不.0 31.22 Re. pr. bu (sp. pr. buh, except bur before 4th tone: thus 不是 bur-shyh, 不怕 bur-pah). 不.1 Adv.1 Not see many common combinations in list; 不.1 Adv.2 typical of special uses are: (1) In elliptical sentences: “你去不去?” “我不” “Are you going?” “I am not.” 不.1 Adv.3 (2) With another negative to form double negative: 不無 not without; 不.1 Adv.4 不無可取 not without merit; 不.1 Adv.5 無不,莫不 all, without exception; 不.1 Adv.6 莫不感激 (we) all are grateful; 不.1 Adv.7 不免 “cannot help,” (common MC) must, have to: 不免回去一趟 have to go home and see; 不.1 Adv.8 不免心中不樂 could not help feeling disappointed. 不.1 Adv.9 (3) In comb. 不…不 neither this nor that: 不大不小 not too big nor too small—just right; 不.1 Adv.10 不清不楚,不明不白 not clear; 不.1 Adv.11 不三不四 cannot make head or tail; 不.1 Adv.12 irregular, shapeless; 不.1 Adv.13 不知不覺 unconsciously; 不.1 Adv.14 不男不女 effeminate man, manly woman; 不.1 Adv.15 不倫不類 nondescript; 不.1 Adv.16 neither fowl nor fish; 不.1 Adv.17 不偏不黨 fair to all; 不.1 Adv.18 不卑不亢 neither obsequious nor arrogant—cordial but independent; 不.1 Adv.19 不即不離 neither accepting nor rejecting (proposal), maintaining discreet distance; 不.1 Adv.20 不多不少 just the right amount. 不.1 Adv.21 (4) In comb.不…而 without: 不問而知 one knows without asking; 不.1 Adv.22 不學而能 do a thing easily, naturally; 不.1 Adv.23 不寒而慄 makes one shudder (at sight); 不.1 Adv.24 不勞而獲 gain results without working for them; 不.1 Adv.25 不脛而走 “runs without legs”—disappear; 不.1 Adv.26 不翼而飛 “fly without wings,” ditto; 不.1 Adv.27 不約而同,不謀而合 agree, fit without previous consultation, be a coincident. 不.1 Adv.28 (5) Placed before auxiliary verbs: 不能,不克 cannot, unable; 不.1 Adv.29 不會 will not, cannot; 不.1 Adv.30 不必 it’s not necessary; 不.1 Adv.31 不合,不宜,不該,不應 should not; 不.1 Adv.32 不是 is not; 不.1 Adv.33 不肯 not willing; 不.1 Adv.34 不可,不可以 may not, must not; 不.1 Adv.35 不得 buh-der↓. 不.1 Adv.36 (6) With common vbb.: 不知 do not know; 不.1 Adv.37 不識 ditto; 不.1 Adv.38 不料 did not expect; 不.1 Adv.39 不想 never thought; 不.1 Adv.40 不見得 bur-jiahn-’de↓; 不.1 Adv.41 不妨 buh-farng↓; 不.1 Adv.42 不禁 bur-jihn↓; 不.1 Adv.43 不外,不過 bur-waih, bur-guoh; 不.1 Adv.44 不如 buh-rur↓. 不.1 Adv.45 (7) Sometimes, rarely, combined with nn.: 不衫不履 without shirt or shoes; 不.1 Adv.46 不毛之地 barren land. 不.1 Adv.47 (8) With other advv.: 不但 not only, more than; 不.1 Adv.48 不寧 not only. 不.1 Adv.49 (9) Freely with adjj.: 不行 buh-shirng↓; 不.1 Adv.50 不同 different, unlike; 不.1 Adv.51 不多 not much; 不.1 Adv.52 不好 buh-haau↓; 不.1 Adv.53 不便 bur-biahn↓; 不.1 Adv.54 不舒服 unwell, uncomfortable; 不.1 Adv.55 不滿意 dissatisfied; 不.1 Adv.56 不安 buh-an, 不快 buh-kuaih↓. 不.2.1 不礙 bur-aih, phr., (不礙事) does not matter; 不.2.2 不礙 bur-aih, no harm (trying, etc.) see buh-farng↓. 不.2.3 不安 buh-an, adj., uneasy; 不.2.4 不安 buh-an, adj., unwell; 不.2.5 不安 buh-an, adj., unsatisfied. 不.2.6 不備 bur-beih, phr., (1) (at end of letter) there is more than I can tell you in this letter; 不.2.7 不備 bur-beih, phr., (2) adj., unprepared: 乘其不備 take advantage of s.o.’s unpreparedness. 不.2.8 不必 buh-bi, adv., not necessary, need not: 不必客氣 need not stand on ceremony; 不.2.9 不必 buh-bi, adv., 不必說 that goes without saying; 不.2.10 不必 buh-bi, adj., 不必等 do not wait. 不.2.11 不便 bur-biahn, adj., inconvenient: 不便告訴你 inconvenient to inform you. 不.2.12 不辰 buh-chern, phr., 我生不辰 I was born under unlucky star. 不.2.13 不成 buh-cherng, phr., (1) will not do (=不行 buh-shirng↓); 不.2.14 不成 buh-cherng, phr., (2) 難道不成 you don’t mean (s.t. quite uncalled-for). 不.2.15 不成話 buh-cherng-huah, phr., (s.t.) is ridiculous. 不.2.16 不器 buh-chih, phr., 君子不器 (AC) “a gentleman’s ability is not confined to any one thing” (versatile). 不.2.17 不起 buh-chii, (1) adj., in 不起之症 incurable sickness; 不.2.18 不起 buh-chii, (2) vb. complement: 看不起 despise; 不.2.19 不起 buh-chii, vb. 買不起 cannot afford to buy; 不.2.20 不起 buh-chii, vb. 想不起 cannot recall, or call up to mind; 不.2.21 不起 buh-chii, vb. cannot lift up, etc. 不.2.22 不求人 buh-chiour-rern, n., bamboo or wooden back-scratcher with long handle. 不.2.23 不情 buh-chirng, adj., as in 不情之請 unreasonable demand; 不.2.24 不情 buh-chirng, adj., also (court.) my presumptuous demand. 不.2.25 不揣 buh-chuaai, phr., (court.) am presumptuous. 不.2.26 不啻 buh-chyh, phr., same as, as if: 不啻天地 same as the difference between heaven and earth. 不.2.27 不c buh-chyurn, phr., stand out among the group. 不.2.28 不齒 buh-chyy, phr., be ashamed to be regarded in same group. 不.2.29 不倒翁 buh-daau-weng, n., a doll which always rights itself up; 不.2.30 不倒翁 buh-daau-weng, n., (fig.) a politician surviving all upheavals. 不.2.31 不大離兒 bur-dah-lir (bur-dah-lier-’l), adv., almost (=差不多). 不.2.32 不但 bur-dahn, adv., not only. 不.2.33 不到 bur-dauh1, phr., not quite: 不到三十 under thirty. 不.2.34 不道 bur-dauh2, (1) phr., contrary to expectations (see buh-liauh↓); 不.2.35 不道 bur-dauh2, (2) adj., unreasonable, wicked. 不.2.36 不得 buh-der, phr., cannot, unable: 不得而知 cannot know (results; answer); 不.2.37 不得 buh-der, phr., 不得勁 (兒) (s.t., s.o.) does not work properly; 不.2.38 不得 buh-der, phr., in awkward position; 不.2.39 不得 buh-der, phr., 不得不 cannot but, cannot help (doing); 不.2.40 不得 buh-der, phr., 不得已 could not help (doing), have no choice but to; 不.2.41 不得 buh-der, phr., 不得了 be in a bad way, disastrous, impending; 不.2.42 不得 buh-der, phr., 了不得 wonderful. 不.2.43 不弔 bur-diauh, adj., (AC) fall under bad times, unlucky. 不.2.44 不第 bur-dih, phr., (1) fail in examinations for degrees; 不.2.45 不第 bur-dih, phr., (2) not only. 不.2.46 不定 bur-dihng, adv., not necessarily (bad, etc.), (also 不一定). 不.2.47 不對 bur-dueih, adj., (1) (of answers) wrong, not so; 不.2.48 不對 bur-dueih, adj., (2) do not get along (with person): 不對勁 (兒) not right, do not fit in or agree, do not get along well. 不.2.49 不動產 bur-duhng-chaan, n., immovable (real property). 不.2.50 不獨 buh-dur, phr., (LL) not only, see buh-dahn↓. 不.2.51 不爾 bur-eel, phr., not so, see buh-rarn↓. 不.2.52 不貳 bur-ehl, adj., loyal (to one master only). 不.2.53 不法 buh-faa, adj., illegal (acts). 不.2.54 不凡 buh-farn, adj., extraordinary, unusual. 不.2.55 不妨 buh-farng, phr., no harm (trying, speaking directly to person, etc.). 不.2.56 不服 buh-fur, phr., (1) unwilling (to admit, recognize, accept decision); 不.2.57 不服 buh-fur, phr., (2) 不服水土 body does not agree with climate. 不.2.58 不敢 bur-gaan, vb. aux., dare not; 不.2.59 不敢 bur-gaan, vb. aux.,不敢當 bur-gaan-dang, phr., (formula for thanking) I am unworthy. 不.2.60 不甘 buh-gan, phr., dissatisfied, chagrined ,will not take it lying down. 不.2.61 不根 buh-gen, adj., baseless (talk). 不.2.62 不更事 buh-geng-shyh, phr., 少不更事 inexperienced in life. 不.2.63 不辜 buh-gu, n., an innocent person. 不.2.64 不管 buh-guaan, adj. & conj., regardless (of what happens): 不管什麼人 regardless of persons. 不.2.65 不軌 buh-gueei, adj., irregular (activities). 不.2.66 不規則 buh-guei-tzer, adj., irregular, not regular. 不.2.67 不顧 bur-guh, phr., disregarding (obligations, “face”, requests, taboos). 不.2.68 不過 bur-guoh, (1) adv., only, merely: 不過如此 it’s only soso; 不.2.69 不過 bur-guoh, adv., 不過看一看 merely take a look; 不.2.70 不過 bur-guoh, (2) conj., but, on the other hand; 不.2.71 不過 bur-guoh, conj., 不過意 phr., feel embarrassed (by hospitality etc.). 不.2.72 不國 buh-guor, phr., already does not function as a country. 不.2.73 不古 buh-guu1, phr., 世風不古 customs nowadays are no longer what they were. 不.2.74 不穀 buh-guu2, phr., (AC, said by ruler court.) I (“not competent one”). 不.2.75 不好 buh-haau, adj., not good, will not do; 不.2.76 不好 buh-haau, adj., 不好意思 embarrassed; 不.2.77 不好 buh-haau, adj., 不好了 (a thing) has been spoiled, turned worse. 不.2.78 不合 buh-her, (1) vb. aux., should not have (done); 不.2.79 不合 buh-her, (2) conflict with (opinioon, rules, etc.), does not meet with (s.o.’s wishes). 不.2.80 不遑 buh-huarng, phr., (LL) have no time to, too busy to. 不.2.81 不會 bur-hueih, vb. aux., cannot, (conjecture) could not. 不.2.82 不諱 bur-hueih, (1) v.i., (of person) pass away; 不.2.83 不諱 bur-hueih, (2) phr., 直言不諱 speak without fear or favour. 不.2.84 不惑 buh-huoh, n., (allu.) aged forty: 不惑之年,年已不惑. 不.2.85 不羈 buh-ji, adj., (person, conduct) untrammeled, free, nonconformist (“not bridled”). 不.2.86 不見得 bur-jiahn-’de, phr., don’t appear to be: 不見得兩樣 does not appear to be different; 不.2.87 不見得 bur-jiahn-’de, phr., as a phr., “I don’t think so,” “does not seem so to me.” 不.2.88 不見了 bur-jiahn-’le, v.i., disappear, vanish. 不.2.89 不結盟國家 buh-jie-merng-guor-jia, n., non-aligned countries. 不.2.90 不濟 bur-jih, phr., (1) does not help; 不.2.91 不濟 bur-jih, phr., (2) will not succeed: 不濟事 useless, will fail, will die. 不.2.92 不記名 bur-jih-mirng, phr., anonymous (votes), unregistered (stocks). 不.2.93 不禁 bur-jihn, vb. aux., cannot help (laughing out loud, crying, etc.). 不.2.94 不給 buh-jii, adj., insufficient, inadequate (funds). 不.2.95 不景氣 buh-jiing-chih, n., (economic) depression. 不.2.96 不經 buh-jing, adj., absurd; 不.2.97 不經 buh-jing, adj., 不經濟 uneconomical; 不.2.98 不經 buh-jing, adj., 不經事 inexperienced; 不.2.99 不經 buh-jing, adj., 不經意 paying no attention; 不.2.100 不經 buh-jing, adj., inattentive. 不.2.101 不久 buh-jioou, n., soon, soon later. 不.2.102 不及 buh-jir, (1) phr., (this) cannot compare with (that); 不.2.103 不及 buh-jir, (2) vb. complement, as in 來不及 it’s too late (to do). 不.2.104 不住 bur-juh, (1) vb. complement, “not firmly,” “not securely”: 站不住 cannot stand one’s ground; 不.2.105 不住 bur-juh, vb. 抓不住 cannot catch hold of; 不.2.106 不住 bur-juh, (2) ceaselessly: 不住口 talk continuously. 不.2.107 不中聽 bur-jung-ting, phr., (words) displease person. 不.2.108 不中用 bur-jung-yuhng, adj., useless (person); 不.2.109 不中用 bur-jung-yuhng, adj., (euphem.) (person) is dead. 不.2.110 不准 buh-juun, phr., do not permit, it is forbidden to (do). 不.2.111 不支 buh-jy, phr., cannot stand up under strain. 不.2.112 不知情 buh-jy-chirng, phr., (1) do not know what happened (used in affidavit); 不.2.113 不知情 buh-jy-chirng, phr., (2) do not feel grateful. 不.2.114 不置 bur-jyh1, adv., (LL) continuously: 稱賞不置 praise ceaselessly. 不.2.115 不治 bur-jyh2, adj., incurable. 不.2.116 不至於 bur-jyh-yur, phr., not to the extent of: 他雖不喜歡你,但也不至於恨你 he may not like you, but surely does not hate you. 不.2.117 不職 buh-jyr, adj., derelect in duty. 不.2.118 不拘 buh-jyu, adv., regardless (of person, class, kind); 不.2.119 不拘 buh-jyu, adv., any, whatever. 不.2.120 不龜手 bur-jyuu-shoou, adj., (AC, of washing agent) does not disfigure the skin. 不.2.121 不刊 buh-kan1, adj., (of work) immortal. 不.2.122 不堪 buh-kan2, (1) adv., (used after vb. or adj.,) as in 窮乏不堪 extremely or unbearably poor; 不.2.123 不堪 buh-kan2, (2) phr., cannot stand (noise, bother, etc.): 不堪入耳的話 unspeakable words (of abuse). 不.2.124 不可 buh-kee, vb. aux., may not, must not; 不.2.125 不可 buh-kee, vb. aux., (also 不可以); 不.2.126 不可 buh-kee, vb. aux., oft. in double negative: 不可(以)不聽 must not ignore (s.o.’s) advice; 不.2.127 不可 buh-kee, vb. aux., 不可不慎 must be careful, 不可告人 private and confidential; 不.2.128 不可 buh-kee, vb. aux., secret or shameful (act, disease, etc.); 不.2.129 不可 buh-kee, vb. aux., 不可抗力 beyond human control; 不.2.130 不可 buh-kee, vb. aux., act of God; 不.2.131 不可 buh-kee, vb. aux., 不可一世 (phr.) hoity-toity; 不.2.132 不可 buh-kee, vb. aux., haughty airs. 不.2.133 不克 buh-keh, vb. aux., (LL) cannot (=不能). 不.2.134 不快 buh-kuaih, adj., (1) displeased; 不.2.135 不快 buh-kuaih, adj., (2) slightly unwell. 不.2.136 不匱 buh-kueih, phr., (AC) endlessly: 孝思不匱 forever filial. 不.2.137 不了 buh-liaau, (1) vb. complement, expressing “cannot accomplish”: 算不了 countless; 不.2.138 不了 buh-liaau, (2) phr., 以不了了之 leave in status quo, like “agree to disagree”; 不.2.139 不了 buh-liaau, phr., 不了情 unfulfilled but eternal love. 不.2.140 不料 buh-liauh, phr., never thought. 不.2.141 不列顛國協 buh-lieh-dian-guor-shier, n., The British Commonwealth of Nations. 不.2.142 不利 bur-lih, (1) adj., disadvantageous; 不.2.143 不利 bur-lih, (2) v.i., do harm to: 不利於你 means to kill you, or harm you. 不.2.144 不吝 bur-lihn, n., (court., and rather formal) I (in self-reference). 不.2.145 不理 buh-lii, (1) v.t., ignore; 不.2.146 不理 buh-lii, (2) 不理於人口 will be criticized by people; 不.2.147 不理 buh-lii, 不理會 inattentive. 不.2.148 不離(兒) buh-lir (buh-lier-’l), adv., pretty good; 不.2.149 不離(兒) buh-lir (buh-lier-’l), adv., 差不離 (兒) almost. 不.2.150 不靈 buh-lirng, adj., (1) (of medicine, machine) does not work well; 不.2.151 不靈 buh-lirng, adj., (2) 不靈了 (=不行,不成) (s.t.) is spoiled. 不.2.152 不論 bur-luhn, adv., regardless (of persons, etc.). 不.2.153 不律 bur-lyuh, n., (AC dial.) a pen (筆). 不.2.154 不滿 buh-maan, adj., dissatisfied. 不.2.155 不毛 buh-maur, adj., as in 不毛之地 barren land. 不.2.156 不美 buh-meei, adj., “does not look pretty.” 不.2.157 不免 buh-miaan, vb. aux., have to (esp. in MC dramas). 不.2.158 不眠症 buh-miarn-jehng, n., insomnia. 不.2.159 不敏 buh-miin, n., (LL, in self-reference) I (the first person). 不.2.160 不耐煩 bur-naih-farn, adj., impatient. 不.2.161 不能 buh-nerng, vb. aux., cannot. 不.2.162 不佞 bur-nihng, n., (rather formal, in writing and speech) I, yours truly. 不.2.163 不怕 bur-pah, v.i., don’t care, am sure: 不怕他不答應 I am sure, I don’t doult, he will agree. 不.2.164 不配 buh-peih, adj., unworthy, not qualified (to criticize). 不.2.165 不平 buh-pirng, adj., (1) unfair; 不.2.166 不平 buh-pirng, adj., (2) uneven; 不.2.167 不平 buh-pirng, adj., (3) phr., 抱不平 feel injustice done to s.o. 不.2.168 不讓於 bur-rahng-yur, phr., quite equal to, can match (s.o.). 