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ㄆㄥˊ [peng2. [Dist. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(Bot.) Erigeron acris, also called 飛 a grass, oft. used figuratively of s.t. tangled, disshevelled (hair): 頭,髮,(AC) 葆 disshevelled hair;
頭垢面, unkempt appearance, disshevelled hair and dirty face;
in sense of thatched hut, (fig.) of humble house: 室,戶,門 house with grass mat door or window;
篳門戶 grass hut;
篳生輝 my humble house is honored with your visit;
生麻中不扶自立 AC allu., influence of good society, like grass growing straight in a hemp field;
(fig.) of s.t. blown about by the wind like thistle: 轉 flying about;
累而行 (AC) wandering about with bag and baggage.
Words1.勃 [peng2bo2], adj., rising, growing fast, viable: as 勃氣象 a sense of luxuriant growth, vitality, also 勃勃. 
2.蒿 [peng2hao1], n., (bot.) grass of the rush family; wild underbrush. 
3.顆 [peng2ke3], n., (AC) mud bricks. 
4.萊 [peng2lai2], n., a fabled Fairy Isle on the China Sea. 
5.虆 [peng2lei2], n., (bot.) Rubus thunbergii, a plant of the rose family. 
6. [peng2peng2], adj., luxuriant; booming (sound of wind). 
7.茸 [peng2rong2], adj., luxuriant, tangled (of grass). 
8.砂 [peng2sha1], n., borax, commonly wr. 硼砂. 
9.鬆 [peng2song1], adj., fluffy (of hair, etc.).