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ㄔㄤˋ [chang4.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
Adj(1)  Thorough, -ly, free, -ly: 通 (style) lucid;
(style) flowing freely;
所欲言 express with zest and gusto;
所欲為 do whatever one wants;
飲 drink to heart's content;
敘,談 have a great delightful talk together.
(2)  Delightful, -ly, gratifying, with gusto: 舒 relaxed, pleasurable, comfortable;
delight, -ed, -ful (occasion, reunion, etc.);
懷,[chang4huai2], [chang4shi4]↓.
(3)  Prosperous, doing very well: 銷 sells very well;
行 spreads widely;
旺,[chang4wang4], [chang4mao4]↓.
Words1.達 [chang4da2], adj., (business) prosperous; (style) expressive. 
2.好 [chang4hao3], adj., satisfying. 
3.懷 [chang4huai2], n., gratifying, delightful, -ed. 
4.快 [chang4kuai4], adj. & adv., (1)  straight and quick, without mincing words; (2)  relax, -ing, -ed, comfortable, satisfied. 
5.茂 [chang4mao4], adj., (business, trees) prospering, thriving. 
6.洽 [chang4xia2], adj., satisfying, cordial (reunion). 
7.適 [chang4shi4], adj., relaxing, -ed, refreshing, -ed. 
8.旺 [chang4wang4], adj., [chang4mao4]↑. 
9.鬱 [chang4yU4], adj., [chang4mao4]↑.