不.2.169 不然 buh-rarn, (1) conj., otherwise, if not: 不然的話 ditto; 不.2.170 不然 buh-rarn, (2) phr., 不以為然 (s.o.) thinks it is not so, (s.o.) disagrees. 不.2.171 不忍 buh-reen, phr., cannot bear to: 不忍人之心 a heart of mercy. 不.2.172 不仁 buh-rern, adj., (1) unkind, malevolent; 不.2.173 不仁 buh-rern, adj., (2) (hands, feet) benumbed. 不.2.174 不謓g bur-rern-jehng, n., infertility, sterility. 不.2.175 不如 buh-rur, phr., would rather (go home, etc.). 不.2.176 不容 buh-rurng, phr., (1) (condition) does not permit; 不.2.177 不容 buh-rurng, phr., (2) 為人所不容 is unwelcome by people. 不.2.178 不日 bur-ryh, phr., in a few days. 不.2.179 不勝 buh-sheng, adv., (before or after vb.) overwhelmed: 不勝感愧 or 感愧不勝 feel overwhelmed. 不.2.180 不想 buh-shiaang, phr., never thought, do not want. 不.2.181 不下 bur-shiah, phr., not less (than thirty, etc.). 不.2.182 不像話 bur-shiahng-huah, adj., too ridiculous. 不.2.183 不像樣(兒) buh-shiahng-yahng (’l), adj., disreputable (conduct.). 不.2.184 不相稱 buh-shiang-chehng, adj., incompatible. 不.2.185 不相干 buh-shiang-gan, phr., (affair) does not concern (person). 不.2.186 不相能 buh-shiang-nerng, phr., do not get along well together. 不.2.187 不相下 buh-shiang-shiah, phr., will not yield to each other; 不.2.188 不相下 buh-shiang-shiah, phr., 不相上下 more or less equal in strength, value. 不.2.189 不祥 buh-shiarng1, adj., unlucky. 不.2.190 不詳 buh-shiarng2, phr., not given not known, not stated: 名不詳 anonymous. 不.2.191 不消 buh-shiau, phr., do not need: 不消說 needless to say; 不.2.192 不消 buh-shiau, phr., 不消半小時 do not need more than half an hour. 不.2.193 不孝 bur-shiauh1, n., person recently bereaved of his parent (used in obituary notice) “I, the unfilial son.” 不.2.194 不肖 bur-shiauh2, adj., (1) unfilial; 不.2.195 不肖 bur-shiauh2, adj., (2) foolish (opp. to 賢): 賢不肖 the wise and the foolish. 不.2.196 不屑 bur-shieh, phr., to despise (doing), will not condescend to: 不屑與辯 will not condescend to argue with person. 不.2.197 不興 buh-shing, adj., not fashionable or seasonable; 不.2.198 不興 buh-shing, adj., not decent (to do). 不.2.199 不行 buh-shirng, phr., (1) (this) will not do, not up to standard; 不.2.200 不行 buh-shirng, phr., (2) should not be done. 不.2.201 不朽 buh-shioou, adj., immortal (work, deeds). 不.2.202 不殊 buh-shu, phr., same as. 不.2.203 不舒服 buh-shu-’fu, adj., (1) unwell, under the weather; 不.2.204 不舒服 buh-shu-’fu, adj., (2) uncomfortable. 不.2.205 不爽 buh-shuaang, phr., (1) (God’s justice) never fails; 不.2.206 不爽 buh-shuaang, phr., (2) do not feel well. 不.2.207 不淑 buh-shur, phr., 遇人不淑 ill-matched in marriage. 不.2.208 不是 bur-shyh1, (1) adv., be not, is not; 不.2.209 不是 bur-shyh1, adv., oft. used to mean “if not”: 不是你提起,倒忘記了 if you did not remind me, I would have forgotten it; 不.2.210 不是 bur-shyh1, (2) (bur-’shy) n. & adj., wrong: 這就是你的不是了 this is your mistake. 不.2.211 不適 bur-shyh2, adj., (LL) not well. 不.2.212 不時 buh-shyr, adv., (1) not in proper time; 不.2.213 不時 buh-shyr, adv., (2) always, daily: 不時之需 (medicine) may be needed any time. 不.2.214 不須 buh-shyu1, vb. aux., need not (+vb.). 不.2.215 不需 buh-shyu2, phr., do not need (+n.). 不.2.216 不宣 buh-shyuan, phr., 心照不宣 (end of letter) will stop here, without further occupying your attention. 不.2.217 不許 buh-shyuu, phr., do not permit. 不.2.218 不腆 buh-tiaan, adj. (AC) my humble (gift). 不.2.219 不□ buh-tsaai, v.t., ignore (person). 不.2.220 不才 buh-tsair, n., (in formal correspondence) I, the worthless person. 不.2.221 不測 buh-tseh, n. & adj., any untoward event. 不.2.222 不錯 bur-tsuoh, phr., pretty good, not bad, very good indeed. 不.2.223 不次 buh-tsyh, phr., not in normal sequence. 不.2.223 不通 buh-tung, adj., (1) (writing) ungrammatical, unidiomatic; 不.2.225 不通 buh-tung, adj., (2) (person) stupid, bigoted, educated but mind still closed; 不.2.226 不通 buh-tung, adj., (3) (road) closed to traffic; 不.2.227 不通 buh-tung, adj., (4) (statement) illogical. 不.2.228 不圖 buh-tur, phr., (LL) see buh-liauh↑. 不.2.229 不在 bur-tzaih, phr., (1) (importance) does not lie in; 不.2.230 不在 bur-tzaih, phr., (2) not at home; 不.2.231 不在 bur-tzaih, phr., 不在乎 immaterial, nonchalant, could not care less; 不.2.232 不在 bur-tzaih, phr., 他不在乎 he does not mind, is not important to him. 不.2.233 不做美 bur-tzuo-meei, phr., do not, or will not, help (happy occasion, marriage), such as rain on wedding day. 不.2.234 不足 buh-tzur, phr., not enough, not sufficient, not qualified (to be teacher). 不.2.235 不貲 buh-tzy, phr., 所費不貲 went to a lot of expenses. 不.2.236 不自在 bur-tzy-tzaih, adj., unwell, do not feel fit or comfortable. 不.2.237 不外 bur-waih, prep., only, nothing more than. 不.2.238 不韙 bur-weei, n., (usu. 大不韙) a great error, a heinous crime. 不.2.239 不穩 buh-ween, adj. unsteady, unstable (market, position). 不.2.240 不謂 bur-weih, phr., never thought that. 不.2.241 不惟 buh-weir, phr., not only. 不.2.242 不無 buh-wur, phr., not without: 不無少補 not without some benefit. 不.2.243 不揚 buh-yarng, adj., (LL) ugly-looking: 其貌不揚. 不.2.244 不要 bur-yauh, vb. aux., (1) will not, do not want (to, or a thing); 不.2.245 不要 bur-yauh, vb. aux., (2) (optative) do not (do s.t.): 不要動 do not move; 不.2.246 不要 bur-yauh, vb. aux., (photography) hold it; 不.2.247 不要 bur-yauh, vb. aux., 不要臉 shameless. 不.2.248 不一 buh-yi, phr., (1) (also 不一一) and so forth; 不.2.249 不一 buh-yi, phr., innumerable; 不.2.250 不一 buh-yi, phr., (2) not uniform (opinion). 不.2.251 不意 buh-yih, phr., (LL) never thought that. 不.2.252 不已 buh-yii, adv., without stop. 不.2.253 不由 buh-your, phr., (1) see bur-jihn↑; 不.2.254 不由 buh-your, phr., (2) 不由分說 without giving one the opportunity to explain. 不.2.255 不由得 buh-your-’de, phr., see bur-jihn↑. 不.2.256 不遇 buh-yuh1, phr., had no chance to meet or recognized by person who might help. 不.2.257 不豫 bur-yuh2, adj., (1) (LL) not well; 不.2.258 不豫 bur-yuh2, adj., (2) displeased. 不.2.259 不用 bur-yuhng, vb. aux., (1) need not (tell you, etc.); 不.2.260 不用 bur-yuhng, vb. aux., (2) (optative) you need not (go, doubt, etc.); 不.2.261 不用 bur-yuhng, vb. aux., 不用說 needless to say, let alone. 不.2.262 不渝 buh-yur1, adj., (love, etc.) unchangeable. 不.2.263 不虞 buh-yur2, adj. & n., an untoward event. 下.0 31.22 shiah. 下.1 N.1 (1) Underneath, the position under, position below: 樓下 downstairs; 下.1 N.2 山下 foothills; 下.1 N.3 桌下 beneath the table; 下.1 N.4 燈下 in the light; 下.1 N.5 indicating relative position of person being addressed in letters or spoken to: 閣下 esteemed sir (at the tower); 下.1 N.6 膝下 my dear parents (at your knees); 下.1 N.7 麾下 addressed to a general (at your flag of command); 下.1 N.8 殿下 to a prince (at the palace); 下.1 N.9 陛下 to His Majesty (at the steps of royal palace); 下.1 N.10 足下 gen. use (at your feet), 足下 and 閣下 also used as “sir”: 閣下(足下)以為如何 what do you think. 下.1 N.11 (2) Indicating time or situation: 這下子 at present; 下.1 N.12 比較之下 (loses) in comparison; 下.1 N.13 想了一下 after due thinking; 下.1 N.14 等一下子 wait a while; 下.1 N.15 一下子就完了 will soon be finished; 下.1 N.16 目下 at present discourse—will not go into it now; 下.1 N.17 不在話下 not in context of present discussion. 下.1 N.18 (3) Place: 兩下相思 longing for each other in different places; 下.1 N.19 四下亂找 looking for in all directions; 下.1 N.20 八下張羅 try to get (money) in all directions; 下.1 N.21 都下 at the capital; 下.1 N.22 鄉下 in the village; 下.1 N.23 鄉下人 villagers, peasants. 下.1 N.24 (4) Person in inferior position: 在下 people under; 下.1 N.25 底下人 people under s.o.; 下.1 N.26 上下,上上下下 those above and below; 下.1 N.27 愚下 (court.) my stupid self. 下.1 N.28 (5) A number of times: 打三下手心 give three strikes on the palm; 下.1 N.29 鐘打一下 the clock strikes one. 下.1 v.i. & t.1 (1) To descend, dismount, unload, disembark: 下樓 come downstairs; 下.1 v.i. & t.2 下船 go on board; 下.1 v.i. & t.3 下飛機 disembark; 下.1 v.i. & t.4 下貨 unload; 下.1 v.i. & t.5 下馬 dismount; 下.1 v.i. & t.6 下山,下坡 go down the slope; 下.1 v.i. & t.7 下臺 get off the stage, political or theatrical; 下.1 v.i. & t.8 下不了臺 cannot find a way out of embarrassing situation; 下.1 v.i. & t.9 臉上下得去 will not look too bad. 下.1 v.i. & t.10 (2) To fall, to drop: 下雨,下雪,下雹 it rains, it snows, hails; 下.1 v.i. & t.11 to drop; 下.1 v.i. & t.12 下炸彈 drop bombs; 下.1 v.i. & t.13 下雞蛋 lay eggs; 下.1 v.i. & t.14 下淚 tear falls. 下.1 v.i. & t.15 (3) To set down, put down, pull down: 下旗 hoist flag down; 下.1 v.i. & t.16 下筆 to set down with pen on paper; 下.1 v.i. & t.17 下箸 to take food with chopsticks; 下.1 v.i. & t.18 下鍋 to put raw food into cooking pan; 下.1 v.i. & t.19 下帷 to let down curtains. 下.1 v.i. & t.20 (4) To issue (edicts, orders, appointments): 下令 issue orders; 下.1 v.i. & t.21 下詔 issue imperial edict; 下.1 v.i. & t.22 下定義 lay down, give a definition; 下.1 v.i. & t.23 下帖 send out invitation card; 下.1 v.i. & t.24 下聘書 send letter of appointment. 下.1 v.i. & t.25 (5) To take, make a move: 下決心 take a firm resolve; 下.1 v.i. & t.26 下功夫 to put forth effort; 下.1 v.i. & t.27 下壓力 put pressure on; 下.1 v.i. & t.28 下棋 play chess; 下.1 v.i. & t.29 下棋子 make a move in chess; 下.1 v.i. & t.30 這一只下得不錯 it is a good move; 下.1 v.i. & t.31 下酒 take (canap) to go with wine; 下.1 v.i. & t.32 下飯 to take s.t. to go with rice. 下.1 v.i. & t.33 (6) To put up money: 下本錢 put up capital; 下.1 v.i. & t.34 下定錢 put down deposit; 下.1 v.i. & t.35 下一注 put up stakes. 下.1 v.i. & t.36 (7) Go into: 下店 put up at an inn; 下.1 v.i. & t.37 下獄,下監牢 go into gaol; 下.1 v.i. & t.38 下地獄 go into hell; 下.1 v.i. & t.39 下海 put out to sea; 下.1 v.i. & t.40 下鄉 to go to the country. 下.1 v.i. & t.41 (8) To come off from (school, duty): 下學 come off from school; 下.1 v.i. & t.42 下班,下課 come off from class; 下.1 v.i. & t.43 下班,下伍 off from duty. 下.1 v.i. & t.44 (9) (LL) to be courteous toward: 禮賢下士 courteous. 下.1 v.i. & t.45 (10) (LL) to take a city: 連下三城 took three cities. 下.1 Adj.1 (1) Inferior: 下等貨 inferior goods; 下.1 Adj.2 下流 lower-grade; 下.1 Adj.3 also (person) ungentlemanly, unprincipled. 下.1 Adj.4 (2) Following next, below: 下文 the following; 下.1 Adj.5 下一天 following day; 下.1 Adj.6 下午 afternoon; 下.1 Adj.7 上卷,下卷 first, second volume; 下.1 Adj.8 上半,下半 first half, second half; 下.1 Adj.9 下禮拜一 next Monday; 下.1 Adj.10 下一次,下回 next time; 下.1 Adj.11 下下星期 week after next. 下.1 Adv.1 Down: 投下,扔下 throw down; 下.1 Adv.2 攻下 capture (a city); 下.1 Adv.3 坐下 sit down; 下.1 Adv.4 打下基礎 lay the foundation; 下.1 Adv.5 訂下合同 sign a treaty; 下.1 Adv.6 拋下妻子 abandon family; 下.1 Adv.7 賸下一個 be left alone. 下.1 Prep.1 Under, beneath (as postposition in Chin. used after the nn. it governs: 桌下,山下 under the table, below the hills (nominal sense under N.1-5↑). 下.2.1 下巴頦(兒) shiah-’ba-ke (’l), n., the chin. 下.2.2 下把 shiah-baa, phr., stretch hand: 下把去抓 stretch hand to grab s.t. 下.2.3 下襬 shiah-baai, n., hem of long gown. 下.2.4 下半晌(兒) shiah-bahn-shaang (’l), n., afternoon. 下.2.5 下半天(兒) shiah-bahn-tian (shiah-bahn-tia-’l), n., ditto. 下.2.6 下半夜(兒) shiah-bahn-yieih (shiah-bahn-yeh-’l), n., later half of the night. 下.2.7 下拜 shiah-baih, v.i., to bow low (to person). 下.2.8 下班 shih-ban, v.i., to come off from class; 下.2.9 下班 shih-ban, v.i., off from duty. 下.2.10 下輩(兒)(子) shiah-beih (shiah-bei-’l) (tz), n., the lower generation. 下.2.11 下邊(兒) shiah-bian (shiah-bia-’l), n., the underneath. 下.2.12 下筆 shiah-bii, v.i., to set down on paper, to write. 下.2.13 下膊 shiah-bor, n., the lower arm. 下.2.14 下不去 shiah-’bu-chyuh, v.i., will not go down. 下.2.15 下不來 shiah-’bu-lair, v.i., as in 臉下不來 feel embarrassed. 下.2.16 下部 shiah-buh, n., the lower part of body. 下.2.17 下茶 shiah-char, v.i., to make a gift of tea as token of betrothal. 下.2.18 下 shiah-charng, n., the sequel of event; 下.2.19 下 shiah-charng, n., 下飺Y the end of person’s career. 下.2.20 下車 shiah-che, v.i., formerly, to arrive at post of appointment. 下.2.21 下欠 shiah-chiahn, v.i., to owe (a sum). 下.2.22 下妾 shiah-chieh, n., formerly, (wife’s self-reference) your wife. 下.2.23 下氣 shiah-chih, v.i., feel pacified. 下.2.24 下情 shiah-chirng, n., feelings of common people. 下.2.25 下處 shiah-’chu, n., a lodging for the night. 下.2.26 下去 shiah-’chyuh, adv., down: 吞下去 swallow (s.t.) down; 下.2.27 下去 shiah-’chyuh, adv., 讀下去 read on and on (usu. away from speaker, opp. 下來 down toward speaker); 下.2.28 下去 shiah-’chyuh, adv., 拖下去 take it away; 下.2.29 下去 shiah-’chyuh, adv., 拖下來 take it down. 下.2.30 下的 shiah-’de, v.t., (MC) bear to (also wr. 下得). 下.2.31 下得去 shiah-’de-chyuh, adj., tolerable, passable. 下.2.32 下等 shiah-deeng, adj., of inferior grade. 下.2.33 下第 shiah-dih, v.i., to fail at examinations. 下.2.34 下定 shiah-dihng1, v.i., to make gift in token of formal betrothal. 下.2.35 下椗 shiah-dihng2, v.i., to cast anchor. 下.2.36 下(個)底 shiah (’ge)dii, v.i., to map out course of action. 下.2.37 下放 shiah-fahng, v.i. & t., reassign from urban to rural areas. 下.2.38 下凡 shiah-farn, v.i., (of fairy) to come down to earth. 下.2.39 下風 shiah-feng, n., leeway; 下.2.40 下風 shiah-feng, n., in inferior position. 下.2.41 下疳 shiah-gan, n., a chancre. 下.2.42 下脘 shiah-guaan, n., (Chin. med.) exit of stomach, duodenum. 下.2.43 下國 shiah-guor, n., (LL court.) speaker’s own country. 下.2.44 下海 shiah-haai, v.i., to put out to sea. 下.2.45 下懷 shiah-huair, n., (LL court.) my concern, feelings. 下.2.46 下嫁 shiah-jiah, v.i., formerly, (of a princess) to marry commoner, or people of lower rank. 下.2.47 下賤 shiah-jiahn, adj., cheap, low (person) undignified (work). 下.2.48 下焦 shiah-jiau, n., exit of bladder. 下.2.49 下界 shiah-jieh, n., the human world, opp. fairyland. 下.2.50 下注 shiah-juh, v.i., put up stakes, capital. 