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ㄍㄨㄟˇ [gui3.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
Adj(1)  Sly, cunning, crafty, deceitful: 詐 crafty, treacherous;
辯(學派) sophistry, the sophists;
計多端 foxy, wily;
辭 an ill-concealed lie, specious arguments.
(2)  Unique, unusual, remarkable, extraordinary: [gui3jUe2], [gui3te4], [gui3yi4]↓;
色 false appearance.
Words1.病 [gui3bing0], n., underhanded maneuvers or dealings, irregularities. 
2.道 [gui3dao4], n., (1)  (mil. tactics) deception; (2)  a short cut. 
3.譎 [gui3jUe2], adj., (1)  shifting, unpredictable; (2)  unique, strange. 
4.戾 [gui3li4], adj., treacherous and perverse. 
5.秘 [gui3mi4](1)  n., a hidden secret; (2)  adj., (of secrets) carefully concealed. 
6.隨 [gui3sui2], v.t., follow blindly. 
7.特 [gui3te4], adj., marvellous, remarkable. 
8.異 [gui3yi4], adj., strange (tactics).