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ㄧㄥˊ [ying2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  (Mil.) a battalion: 騎兵 cavalry battalion;
(2)  Barracks, camp, encampment, army headquarters: 大本 (mil.) general headquarters;
to encamp, pitch tent;
宿 to camp out;
make surprise attack on enemy camp;
夏令 summer camp;
訓練 training camp;
集中 concentration camp.
V(1)  To run a business, to plan and manage: 經 to run business;
生,利,[ying2sheng1], [ying2li4], [ying2si1]↓;
,民 (business) run by state, by municipal government, by private capital.
(2)  To plan, build, construct: 建,[ying2jian4], [ying2zao4]↓.
(3)  To nourish: [ying2yang3]↓.
(4)  (AC, u.f. 縈) to entangle.
(5)  To seek measures, to try: [ying2jiu4]↓;
福 seek good luck;
饌 seek a living;
療 seek cure.
AdjU.f. 縈 perplexed.
Words1.表 [ying2biao3], n., (AC) boundary lines drawn before construction. 
2.求 [ying2qiu2], v.t., (AC) to seek (help). 
3.奠 [ying2dian4], v.i., to offer sacrifices. 
4.地 [ying2di4], n., encampment, camp ground. 
5.販 [ying2fan4], v.i., to be pedlar; v.t., to peddle (food, etc.). 
6.房 [ying2fang2] ([ying2fang0]), n., a barracks. 
7.副 [ying2fu4], n., second in command of a battalion. 
8.混子 [ying2hun4zi0], n., a veteran in soldiering of the ragged, undesirable type; an army ragamuffin. 
9.火 [ying2huo3], n., campfire: 火會 a campfire (party). 
10.長 [ying2zhang3], n., battalion commander, a major. 
11.齋 [ying2zhai1], phr., to give feast to monks and have mass said for the departed. 
12.建 [ying2jian4], v.t., to construct (building). 
13.妓 [ying2ji4], n., whores supplied by the army. 
14.救 [ying2jiu4], v.i., to try to rescue (man in water, etc.). 
15.治 [ying2zhi4], v.t., to build, construct. 
16.利 [ying2li4], v.t., to make money, to work for profit, see [ying2si1]↓. 
17.亂 [ying2luan4], adj., (AC, u.f. 熒亂) perplexing, -ed. 
18.幕 [ying2mu4], n., a tent. 
19.盤 [ying2pan2] ([ying2pan0]), n., a barracks; tent. 
20.繕 [ying2shan4], v.i., (LL) to construct (buildings). 
21.生 [ying2sheng1](1)  v.i., to make a living; (2)  n., a profession; n., 生兒 business: 整天沒生兒做 have no business to do the whole day. 
22.私 [ying2si1], v.t., to make private profits: 私舞弊 be corrupt in politics. 
23.田 [ying2tian2], phr., (1)  to till the farm; (2)  to create settlement for unemployed. 
24.子 [ying2zi0], n., (Mongolian) village, or encampment. 
25.葬 [ying2zang4], v.i., to provide for proper burial; to manage funeral. 
26.造 [ying2zao4], v.i., to construct buildings: 造廠 [ying2zao4chang3], n., firm for constructing buildings, architects; v.i., 造尺 standard foot of Manchu Dyn. 
27.衛 [ying2wei4], n., nourishment, nutrition. 
28.養 [ying2yang3], n., nutrition: 養不足 malnutrition. 
29.業 [ying2ye4](1)  v.i., to run business; (2)  n., a business: 業稅 business tax. 
30. [ying2ying2], adj., hustling and bustling about.