下.2.51 下款(兒) shiah-kuaan (shiah-kuaa-’l), n., signature on the side of a scroll. 下.2.52 下來 shiah-’lai, adv., down (usu. toward speaker), see shiah-chyuh↑. 下.2.53 下里 shiah-lii, n., the country side; 下.2.54 下里 shiah-lii, n., 下里巴人 a popular song. 下.2.55 下流 shiah-liour, n. & adj., lower part of stream; 下.2.56 下流 shiah-liour, n. & adj., low class (people). 下.2.57 下落 shiah-luoh, n., whereabouts. 下.2.58 下面(兒) shiah-’mian (shiah-mia-’l), n., below, see shiah-bian↑. 下.2.59 下女 shiah-nyuu, n., (Jap.) maid servant. 下.2.60 下品 shiah-piin, n., lower grade. 下.2.61 下身(兒) shiah-shen (shiah-she-’l), n., (1) lower part of body; 下.2.62 下身(兒) shiah-shen (shiah-she-’l), n., (2) pants. 下.2.63 下弦 shiah-shiarn, n., third quarter of the moon. 下.2.64 下手 shiah-shoou1, v.i., to start (doing). 下.2.65 下首 shiah-shoou2, n., the place next below. 下.2.66 下水禮 shiah-shueei-lii, n., ceremony of lauching a ship. 下.2.67 下世 shiah-shyh1, n., future generation. 下.2.68 下室 shiah-shyh2, n., (AC) bedroom. 下.2.69 下旬 shiah-shyurn, n., the next ten days; 下.2.70 下旬 shiah-shyurn, n., the last ten days of a month. 下.2.71 下死的 shiah-syy-’de, adv., with all one’s energy. 下.2.72 下台 shiah-tair, v.i., to be relieved of office. 下.2.73 下堂 shiah-tarng, v.i., v.i., to be divorced. 下.2.74 下體 shiah-tii, n., lower part of body, see shiah-shen↑. 下.2.75 下頭 shiah-’tou, n., (1) underneath; 下.2.76 下頭 shiah-’tou, n., (2) the servants in gen. 下.2.77 下策 shiah-tseh, n., inadvisable plan. 下.2.78 下土 shiah-tuu, n., the earth, the countryside. 下.2.79 下作 shiah-’tzou, adj., low, contemptible (work, person). 下.2.80 下浣 shiah-waan, n., the third ten days of a month. 下.2.81 下問 shiah-wehn, v.i., to ask of one less learned than oneself. 下.2.82 下帷 shiah-weir, v.i., to pull the curtains and teach, or study. 下.2.83 下文 shiah-wern, n., the continuation; 下.2.84 下文 shiah-wern, n., what follows an event: 不見下文 sequel unknown. 下.2.85 下意識 shiah-yih-shy, n., the subconscious. 下.2.86 下游 shiah-your, n., lower stretch of river, estuary. 下.2.87 下元 shiah-yuarn, n., formerly, 15th day of 10th lunar month. 下.2.88 下愚 shiah-yur1, n., very stupid person. 下.2.89 下餘 shiah-yur2, n., remnant. 奡.0 31.22 auh. 奡.1 N.1 Name of anc. person. 奡.1 Adj.1 U.f. 傲 91A.82. 工.0 31.30 gung. 工.1 N.1 (1) A manual worker: 工人 gung-rern, 工匠 gung-jiahng, 工役 gung-yih1↓; 工.1 N.2 技工 a skilled worker; 工.1 N.3 勞工 labor, the working class. 工.1 N.4 (2) Manual labor, craftsmanship: 工事 gung-shyh, 工程 gung-cherng↓; 工.1 N.5 工價 labor cost; 工.1 N.6 工錢,工資,工銀 wages; 工.1 N.7 工料 labor and materials; 工.1 N.8 手工 handicraft; 工.1 N.9 精工 skilled labor; 工.1 N.10 人工 human labor, manpower; 工.1 N.11 人工授精 artificial insemination; 工.1 N.12 木工 carpentry; 工.1 N.13 鐵工 ironwork(er)s; 工.1 N.14 工商 industry and trade; 工.1 N.15 農工 agriculture and industry; 工.1 N.16 半工半讀 working one’s way through college; 工.1 N.17 工讀生 a part-time student worker, work scholarship student; 工.1 N.18 包工 contractual labor; 工.1 N.19 散工 odd jobs, piece labor; 工.1 N.20 長工 day labor; 工.1 N.21 開工 to start work; 工.1 N.22 收工 to cease work; 工.1 N.23 完工 completion of work. 工.1 N.24 (3) Man-days. 工.1 Adj.1 (1) Skilled, skillful, dexterous: 工細 gung-shih, 工巧 gung-chiaau, 工筆 gung-bii↓. 工.1 Adj.2 (2) Good at, expert: 工於此道 good at this kind of work; 工.1 Adj.3 工書 (be) expert at calligraphy. 工.2.1 工本 gung-been, n., cost of production. 工.2.2 工筆 gung-bii, n., (painting) works done with fine, delicate strokes. 工.2.3 工兵 gung-bing, n., (mil.) engineer corps. 工.2.4 工部 gung-buh, n., formerly, one of the six boards of the central government in charge of public works: 工部局 formerly, the Municipal Council of foreign concessions. 工.2.5 工廠 gung-chaang1, n., a factory, plant. 工.2.6 工場 gung-chaang2, n., an industrial plant or working area, a workshop. 工.2.7 工潮 gung-chaur, n., labor strike. 工.2.8 工程 gung-cherng, n., engineering, construction work: 工程師 an engineer; 工.2.9 工程 gung-cherng, n., 土木工程,電氣工程,化學工程 civil, electrical, chemical (etc.) engineering; 工.2.10 工程 gung-cherng, n., 機械工程,建築工程 mechanical, construction engineering. 工.2.11 工巧 gung-chiaau, adj., skillful, dexterous. 工.2.12 工錢 gung-chiarn, n., wages. 工.2.13 工尺 gung-chyy, n., the Chin. musical scale. 工.2.14 工黨 gung-daang, n., the labor party. 工.2.15 工夫 gung-fu, n., (1) work, labor; 工.2.16 工夫 gung-fu, n., (2) (gung-’fu) time, leisure, labor spent on a piece of work, degree of perfection attained in any line of work; 工.2.17 工夫 gung-fu, n., (3) (gung-’fu-’l) a point of time: 正在說話的工夫兒,他就來了 he came as I was talking; 工.2.18 工夫 gung-fu, n., a spare moment: 你有工夫兒麼 do you have a moment to spare? 工.2.19 工會 gung-hueih, n., trade or labor union. 工.2.20 工整 gung-jeeng, adj., (callig.) neat and orderly. 工.2.21 工匠 gung-jiahng, n., an artisan, a mechanic. 工.2.22 工緻 gung-jyh, adj., neat and refined. 工.2.23 工具 gung-jyuh, n., a tool, an instrument: 工具書 reference books. 工.2.24 工科 gung-ke, n., (school of) engineering. 工.2.25 工課 gung-keh, n., lessons, studies (also 功課). 工.2.26 工力 gung-lih, n., labor force; 工.2.27 工力 gung-lih, n., (callig.) force and skill. 工.2.28 工碼兒 gung-maa-’l, n., chips representing wages. 工.2.29 工人 gung-rern, n., a laborer, a manual worker. 工.2.30 工細 gung-shih, adj., (of material products or artistic works) fine, skillful, refined, meticulously finished, see gung-jyh↑. 工.2.31 工事 gung-shyh, n., engineering works. 工.2.32 工頭 gung-tour, n., a foreman. 工.2.33 工徒 gung-tur, n., an apprentice. 工.2.34 工作 gung-tzuoh, (1) n., work, job; 工.2.35 工作 gung-tzuoh, (2) v.i., to work: 不能工作 cannot work. 工.2.36 工資 gung-tzy, n., wages. 工.2.37 工穩 gung-ween, adj., (of artistic or litr. works) elegant and in good taste. 工.2.38 工業 gung-yeh, n., industry (opp. 農業 agriculture); 工.2.39 工業 gung-yeh, n., 工業革命 industrial revolution. 工.2.40 工役 gung-yih1, n., manual service or work. 工.2.41 工藝 gung-yih2, n., craftsmanship, technical skill. 工.2.42 工友 gung-yoou, n., an office boy; 工.2.43 工友 gung-yoou, n., (modn. & polite) any worker. 五.0 31.30 wuu. 五.1 Adj.1 The number five: 五尺之童 (AC) a young boy of five anc. feet; 五.1 Adj.2 五體投地 complete prostration; 五.1 Adj.3 五斗米 (allu.) five bushels of rice—petty salary; 五.1 Adj.4 五世 for five generations; 五.1 Adj.5 also see many compp.↓; 五.1 Adj.6 五角大廈 Pentagon; 五.1 Adj.7 五旬節 Pentacost; 五.1 Adj.8 五日京兆 (allu.) governor of capital frequently changed—said of constant shift of office; 五.1 Adj.9 五里霧中 lost in impenetrable fog or mystery; 五.1 Adj.10 used in sense of multifarious: 五方雜處 (city where) peoples from all regions congregrate; 五.1 Adj.11 五零四散 all dispersed; 五.1 Adj.12 五花繃裂 crackled; 五.1 Adj.13 五光十色 all kinds (of people, things); 五.1 Adj.14 五花八門 all kinds of skill; 五.1 Adj.15 五胡 five tribes of Mongol (匈奴,鮮卑,氐,羌,羯), northern barbarians, 五湖四海 all the seas and lakes everywhere; 五.1 Adj.16 五行 wuu-shirng1↓; 五.1 Adj.17 五行 (wuu-harng) 八作, various small tradesmen; 五.1 Adj.18 五月 May; 五.1 Adj.19 五四運動 May Fourth Movement (1919). 五.2.1 五霸 wuu-bah, n., the five successive leaders of alliances of states in 春秋 period: 齊桓公,宋襄公,晉文公,秦穆公,楚莊王. 五.2.2 五倍子 wuu-beih-tzyy, n., galls or knobs formed on leaves by insects or bacteria, rich in tannic acid and used in medicine. 五.2.3 五釵松 wuu-chai-sung, n., (bot.) a variety of pine, Pinus parviflora var. pentaphylla. 五.2.4 五常 wuu-charng, n., (1) the five cardinal human relationships, see wuu-lurn↓; 五.2.5 五常 wuu-charng, n., (2) the five basic virtues: 仁 kindness, 義 justice, 禮 good manners, 智 wisdom and 信 honesty. 五.2.6 五七 wuu-chi, n., (1) the 35th day after death of person (of fifth multiple of seven) when mass is said; 五.2.7 五七 wuu-chi, n., (2) five to seven, like saying “five or six.” 五.2.8 五權憲法 wuu-chyuarn-shiahn-faa, n., the five branches of government in mod n. Chin. constitution: legislative, executive, judicial, censorate and civil service. 五.2.9 五代 wuu-daih, n., the “Five Dynasties” (907-960 A.D.): 後梁,後唐,後晉,後漢 and 後周 see Appendix D. 五.2.10 五帝 wuu-dih, n., the five legendary emperors in prehistoric China 太昊,炎帝,黃帝,少昊,顓頊 see Appendix D. 五.2.11 五短 wuu-duaan, n. & adj., person short in head, arms and legs. 五.2.12 五毒 wuu-dur, n., the five poisonous animals in Chin. med.: the snake, the lizard, the scorpion, the toad and the centipede, used to “fight poison with poison.” 五.2.13 五方 wuu-fang, n., all directions: 五方人士 people from all regions. 五.2.14 五分 wuu-fen, adj., fifty percent: 五分明兒 early dawn. 五.2.15 五服 wuu-fur1, n., the five degrees of mourning: (a) 斬衰 with cut and unhemmed hempen cloth, worn for parents and husbands for 27 months; 五.2.16 五服 wuu-fur1, n., (b) 齊衰 with cut and hemmed hempen cloth, worn for grandparents, etc. for one year; 五.2.17 五服 wuu-fur1, n., (c) 大功 for brothers, sisters, etc., worn for 9 months; 五.2.18 五服 wuu-fur1, n., (d) 小功 for uncles, aunts, etc., for 5 months; 五.2.19 五服 wuu-fur1, n., (e) 緦麻 for distant relatives for 3 months. 五.2.20 五福 wuu-fur2, n., the five blessings, according to AC explanation: long life, wealth, good health, good relations with others, and natural death (壽,富,康寧,攸好德,考終命). 五.2.21 五更 wuu-geng (sp. pr. wuu-jing), n., (1) the fifth watch of the night, near dawn; 五.2.22 五更 wuu-geng (sp. pr. wuu-jing), n., (2) 三老五更 (AC) venerable elders of the country, treated with special honors (更 explained as experience in various affairs). 五.2.23 五官 wuu-guan, n., the five sense organs: the ear, the eye, the mouth, the nose and the heart. 五.2.24 五鼓 wur-guu1, n., the fifth watch, see wuu-geng↑. 五.2.25 五穀 wur-guu2, n., the different grains of harvest. 五.2.26 五虎棍 wur-huu-guhn, n., an acrobatic fight with clubs, played by five or six persons. 五.2.27 五加 wuu-jia, n., a spicy plant, Acanthopanax spinosum; 五.2.28 五加 wuu-jia, n., 五加皮 liquor soaked in bark of this plant. 五.2.29 五金 wuu-jin, n., the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron, pewter; 五.2.30 五金 wuu-jin, n., 五金行 dealers in metals in gen. 五.2.31 五經 wuu-jing, n., the Five Classics: 詩,書,易,禮,春秋 the Book of Poetry, Book of History, Book of Changes, Book of Li (social forms and ceremonies) and the Annals. 五.2.32 五魁 wuu-kueir, n., first five top candidates in second degree examinations, also interpreted as No.2-6, excluding No.1. 五.2.33 五勞 wuu-laur, n., (Chin. med.) the ailments of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. 五.2.34 五斂子 wuu-liahn-tzyy, n., (bot.) Averrhoa carambola, a tropical tree; 五.2.35 五斂子 wuu-liahn-tzyy, n., its fruit made into jelly. 五.2.36 五靈脂 wuu-lirng-jy, n., a Chin. med. made from droppings of certain insects. 五.2.37 五倫 wuu-lurn, n., (Confu.) the five cardinal relationships: between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, between brothers and between friends. 五.2.38 五律 wuu-lyuh, n., a prescribed verse form of eight lines of five characters each. 五.2.39 五內 wuu-neih, n., the viscerals: 五內俱焚 feelings extremely upset with sorrow, etc. 五.2.40 五色 wuu-seh (sp. pr. wuu-shaai), the five colors: blue, yellow, red, white and black. 五.2.41 五聲 wuu-sheng, n., the five notes of the pentatonic scale: 宮,商,角,徵 (pr. jy) 羽 do, re, mi, sol, la. 五.2.42 五線譜 wuu-shiahn-puu, n., the musical score (with five lines). 五.2.43 五項運動 wuu-shiahng-yuhn-duhng, n., pentathlon. 五.2.44 五香 wuu-shiang, n., a mixture of various spices. 五.2.45 五星 wuu-shing, n., the five planets: 金,木,水,火,土 Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn. 五.2.46 五刑 wuu-shirng1, n., the five anc. punishments: tattoo, cutting off nose, feet, castration and death, 墨,劓,剕,宮,大辟. 五.2.47 五行 wuu-shirng2, n., the Five Elements, representing five states of forces of expansion or condensation (the plus energy, or yarng, expansion; 五.2.48 五行 wuu-shirng2, the minus energy, or yin, condensation); 五.2.49 五行 wuu-shirng2, 木 wood (Lesser Yarng) +; 五.2.50 五行 wuu-shirng2, 火 fire (Greater Yarng) ++; 五.2.51 五行 wuu-shirng2, 土 earth (Equilibrium) +- or 0; 五.2.52 五行 wuu-shirng2, 金 metal (Lesser Yin) -; 五.2.53 五行 wuu-shirng2, 水 water (Greater Yin) --. 五.2.54 五鬚松 wuu-shyu-sung, n., see wuu-chai-sung↑. 五.2.55 五彩 wur-tsaai, adj., multicolored. 五.2.56 五臟 wuu-tzahng, n., the five internal organs: the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. 五.2.57 五族 wuu-tzur, n., the Five Races: 漢,滿,蒙,回,藏 Chinese, Manchus, Mongolians, Mohammedans and Tibetans. 五.2.58 五味 wuu-weih, n., the five flavors: 甜,酸,苦,辣,鹹 sweet, sour, bitter, hot and salty. 五.2.59 五味子 wuu-weih-tzyy, n., (bot.) of two kinds: 北五味子 Schizandra chinensis, and 南五味子 Kadsura japonica. 五.2.60 五言詩 wuu-yarn-shy, n., poem of five-character lines. 五.2.61 五音 wuu-yin, n., see wuu-sheng↑. 五.2.62 五嶽 wuu-yueh, n., the five sacred mountains: 泰山 Taihshan in Shantung, 衡山 Herngshan in Hunan, 華山 Huarshan in Shensi, 恆山 Hernshan in Hopei, 嵩山 Sungshan in Honan. 五.2.63 五月節 wuu-yueh-jier, n., the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, called the festival of 端陽 duan-yarng or 端午 duan-wuu. 互.0 31.30 huh. 互.1 Adj. & adv.1 Mutual, -ly, each other: 互相 huh-shiang↓; 互.1 Adj. & adv.2 互愛 love one another; 互.1 Adj. & adv.3 互忌,互妒 jealous of each other; 互.1 Adj. & adv.4 互選 mutually elect; 互.1 Adj. & adv.5 互不侵犯 (條約) (mutual) non-aggression (treaty); 互.1 Adj. & adv.6 互不干涉 mutual non-interferenee. 互.2.1 互保 huh-baau, v.i. & n., (give) guarantee for each other. 互.2.2 互惠 huh-hueih, adj., (of agreements) of mutual benefit. 互.2.3 互助 huh-juh, (1) adj., cooperative; 互.2.4 互助 huh-juh, (2) n., mutual aid or help. 