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ㄅㄛˊ [bo2 (coll. *ㄅㄠˊ [bao2). [Dist, 簿 92A.00]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  (AC) reed screen.
(2)  (AC) thicket.
(3)  A surname.
V(LL) To slight (person);
to rebuke (conduct), see [bo2dai4]↓.
Adj(1)  (*[bao2]) Thin (paper, soup): 鬆鬆 very thin;
怯怯 (of clothing) very thin, inadequate in clod.
(2)  Weak, poor, mean, stingy: 言(輕言)light-tongued, given to gossip;
[bo2ruo4]↓, ??[bo2xing4]1↓;
田,土 stingy, unproductive soil;
命 poor, unlucky life;
俗,風俗鄙 stingy, selfish character of a locality;
superficial, 浮 ditto;
待遇不 remuneration is not bad, is fair;
v.t., behave in ungentlemanly manner to ladies;
adj., coarse, vulgar (behavior).
(3)  (Court.) my little, my humble: 物 my humble gifts;
技 small skill;
宦 small post.
(4)  (AC) broad: 海=普海 all seas, the world over.
Adv(Court.) slightly: 具禮物, offer slight or humbly offer, gifts;
有研究 (modest) have made a little study.
Conj(AC, rare, with undetermined meaning, perhaps similar to) just, and so: 伐玁狁 and invade the Huns;
澣我衣 will just wash my clothes;
言采之 and we picked them.
Words1.餅 *[bao2bing3], n., varieties of rolls containing various stuffing; a form of egg roll. 
2. [bo2bo2], adj., (1)  thin, dilute (of wine); (2)  (AC) very broad (of land). 
3.曲 [bo2qU3], n., (AC) frame for keeping silkworms. 
4.待 [bo2dai4], v.t., to slight, ill-treat (person), be cold toward (person). 
5.夫 [bo2fu1], n., (AC) mean person. 
6.荷 *[bo2ho0], n., mint; 荷油 menthol. 
7.遽 [bo2jU4], adv., (AC) suddenly. 
8.陋 [bo2lou4], adj., uncouth, common, paltry. 
9.落 [bo2luo4], adj., (MC) in poor circumstances (of person). 
10.暮 [bo2mu4], n., sundown. 
11.媚 [bo2mei4], adj., with simple charm (of ladies); n., (MC) name of song. 
12.呢 [bo2ni2], n., light serge. 
13.片 [bo2pian4], n., thin slice. 
14.弱 [bo2ruo4], adj., weak in strength. 
15.曉 [bo2xiao3], n., (AC) daybreak=破曉. 
16.相 [bo2xiang4], adj., (MC) playful, capricious (fate); cogn. of modn. Soochow 白相 to play about in city. 
17.行 [bo2xing4]1, n., unruly, unfaithful, rash conduct. 
18.倖 [bo2xing4]2, adj., fickle, esp. 倖郎 fickle (man) lover.