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ㄐㄧ [ji1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NSmall irregular pieces of land.
Adj(1)  (Of numbers) not round, odd: [ji1ling2]↓.
(2)  One-sided: 輕 lopsided, unevenly balanced;
(3)  (Interch. 奇) strange, unique, extraordinary, unusual, abnormal: [ji1ren2], [ji1tai4], [ji1xing2]↓.
Words1.角(兒)(子) [ji1jiao3] ([er0])([zi0]), n., a corner, coign, edge. 
2.零 [ji1ling2], n., (1)  (of numbers) a remainder after taking off round sum; (2)  odds and ends; (3)  a solitary person. 
3.人 [ji1ren2], n., (1)  a person out of tune with the times; (2)  an extraordinary person. 
4.形 [ji1xing2], n., (1)  deformity; (2)  abnormality. 
5.態 [ji1tai4], n., an abnormal growth or development.