互.2.5 互相 huh-shiang, adv., mutually, each other: 互相敬愛 mutually respect and love; 互.2.6 互相 huh-shiang, adv., 互相干涉 interfere with each other; 互.2.7 互相 huh-shiang, adv., 互相牽連 involve each other, be interrelated, etc. 亙.0 31.30 gehn (also gehng). [Var. A] 亙.1 N.1 A surname. 亙.1 V.i.1 Extend across, from one end to another: 亙以淥水 the river Lu runs right through it; 亙.1 V.i.2 橫亙 lie across; 亙.1 V.i.3 綿亙 extend in an unbroken line; 亙.1 V.i.4 聯亙 be interconnected. 亙.1 Prep.1 From: 亙古 from ancient times; 亙.1 Prep.2 亙古以來 from of old; 亙.1 Prep.3 亙古一人 the one and only man from of old, referring to Confucius; 亙.1 Prep.4 亙古通 (至) 今 from the earliest times down to the present. 丕.0 31.30 pi. 丕.1 V.t.1 (AC) receive, inherit in comb. 丕承. 丕.1 Adj.1 (LL) Great, grand: 丕功,丕績 grand achievement; 丕.1 Adj.2 丕基,丕業 the great heritage, usu. referring to founding of royal house. 丕.1 Adv.1 (LL) Greatly, gloriously: 丕烈,丕顯 splendid, glorious. 正.0 31.30 jehng (*jeng). 正.1 N.1 (1) Chief: 里正,村正 formerly, chief of precinct, of village. 正.1 N.2 (2) Wife in 令正 your wife (from 正室, dist. 副室 concubine); 正.1 N.3 扶正 make the concubine wife after wife is dead; 正.1 N.4 cf. 明媒正娶 legally married. 正.1 N.5 (3) Orthodoxy: 去邪歸正 return to orthodox path; 正.1 N.6 正誤表 errata. 正.1 N.7 (4) (*jeng) First month: 正月 January; 正.1 N.8 新正 New Year; 正.1 N.9 來正 coming New Year. 正.1 V.t.1 To rectify, make correct, adjust properly, follow the law: 正其衣冠 adjust dress and hat properly: 正襟危坐 sit properly (with dress buttoned) and sit gingerly; 正.1 V.t.2 正名 jehng-mirng↓; 正.1 V.t.3 改正 to correct; 正.1 V.t.4 正誤 to correct misprints; 正.1 V.t.5 修正 revise (laws, text); 正.1 V.t.6 訂正 establish correct text; 正.1 V.t.7 指正 act as correct guide; 正.1 V.t.8 就正有道 ask for guidance or correction from those who know; 正.1 V.t.9 尚請教正 please advise and correct; 正.1 V.t.10 正法 jehng-faa↓. 正.1 Adj.1 (1) Right (side, doctrine), proper, correct: 正面 jehng-miahn↓; 正.1 Adj.2 正道,正路,正途,正軌 jehng-dauh, jehng-luh, jehng-tur, jehng-gueei↓; 正.1 Adj.3 not oblique: 端正 (face) properly proportioned, proper (conduct). 正.1 Adj.4 (2) Main, center opp. 偏 pian, side: 正廳 main hall; 正.1 Adj.5 正殿 main temple or palace; 正.1 Adj.6 正室 legal wife; 正.1 Adj.7 正門 main or center door; 正.1 Adj.8 principal, opp. 副 secondary or subsidiary: 正科 major course, opp. 副科 minor course; 正.1 Adj.9 正業 main occupation (opp. 副業); 正.1 Adj.10 正號 correct, formal title. 正.1 Adj.11 (3) Exact, due: 正東,正南 exact due east, due south; 正.1 Adj.12 正中 exact enter. 正.1 Adj.13 (4) Orthodox: 正統 jehng-tuung↓; 正.1 Adj.14 正枝正葉 or 嫡正子孫 the linear descendants. 正.1 Adj.15 (5) Upright, just: 正直 jehng-jyr1; 正.1 Adj.16 正氣,正義 jehng-chih, jehng-yih↓. 正.1 Adj.17 (6) Positive (electricity): 正電,負電 positive and negative electricity. 正.1 Adj.18 (7) Pure, unmixed: 正味 pure flavors; 正.1 Adj.19 正色 jehng-seh↓. 正.1 Adv.1 (1) Just, exactly: 正合我的意思 that is exactly my idea; 正.1 Adv.2 正是那個人 exactly that person; 正.1 Adv.3 正巧 jehng-chiaau↓; 正.1 Adv.4 正應該 just what should be done; 正.1 Adv.5 正十二時 exactly tweleve o’clock; 正.1 Adv.6 (put behind numbers in checks to prevent alteration): 三千元正 three thousand dollars exact. 正.1 Adv.7 (2) Just in the process of doing: 正在 or 正吃飯 was just having dinner; 正.1 Adv.8 正想 I was just thinking (of calling you up, etc.); 正.1 Adv.9 正要 was just going to. 正.2.1 正本 jehng-been, (1) n., the orthodox copy (of book); 正.2.1 正本 jehng-been, n., ribbon copy (of letter, document) (opp. 副本 carbon copy); 正.2.2 正本 jehng-been, (2) v.i., as in 正本清源 (王陽明) reform from the bottom, or from the heart. 正.2.3 正比例 jehng-bii-lih, n., as in 成正比例 is in direct proportion. 正.2.4 正常 jehng-charng, adj., normal (opp. 反常 abnormal). 正.2.5 正巧 jehng-chiaau, adv., by a happy chance (he walked in when I needed him). 正.2.6 正氣 jehng-chih, n., the sense of honor, sense of right, the moral sense. 正.2.7 正寢 jehng-chiin, v.i., esp. in 壽終正寢 die peacefully in bed. 正.2.8 正確 jehng-chyueh, adj., correct (figures, understanding): 思想不正確 questionable thinking or ideas. 正.2.9 正取 jehng-chyuu, adj., regularly passed candidate, dist. 備取 those on reserve list. 正.2.10 正大 jehng-dah, adj., as in 正大光明 (signboard for the throne room) impartial, just and open. 正.2.11 正旦 jehng-dahn, n., (1) main female role in opera; 正.2.12 正旦 jehng-dahn, n., (2) (*jeng-dahn) New Year’s Day. 正.2.13 正當 jehng-dahng, (1) adj., proper (opportunity, work, relations); 正.2.14 正當 jehng-dahng, (2) (jehng-dang) adv., just as (I was leaving, etc.). 正.2.15 正道 jehng-dauh, n., orthodox doctrine or teachings. 正.2.16 正電 jehng-diahn, n., positive electricity. 正.2.17 正對點 jehng-dueih-diaan, n., (astron.) antipode. 正.2.18 正法 jehng-faa, v.t., to execute (prisoner) (“according to law”): 就地正法 execute(d) on the spot. 正.2.19 正犯 jehng-fahn, n., main culprit. 正.2.20 正方 jehng-fang, (1) adj., exactly square; 正.2.21 正方 jehng-fang, adj., 正方形 exact square; 正.2.22 正方 jehng-fang, (2) phr., just as (one was doing s.t.). 正.2.23 正該 jehng-gai, phr., should exactly: 正該如此 exactly as it should be. 正.2.24 正軌 jehng-gueei, n., the right track, the correct path (of conduct). 正.2.25 正規 jehng-guei, adj., regular: 正規軍 jehng-guei-jyun, n., units of the regular army. 正.2.26 正宮 jehng-gung, n., the rightful queen or empress (opp. imperial concubines). 正.2.27 正果 jehng-guoo, n., (Budd.) spiritual progress through right path. 正.2.28 正好 jehng-haau, (1) adv., at the right (apposite) moment; 正.2.29 正好 jehng-haau, (2) phr., just right. 正.2.30 正號 jehng-hauh, n., correct title. 正.2.31 正張兒 jehng-jang-’l, n., regular pages of newspaper, opp. 副張兒 supplement. 正.2.32 正轍 jehng-jer, n., right track, path. 正.2.33 正角 jehng-jiaau, n., (math.) right angle. 正.2.34 正經 jehng-’jing, adj., serious, not frivolous: 正經人 a man with serious occupation; 正.2.35 正經 jehng-’jing, adj., 正經話 serious words, not said in fun; 正.2.36 正經 jehng-’jing, adj., 正經貨 the real article, not imitation. 正.2.37 正中 jehng-jung, adj., squarely in the middle. 正.2.38 正支 jehng-jy, n., (1) legitimate expense; 正.2.39 正支 jehng-jy, n., (2) branch of eldest son. 正.2.40 正直 jehng-jyr1, adj., morally upright. 正.2.41 正值 jehng-jyr2, phr., just happen (to be a Sunday). 正.2.42 正覺 jehng-jyuer, n., (Budd.) real awakening to truth. 正.2.43 正理 jehng-lii, n., (1) justice; 正.2.44 正理 jehng-lii, n., (2) proper manner or way: 這樣做是正理 this is the right way to do it. 正.2.45 正路 jehng-luh, n., the right path. 正.2.46 正論 jehng-luhn, n., correct, impartial opinion. 正.2.47 正面 jehng-miahn, n., the right side, opp. 反面 the reverse side. 正.2.48 正命 jehng-mihng, n., (AC) natural death. 正.2.49 正名 jehng-mirng, n., as in 正名主義 (Confu.) the doctrine of calling a thing by its right name. 正.2.50 正派 jehng-paih, adj. & n., (1) (people) of the serious, gentlemanly type; 正.2.51 正派 jehng-paih, adj. & n., (2) the orthodox school. 正.2.52 正牌兒 jehng-par-’l, n., original brand (of goods). 正.2.53 正人 jehng-rern, n., gentleman: 正人君子 gentleman; 正.2.54 正人 jehng-rern, n., (also derog.) hypocrite, quasi-gentleman. 正.2.55 正三角形 jehng-san-jiaau-shirng, n., (math) right triangle. 正.2.56 正色 jehng-seh, n., (1) severe countenance: 正色厲聲 with a severe countenance and a harsh voice; 正.2.57 正色 jehng-seh, n., (2) solid, pure colors. 正.2.58 正身 jehng-shen, v.i., as in 先正其身 (Confucian) start by right personal conduct as an example. 正.2.59 正生 jehng-sheng, n., main male role in opera. 正.2.60 正獻 jehng-shiahn, n., chief officer at sacrifices. 正.2.61 正項 jehng-shiahng, n., (math.) positive term. 正.2.62 正心 jehng-shin, v.i., (Confu.) to set the heart in the right place, one of the steps of self-cultivation. 正.2.63 正書 jehng-shu, n., the formal style of script (=楷書). 正.2.64 正數 jehng-shuh, n., (math.) a plus quantity, dist. 負數 minus quantity. 正.2.65 正朔 *jeng-shuoh, n., (1) the New Year’s Day; 正.2.66 正朔 *jeng-shuoh, n., (2) official calendar: 改正朔 change the calendar. 正.2.67 正式 jehng-shyh1, adj. & adv., formal, -ly (adoption, marriage, resign,-nation, negotiate, -tion, etc.). 正.2.68 正事 jehng-shyh2, n., what is one’s proper duty; 正.2.69 正事 jehng-shyh2, n., proper avocation. 正.2.70 正室 jehng-shyh3, n., wife. 正.2.71 正是 jehng-shyh4, phr., be exactly: 正是心所願 exactly what I wish. 正.2.72 正學 jehng-shyuer, n., (Confu.) orthodox school or opinions, opp. 曲學,異端 heresy, heterodoxy, not orthodox opinions. 正.2.73 正兇 jehng-shyung, n., main culprit. 正.2.74 正史 jehng-shyy, n. standard, authorized history, dist. 野史 privately compiled history. 正.2.75 正堂 jehng-tarng, n., formerly, chief magistrate. 正.2.76 正體 jehng-tii, n., standard way of writing (characters). 正.2.77 正途 jehng-tur, n., proper avocation; 正.2.78 正途 jehng-tur, n., the moral path. 正.2.79 正統 jehng-tuung, n., (1) orthodox tradition of thought or ideas; 正.2.80 正統 jehng-tuung, n., (2) (Chin. history) standard line of succession, or universal sovereignty, dist. rulers of parts of China only. 正.2.81 正在 jehng-tzaih, phr., 正在 or 正在…中 in the process of (writing a letter, planning, etc.). 正.2.82 正則 jehng-tzer, n., correct procedure. 正.2.83 正宗 jehng-tzung, n., main school of thought; 正.2.84 正宗 jehng-tzung, n., main line of succession; 正.2.85 正宗 jehng-tzung, n., the right and conventional, accepted tradition. 正.2.86 正文 jehng-wern, n., the text, dist. running commentary. 正.2.87 正午 jehng-wuu, n., midnoon. 正.2.88 正顏 jehng-yarn, severe countenance. 正.2.89 正業 jehng-yeh, n., main occupation. 正.2.90 正義 jehng-yih, n., (1) justice, the cause of justice; 正.2.91 正義 jehng-yih, n., 正義感 sense of righteousness; 正.2.92 正義 jehng-yih, n., (2) often name of book of commentary on classic, chiefly exegetical. 正.2.93 正音 jehng-yin, n., correct pronunciation. 正.2.94 正月 *jeng-yueh, n., January. 歪.0 31.30 wai (*waai). 歪.1 v.i. & t.1 (1) To incline to one side: 歪著頭 turn head side-aways. 歪.1 v.i. & t.2 (2) To take a nap or rest by lying down on one side: 歪一下 take a short rest on couch. 歪.1 v.i. & t.3 (3) To shift the blame: 竟把這事歪到我身上來 shift the blame on me. 歪.1 v.i. & t.4 (4) To twist: 歪了腳 (*waai) to twist the ankle, to trip one’s foot; 歪.1 v.i. & t.5 歪七扭八 (wai) to twist around, to jiggle body. 歪.1 Adj.1 (1) Not straight, not balanced, inclined to one side: 歪歪 wai-wai↓. 歪.1 Adj.2 (2) Devious, crooked (words, thoughts): 歪念頭,歪主意 crooked ideas. 歪.1 Adj.3 (3) Immoral, indecent: 歪剌,歪貨 wai-lah, wai-huoh↓. 歪.2.1 歪憋 wai-bie, v.i., make disorderly conduct, make mischief. 歪.2.2 歪纏 wai-charn, v.t., to bother persistently. 歪.2.3 歪曲 wai-chyu, v.t., to falsify: 歪曲事實 to distort story or facts. 歪.2.4 歪貨 wai-huoh, n., (sl.) woman of loose morals. 歪.2.5 歪著 wai-’je, v.i., to incline on couch for short rest. 歪.2.6 歪盔子 wai-kuei-tz, n., (sl.) false pretext for starting trouble. 歪.2.7 歪剌 wai-lah, adj., indecent, undesirable: 歪剌骨,歪剌貨 (abuse) a louse, blackguard. 歪.2.8 歪毛兒 wai-maur-’l, n., a child’s hair done on one side, also such child: 歪毛兒, (淘氣兒) (1) mischievous child; 歪.2.9 歪毛兒 wai-maur-’l, n., (2) a loafer, ne’er-do-well. 歪.2.10 歪派 wai-’pai, v.t., to shift blame on s.o. 歪.2.11 歪斜 wai-shier, adj., inclined on one side, slanting (hat, etc.). 歪.2.12 歪詩 wai-shy, n., rotten verse; 歪.2.13 歪詩 wai-shy, n., not serious poetry. 歪.2.14 歪詞兒 wai-tser-’l, n., indecent defamatory talk. 歪.2.15 歪歪 wai-wai, adj., slanting, crooked: 歪歪扭扭,歪歪擰擰 twisting, -ed. 巫.0 31.30 wur (also wu, sp. pr). 巫.1 N.1 (1) A witch, sorcerer, -ress. 巫.1 N.2 (2) A surname. 巫.2.1 巫蠱 wu-guu n., sorcery. 巫.2.2 巫咒 wu-jouh n., sorcerer’s incantation. 巫.2.3 巫婆 wu-por n., a sorceress. 巫.2.4 巫覡 wu-shir n., sorcerer (覡) and sorceress (巫). 巫.2.5 巫術 wu-shuh n., sorcery, witchcraft. 巫.2.6 巫師 wu-shy n., sorcerer. 巫.2.7 巫醫 wu-yi n., (AC) one who practised magic and medicine. 亞.0 31.30 yah (also yaa). 亞.1 N.1 (yah or yaa) Asia, short for 亞細亞洲; 亞.1 N.2 東南亞 Southeast Asia; 亞.1 N.3 歐亞 Europe and Asia; 亞.1 N.4 亞美 Asia and America. 亞.1 Adj.1 Second: 亞子,亞軍 yah-tzyy, yah-jyun↓; 亞.1 Adj.2 不亞於人 second to none; 亞.1 Adj.3 亞飯 second meal; 亞.1 Adj.4 亞獻 second in series of three sacrificial offerings. 亞.2.1 亞鉛 yah-chian, n., zinc (=鋅). 亞.2.2 亞喬木 yah-chiaur-muh, n., medium-sized trees, like peach, pear, fig. 亞.2.3 亞膠 yah-jiau, n., gelatine. 亞.2.4 亞洲 Yah-jou, n., Asia. 亞.2.5 亞軍 yah-jyun, n., winner of second prize in contests. 亞.2.6 亞麻 yah-mar, n., (bot.) flax, a flowering plant Linum usitatissimum, whose bark fiber is woven like hemp. 亞.2.7 亞賽 *yaa-saih, v.t., to match in value, skill, etc. 亞.2.8 亞細亞 Yah-shi-yah, n., Asia. 亞.2.9 亞似 *yaa-syh, v.t., see yaa-saih↑. 亞.2.10 亞子 yah-tzyy, n., (LL) second son. 盂.0 31.30 yur. 盂.1 N.1 A receptacle: 痰盂 a spittoon; 盂.1 N.2 盂缽真傳 inherited teachings of a Budd. master (see 缽 92S.10). 盃.0 31.30 bei [Anc. var. of 杯 10B.01] 噩.0 31.30 eh. 噩.1 Adj.1 (1) Shocking (news). 噩.1 Adj.2 (2) (AC) solemn. 噩.2.1 噩噩 eh-eh, adj., (AC) solemn in countenance. 噩.2.2 噩耗 eh-hauh, n., shocking news, usu. of s.o.’s death. 噩.2.3 噩夢 eh-mehng, n., evil-foreboding dream. 歹.0 31.32 daai. 歹.1 N.1 Bad deed: 為非作歹 do misdeeds; 歹.1 N.2 不知好歹 do not appreciate what is good, do not distinguish good and bad, friend and foe. 歹.1 Adj.1 Bad, wicked: 歹人,歹徒 wicked people; 歹.1 Adj.2 歹意 bad intention; 歹.1 Adj.3 歹念 immoral thoughts. 歹.2.1 歹毒 daai-dur, adj., vicious (also 歹 daai-douh). 琴.0 31.32 chirn. 