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ㄌㄢˋ [lan4.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  Overflow: 氾 to flood, inundate.
(2)  (AC) to covet.
AdjExcessive(ly), immoderate(ly), indiscriminate(ly), illegal(ly), without restraint, without scruples: 小人窮斯矣 a mean man, when reduced to poverty, will do anything to gain his ends;
發 issues excessive numbers of (banknotes, invitations, etc.);
費 spend money immoderately;
取 accept illegal payments;
用 misuse, abuse: 用職權 abuse one's authority;
耗公帑 spend public funds too freely;
伐 illegal felling of trees;
殺 slaughter people without discrimination;
保 be guarantor for (s.o.) without due consideration;
支 lavish expenditure;
開數目 charge excessive amounts for services rendered;
惡 extremely bad, wicked or evil.
(2)  Stale, hackneyed, trite: 調 [lan4diao4], [lan4tao4]↓.
Words1.調兒 [lan4diao4]([er0]), n., hackneyed words and phrases: 陳腔調 hot air without substance, jargon, cliche. 
2.交 [lan4jiao1], v.i., fall into bad company, make friends without discrimination. 
3.觴 [lan4shang1], n. & v.i., (LL) origin; originate. 
4.套(兒)(子) lan4tuah('l)([zi0]), n., platitudes. 
5.污 [lan4wu1], adj., (Soochow dial.) dirty, tricky, unchaste: 拆污 neglect one's duty; 污貨 woman of loose morals. 
6.竽 [lan4yU2], adj., as in 竽充數 (of an untrained person) be included among a group of experts; just to fill up a vacancy.