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ㄧㄤˇ [yang3 (*ㄧㄤˋ [yang4). [Abbr. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NNourishment: 營 ditto;
不足 malnutrition.
V(1)  To keep (dogs, sheep, mistress, etc.), to raise (poultry, cabbage, etc.): 漢 (of woman) keep a man-lover;
小老婆 keep mistress;
虎貽患 keep a tiger puppy and regret it afterwards.
(2)  To raise to maturity, to bring up (children), to care for: [yang1yU4]↓;
bring up (children);
人材 to train men (for profession);
護 to protect (the young);
to adopt (children), take in (orphans);
to take care of (the aged, sick);
to support parents.
(3)  To feed, keep alive: 飼 to feed (animals, babies);
尊處優 to live a comfortable, well-fed life;
寇 to be lenient towards bandits and let them grow;
賊 to harbor s.o. who later will do one harm;
癱,疽 to let an ulcer grow and fail to cut it in time.
(4)  To give birth: 孩子 give birth to children.
(5)  To cure: 病 convalesce, to recuperate from illness;
,保,靜 rest and recuperate.
(6)  To train, nourish, cultivate (character, ambition): [yang3cheng2]↓;
心,性,[yang3xin1], [yang3xing4], [yang3sheng1]↓;
精蓄銳 to harness one's spiritual resources;
mental and moral culture, mental reserve;
晦,[yang3hui4], [yang3zhuo2]↓.
AdjFoster (parents, etc.): 父,[yang1fu4], [yang1zi3], etc.↓.
Words1.病 [yang3bing4], v.i., to recuperate after illness. 
2.兵 [yang3bing1], phr., keep an army. 
3.成 [yang3cheng2], v.i., to train, grow, raise (s.t.), to become: 成習慣 develop a habit; 成無賴 grow to become a ne'er-do-well. 
4.氣 [yang3qi4], phr., nourish the spirit: 吾浩然之氣 (孟子) nourish my vital spirit or spirit of fearlessness. 
5.親 [yang4qin1], phr., to support and serve parents. 
6.分 [yang3fen4], n., nutritive value of food. 
7.蜂 [yang3feng1], phr., to keep bees. 
8.父 [yang3fu4], n., foster father. 
9. [yan3ge1], v.i., to recuperate from an illness. 
10.和 [yang3he2], phr., to obey rules of physical and mental health, reason of health. 
11.晦 [yang3hui4], phr., (AC) to live in retirement to bide one's time, keep growing in spirit while keeping away from public life. 
12.護 [yang3hu4], v.t., to look after (children). 
13.活 [yang3huo0], v.i. & t., (1)  to make a living; (2)  to feed (a family). 
14.家 [yang3jia1], phr., to support a family; 家兒 (AC) madame of a brothel; 家人 (MC) (1)  a local resident with a family; (2)  husband. 
15.濟 [yang3ji4], v.i. & t., (1)  to convalesce; (2)  to support (parents). 
16.靜 [yang3jing4], phr., to cultivate mental calm. 
17.珠 [yang3zhu1], n., cultured pearl. 
18.拙 [yang3zhuo2], phr., (LL) to enjoy obscurity as a matter of culture. 
19.志 [yang4zhi4], phr., (1)  to nourish or keep alive one's ambition; (2)  (*[yang4]) (AC) to continue to do what one's parents wanted for life. 
20.口 [yang2kou3], phr., to eat: 尋些野味口 to find some wild game for food. 
21.老 [yang2lao3], phr., (1)  (AC) to honor and serve the aged; (2)  to live on pension; 老金 old age pension. 
22.廉 [yang3lian2] ([yang3lian0]), phr., to encourage officials’ honesty by paying sufficient salaries. 
23.料 [yang3liao4], n., nutrition; feed for animals. 
24.路 [yang3lu4], phr., to maintain roads in good repair; 路費 tax for road maintenance. 
25.母 [yang2mu3], n., foster mother. 
26.娘 [yang3niang2], n., (MC) maid; a wet nurse. 
27.女 [yang2nU3], n., foster daughter. 
28.贍 [yang3shan4], v.t., to support (parents, family). 
29.身 [yang3shen1], phr., to nourish the body, to keep oneself physically fit. 
30.生 [yang3sheng1], v.i. & n., to lead a life in sound health; hygiene: 生之道 way of keeping good health; 生送死 (AC) the basic filial duties of serving parents while living and giving proper burial. 
31.神 [yang3shen2], phr., to refresh one's spirit by keeping quiet for a period. 
32.性 [yang3xing4], phr., to maintain one's original pure character, cultivate mental poise. 
33.心 [yang3xin1], v.i., cultivate mental calm. 
34.媳 [yang3xi2], n., (for 童媳) a daughter-in-law brought to husband's family while still a child. 
35.子 [yang2zi3](1)  n., foster child; (2)  (AC) phr., give birth to child. 
36.望 [yang3wang4], phr., (LL) to nourish, cultivate a reputation. 
37. [yang2yang3], adj., (AC) uneasy. 
38.育 [yang3yU4], v.i. & t., to bring up (child): 育之恩 (gratitude for) the love and care from childhood.