琴.1 N.1 (1) A gen. term for various stringed instruments: 鋼琴 piano; 琴.1 N.2 風琴 organ: 手風琴 accordion; 琴.1 N.3 口琴 harmonica; 琴.1 N.4 小提琴 violin; 琴.1 N.5 中提琴 viola; 琴.1 N.6 大提琴 cello; 琴.1 N.7 豎琴 harp; 琴.1 N.8 月琴 lute; 琴.1 N.9 胡琴 regular two-stringed instrument accompanying Peking opera; 琴.1 N.10 琴劍 the lute and the sword, imagined to be hobbies of an elegant scholar; 琴.1 N.11 琴心 music which communicates the player’s personal sentiment (love). 琴.1 N.12 (2) A surname. 琴.2.1 琴 chirn-chuarng, n., a flat support of stringed instrument. 琴.2.2 琴鍵 chirn-jiahn, n., the stops of stringed instrument. 琴.2.3 琴鳥 chirn-niaau, n., (zoo.) the lyrebird. 琴.2.4 琴譜 chirn-puu, n., music sheets or album; 琴.2.5 琴譜 chirn-puu, n., musical score. 琴.2.6 琴瑟 chirn-seh, n., the chirn and seh 瑟 (31.72), base stringed instrument—fig., of matrimonial harmony: 琴瑟不調 marital discord. 琴.2.7 琴手 chirn-shoou, n., professional musician (at night clubs, etc.). 琴.2.8 琴師 chirn-shy, n., music master. 琴.2.9 琴操 chirn-tsau, n., songs for 琴. 否.0 31.40 foou (*pii). 否.1 Fin. Part.1 (LL) fin. part. at end of questions=or not?—汝知之否 do you know it or not? 汝知之乎 ditto (=modn. 麼). 否.1 Adj.1 (*pii) Evil, bad: 否極泰來 after extreme bad luck, comes good luck; 否.1 Adj.2 臧否人物 (used as v.t.) criticize people. 否.1 Adv.1 Or not (LL, also common in vern.) usu. used closely with auxiliaries: 可否 may…or may not (=可以,不可以); 否.1 Adv.2 是否 is it…or not (=是不是); 否.1 Adv.3 能否 can…or not; 否.1 Adv.4 肯否 willing or not; 否.1 Adv.5 唯唯否否 answering “yes” and “no.” 否.2.1 否定 foou-dihng, v.i., decide in the negative. 否.2.2 否決 foou-jyuer, v.i. & t., vote against, in the negative; 否.2.3 否決 foou-jyuer, v.i. & t., 否決權 veto power. 否.2.4 否認 foou-rehn, v.i. & t., to deny: 否認有罪 plead not guilty; 否.2.5 否認 foou-rehn, v.i. & t., 否認借錢 deny having borrowed money. 否.2.6 否則 foou-’tze, adv., conj., or else, if not: 你陪我們來,否則大家不去 come with us or else let’s not go at all. 吾.0 31.40 wur. 吾.1 Pron.1 (AC, LL and dial.) I, the first person, my, me: 吾弟,吾友my brother, my friend; 吾.1 Pron.2 不吾欺 did not deceive me; 吾.1 Pron.3 吾人,吾儕 wur-rern, wur-chair↓. 吾.2.1 吾儕 wur-chair, pron., (LL) we. 吾.2.2 吾人 wur-rern, pron., (LL and modn.) we. 吾.2.3 吾兄 wur-shyung, pron., “my elder brother”; 吾.2.4 吾兄 wur-shyung, pron., (court. among friends) you: 吾兄以為然否 do you think so? 吾.2.5 吾曹 wur-tsaur, pron., (LL) we. 吾.2.6 吾子 wur-tzyy, pron., (LL) you; 吾.2.7 吾子 wur-tzyy, pron., (2) my son. 2mer10.0 31.40 chii. [Pop. of 啟 63S.82] 石.0 31.40 shyr. 石.1 N.1 (1) (shyr-tz) Stone, rock: 石頭 shyr-’tou↓; 石.1 N.2 石塊 piece of stone; 石.1 N.3 石堆 a heap of rocks; 石.1 N.4 石穴,石洞,石窟 stone cave; 石.1 N.5 石室,石柱,石橋 stone house, pillar, bridge; 石.1 N.6 海枯石爛 (lovers’ pledge) till the seas dry up and rocks melt away; 石.1 N.7 石破天驚 devastating (opinion, event); 石.1 N.8 鐵石心腸 heartless (“heart of iron or stone”); 石.1 N.9 泉石之樂 the pleasures of living among rocks and springs; 石.1 N.10 浮石 pumice; 石.1 N.11 鵝卵石 round pebbles; 石.1 N.12 碎石 crushed stones; 石.1 N.13 磁石,吸鐵石 loadstone; 石.1 N.14 滑石 soapstone; 石.1 N.15 青石 granite; 石.1 N.16 崖石 rocky cliff. 石.1 N.17 (2) A dry measure for grain, a picul (of 100 catties, varying between 132 and 140 lbs.). 石.1 N.18 (3) Stone inscriptions: 金石,金石文 inscriptions on bronze and stone. 石.1 N.19 (4) Mineral elements in medicine: 藥石 medicine in gen. 石.1 N.20 (5) A surname. 石.1 Adj.1 (1) Made of stone. 石.1 Adj.2 (2) Unproductive: 石田 shyr-tiarn↓; 石.1 Adj.3 石女,石胎 shyr-nyuu, shyr-tai↓. 石.2.1 石板 shyr-baan1, n., see shyr-baan2↓. 石.2.2 石版 shyr-baan2, n., (1) a slab of stone; 石.2.3 石版 shyr-baan2, n., (2) slate: 石版石 shyr-baan-shyr, n., lithographic stone. 石.2.4 石斑魚 shyr-ban-yur, n., garoupa. 石.2.5 石□ shyr-bie, n., (zoo.) Liolophura japonica. 石.2.6 石壁 shyr-bih, n., stone wall, precipice, cliffside. 石.2.7 石筆 shyr-bii, n., slate pencil; 石.2.8 石筆 shyr-bii, n., 石筆石 shyr-bii-shyr, n., slate. 石.2.9 石菖蒲 shyr-chang-pur, n., (bot.) Japanese sweet flag, Acorus gramineus. 石.2.10 石長生 shyr-charng-sheng, n., maidenhair fern, Adiantum monochlamys. 石.2.11 石器 shyr-chih, n., stone implements: 石器時代 the stone age. 石.2.12 石青 shyr-ching, adj., dark green; 石.2.13 石青 shyr-ching, adj., mineral color much used in Chin. painting. 石.2.14 石 shyr-chuarng, n., stalagmite. 石.2.15 石蓴 shyr-churn, n., (bot.) the common sea lettuce, Ulva lactuca. 石.2.16 石膽 shyr-daan, n., (min.) chalcanthite (also called |礬). 石.2.17 石黛 shyr-daih, n., black lead, graphite, anciently used as eye pencil. 石.2.18 石刁柏 shyr-diau-baai, n., (bot.) garden asparagus, Asparagus officinalis. 石.2.19 石耳 shyr-eel, n., an edible mushroom grown on rocks, Gyrophora rellea. 石.2.20 石髮 shyr-faa, n., (bot.) lichens, hair-like growth on rocks (also called 髮菜). 石.2.21 石帆 shyr-farn, n., (zoo.) a fanshaped deposit of insects like coral, Rhipidogorgia. 石.2.22 石敢當 shyr-gaan-dang, n., a piece of stone tablet, inscribed with these words and placed facing street corners, to ward off evil spirits. 石.2.23 石膏 shyr-gau, n., gypsum, plaster of Paris. 石.2.24 石工 shyr-gung, n., stone mason. 石.2.25 石鼓 shyr-guu, n., set of ten ancient stone drums containing inscriptions (石鼓文) variously ascribed to between 8th and 3rd cen. B.C. 石.2.26 石畫 shyr-huah1, n., mosaic. 石.2.27 石化 shyr-huah2, v.t., petrify, -fied. 石.2.28 石黃 shyr-huarng1, n., (min.) orpiment (also called 雄黃). 石.2.29 石磺 shyr-huarng2, n., (zoo.) a sea animal, Onchidium verruculatum. 石.2.30 石花菜 shyr-hua-tsaih, n., (bot.) a seaweed, agar-agar, Gelidium cartilagineum. 石.2.31 石灰 shyr-huei, n., lime; 石.2.32 石灰 shyr-huei, n., 石灰燈 limelight; 石.2.33 石灰 shyr-huei, n., 石灰水 Aqua calcariae, 石灰石 shyr-huei-shyr, limestone; 石.2.34 石灰 shyr-huei, n., 石灰酸 carbolic acid, phenol; 石.2.35 石灰 shyr-huei, n., 石灰岩 limestone. 石.2.36 石火 shyr-huoo, n., a flash of flint sparks, symbolic of shortness of human life. 石.2.37 石斛 shyr-hur, n., (bot.) Dendrobium moniliforme. 石.2.38 石胡荽 shyr-hur-suei, n., (bot.) the pennywort. 石.2.39 石基 shyr-ji, n., (geol.) ground-mass. 石.2.40 石鹹 shyr-jiaan, n., Chin. lye concoction, used like soap. 石.2.41 石匠 shyr-jiahng, n., stone mason. 石.2.42 石經 shyr-jing, n., inscriptions of classics on stone. 石.2.43 石櫧 shyr-ju, n., (bot.) a variety of oak. 石.2.44 石鐘乳 shyr-jung-ruu, n., stalactite. 石.2.45 石竹 shyr-jur, n., (bot.) pinks; 石.2.46 石竹 shyr-jur, n., carnations, Dianthus chinensis. 石.2.47 石決明 shyr-jyuer-mirng, n., (zoo.) a kind of abalone. 石.2.48 石拒 shyr-jyuh, n., the octopus (also called 章魚). 石.2.49 石刻 shyr-keh, n., sculpture, stone carvings. 石.2.50 石坑 shyr-keng, n., stone pit. 石.2.51 石蠟 shyr-lah, n., (chem.) paraffin; 石.2.52 石蠟 shyr-lah, n., 石蠟容電器 paraffin condenser. 石.2.53 石理 shyr-lii, n., rock structure. 石.2.54 石榴 shyr-liour, n., the pomegranate: 石榴裙下 infatuated with a woman (“prostrate before pomegranate skirt”); 石.2.55 石榴 shyr-liour, n., 石榴石 shyr-liour-shyr, n., (min.) garnet. 石.2.56 石硫黃 shyr-liour-huarng, n., crude sulphur. 石.2.57 石淋 shyr-lirn, n., stone in the bladder. 石.2.58 石聾 shyr-lurng, adj., stone-deaf. 石.2.59 石龍芻 shyr-lurng-chur, n., (bot.) the Baltic rush, Juncus balticus, whose stems can be woven into mats. 石.2.60 石龍子 shyr-lurng-tz, n., a lizard. 石.2.61 石綠 shyr-lyuh, n., (min.) malachite. 石.2.62 石綿 shyr-miarn, n., (also 石絨 shyr-rurng↓) (1) asbestos; 石.2.63 石綿 shyr-miarn, n., (2) chrysotile. 石.2.64 石脈 shyr-moh1, n., (geol.) veins of minerals. 石.2.65 石墨 shyr-moh2, n., (min.) graphite. 石.2.66 石腦油 shyr-naau-your, n., naphtha: 石腦油精 naphthalene. 石.2.67 石南 shyr-narn, n., (bot.) Rhododendron metternichii. 石.2.68 石女 shyr-nyuu, n., woman organically incapable of sexual intercourse. 石.2.69 石蕊 shyr-rueei, n., (bot.) Cladonia rangiferina, a plant whose leaves are used like tea, called 雲茶; 石.2.70 石蕊 shyr-rueei, n., (chem.) litmus: 石蕊試紙 litmus paper. 石.2.71 石絨 shyr-rurng, n., see shyr-miarn↑. 石.2.72 石乳 shyr-ruu, n., see shyr-jung-ruu↑. 石.2.73 石像 shyr-shiahng, n., stone statue. 石.2.74 石首魚 shyr-shoou-yur, n., croaker, a fish, Seiaena schlegeli, also called 黃花魚 or 黃魚. 石.2.75 石室 shyr-shyh, n., a stone house, sometimes used as vault for document, library, or mausoleum. 石.2.76 石蒜 shyr-suahn, n., (bot.) Lycoris radiata. 石.2.77 石髓 shyr-sueei, n., stalactite (also shyr-jung-ruu↑). 石.2.78 石松 shyr-sung, n., (bot.) Lycopodium clavatum: 石松類 Lycopodiales. 石.2.79 石筍 shyr-suun, n., stalagmite. 石.2.80 石炭 shyr-tahn, n., coal: 石炭系 carbonaceous system; 石.2.81 石炭 shyr-tahn, n., 石炭紀 (geol.) Carboniferous period; 石.2.82 石炭 shyr-tahn, n., 石炭酸 carbolic acid. 石.2.83 石胎 shyr-tai, n., a dead embryo or other growth. 石.2.84 石田 shyr-tiarn, n., barren, unproductive soil. 石.2.85 石頭 shyr-’tou, n., a rock:石頭子兒 pebble. 石.2.86 石蠶 shyr-tsarn, n., (zoo.) (1) Rhyacophila; 石.2.87 石蠶 shyr-tsarn, n., (2) coral-like growth, madrepora. 石.2.88 石蓯蓉 shyr-tsung-rurng, n., (bot.) Statice arbuscula. 石.2.89 石子 shyr-tz, n., pebble: 石子路 pebble walk. 石.2.90 石韋 shyr-weei, n., (bot.) a fern, Polypodium lingua. 石.2.91 石巖 shyr-yarn1, n., (1) stone cliff or cliffside; 石.2.92 石巖 shyr-yarn1, n., (2) (bot.) Rhododendron obtusum. 石.2.93 石鹽 shyr-yarn2, n., rock salt. 石.2.94 石衣 shyr-yi, n., a water plant (also called 烏韭,石苔). 石.2.95 石印 shyr-yihn, n., lithograph, -y. 石.2.96 石英 shyr-ying, n., (min.) quartz. 石.2.97 石油 shyr-your, n., petroleum; 石.2.98 石油 shyr-your, n., 石油苯 shyr-your-been benzine; 石.2.99 石油 shyr-your, n., 石油氣 shyr-your-chih liquidized petroleum gas, also known as 瓦斯. 石.2.100 石尤風 shyr-your-feng, n., (LL) windstorm (also 石郵風). 碧.0 31.40 bih. 碧.1 N.1 Jade, a precious stone usu. of greenish color: 碧玉 white jade with green tints. 碧.1 Adj.1 (Poet.) blue, azure, greenish blue: 碧海 blue sea; 碧.1 Adj.2 碧雲 bluish clouds; 碧.1 Adj.3 碧空,碧落,碧漢,碧霄,碧虛 the blue sky. 碧.2.1 碧蘭 bih-larn, n., (bot.) greenish orchid. 碧.2.2 碧蘿春 bih-luor-chun, n., a special brand of tea. 碧.2.3 碧綠 bih-lyuh, adj., beautifully green (lawn, sea, etc.). 碧.2.4 碧紗廚 bih-sha-chur, n., a bed-like compartment, covered with gauze to keep out mosquitoes. 碧.2.5 碧血 bih-shyueh, n., blood of those who died in war or love: 碧血丹心 (praise of) loyalty until death. 碧.2.6 碧桃 bih-taur, n., (bot.) a kind of peach=千葉桃. 碧.2.7 碧瓦 bih-waa, n., glazed tiles=琉璃瓦. 碧.2.8 碧梧 bih-wur, n., (bot.) the plane tree. 碧.2.9 碧眼 bih-yaan, adj., blue-eyed. 碧.2.10 碧玉 bih-yuh, n., (min.) jasper; 碧.2.11 碧玉 bih-yuh, n., 小家碧玉 pretty daughter of simple family, buxom lass. 磊.0 31.40 leei. 磊.2.1 磊塊 leei-kuaih, n., grievances: 胸中磊塊 (also 疊塊). 磊.2.2 磊磊 leir-leei, adj., (1) descirptive of a pile of rocks; 磊.2.3 磊磊 leir-leei, adj., (2) numerous; 磊.2.4 磊磊 leir-leei, adj., (3) frank, candid, openhearted: 磊磊落落,光明磊落 done in the open, without secretiveness. 磊.2.5 磊落 leei-luoh, adj., confused, numerous, see leir-leei↑. 百.0 31.41 baai (re. pr. *bor). (Re. pr. preferred in certain literary phrr.; otherwise baai general; **baai, **bor indicate alternate pr. permissible.) 百.1 N.1 百里 Bor-lii, a surname. 百.1 N. & adj.1 Hundred: 幾百 several hundreds; 百.1 N. & adj.2 百萬 million; 百.1 N. & adj.3 百萬噸 megaton; 百.1 N. & adj.4 百千萬 hundreds and thousands, vast number; 百.1 N. & adj.5 百兒八十 round about a hundred; 百.1 N. & adj.6 百十來個 about a hundred; 百.1 N. & adj.7 百倍 a hundredfold; 百.1 N. & adj.8 百分之三 three per cent; 百.1 N. & adj.9 百分 100%, see 百分法 baai-fen-faa↓; 百.1 N. & adj.10 百度 (表) baai-duh↓; 百.1 N. & adj.11 百G挑一 one in a hundred; 百.1 N. & adj.12 百中無一 not one in a hundred; 百.1 N. & adj.13 百聞不如一見 (*bor) seeing for oneself is better than all hearsays; 百.1 N. & adj.14 百尺竿頭,更進一步 (Complim. phr.), make further progress; 百.1 N. & adj.15 百歲後,百年後 (euphem.) after person’s death. 百.1 Adj.1 (*bor) All, all kinds, classes, multifarious, numerous: 百業 all professions; 百.1 Adj.2 百僚 (LL) all officials; 百.1 Adj.3 百工 all artisans; 百.1 Adj.4 百獸,百穀,百花,百艸 all kinds of animals, grains, flowers, plants; 百.1 Adj.5 百感交集 a multitude of feeling surges up; 百.1 Adj.6 百弊叢生 all kinds of corruption creep in; 百.1 Adj.7 百廢待舉 a thousand things wait to be done, restored; 百.1 Adj.8 百般 baai-ban↓; 百.1 Adj.9 千方百計 by all manners or methods, planned or tried; 百.1 Adj.10 百孔千瘡 full of ills and troubles, in disastrous state. 百.1 Adv.1 Very, always: 百伶百俐 very smart; 百.1 Adv.2 百依百順 obedient in all things; 百.1 Adv.3 百發百中 the shots hit every time; 百.1 Adv.4 百無 (a frequent comb.) totally without (not even one in a hundred): 百無一長, without a single talent or skill; 百.1 Adv.5 百無禁忌 without restraint, stop at nothing; 百.1 Adv.6 百無一失 you cannot possibly go wrong; 百.1 Adv.7 百無可為 absolutely nothing can be done; 百.1 Adv.8 百無聊賴 thoroughly bored. 百.2.1 百拜 *bor-baih, v.i., (LL) a hundred courtsies, greetings, now rare, at end of letters. 百.2.2 百般 **bor-ban, adv., using all sorts of ways; 百.2.3 百般 **bor-ban, adv., all manners of; 百.2.4 百般 **bor-ban, adv., infinitely (considerate, etc.): 百般無賴 using all rascally means; 百.2.5 百般 **bor-ban, adv., 百般溫柔 infinitely affectionate. 百.2.6 百部 *bor-buh, n., (bot.) Stemona sessilifolia. 百.2.7 百度表 baai-duh-biaau, n., centigrade. 百.2.8 百分法 baai-fen-faa, n., (1) percentage system; 百.2.9 百分法 baai-fen-faa, n., (2) centesimal method of dividing into hundredths; 百.2.10 百分法 baai-fen-faa, n., 百分之三,之十 3%, 10%; 百.2.11 百分法 baai-fen-faa, n., 百分率 baai-fen-lyuh, n., percentage system; 百.2.12 百分法 baai-fen-faa, n., 百分數 baai-fen-shuh, n., per cent, as 3%. 百.2.13 百合 baai-her, n., artichoke. 百.2.14 百花生日 **bor-hua-sheng-ryh, n., birthday of all flowers, 12th day of second lunar month; 百.2.15 百花生日 **bor-hua-sheng-ryh, n., also called 花朝. 百.2.16 百貨公司 **baai-huoh-gung-sy, n., department store. 