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ㄏㄨㄤ [huang1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
Adj(1)  Frantic, frenzied, hysterical: 心意亂 confused and hysterical.
(2)  Frightened: 恐起來,引起恐 arouse fear;
他心了,了神兒 he is frightened, becomes frantic.
(3)  Adj. & adv. complement (pr. [huang0], also [heng0]) frightfully: 煩得 frightfully tedious or occupied;
悶得 frightfully bored;
累得 extremely tired.
Words1.惚 [huang1hu1], adj., nervous, not with a clear mind: 精神惚 in a state of mental confusion, mind does not function clearly (var. of 恍惚 22A.70). 
2.張 [huang1zhang0], adj., desperate, frantic, nervous. 
3.忙 [huang1mang2], adv., in a great hurry. 
4.速 [huang1su4], adv., hurriedly.