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ㄊㄥˊ [teng2 (*ㄊㄥ˙ [teng0).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To mount, ascend: 上馬 mount a horse;
起 soar up;
雲駕霧 fly up to the cloudy regions;
蛟起鳳 (complim.) a rapidly rising talent;
降 (of prices) go up and down;
空,[teng2kong1], [teng2gui4]↓.
(2)  Gallop, prance, fly swiftly: 奔 dash about (萬馬奔);
逐 dash after;
fly about;
驤 prance.
(3)  Signifying commotion: 沸 (public opinion) seethes in protest;
歡 in a wave of joy, hilarity;
薄海歡,萬眾歡 universal rejoicing.
(4)  V.t., move aside, make space: 出一間房間 make available one room;
出來 set aside for some purpose;
adv地 (*[teng0di4]) abruptly.
Words1.達 [teng2da2], v.i., (of career) soar aloft: 飛黃達. 
2.歡 [teng2huan1], v.i., be joyous, roar with joy. 
3.貴 [teng2gui4], v.i., (of prices) soar. 
4.空 [teng2kong1], v.i., soar to the skies. 
5.挪 [teng2nuo2], v.t., set aside, make available (a sum). 
6.笑 [teng2xiao4], invite laughter: 笑海內 be laughed at in the whole country. 
7. [teng2teng2], adv., as in 慢 very slowly; (MC) in great prosperity; descriptive of flying, 醉 torpid, drunk.