang2. [See 20.80]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect