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ㄌㄧㄥˇ [ling3.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NA piece of dress: 一袍子,襯衫 one gown, one shirt (lit., “one collar”).
(1)  the neck: 引而望 crane one's neck to see, wait.
(2)  Collar ([ling3zi0]): 衣 collar of dress;
扣 collar button.
(3)  Main thread: 綱 outline;
提綱挈 give outline, main points, like “gathering fish net by leading cord and lifting dress by collar”;
hence also 袖 “collar and sleeve”--leader.
V(1)  To lead, to head the list: 兵,隊,帶人馬 lead troops;
to lead (troops, mob, travelling group, etc.), see [ling3tou2]↓;
班 foreman;
著頭兒be the first in position;
銜 to head the list of signers, sponsors;
路 lead the way;
to lead and guide, see [ling3dai4]↓;
to pilot, see [ling3gang3]↓.
(2)  To receive: 取,受 receive (gifts, ration, awards);
教,拜教益 (LL court.) have the benefit of your wise counsel;
情, [ling3qing2], [ling3xie4]↓;
(court.) express thanks for the thought while declining gift;
賞 receive award or tip;
命 to receive orders.
(3)  To take away s.t. as one's own or as owner: 這條狗沒人來 no one has come forward to claim this lost dog;
announcement for found property, 認 to claim it;
to lay false claim on (money, etc.).
(4)  To adopt (a child): 一個孩子來養 to adopt and raise a child not one's own;
這孩子是的 (養的) this child is an adopted one.
(5)  To understand, to appreciate, to grasp: 悟,會,[ling3wu4], [ling3hui4], [ling3lUe4]↓.
AdjUnder jurisdiction of: 土,空,海,事 see [ling3tu3], [ling3kong1], [ling3hai3], [ling3shi4]↓.
Words1.情 [ling3qing2], v.i., to accept with thanks, or accept merely the sentiment, but not the gift: 情就是了 thanks for the thought anyway. 
2.取 [ling2qU3], v.t., to receive as due. 
3.帶 [ling3dai4](1)  v.t., to lead (troops, etc.); (2)  n., necktie. 
4.單 [ling3dan1], n., receipt for delivery. 
5.地 [ling3di4], n., territory under jurisdiction. 
6.港 [ling2gang3](1)  n., a harbor pilot; (2)  v.i., to pilot. 
7.海 [ling2hai3], n., territorial waters. 
8.航 [ling3hang2], v.i., pilot (navigation, aviation, etc.). 
9.會 [ling3hui4], v.t., to understand.  
10.章 [ling3zhang1], n., (mil.) collar insignia showing rank. 
11.教 [ling3jiao4], v.t., “to receive instructions,” or merely to ask s.o.’s opinion, or pay visit: 不敢教 (court.) disagree with what another person says. 
12.結 [ling3jie2](1)  n., bow tie; (2)  v.i., to sign receipt for goods. 
13.巾 [ling3jin1], n., scarf. 
14.據 [ling3jU4], n., receipt for goods. 
15.口 [ling3kou3], n., (width of) collar. 
16.扣 [ling3kou4], n., collar button. 
17.空 [ling3kong1], n., a country's sovereign air space; 空權 rights over air space. 
18.略 [ling3lUe4], v.t., to grasp, understand: 略味道 to appreciate flavor; [ling3yUe4], 略風光 to see and appreciate scenery. 
19.銜 [ling3xian2], v.i., to head the list of sponsors: 銜主演 (movies) featured actor, -tress. 
20.謝 [ling3xie4], v.t., to appreciate, show appreciation. 
21.洗 [ling2xi3], v.i., receive baptism. 
22.袖 [ling3xiu4], n., leader, chief (of group, nation, etc.). 
23.受 [ling3shou4], v.t., to receive formally (advice, baptism, etc.). 
24.水 [ling3shui3], see [ling3hai3]↑. 
25.事 [ling3shi4], n., consul: 事館 consulate; 總事 consular general; 事裁制權 consul jurisdiction. 
26.條兒 [ling3tiao2er0], n., collar strip in Chin. dress. 
27.帖 [ling2tie3], n., receive condolence by bereaved family. 
28.頭 [ling3tou2], v.i., to lead the way. 
29.土 [ling3tu3], n., territory under jurisdiction. 
30.罪 [ling3zui4], v.i., to make apology. 
31.位 [ling3wei4], n., (gram.) possessive case. 
32.窩兒 [ling3wo1er0], n., hole cut out for collar in chin. dress. 
33.悟 [ling3wu4], v.t., comprehend (truth, doctrine). 
34.域 [ling3yU4], n., national territory.