百.2.17 百家 *bor-jia, n., the different schools of philosophy in AC; 百.2.18 百家 *bor-jia, n., 百家言 philosophies of the different schools; 百.2.19 百家 *bor-jia, n., 百家姓 (baai-jia-) a book of Chin. clan names; 百.2.20 百家 *bor-jia, n., 百家衣 (**baai-jia-) child’s dress made of rags from different friends’ families, worn for long life. 百.2.21 百次 *bor-jiaan-chyurn, n., fine-pleated skirt. 百.2.22 百結衣 *bor-jier-yi, n., ragged clothing. 百.2.23 百科全書 **baai-ke-chyuarn-shu, n., encyclopaedia. 百.2.24 百揆 *bor-kueei, n., (AC) chief minister of state. 百.2.25 百鍊剛 *bor-liahn-gang, (剛 wr. for 鋼), n., extremely fine steel. 百.2.26 百里候 bor-lii-hour, n., (LL) county magistrate, now rare; 百.2.27 百里候 bor-lii-hour, n., 百里才 bor-lii-tsair, small talent, good only for county magistracy. 百.2.28 百六 **bor-liouh, n., the Ching-mirng festival, 106 days after winter solstice. 百.2.29 百靈 *bor-lirng, n., the Mongolian lark. 百.2.30 百米賽跑 bair-mii-saih-paau, n., hundred yards race. 百.2.31 百衲本 *bor-nah-been, n., edition of anc. works made up of collated passages, or of best existing editions of parts, cf. bor-nah-yi↓. 百.2.32 百衲衣 *bor-nah-yi, n., monk’s ragged robe, made of patches. 百.2.33 百年紀念 baai-niarn-jii-niahn, n., centenary. 百.2.34 百辟 *bor-pih, n., (AC) the princes and dukes. 百.2.35 百忍 *bor-reen, n. & v.i., “a hundred times patience”, formula given for keeping large family in harmony (meant seriously, not sarcastically). 百.2.36 百日 baai-ryh, n., hundred days after person’s death, a form of sacrifice; 百.2.37 百日 baai-ryh, n., 百日咳 baai-ryh-keh, n., whooping cough; 百.2.38 百日 baai-ryh, n., 百日紅 baai-ryh-hurng, n.,=紫薇 (bot.) a flowering tree, Lagerstroemia indica. 百.2.39 百舌 **bor-sher, n., the Chin. blackbird. 百.2.40 百姓 **bor-shihng, n., the common people of a country. 百.2.41 百壽圖 *bor-shouh-tur, n., scroll consisting of hundred forms of the character for “shou” (longevity). 百.2.42 百事通 **bor-shyh-tung, adj. & n., (person who) knows everything. 百.2.43 百索 *bor-suoo, n., child’s first anniversary, named after varicolored braid worn on neck. 百.2.44 百斯篤 **baai-sy-duh, n., bubonic plague, early transliteration for “pest”. 百.2.45 百晬 *bor-tsueih, n., party given on child’s hundred days. 百.2.46 百足 *bor-tzur, n., centipede. 百.2.47 百子 *bor-tzyy, n., the ancient philosophers (also 百家 bor-jia↑). 百.2.48 百葉 **bor-yeh, n., (1) (AC) calendar; 百.2.49 百葉 **bor-yeh, n., (2) (AC) a hundred generations; 百.2.50 百葉 **bor-yeh, n., (3) a cake of many thin layers, made of bean curd; 百.2.51 百葉 **bor-yeh, n., (4) cow’s or sheep’s tripe; 百.2.52 百葉 **bor-yeh, n., (5) flowers with many compound petals; 百.2.53 百葉 **bor-yeh, n., 百葉窗 bor-yeh-chuang, n., Venetian blinds. 晉.0 31.41 jihn. [Pop. □] 晉.1 N.1 (1) A surname. 晉.1 N.2 (2) Short for Shansi Province. 晉.1 N.3 (3) The Jihn Dyn. 265-420 A.D. 晉.1 V.t.1 (1) (AC, LL) related 進 91.83. 晉.1 V.t.2 (3) Raise in rank, promote. 晉.2.1 晉封 jihn-feng, v.t., confer further honors on ancestor or wife. 晉.2.2 晉京 jihn-jing, v.i., (LL) go to the capital. 晉.2.3 晉爵 jihn-jyuer, v.t., raise to a higher rank of the nobility. 晉.2.4 晉授 jihn-shouh, v.t., see jihn-feng↑. 晉.2.5 晉贈 jihn-tzehng, v.t., confer a posthumous title. 晉.2.6 晉謁 jihn-yeh, v.t., have an audience with (a high official, superior). 西.0 31.41 shi. 西.1 N.1 (1) West: 自東徂西 from east to west. 西.1 N.2 (2) Spain (short for 西班牙):駐西大使 Chin. ambassador to Spain. 西.1 Adj. & adv.1 (1) West: 南京西路 Nanking Road West; 西.1 Adj. & adv.2 西半球 Western Hemisphere; 西.1 Adj. & adv.3 西部 western region; 西.1 Adj. & adv.4 西岸 west coast. 西.1 Adj. & adv.5 (2) Western, pertaining to the Western or gen. foreign world: 西人,西婦,西服,西裝 etc., shi-rern, shi-fuh, shi-fur, shi-juang↓; 西.1 Adj. & adv.6 see esp. 西洋 shi-yarng↓; 西.1 Adj. & adv.7 西餐 Western meal; 西.1 Adj. & adv.8 西式 Western fashion; 西.1 Adj. & adv.9 for Western music, medicine, see 西樂,西醫, shi-yueh, shi-yi↓. 西.1 Adj. & adv.10 (3) To the west, westwards: 西去 go west. 西.1 Adj. & adv.11 (4) A surname. 西.2.1 西班 shi-ban, n., (Tarng Dyn.) the military officers on the west in court ceremony, opp. civilian officers on the east; 西.2.2 西班 shi-ban, n., 西班牙 n., Spain. 西.2.3 西北 shi-beei, adj., northwest. 西.2.4 西賓 shi-bin, n., family tutor, see shi-shir↓, cf. 東家 the host. 西.2.5 西伯利亞 Shi-bor-lih-yaa, n., Siberia. 西.2.6 西部 shi-buh, n., (1) western region; 西.2.7 西部 shi-buh, n., (2) (movies) a western. 西.2.8 西成 shi-cherng, n., (MC) harvest. 西.2.9 西垂 shi-chueir, n., (AC) west side. 西.2.10 西法 shi-faa, adj., Western method (dry cleaning, etc.). 西.2.11 西番蓮 shi-fan-liarn, n., (bot.) Passiflora caerulea. 西.2.12 西方 shi-fang, n. & adj., the western world, also (Budd.) referring to after world. 西.2.13 西婦 shi-fuh, n., Western woman. 西.2.14 西服 shi-fur, n., Western dress. 西.2.15 西瓜 shi-gua, n., watermelon. 西.2.16 西貢 Shi-guhng, n., Saigon. 西.2.17 西宮 shi-gung, n., “western palace” where ladies-in-waiting lived. 西.2.18 西穀米 shi-gur-mii, n., sago; 西.2.19 西穀米 shi-gur-mii, n., 西穀椰子 the sago palm, Sagus rumphii. 西.2.20 西紅柿 shi-hurng-shyh, n., tomato. 西.2.21 西淨 shi-jihng, n., (Budd.) western lavatory (as eastern lavatory is called 東淨); 西.2.22 西淨 shi-jihng, n., see shi-shyuh↓. 西.2.23 西裝 shi-juang, n., Western of European dress. 西.2.24 西曆 shi-lih, n., the Western or Gregorian Calendar (now generally called 公曆). 西.2.25 西米 shi-mii, n., sago, see shi-gur-mii↑. 西.2.26 西南 shi-narn, adj., southwest. 西.2.27 西皮 shi-pir, n., name of song from 黃陂縣 in Hupei, current in Peking opera (see 皮^黃 22.82). 西.2.28 西人 shi-rern, n., Westerner. 西.2.29 西廂記 shi-shiang-jih, n., The Western Chamber, a famous Chin. classical novel. 西.2.30 西夕 shi-shih, n., (AC) old age. 西.2.31 西席 shi-shir, n., n., see shi-bin↑. 西.2.32 西施舌 shi-shy-sher, n., a small edible shellfish with elongated “tongue” or valve. 西.2.33 西序 shi-shyuh, n., the western wing of Buddhist monastery. 西.2.34 西臺 shi-tair, n., Suhng Dyn. name for the Censorate (御史臺). 西.2.35 西天 shi-tian, n., Buddhist paradise, believed to be in the west of China. 西.2.36 西崽 shi-tzaai, n., a houseboy or “boy” in the employment of foreigners in China. 西.2.37 西字臉 shi-tzyh-liaan, n., broad-shaped face, like the character 西. 西.2.38 西洋 shi-yarng, n., “Western ocean,” i.e., Western or from the West (of. shortened to 洋 or to 西): 西洋音樂,畫 Western music, painting; 西.2.39 西洋 shi-yarng, n., 西洋歷史 history of the Western world; 西.2.40 西洋 shi-yarng, n., 西洋景 peep show (also called 西洋鏡); 西.2.41 西洋 shi-yarng, n., 西洋參 ginseng grown in the Unite States. 西.2.42 西藥 shi-yauh, n., Western medicine. 西.2.43 西醫 shi-yi, n., Western doctor. 西.2.44 西元 shi-yuarn, n., A.D. of Christian calendar (now gen. called 公元). 西.2.45 西樂 shi-yueh, n., Western music. 西.2.46 西域 Shi-yuh, n., Turkestan, in region now called 新疆 “Hsinkiang.” 酉.0 31.41 yoou. 酉.1 N.1 (1) No. ten of the duodecimal cycle (see Appendix A). 酉.1 N.2 (2) 酉時 5-7 p.m. 酉.1 N.3 (3) A radical (as in 酌,醉); 酉.1 N.4 index No. “31C.” 面.0 31.41 miahn. 面.1 N. adjunct.1 一面鏡子 a mirror; 面.1 N. adjunct.2 一面國旗 a national flag. 面.1 N.1 (1) Face: 人面桃花相映紅 the girl’s face and the peach flowers reflect each other’s glow; 面.1 N.2 臉面 the face; 面.1 N.3 面孔,面部,面相 miahn-kuung, miahn-buh, miahn-shiahng↓; 面.1 N.4 面團團 a fat, plump face; 面.1 N.5 面對現實 to face the realities; 面.1 N.6 面無人色 ghastly, pale-faced; 面.1 N.7 面對面 face to face, see esp. 面子 miahn-tz↓ honor, social standing; 面.1 N.8 (2) The surface: 表面 surface; 面.1 N.9 霅, setup, milieu, occasion. 面.1 N.10 (3) Side, dimension, aspect: 上面,下面 top, underneath; 面.1 N.11 前面,後面 front, behind; 面.1 N.12 對面,側面 opposite, on the side; 面.1 N.13 正面 front; 面.1 N.14 背面,反面 the back; 面.1 N.15 四面 on all sides; 面.1 N.16 面面週到 in every way very attentive, every detail thought of; 面.1 N.17 面面相覷, see 面面 miahn-miahn↓. 面.1 N.18 (4) On one side: 一面之辭 one-sided story; 面.1 N.19 一面吃,一面談 talk while eating; 面.1 N.20 見過一面,一面之交 have met once. 面.1 V.t.1 To face: 面朝G face inside; 面.1 V.t.2 面東,面西 (of houses) face east, west; 面.1 V.t.3 面壁 face the wall, do nothing, (Budd.) face the wall and meditate; 面.1 V.t.4 面牆 face to the wall, see nothing. 面.1 Adj.1 Superficial: 面友,面朋 superficial friend. 面.1 Adv.1 Personally (freely attached to vbb.): 當面 personally; 面.1 Adv.2 面談,面敘 personal interview, talk; 面.1 Adv.3 面洽,面商,面議 discuss personally; 面.1 Adv.4 面謝 thank personally; 面.1 Adv.5 面陳 explain personally; 面.1 Adv.6 面折人過 point out person’s mistake to his face; 面.1 Adv.7 面試 personal interview in examinations; 面.1 Adv.8 面諭 order personally; 面.1 Adv.9 面交 deliver personally, etc. 面.2.1 面般 miahn-ban, n., (MC) facial contour=modn. 臉盤兒. 面.2.2 面部 miahn-buh, n., the facial region, the face. 面.2.3 面前 miahn-chiarn, n., (1) bodily presence: 當人面前 in person’s presence; 面.2.4 面前 miahn-chiarn, n., (2) front area, near a person. 面.2.5 面縛 miahn-fur, v.i., (AC) gesture of surrender ,hands at back, face outstretched. 面.2.6 面見 miahn-jiahn, n. & v.t., personal interview, meet personally. 面.2.7 面巾 miahn-jin, n., face towel. 面.2.8 面積 miahn-jir, n., area. 面.2.9 面具 miahn-jyuh, n., mask: 假面具 mask, false front or appearance. 面.2.10 面寬 miahn-kuan, n., width of surface. 面.2.11 面孔 miahn-kuung, n., a person’s face; 面.2.12 面孔 miahn-kuung, n., facial expression. 面.2.13 面兒 miah-’l, see miahn-tz↓. 面.2.14 面貌 miahn-mauh, n., facial looks, features: 面貌一新 take on a new look. 面.2.15 面門 miahn-mern, n., face, front view. 面.2.16 面面 miahn-miahn, adv., in every aspect: 面面相覷 look at each other in astonishment. 面.2.17 面目 miahn-muh, n., (1) facial expression, demeanor: 面目清秀 have delicate looks; 面.2.18 面目 miahn-muh, n., 面目可憎 repulsive looks; 面.2.19 面目 miahn-muh, n., (2) looks of things in gen.; 面.2.20 面目 miahn-muh, n., 面目全非 all looks wrong, or differently; 面.2.21 面目 miahn-muh, n., (3) honor=面子 see miahn-tz↓: 有何面目見人 how can I face the world? 面.2.22 面嫩 miahn-nehn, adj., shy. 面.2.23 面軟 miahn-nuaan, adj., softhearted, easily soften. 面.2.24 面龐(兒) miahn-parng(’l), n., facial contour. 面.2.25 面皰 miahn-pauh, n., pimples. 面.2.26 面皮 miahn-pir, n., esp. 面皮厚 thick-skinned, unashamed; 面.2.27 面皮 miahn-pir, n., 面皮軟,薄 thin-skinned, easily ashamed. 面.2.28 面容 miahn-rurng, n., demeanor, expression; 面.2.29 面容 miahn-rurng, n., features. 面.2.30 面色 miahn-seh, n., complexion (good, bad); 面.2.31 面色 miahn-seh, n., momentary expression (angered, offended, etc.). 面.2.32 面紗 miahn-sha, n., veil covering the face. 面.2.33 面善 miahn-shahn, adj., looking familiar: 這人很面善 his face seems familiar. 面.2.34 面上 miahn-shahng, n., on the face: (在情)面上過不去 cannot do it because of our friendship; 面.2.35 面上 miahn-shahng, n., 表面上 on the face of it. 面.2.36 面相 miahn-shiahng, n., a person’s features, physiognomy. 面.2.37 面熟 miahn-shur, adj., looking familiar. 面.2.38 面子 miahn-tz, n., “Chinese face,”a man’s self-respect, standing among fellowmen: 很有面子,面子很大 has high social standing; 面.2.39 面子 miahn-tz, n., 沒有面子 lose face (=丟臉); 面.2.40 面子 miahn-tz, n., 給面子,賞面子 do one the honor (of coming to his party); 面.2.41 面子 miahn-tz, n., 他不給我面子 won’t do me the honor; 面.2.42 面子 miahn-tz, n., 賣面子 do s.t. as a personal favor or in friendship; 面.2.43 面子 miahn-tz, n., 不要面子 be shameless; 面.2.44 面子 miahn-tz, n., also appearance of clothing: 這件衣服面子己舊了 this garment is getting shabby. 2mlw13.0 31.41 liour. [Var. of 留 90.41] 而.0 31.42 erl. 而.1 Fin. part.1 (AC) 已而已去 this is the end (“finished, all finished”), also 乎而. 而.1 Pron.1 (AC, rare) you, your (related 汝,女). 而.1 Conj.1 (1) And: 聞善而不善 (AC) heard of anything good and bad; 而.1 Conj.2 connecting oft. two vbb.: 學而時習之 to learn and review it from time to time; 而.1 Conj.3 or two adjj.: 恭而有禮 modest and courteous; 而.1 Conj.4 connecting an adv. with vb.: 呱呱而泣 wail and cry; 而.1 Conj.5 and yet, oft. reinforcing advv. like 況,竟,乃:而況 how much more then; 而.1 Conj.6 而竟,而乃 and contrary to reason or expectations; 而.1 Conj.7 coupled with negative 不, meaning “and yet,” “but”: 富而不驕 rich and yet not conceited; 而.1 Conj.8 c而不黨 is sociable, but not clannish. 而.1 Conj.9 (2) 而且 Furthermore, besides. 而.1 Conj.10 (3) Having the force of 之 “of”: 君子恥其言而過其行 a gentleman is ashamed of his words being more pretentious than his conduct. 而.1 Prep.1 From…on, up, down, etc.: 三十而上(=以上) from thirty up; 而.1 Prep.2 三十而下 below thirty; 而.1 Prep.3 而今以後 from now on. 而.2.1 而且 erl-chiee, adv., besides, furthermore. 而.2.2 而何 erl-her, adv., (AC)=如何 how. 而.2.3 而後 erl-houh, adv. conj., (1) and then: 言而後退 speak and then retire; 而.2.4 而後 erl-houh, adv. conj., (2) hence forth, thenceforth. 而.2.5 而竟 erl-jihng, adv., contrary to rule or expectations (left without saying good-bye); 而.2.6 而竟 erl-jihng, adv., actually, so indeed, at last. 而.2.7 而今 erl-jin, adv., now, now then. 而.2.8 而況 erl-kuahng, adv., besides, furthermore. 而.2.8 而來 erl-lair, adv., (AC) since: 由孔子而來(=以來),至今百有餘歲 it is now over hundred years since Confucius. 而.2.9 而立 erl-lih, adj., (LL) 而立之年 thirty years of age (allu. Confucius learned to stand firm at thirty). 而.2.10 而上 erl-shahng, adv., upwards (=以上). 而.2.11 而下 erl-shiah, adv., from…down (=以下). 而.2.12 而已 erl-yii, adv., only (after modified wd. or phr.): 三十而已 only thirty; 而.2.13 而已 erl-yii, adv., 而已矣 emphatic form of 而已. 再.0 31.42 tzaih. 