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ㄧㄤˊ [yang2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  The poplar, aspen: 白 white poplars;
the alder;
木 boxwood.
(2)  The willow: [yang2liu3]↓.
(3)  A surname.
Words1.花 [yang2hua1], n., willow catkins: 水性花 said of an inconstant woman; 花蘿蔔 a kind of turnip. 
2.枝 [yang2zhi1], n., tender willow branch, used for cleaning teeth (of Hindu origin): 枝淨水 for brushing teeth in morning. 
3.柳 [yang2liu3], n., (1)  the willow and aspen (the aspen with flattened leafstalks that tremble in the breeze and the willow known as “weeping willow” with soft hanging stems); (2)  the willows. 
4.櫨 [yang2lu2], n., (bot.) Diervilla japonica, a flowering brush. 
5.梅 [yang2mei2], n., the arbutus, the wild strawberry, tree, Myrica rubra, its berries; 梅瘡[yang2mei2chuang1], syphilitic sores. 
6.桃 [yang2tao2], n., (bot.) the carambola. 
7.桐 [yang2tong2], n., (bot.) Eurya ochnacea