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ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2. [Arch. ; pop. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Spirit, soul: 神 spirit, the gods;
,幽 soul of departed;
(2)  Spiritual world, power: 顯 (of gods, idol) show supernatural power;
in touch with spiritual world;
感 inspiration;
修 attending to spiritual things.
(3)  Coffin;
spirit tablet: 停 deposit coffin pending burial;
carry the hearse;
骨 collected bones of deceased relative;
牌,位,[ling2pai2], [ling2wei4], [ling2jiu4]↓.
(4)  The people: 生 10.11.
(5)  A surname.
Adj(1)  (Of persons) intelligent, bright, clever, 巧,[ling2qiao3], [ling2min3]↓.
(2)  (Of things) alert, responsive, alive: 通,便,[ling2tong1], [ling2bian4], [ling2huo2]↓.
(3)  Spiritual, pertaining to the spirits: 魂,[ling2hun2], [ling2qi4]↓.
(4)  (Of med.) efficacious: [ling2yan4]↓;
(of things) work well;
這把鎖 does this lock work? 不 do not work properly.
Words1.便 [ling2bian4], adj., light and convenient. 
2.車 [ling2che1], n., the hearse carriage. 
3.櫬 [ling2chen4], n., the hearse. 
4.巧 [ling2qiao3], adj., clever, (of devices) well made. 
5.竅 [ling2qiao4], adj. & n., wit, intelligence. 
6.氣 [ling2qi4], n., (of beautiful mountains) spiritual influence or atmosphere: 氣所鍾 such influence on persons born in certain place. 
7.床 [ling2chuang2], n., deathbed; person's bed and room furniture kept as when he was living. 
8.感 [ling2gan3], n., inspiration (in writing). 
9.慧 [ling2hui4], adj., (of person, child) very intelligent. 
10.活 [ling2huo2], adj., quick in response, alert; (style of writing, descriptive passage) alive, interesting. 
11.魂 [ling2hun2], n., soul; departed spirit. 
12.機 [ling2ji1], n., (sudden) inspiration: 機一動 a bright idea occurs. 
13.柩 [ling2jiu4], n., coffin and scaffold support. 
14.芝 [ling2zhi1], n., a mythic plant of long life. 
15.貓 [ling2mao1], n., (zoo.) the civet cat (also called 香貓,香貍). 
16.敏 [ling2min3], adj., intelligent, quick to respond. 
17.牌 [ling2pai2], n., spirit tablet. 
18.山 [ling2shan1], certain fairies’ abode (Buddhist, Taoist). 
19.效 [ling2xiao4], n. & adj., efficacy, -cious. 
20.性 [ling2xing4], n., man's spiritual nature. 
21.修 [ling2xiu1], v.i., to retreat for spiritual contemplation. 
22.秀 [ling2xiu4], adj., delicately beautiful (person, landscape). 
23.透 [ling2tou4], adj., very clever. 
24.通 [ling2tong1], n., as in 消息通 quick, efficient report of news. 
25.座 [ling2zuo4], n., seat of spirit tablet. 
26.位 [ling2wei4], n., ditto. 
27.驗 [ling2yan4], n. & adj. efficacy, -cious (of prayer, medicine).