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ㄑㄩㄢˊ [qUan2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  (AC) Chin. steelyard for measuring weight;
(2)  Power, (law) right, influence: 柄,力,利,[qUan2bing4], [qUan2li4]1, [qUan2xian4]2, [qUan2xian4]↓;
political power;
monarchical power;
people's rights;
human rights;
in power;
,無 has, has no, power;
special rights and privileges;
sovereign rights, sovereignty;
absolute power, dictatorial powers, totalitarian rule;
jockey for political power;
to grab power, be in the saddle;
旁落 chief loses power to those under him;
傾人主 (of high minister) hold actually more power than the king;
選舉 the right to vote;
立法 legislative power.
(3)  Expediency as against 經 basic principles: 宜,變,[qUan2yi2], [qUan2bian4], [qUan2shu4]↓.
(4)  Anc. var. of 顴 cheekbone.
(5)  A surname.
VTo weigh, judge importance: 衡輕重 judge the comparative importance;
子母 to invest capital for interest.
AdjPowerful: 臣 powerful ministers.
AdvFor the present: 且代理 act as deputy for the time being.
Words1.變 [qUan2bian4], n., expediency: 變多謀 resourceful. 
2.柄 [qUan2bing0] ([qUan2bing0]), n., (political) power: 柄在手 hold power in one's hand. 
3.且 [qUan2qie3], adv., for the time being. 
4.度 [qUan2du4], v.t., to estimate (importance, strengh, length, ect.). 
5. [qUan2gai4], v.i., see [qUan2liang2]↓. 
6.骨  [qUan2gu0], n., (AC) cheekbone(modn. 顴骨). 
7.貴 [qUan2gui4], n., the powerful persons at court; the nobility. 
8.衡 [qUan2heng2](1)  v.t., judge or weigh (importance, etc.); (2) n., the balance of power, the center of gravity in politics. 
9.詐 [qUan2zha4], adj., crafty, deceitful; resourceful. 
10.軸 [qUan2zhu2], n., (LL) (lit.) the axis of power. 
11.量 [qUan2liang2], v.t., to weigh (importance). 
12.利 [qUan2li4]1, n., (1)  right, privilege: 自由 or 自由的利 the right to freedom; 說話的利 the right of speech; (2)  power and influence: 爭奪利 fight for power and privilege; 利能力 legal capacity. 
13.力 [qUan2li4]2, n., power, actual power to do things: 力很大 hold great power. 
14.謀 [qUan2mou2], n., political strategy, resourceful tactics. 
15.能 [qUan2neng2], n., the power or ability to do things: 能劃分 separation of powers and authorities. 
16.限 [qUan2xian4], n., legal power: 超過他的限 exceeds his power as limited by law. 
17.幸 [qUan2xing4], n., favorites of the king. 
18.術 [qUan2shu4]1, n., strategy; the art of political maneuvering. 
19.數 [qUan2shu4]2, n., ditto. 
20.勢 [qUan2shi4], n., political power and influence. 
21.時 [qUan2shi2], adj., expedient: 時之計 a measure of expediency. 
22.威 [qUan2wei1], n., (1)  authority, -ties: 威人士,威方面 the authorities; (2)  authority on certain subjects: 史學威 authority on history. 
23.益 [qUan2yi4], n., (law) rights of ownership. 
24.宜 [qUan2yi2], adj., expedient, measure of expediency.