再.1 Adv.1 Again, once more: 再接再厲 make unremitting efforts; 再.1 Adv.2 再三,再四,再三再四,一再 repeatedly; 再.1 Adv.3 再議,再審 be discussed over again; 再.1 Adv.4 再說 tzaih-shuo↓; 再.1 Adv.5 再次 once more; 再.1 Adv.6 再演一次 encore; 再.1 Adv.7 再行改期 postpone, reschedule; 再.1 Adv.8 再過幾天 in a few more days; 再.1 Adv.9 再運心思 reconsider; 再.1 Adv.10 東山再起 (usu. of a politician) stage a comeback; 再.1 Adv.11 再生 tzaih-sheng↓; 再.1 Adv.12 再造 tzaih-tzauh↓; 再.1 Adv.13 再談 let’s discuss it later; 再.1 Adv.14 再見 see you again, good-bye! 不再說了,相見 never mention it, never see each other again. 再.2.1 再版 tzaih-baan, v.i. & n., (of a book) (have) a second edition. 再.2.2 再拜 tzaih-baih, phr., (in letter) a polite complimentary close (“yours cordially” or “respectfully”). 再.2.3 再不 tzaih-’bu, adv., never again. 再.2.4 再乘 tzaih-cherng, n., (math.) the cube, the third power. 再.2.5 再發 tzaih-fa, v.i. & adj., recur, -rent. 再.2.6 再犯 tzaih-fahn, v.i. & n., (commit) a second offense, a person committing it. 再.2.7 再會 tzaih-hueih, phr., good-bye! see you again! 再.2.8 再婚 tzaih-hun, v.i., re-marry. 再.2.9 再者 tzaih-jee, adv., furthermore, in addition, by way of a postscript, (“p.s.”). 再.2.10 再醮 tzaih-jiauh, v.i., (of a woman) re-marry. 再.2.11 再來 tzaih-lair, phr., (1) come back: 時乎時乎不再來 time (lost) will never come again; 再.2.11 再來 tzaih-lair, phr., (2) do (s.t.) over again: 再來一盤棋 let’s have another game of chess; 再.2.11 再來 tzaih-lair, phr., (3) have another help of (s.t.): 再來點兒水 give me some more water, please. 再.2.12 再生 tzaih-sheng, n. & v.i. & adj., rebirth, (be) born anew, reborn. 再.2.13 再現 tzaih-shiahn, v.i., (1) reappear; 再.2.13 再現 tzaih-shiahn, v.i., (2) (a former experience) reappears in one’s mind. 再.2.14 再說 tzaih-shuo, v.t., (1) talk about it later; 再.2.14 再說 tzaih-shuo, v.t., (2) speak again, repeat; 再.2.14 再說 tzaih-shuo, v.t., (3) adv., moreover, furthermore. 再.2.15 再再 tzaih-tzaih, adv., again and again, repeatedly. 再.2.16 再造 tzaih-tzauh, v.i., be born anew, given a new lease of life. 雨.0 31.42 yuu (*yuh). 雨.1 N.1 Rain: 雨水 yur-shueei↓; 雨.1 N.2 下雨,降雨 it rains; 雨.1 N.3 風雨 wind and rain; 雨.1 N.4 雷雨 thunder and rain; 雨.1 N.5 暴雨 rainstorm; 雨.1 N.6 大雨 heavy rain; 雨.1 N.7 陣雨 a spell of rain; 雨.1 N.8 密雨 heavy downpour; 雨.1 N.9 細雨 light drizzle; 雨.1 N.10 毛毛雨 drizzle; 雨.1 N.11 □風沐雨 brave the winds and the rain; 雨.1 N.12 雨淋淋 descriptive of dripping rain; 雨.1 N.13 雨星星 light drizzle; 雨.1 N.14 雨後春筍 to spring like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. 雨.1 V.i.1 (*yuh) To rain: 雨雪 snow falls. 雨.2.1 雨布 yuu-buh, n., oilcloth, waterproof. 雨.2.2 雨前 yuu-chiarn, n., name of a superior tea, plucked before solar season of 穀雨 April 20. 雨.2.3 雨泣 yuu-chih, v.i., weep profusely. 雨.2.4 雨點兒子 yur-diaan-’l-tz, n., raindrops. 雨.2.5 雨虎 yur-huu, n., (zoo.) Aplysia a small sea animal (also called 海兔,海鹿). 雨.2.6 雨腳 yur-jiaau, n., splash of rain on the ground. 雨.2.7 雨季兒 yuu-jih (yuu-jieh-’l), n., the raining season. 雨.2.8 雨巾 yuu-jin, n., formerly, rain hat. 雨.2.9 雨久花 yur-jioou-hua, (bot.) Monocharia vaginalis, a flowering water plant. 雨.2.10 雨集 yuu-jir, phr., (LL) swarm together. 雨.2.11 雨珠兒 yuu-ju-’l, n., raindrops. 雨.2.12 雨具 yuu-jyuh, n., things providing against rain (umbrella, boots, etc.). 雨.2.13 雨量 yuu-liahng, n., volume of rain; 雨.2.14 雨量 yuu-liahng, n., 雨量計 yuu-liahng-jih n., rain gauge. 雨.2.15 雨漏 yuu-louh, v.i., leak in the roof. 雨.2.16 雨露 yuu-luh, n., rain and dew—timely help in time of need; 雨.2.17 雨露 yuu-luh, n., the blessings of peace from God or ruler. 雨.2.18 雨帽 yuu-mauh, n., rain cap. 雨.2.19 雨棚 yuu-perng, n., rain shetter. 雨.2.20 雨傘 yur-saan, n., umbrella. 雨.2.21 雨鞋 yuu-shier, n., rain boots. 雨.2.22 雨星兒 yuu-shing-’l, n., light drizzle. 雨.2.23 雨水 yur-shueei (coll. yur-’shuei), n., (1) rain water; 雨.2.24 雨水 yur-shueei (coll. yur-’shuei), n., (2) volume of rain (of locality); 雨.2.25 雨水 yur-shueei (coll. yur-’shuei), n., (3) a solar season (Feb.19-Mar.4). 雨.2.26 雨靴 yuu-shyue, n., rain boots. 雨.2.27 雨絲 yuu-sy, n., light falling rain. 雨.2.28 雨天 yuu-tian, n., a rainy day. 雨.2.29 雨字頭兒 yuu-’tz-tour-’l, n., the radical 雨, index No. “31D.” 雨.2.30 雨蛙 yuu-wa, n., (zoo.) Hyla arborea, a tree animal whose croaking noise presages coming rain. 雨.2.31 雨燕 yuu-yahn, n., (zoo.) micropus pacificus, a small bird. 雨.2.32 雨衣 yuu-yi, n., raincoat. 雨.2.33 雨意 yuu-yih, n., as in 有雨意 (the sky) has the look of going to rain. 雨.2.34 雨纓 yuu-ying, n., (Manchu Dyn.) tassels of yak hair on mandarin official hat in summer. 丙.0 31.42 biing. 丙.1 N.1 The third in the decimal cycle, see App. A; 丙.1 N.2 甲乙丙丁 used like A, B, C, D; 丙.1 N.3 the third grade, third category, etc.; 丙.1 N.4 付丙 burn (letter) after perusal. 丙.2.1 丙丁 biing-ding, n., days in 干支 gan-jy cycle, of “fire” element; 丙.2.1 丙丁 biing-ding, n., used sometimes in LL for “fire.” 丙.2.2 丙舍 biing-sheh, n., house for storing coffins pending arrangement for transshipment for burial in home district. 丙.2.3 丙夜 biing-yeh, n., midnight. 兩.0 31.42 liaang. [Pop. □ in sense of “ounce”] 兩.1 N. & adj.1 Two, in gen. use as adj. in speaking of two pieces, things, sides, parties, dist. 二, used only in counting: 兩百元 two hundred dollars (in counting, 二百元 would be more common); 兩.1 N. & adj.2 兩個人 two persons; 兩.1 N. & adj.3 兩夫妻 man and wife; 兩.1 N. & adj.4 母子兩口兒 the two of them, mother and son; 兩.1 N. & adj.5 兩姓婚姻 marriage between two families; 兩.1 N. & adj.6 兩頭兒跑 be kept busy between two offices; 兩.1 N. & adj.7 兩頭兒大 a marriage where wife and concubine are treated as equal; 兩.1 N. & adj.8 兩下子就好了 will finish it in a few moments; 兩.1 N. & adj.9 兩邊,兩邊廂,兩面 both sides; 兩.1 N. & adj.10 兩造 both parties to contract or litigation; 兩.1 N. & adj.11 三心兩意; 兩.1 N. & adj.12 猶疑兩可 undecided; 兩.1 N. & adj.13 兩訖,兩清 accounts cleared between two parties; 兩.1 N. & adj.14 兩不找 goods and payments match; 兩.1 N. & adj.15 兩面光 try to please both sides; 兩.1 N. & adj.16 兩端 the two extremities; 兩.1 N. & adj.17 兩小無猜 two innocent ones, boy and girl, grew up together; 兩.1 N. & adj.18 兩相情願 both parties agree of free will, mutual consent; 兩.1 N. & adj.19 兩相好 two lovers; 兩.1 N. & adj.20 兩虎相 fight between the two biggest (powers, warlords); 兩.1 N. & adj.21 兩極 the Arctic and the Antarctic, the North and South Poles; 兩.1 N. & adj.22 two extremities. 兩.2.1 兩棲類 liaang-chi-leih, n., (zoo.) amphibious animals. 兩.2.2 兩腳規 liarng-jiaau-guei, n., compasses. 兩.2.3 兩性花 liaang-shihng-hua, n., bisexual flower. 兩.2.4 兩造 liaang-tzauh, n., both plaintiff and defendant; 兩.2.5 兩造 liaang-tzauh, n., both parties to contract, lawsuit. 兩.2.6 兩樣 liaang-yahng, adj. & n., (1) different, -ce: 有什麼兩樣 is where the difference? opp. 一樣 same; 兩.2.7 兩樣 liaang-yahng, adj. & n., 情形兩樣 the situation is different; 兩.2.8 兩樣 liaang-yahng, adj. & n., (2) two pieces or 兩三樣 two or three. 兩.2.9 兩儀 liaang-yir, n., the yinand the yang, the two polarities. 兩.2.10 兩院制 liaang-yuahn-jyh, n., bicameral system (House of Commons and House of Lords.). 甭.0 31.42 berng. 甭.1 Vb. aux.1 Contraction of 不用 bur-yuhng, need not: 你甭客氣 don’t stand on ceremony; 甭.1 Vb. aux.2 你甭想 don’t think that. 4mybcl11.0 31.42 lih. [Var. of 鬲 30.42] 爾.0 31.42 eel. 爾.1 Part.1 (1) (AC) a final particle as alternative of 耳 (=而已), meaning “merely”: 唯謹爾 be only careful, (see 耳 31.10). 爾.1 Part.2 (2) Adv. particle, like Eng. “like,” “-ly” in stupid-like, stupidly (from its meaning “like”=如此) see Adj.↓: 率爾而對 answer thoughlessly; 爾.1 Part.3 卓爾 distinguished-like, eminent, -ly; 爾.1 Part.4 偶爾 occasionally; 爾.1 Part.5 see Adv.↓. 爾.1 Pron.1 (AC, LL) you, your (related closely 汝; 汝 is more familiar); 爾.1 Pron.2 see 爾汝 erl-ruu↓; 爾.1 Pron.3 爾 oft. used as possessive: 爾父 your father, 爾妻 your wife; 爾.1 Pron.4 or as accusative: 爾詐我虞 you cheat and I deceive—mutually deceive; 爾.1 Pron.5 爾 used as plural (like Eng. “you”): 爾等,爾曹 eel-deeng, eel-tsaur↓. 爾.1 Adj.1 (1) (LL) that: 爾時,爾日 that time, that day. 爾.1 Adj.2 (2) (LL) thus, like this (=如此): 不得不爾 has to be this way; 爾.1 Adj.3 所說乃爾 what (he) said was, this is what he said; 爾.1 Adj.4 云爾 thus, so; 爾.1 Adj.5 不過爾爾 it was only so-so. 爾.1 Adj.6 (3) U.f. 邇 near; 爾.1 Adj.7 爾來 eel-lair↓. 爾.1 Adv. suffix.1 (AC, LL) 莞爾 smilingly; 爾.1 Adv. suffix.2 妧 shouting-like, unceremoniously; 爾.1 Adv. suffix.3 僕僕爾 in a busy and restless manner, repeatedly; 爾.1 Adv. suffix.4 故爾 therefore. 爾.2.1 爾等 erl-deeng, n., you (plural). 爾.2.2 爾爾 erl-eel, adj., so-so. 爾.2.3 爾來 eel-lair, adv., recently, in recent months or years. 爾.2.4 爾汝 erl-ruu, pron. & v.t., (AC) to use the familiar you (like Fr. “tu”): 或爾汝之 (AC) treat him familiarly; 爾.2.5 爾汝 erl-ruu, pron. & v.t., 無受爾汝之實 (孟子) not to be influenced by personal (familiar) considerations, 爾汝交 (AC) friends who use familiar address to each other, (爾 eel, 汝 ruu, were originally very close in pronunciation, as still in many dialects). 爾.2.6 爾日 eel-ryh, phr. (LL) that day. 爾.2.7 爾馨 eel-shin, adj., (dail.) thus, like this (see 寧^馨 62.01). 爾.2.8 爾時 eel-shyr, phr., (LL) at that time. 爾.2.9 爾許 erl-shyuu, adj., (LL) so many. 爾.2.10 爾曹 eel-tsaur, n., you (plural). 2mwtjb21.0 31.42 bah. [Corrupt form of 霸] 万.0 31.50 wahn. [Var. of 萬 20A.42] 丐.0 31.50 gaih. [Var. □, □] 丐.1 N.1 Beggar: 乞丐 a beggar; 丐.1 N.2 老丐 an old beggar; 丐.1 N.3 丐頭 the leader of a group of beggars. 丐.1 V.t.1 Beg for: 丐飯 beg for food. 焉.0 31.50 yan. 焉.1 Fin. part.1 Descriptive of a situation similar to Eng. “in it” or “there” at end of sentence: 心不在焉 one’s mind is not in it; 焉.1 Fin. part.2 有人焉 there is a man there; 焉.1 Fin. part.3 其心休休焉 his mind was contented; 焉.1 Fin. part.4 sometimes gives a sense of completion: 名不稱焉 one’s name is not known; 焉.1 Fin. part.5 芻蕘者往焉 the woodcutters went (there or to him, etc.); 焉.1 Fin. part.6 眾好之必察焉 if many like it, one should look into it. (Usu. unaccented as fin. part.) 焉.1 Adv.1 (1) (LL) how? (similar to 安): 焉能,焉可 how can? 焉得 how could? 焉用 what is the need to use? 焉知 how does one know? 焉.1 Adv.2 (2) (AC) then (=modn. 然後,乃): 焉能治之 (=乃能) and then could set it in order; 焉.1 Adv.3 焉始乘舟 and then take the boat. 2mmmvs13.0 31.50 huar. [Arch. var. of 華 20A.10] .0 31.50 ji. [Pop. of 羈 41D.50] 烈.0 31.63 lieh. 烈.1 N.1 A surname. 烈.1 Adj. & adv.1 (1) Violent, hot, extreme, -ly: 烈火 very hot fire; 烈.1 Adj. & adv.2 烈日當空 scorching sun overhead; 烈.1 Adj. & adv.3 烈風 violent wind, storm; 烈.1 Adj. & adv.4 烈焰 raging flames; 烈.1 Adj. & adv.5 烈暑 hot summer; 烈.1 Adj. & adv.6 暴烈 (of temper) violent; 烈.1 Adj. & adv.7 猛烈,劇烈 (of poison) deadly, (slaughter, contest) violent; 烈.1 Adj. & adv.8 慘烈 horrifying (massacre, etc.); 烈.1 Adj. & adv.9 壯烈 brave, high-spirited. 烈.1 Adj. & adv.10 (2) Shining, brilliant: 烈名 brilliant fame. 烈.1 Adj. & adv.11 (3) Having sharp sense of honor: 節烈,貞烈, see 烈士,烈女 lieh-shyh, lieh-nyuu↓. 烈.1 Adj. & adv.12 (4) (Of medicine) strong, potent: 藥性很烈 causing sharp reaction. 烈.2.1 烈婦 lieh-fuh, n., lieh-nyuu↓. 烈.2.2 烈烈 lieh-lieh, adj., (1) glorious, inspiring: 轟轟烈烈 (of career, campaign, achievement) astounding, glorious, heroic; 烈.2.3 烈烈 lieh-lieh, adj., (2) 憂心烈烈 (AC) burning with sorrow. 烈.2.4 烈女 lieh-nyuu, n., “heroic women,” women who died in defense of their honor or committed suicide after husband’s death rather than re-marry (烈婦), much encouraged by Neo-Confucianists. 烈.2.5 烈性 lieh-shihng, n. & adj., violent temper; 烈.2.6 烈性 lieh-shihng, n. & adj., (of medicine) violent. 烈.2.7 烈士 lieh-shyh, n., hero who died for the country; 烈.2.8 烈士 lieh-shyh, n., martyr. 4mku4.0 31.70 wur. 4mku4.1 Adv.1 No, not (AC var. of 無): 4mku4妄之災 an undeserved catastrophe; 4mku4.1 Adv.2 4mku4咎 (AC) no fault or mistake, not to blame. 瓦.0 31.70 waa (*wah). 瓦.1 N.1 (1) A roof tile: 寧作玉碎,不為瓦全 rather be a broken jade than a whole piece of tile—prefer death or ruin to dishonor; 瓦.1 N.2 他人瓦上霜 the frost on neighbor’s roof—none of one’s business; 瓦.1 N.3 弄瓦 (AC) allu. when a girl baby is born, let her play with tiles—hence give birth to baby girl (see 瓦K waa-yaur↓). 瓦.1 N.4 (2) An earthenware: 瓦器,互罐 waa-chih, waa-guahn↓: 黃鐘毀棄,瓦釜雷鳴 (LL, allu.) earthen pots making a lot of noise instead of the classical bells—said of bombastic politicians in power while god men are out. 瓦.1 V.t.1 瓦瓦 (*wah-waa) put tiles on roof; 瓦.1 V.t.2 瓦刀 wah-dau↓. 瓦.2.1 瓦卜 war-buu, n., (MC) to break up a tile and read the line of cleavage for divination. 瓦.2.2 瓦碴兒 waa-char-’l, n., broken tiles. 瓦.2.3 瓦器 waa-chih, n., crude earthenware. 瓦.2.4 瓦刀 *wah-dau, n., a trowel for laying tiles on roof. 瓦.2.5 瓦房 waa-farng, n., house with brick roof. 瓦.2.6 瓦溝 waa-gou, n., roof sill. 瓦.2.7 瓦罐 waa-guahn, n., earthen jar. 瓦.2.8 瓦合 waa-her, adj., as in 瓦合之眾 rabble troops. 瓦.2.9 瓦灰 waa-huei, adj., deep grey. 瓦.2.10 瓦匠 waa-jiahng, n., a mason for laying roof. 瓦.2.11 瓦解 war-jiee, v.i., to break up (like defeated army); 瓦.2.12 瓦解 waa-jiee, v.i., disintegrate. 瓦.2.13 瓦塊(兒) waa-kuaih (waa-kuah-’l), n., broken tiles. 瓦.2.14 瓦楞帽 waa-lerng-mauh, n., formerly, common man’s hat with depression in middle, dist. 方巾 gentlemen’s hat. 瓦.2.15 瓦裂 waa-lieh, v.i., see war-jiee↑. 瓦.2.16 瓦木作 waa-muh-tzuoh, n., shop combining carpentry and bricklaying. 瓦.2.17 瓦舍 waa-sheh, n., (1) a brick house; 瓦.2.18 瓦舍 waa-sheh, n., (2) (Suhng Dyn.) a brothel, orig. brothel for barracks. 瓦.2.19 瓦斯 waa-sy, n., (translit.) gas. 瓦.2.20 瓦特 waa-teh, n., (translit.) watt. 瓦.2.21 瓦作 waa-tzuoh, n., bricklaying profession. 瓦.2.22 瓦子 waa-tzyy, n., see waa-sheh↑. 瓦.2.23 瓦K waa-yaur, n., (1) brick kiln; 瓦.2.24 瓦K waa-yaur, n., (2) (facet.) a woman who gives birth only to girls (see 弄瓦 under 瓦 N.1↑). 琵.0 31.70 pir. 