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ㄔˊ [chi2(*ㄓˋ [zhi4).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NA surname.
V(*[zhi4])(AC only) to wait, hope: 帝還 wait for emperor to return.
Adj(1)  Late, slow, -ly: 來了 arrive late;
我來了 sorry, I'm late;
悔之已 too late to repent.
(2)  Later: 些時 a few minutes later;
一日 one day later;
幾天 late a few days, or a few days later: [chi2zao3]↓.
(3)  (Also *[zhi4]) toward (time): 旦,[chi2dan4], [chi2ming2]↓.
(4)  Slow of understanding: 鈍,[chi2dun4], [chi2yi0]↓.
Words1. [chi2chi2], adj. & adv., (1)  slow, -ly: 其行 slow to get started, go slowly; (2)  leisurely, poised: 春日 the spring days pass leisurely; 威儀 (AC) poised, leisurely in manner. 
2.旦 [chi2dan4] (*[zhi4dan4]), adv., (LL) toward dawn, daybreak. 
3.鈍 [chi2dun4], adj., dull, slow-witted. 
4.緩 [chi2huan0], adj., & adv., slow, -ly, sluggish, -ly, tardy, -ily. 
5.回 [chi2hui2], v.i., to loiter, tarry, hesitate. 
6.滯 [chi2zhi4], adj., slow (in progress, business); at crawling pace. 
7.留 [chi2liu2], v.i., to loiter around; to stop over at place. 
8.慢 [chi2man0], adj., slow in progress. 
9.明 [chi2ming2] (*[zhi4ming2]), adv., (LL) see [chi2dan4]↑. 
10.暮 [chi2mu4], adv., late in the day, toward sunset; toward year's end. 
11.早 [chi2zao3], adv., sooner or later: 只是早問題 only a question of time. 
12.誤 [chi2wu4], v.i., to procrastinate, cause missing of schedule. 
13.延 [chi2yan0], v.i., & adj., postpone, drag on, slacken. 
14.疑 [chi2yi0], adj., unable to decide.