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ㄇㄧˊ [mi2. [Abbr. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NA surname.
V(1)  (LL=modn. 滿) to fill, filling, be filled: 缺 fill vacancy;
天大罪 one's sins fill the sky;
縫,[mi2feng0]1, [mi2bu3]↓.
(2)  Full, whole: 年,日 whole year, whole day, [mi2yUe4]↓.
Adv(LL) the more (=愈): 老而堅 become more firm as one grows old;
仰之高 the higher it seems;
多 all the more numerous.
Words1.補 [mi2bu3], v.t., make amends for past mistakes; fill (a crack); v.t. fulfill (a wish). 
2.縫 [mi2feng0], v.i. & t., to join a seam or crack; to forestall discovery by covering up. 
3.封 [mi2feng1], v.t., to seal completely examination papers. 
4.敬 [mi2jing4], n., gift for child's full month ([mi2yUe4]↓). 
5.勒(佛) [mi2le0] ([fo2]), n., Buddha Maitreya, the “Laughing Buddha” (with big belly), the friendly Buddhist Messiah. 
6.留 [mi2liu2], v.i., be in a critical period, dying but not dead: 留之際 while life was still lingering. 
7.綸 [mi2lun2], v.i., restore deficiencies. 
8.滿 [mi2man3], adj., vigorous, full of energy: 精力滿. 
9.漫 [mi2man4], adj., widespread, filling the sky, boundless. 
10.撒 [mi2sa4], n., Catholic mass. 
11.賽亞 [mi2sai4ya4], n., Messiah. 
12.陀 [mi2tuo2], n., (Budd.) Amitabha, the perfect one. 
13.望 [mi2wang4], adj., covering the horizon, filling the landscape: 沃野望,望無際 boundless horizon. 
14.月 [mi2yUe4], n., a child's first full month.