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ㄒㄧㄢ [xian1 (*ㄒㄧㄢˇ [xian3).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Fresh food: 海 seafood (restaurant);
fruit, vegetable or fish in season.
(2)  (AC) freshly-killed game.
Adj(1)  Fresh in flavor, tasty because of freshness: 甜 fresh and sweet.
(2)  Fresh (flowers, fish , fruit): 新 new and fresh (air);
衣服 fresh clothing.
(3)  Brightly colored: [xian1hong2], [xian1yan4], [xian1li4]↓.
(4)  (*[xian3]) (AC, LL) few, also adv., seldom: 少,[xian3shao3], [xian3fa2]↓;
矣仁 (AC) (flippant talkers) are seldom true men;
覯,見 seldom seen, rare.
Words1.卑 *[xian3bei1], n., a Tungu (東胡) tribe in Southeast Mongolia. 
2.乏 *[xian3fa2], adj., scarce. 
3.活 [xian1huo2], adj., (1)  fresh-looking; (2)  (also [xian1huo0]) brightly colored. 
4.紅 [xian1hong2], adj., bright red. 
5.亮 [xian1liang4], adj., bright and shining. 
6.麗 [xian1li4], adj., resplendent, fresh-looking, and fair. 
7.美 [xian1mei3], adj., good and fresh (in color or taste). 
8.明 [xian1ming2], adj., bright and clear (printing, lettering, etc.). 
9.肉兒 [xian1rou4er0], n., exposed raw flesh in wounds. 
10.少 *[xian2shao3](1)  adj., scarce; (2)  adv., seldom: 少有人來 rarely see visitors here. 
11.血 [xian1xie3] ([xian1xUe4]), n., fresh blood. 
12.新 [xian1xin1], adj., bright and new. 
13.食 [xian1shi2], n., (1)  fresh food; (2)  (AC) fresh game. 
14.翠 [xian1cui4], adj., bright green (vegetaion). 
15.味 [xian1wei4], n., fresh sweet flavor. 
16.豔 [xian1yan4], adj., resplendent, dazzling (dress, beauty).