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ㄔㄨˋ [chu4.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To buck against, to gore with horn: 藩 to butt the hedge;
(fig.) to gainsay;
互相抵 contradict each other.
(2)  To contact, run into or against: 電 contact a live wire;
礁 run into submerged rock.
(3)  To touch, arouse feeling: 目 (what) meets the eye;
目驚心 (s.t. which is) a ghastly sight;
景生情 a scene which recalls past memories;
n., feeling, emotional reaction.
Words1.處 [chu4chu4], adv., everywhere: 處都是 is seen everywhere--i.e., in abundance. 
2.動 [chu4dong4], v.i., to touch emotionally, to arouse: 動靈機 have an inspiration. 
3.發 [chu4fa1], v.t., ditto; also stimulate, irritate. 
4.犯 [chu4fan4], v.t., to violate (the law). 
5.機 [chu4ji1], v.t., see [chu4dong4]↑. 
6.角 [chu4jiao3], n., antenna, -nae, feelers of insects. 
7.覺 [chu4jUe2], n., sense of touch. 
8.媒 [chu4mei2], n., (chem.) catalyst. 
9.目 [chu4mu4], adj., (object) conspicuous; attracting attention. 
10.怒 [chu4nu4], v.t., to offend, arouse wrath. 
11.手 [chu4shou3], n., (zoo.) tentacles. 
12.鬚 [chu4xU1], n., (zoo.) feelers. 
13.突 [chu4tu2], v.t., to run against (rules, etc.). 
14.眼 [chu4yan3], adj., see [chu4mu4]↑.