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ㄑㄧㄠ [qiao1 (*ㄐㄩㄝˊ [jUe2, *ㄐㄧㄠˇ [jiao3).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  (AC) wooden clogs.
(2)  stilts;
see 趫 11.83.
VTo lift up one's leg (also wr. 蹺): 起腳來 ditto;
Adj(1)  (*[jiao3]) 勇 mighty (fighter);
cf. 驍勇 51B.70;
see [jiao2jiao3]↓.
(2)  (*[jUe2]) (AC) 然不固 fluid, unstable.
Words1.工(兒) [qiao1gong1]([er0]), n., art of walking in high-soled boots (of actress in Chin. opera), also called 跐工,跴工. 
2. *[jiao2jiao3] adj., mighty, haughty-looking, (also wr. 赳). 
3.足 [qiao1zu2], V.i., to curl up one’s leg 足以待 curl up one's leg and wait at ease.