琵.2.1 琵琶 pir-par (sp. pr. pir-’pa, pir-’ba), n., pipa, a musical instrument like guitar: 琵琶別抱 phr., said of woman who remarries. 琵.2.2 琵琶蟲 pir-par-churng, n., a louse (shaped like guitar). 琵.2.3 琵琶骨 pir-par-guu, n., collar bone. 琵.2.4 琵琶記 Pir-par-jih, n., name of well-known drama. 琵.2.5 琵琶襟 pir-par-jin, a former woman’s costume, where the front bottoms come down not from armpit, but near the right chest. 琶.0 31.70 par. 琶.1 N.1 See 琵^琶 31.70. 兀.0 31.70 wuh. 兀.1 N.1 (AC) one whose feet had been amputated as punishment. 兀.1 Adj.1 (1) Erect; 兀.1 Adj.2 proud: 兀傲 wuh-auh↓. 兀.1 Adj.3 (2) Upright: 兀坐 sitting upright. 兀.1 Adj.4 (3) Bald, bare: 兀鷹wuh-ying↓ (cf. 杌木 bare trees). 兀.1 Adv.1 (MC) abruptly, immovably, alone: 兀自在櫃身坐地 was sitting immovably at cashier’s deck; 兀.1 Adv.2 兀自一人 a person alone. 兀.2.1 兀傲 wuh-auh, adj., proud, upright. 兀.2.2 兀的 wuh-dih, (MC) (1) adj., this:兀的賤囚 this thief; 兀.2.3 兀的 wuh-dih, (2) adv., how: 兀的不羞殺人也 how shameless. 兀.2.4 兀剌 wuh-lah, (MC) an adv. suffix, like Eng. “like”: 軟兀剌 soft-like; 兀.2.5 兀剌 wuh-lah, 莽兀剌 abrupt-like. 兀.2.6 兀臬 wuh-nieh, adj., (LL) uneasy (also wr. 兀□,杌隉). 兀.2.7 兀然 wuh-rarn, adj., adv., immovable, -bly: 兀然不動. 兀.2.8 兀兀 wuh-wuh, adj. & adv., (1) in a distressed manner (probably related 鬱 yuh); 兀.2.9 兀兀 wuh-wuh, adj. & adv., (2) drunk: 醉兀兀 very drunk; 兀.2.10 兀兀 wuh-wuh, 兀兀禿禿 adv., (MC) (contempt.) nondescript, cheap (wine). 兀.2.11 兀鷹 wuh-ying, n., a kind of baldheaded vulture, Gyps fulvus. 虺.0 31.70 hueei. 虺.1 N.1 A large, poisonous snake; 虺.1 N.2 a lizard, see 虺蝪 hueei-yih↓. 虺.2.1 虺蝮 hueei-fuh, n., poisonous snake: 虺蝮之行 (derog.) sneaky, contemptible ways, like snakes. 虺.2.2 虺虺 hueir-hueei, adj., (AC) rumbling (of thunder). 虺.2.3 虺蛇 hueei-sher, n., a large poisonous snake; 虺.2.3 虺蛇 hueei-sher, n., a viper. 虺.2.4 虺蝪 hueei-yih, n., a lizard. 死.0 31.70 syy. 死.1 N.1 (1) Death: 生死關頭 critical point between life and death; 死.1 N.2 生死有命 life and death lie in the lap of the gods; 死.1 N.3 生死不忘 will never forget as long as I live. 死.1 N.4 (2) Dead people: 死而有知 if the dead knew. 死.1 v.i.1 (1) To die: 死亡,死活 syy-warng, syy-huor↓; 死.1 v.i.2 九死一生 extreme danger, a ten percent chance of survival; 死.1 v.i.3 半生不死 (不活) dead-alive; 死.1 v.i.4 病死,老死,暴死 die of illness, old age, from violence. 死.1 v.i.5 (2) Die for (cause): 死難 syy-nahn↓; 死.1 v.i.6 死節 (man, woman) die for integrity, honor or in loyalty to dead husband. 死.1 Adj.1 (1) Dead, condemned to die: 死囚,死罪,死刑 syy-chiour, syy-tzueih, syy-shirng↓; 死.1 Adj.2 死鬼,死人 (abusive) syr-gueei, syy-rern↓; 死.1 Adj.3 該死 (excl. or abusive) damnation! simply awful; 死.1 Adj.4 真該死 really awful (of a bad mistake); 死.1 Adj.5 死馬當作活馬醫 make a last try to save an impossible situation, as a last resort; 死.1 Adj.6 死不瞑目 die with injustice unredressed (“refuse to close eyes in death”); 死.1 Adj.7 死文字 a dead language; 死.1 Adj.8 死灰 syy-huei↓; 死.1 Adj.9 死水兒 stagnant water; 死.1 Adj.10 死火山 dead volcano; 死.1 Adj.11 死路 dead end; 死.1 Adj.12 死胡同兒 dead alley; 死.1 Adj.13 死信 dead, undeliverable letter; 死.1 Adj.14 死肌 dead muscle; 死.1 Adj.15 死結,死扣兒 a fast knot; 死.1 Adj.16 死契 irrevocable deed; 死.1 Adj.17 死門兒 agreement never to see again child sold or given away; 死.1 Adj.18 釘死了 nailed fast; 死.1 Adj.19 睡得真死 dead asleep; 死.1 Adj.20 耳朵發死 hearing is blocked; 死.1 Adj.21 面部表情發死 show a dead or dead-pan expression; 死.1 Adj.22 死挺挺 dead and stiff or lie stiffly. 死.1 Adj.23 (2) Inflexible: 死規矩,死套子 inflexible rule and regulations; 死.1 Adj.24 死法子 time-worn but useless method; 死.1 Adj.25 死板 syy-baan↓; 死.1 Adj.26 死頭腦 blockhead; 死.1 Adj.27 死工夫 by sheer work; 死.1 Adj.28 死心眼兒 single-minded, bent on one purpose; 死.1 Adj.29 死心塌地 completely, abjectly (in love), give one’s heart. 死.1 Adj.30 (3) Solid, not empty: 這管子是死的 it is a solid tube; 死.1 Adj.31 死瞠兒鐵柱 a solid iron pillar. 死.1 Adj.32 (4) Dead set: 死仇 syy-chour↓; 死.1 Adj.33 死敵 irreconcilable enemy; 死.1 Adj.34 死對頭 deadly foe. 死.1 Adv.1 (1) Extremely, (as in Eng. “dead tired” or “die of waiting”: 好看死了 wonderfully pretty; 死.1 Adv.2 壞死了 frightfully bad, wicked; 死.1 Adv.3 死辣,死鹹 (food) frightfully hot, salty; 死.1 Adv.4 甜死了 much too sweet; 死.1 Adv.5 冷死了 bitterly cold; 死.1 Adv.6 這人死不要臉 this person is devoid of shame; 死.1 Adv.7 死不 not for one’s life; 死.1 Adv.8 死不承認 will never admit; 死.1 Adv.9 死要面子 dead determined to save face; 死.1 Adv.10 死要錢 dead set on getting money; 死.1 Adv.11 死不改 die hard; 死.1 Adv.12 死賣氣力 give all one’s worth (to do s.t.); 死.1 Adv.13 哭(打)得死去活來 cried (beaten) half dead. 死.1 Adv.14 (2) (Defend, etc.) to the death: 死打,死戰,死 (殊死戰) fight to the death; 死.1 Adv.15 死守 defend to the death; 死.1 Adv.16 敢死隊 (mil.) suicide squad; 死.1 Adv.17 死黨,死士 syr-daang, syy-shyh↓; 死.1 Adv.18 死皮賴臉 shamelessly (beg, pester); 死.1 Adv.19 死乞白賴 lie shamelessly. 死.1 Adv.20 (3) In a stupid, mechanical way: 死記 memorize mechanically; 死.1 Adv.21 without doing any thing: 死丕丕閒坐 sit about the house without moving; 死.1 Adv.22 死等 wait forever; 死.1 Adv.23 死吃 eat without earning one’s bread. 死.2.1 死板 syr-baan (syr-’ban), adj., mechanical (singing), rigmarole (repeating); 死.2.2 死板 syr-baan (syr-’ban), adj., inflexible, solely guided by rules. 死.2.3 死別 syy-bier, v.i., part never to see each other again. 死.2.4 死併 syy-bihng, v.i., fight to the death. 死.2.5 死契 syy-chih, n., irrevocable deed. 死.2.6 死囚 syy-chiour, n., one condemned to death; 死.2.7 死囚 syy-chiour, n., 死囚牢 death house. 死.2.8 死仇 syy-chour, n., eternal enemy. 死.2.9 死黨 syr-daang, n., partisans sworn to the death. 死.2.10 死鬼 syr-gueei (syr-’guei), n., (abuse) the devil. 死.2.11 死灰 sy-huei, phr., 死灰復燃 old fire (“dead ashes”) is kindled again—said of repeated flareups of rebellion; 死.2.12 死灰 sy-huei, phr., 枯木死灰 (of a person) dead-alive, lifeless, a living corpse. 死.2.13 死活 syy-huor, phr., (不管)死活拉他來 bring him in regardless; 死.2.14 死活 syy-huor, phr., 不知死活 have no news of person, dead or alive; 死.2.15 死活 syy-huor, phr., (coll.) have no idea of death or danger. 死.2.16 死者 syr-jee, n., (respectful reference) the dead, a dead person. 死.2.17 死角 syr-jiaau, n., dead angle, corner sheltered from fire. 死.2.18 死紀兒 syy-jieh-’l, n., souvenir left by the dead. 死.2.19 死忌 syy-jih, n., anniversary of a person’s death. 死.2.20 死絕 syy-jyuer, v.i., be completely annihilated, die out. 死.2.21 死啃 syr-keen, v.i., (1) eat without work; 死.2.22 死啃 syr-keen, v.i., (2) persist unduly in request or work; 死.2.23 死啃 syr-keen, v.i., (3) read (book) without thinking. 死.2.24 死摳兒 syy-kou-’l, (1) n., stubbornness; 死.2.25 死摳兒 syy-kou-’l, (2) adj., miserly, niggardly; 死.2.26 死摳兒 syy-kou-’l, studious, industrious. 死.2.27 死力 syy-lih, n., brute force, utmost exertion: 盡死力 with all one’s might. 死.2.28 死路(兒) syy-luh (’l), n., dead end; 死.2.29 死路(兒) syy-luh (’l), n., also fatal route. 死.2.30 死麵(兒) syy-miahn (syy-miah-’l), n., unfermented flour. 死.2.31 死命 syy-mihng, (1) n., destiny of death; 死.2.32 死命 syy-mihng, n., 制其死命 get a stranglehold on s.o.; 死.2.33 死命 syy-mihng, (2) adv., 死命抵抗 resist with all one has got, fight to the last man. 死.2.34 死難 syy-nahn, v.i., (1) to die in tragic accidents such as shipwreck, flood, fire or airplane crash; 死.2.35 死難 syy-nahn, v.i., (2) die a martyr’s death. 死.2.36 死牌子 syy-pair-tz, n., fixed, unchangeable rule. 死.2.37 死人 syy-rern, n., (1) a dead person; 死.2.38 死人 syy-rern, n., (2) (abuse) dunderhead. 死.2.39 死傷 syy-shang, n., war casualties; 死.2.40 死傷 syy-shang, n., killed and wounded. 死.2.41 死生 syy-sheng, n., question of life or death; 死.2.42 死生 syy-sheng, n., life and death: 死生有命 a person’s life and death are matters of fate. 死.2.43 死相 syy-shiahng, excl., a teasing remark in disgust (girl to boy). 死.2.44 死性 syy-shihng, n., obstinacy, inflexible character. 死.2.45 死心 syy-shin, v.i., (1) give up hope (of romance, etc.); 死.2.46 死心 syy-shin, v.i., (2) (do s.t.) with all one’s heart and soul: 死心不息 persistently pleading, would not give up. 死.2.47 死刑 syy-shirng, n., death penalty. 死.2.48 死屍 syy-shy, n., a corpse. 死.2.49 死士 syy-shyh, n., (LL) dare-to-die soldier. 死.2.50 死胎 syy-tai, n., stillborn baby. 死.2.51 死催的 syy-tsuei-’de, n., (abuse) one bent for hell. 死.2.52 死鑿兒 syy-tzaur-’l, n., person unable to accommodate anybody. 死.2.53 死罪 syy-tzueih, phr., (1) sentence to death; 死.2.54 死罪 syy-tzueih, phr., (2) (court. at end of letter) 死罪,死罪! pardon for what I have said; 死.2.55 死罪 syy-tzueih, phr., (in speaking to emperor) risk life to give straight advice. 死.2.56 死亡 syy-warng, (1) v.i., to die; 死.2.57 死亡 syy-warng, v.i., fall victim to famine, war, etc.; 死.2.58 死亡 syy-warng, (2) n., those that have died: 死亡約會 rendezvous with death; 死.2.59 死亡 syy-warng, n., 死亡證 death certificate. 死.2.60 死樣 syy-yahng, n., dead pattern without change. 死.2.61 死硬 sy-yihng, adj., intransigent, irreconcilable, stiff and unbending: 死硬派 sy-yihng-paih, diehard. 死.2.62 死友 syr-yoou, n., (LL) friends sworn to the death. 2mfbuu11.0 31.70 mih. [Pop. of 覓 90.70] xxi2mbi12.0 31.71-1 jiar. [Pop. 戛] 2mbi12.1 N.1 An anc. weapon, a lance. 2mbi12.1 V.t.1 To strike: 2mbi12擊 to tap lightly. 2mbi12.1 Adj. & adv.1 2mbi122mbi12 extraordinary, (-ily), extreme (-ly): 2mbi122mbi12乎其難哉 how formidable or impossible the task is! 2mbi122mbi12獨造 (of literary or artistic works) creative, original, out of the common run. 忑.0 31.72 teh. 忑.1 Adj.1 See 忐^忑 21A.72. 恧.0 31.72 nyuh. 恧.2.1 恧縮 nyuh-suo, adj., bashful. 恐.0 31.72 kuung. 恐.1 V.i. & t.1 Fear: (esp. vern.) 恐怕 kuung-pah, see other compp.↓; 恐.1 V.i. & t.2 驚恐,惶恐 fear, trepidation. 恐.1 Adv.1 (LL) 恐, (vern.) 恐怕 perhaps, I am afraid: 恐不容易 I am afraid it is not easy; 恐.1 Adv.2 恐非原意 I am afraid (perhaps) it was not the original intent; 恐.1 Adv.3 惟恐,惑恐 perhaps, lest; 恐.1 Adv.4 惟恐得罪 afraid it should offend (s.o.); 恐.1 Adv.5 或恐有失 perhaps it may not be done properly (mail miscarried, etc.); 恐.1 Adv.6 恐其有誤 (LL) perhaps there was a mistake. 恐.2.1 恐怖 kuung-buh, v.i. & n., (be in) terror; 恐.2.2 恐怖 kuung-buh, v.i. & n., 恐怖政策 (主義) policy of terror; 恐.2.3 恐怖 kuung-buh, v.i. & n., 恐怖時代 reign of terror. 恐.2.4 恐喝 kuung-heh1, v.t., to threaten with force. 恐.2.5 恐嚇 kuung-heh2, v.t., see kuung-heh1. 恐.2.6 恐慌 kuung-huang, v.i. & n., be in terror, desperately afraid, take alarm: 恐慌起來 take fright; 恐.2.7 恐慌 kuung-huang, v.i. & n., 經濟恐慌 economic depression. 恐.2.8 恐懼 kuung-jyuh n., (LL) fear, awe. 恐.2.9 恐龍 kuung-lurng, n., (zoo.) dinosaur. 恐.2.10 恐怕 kuung-pah, (1) v.i., fear: 不要恐怕 don’t be afraid; 恐.2.11 恐怕 kuung-pah, (2) adv., perhaps: 恐怕不能來 I’m afraid (s.o.) cannot come; 恐.2.12 恐怕 kuung-pah, adv., 恐怕不成 I am afraid it won’t do. 恐.2.13 恐水病 kurng-shueei-bihng, n., (med.) hydrophobia. 惡.0 31.72 eh (*wuh, *wu, *ee). [Abbr. □] 惡.1 N.1 (1) Evil, vice, wickedness: 善惡 good and evil; 惡.1 N.2 惡有惡報 vice is punished. 惡.1 N.3 (2) Poison: 中惡 contract sudden ailment from various causes. 惡.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) (*wuh) To hate loathe, dislike heartily: 厭惡 to loathe; 惡.1 V.i. & t.2 可惡 damnable (person, behavior); 惡.1 V.i. & t.3 羞惡之心 feeling of shame, moral sense. 惡.1 V.i. & t.4 (2) (*wuh) (MC) to offend (person). 惡.1 Adj.1 (1) Bad in gen., evil, poor: 惡劣 eh-lieh↓; 惡.1 Adj.2 惡衣惡食 poor food and dress; 惡.1 Adj.3 惡少年 young hooligan; 惡.1 Adj.4 惡環境 bad surroundings; 惡.1 Adj.5 惡俗 bad customs; 惡.1 Adj.6 惡疾 disgusting disease; 惡.1 Adj.7 惡札 (court.) my poor writing; 惡.1 Adj.8 惡心 eh-shin↓; 惡.1 Adj.9 惡聲 eh-sheng↓; 惡.1 Adj.10 惡耗 bad news, usu. of s.o.’s death. 惡.1 Adj.11 (2) Fierce, ferocious: 惡狠狠,惡拉拉,惡惡實實的 very fierce, -ly; 惡.1 Adj.12 惡戰 terrific fight; 惡.1 Adj.13 惡婦 ferocious wife; 惡.1 Adj.14 惡辣,惡賴,惡鬼 eh-lah, eh-laih, eh-gueei↓. 惡.1 Adj.15 (3) Malignant (sore): 惡瘡 eh-chuang↓. 惡.1 Adv.1 (1) (*wu) (LL) how: 惡可,惡能 how can (it be?); 惡.1 Adv.2 惡在 how can it be said that. 惡.1 Adv.3 (2) (eh) (MC) very: 惡靈利 very able; 惡.1 Adv.4 惡憐人 (poet.) so charming. 惡.2.1 惡霸 eh-bah, n., a village hooligan. 惡.2.2 惡報 eh-bauh, n., proper retribution for sin. 惡.2.3 惡氣 eh-chih, n., evil smell; 惡.2.4 惡氣 eh-chih, n., unpleasant manner or atmosphere. 惡.2.5 惡臭 eh-chouh, adj., evil-smelling, smelly. 惡.2.6 惡瘡 eh-chuang, n., malignant sores, ulcer. 惡.2.7 惡德 eh-der, n., wicked conduct, a vice, a sin. 惡.2.8 惡惡 *wuh-eh, v.i., to hate evil. 惡.2.9 惡煩 eh-farn, adj., tedious; 惡.2.10 惡煩 eh-farn, adj., nauseating, -ted. 惡.2.11 惡感 eh-gaan, n., bad impression, adverse reaction: 引起惡感 arouse bad feelings. 惡.2.112 惡鬼 eh-gueei, n., (abuse) devil; 惡.2.13 惡鬼 eh-gueei, n., (Budd.) evil spirit. 惡.2.14 惡棍 eh-guhn, n., a roughneck, rascal, scoundrel. 惡.2.15 惡果 eh-guoo, n., bad results; 惡.2.16 惡果 eh-guoo, n., (Budd.) evil results of evil-doing. 惡.2.17 惡漢 eh-hahn, n., a rascal. 惡.2.18 惡寒 *wuh-harn, n., (med.) a chilling spasm. 惡.2.19 惡化 eh-huah, v.i., (1) to deteriorate, be vitiated; 惡.2.20 惡化 eh-huah, v.i., (2) (of beggars, monks) solicit money by disgusting tactics. 惡.2.21 惡口 eh-koou, n., bad language: 惡口傷人 use bad language to insult people. 惡.2.22 惡辣 eh-lah, adj., ruthless. 惡.2.23 惡賴 eh-laih, adj., rotten, vulgar. 惡.2.24 惡劣 eh-lieh, adj., bad in gen., esp. in quality, morals. 惡.2.25 惡名 eh-mirng, n., a bad reputation. 惡.2.26 惡魔 eh-mor, n., (1) (Budd.) devil; 惡.2.27 惡魔 eh-mor, n., (2) evil person or force. 惡.2.28 惡癖 eh-pii, n., evil habit. 惡.2.29 惡人 eh-rern, n., bad person. 惡.2.30 惡訕 eh-shahn, v.t., to taunt, deride. 惡.2.21 惡少 eh-shauh, n., young culprit, hoodlum, scallawag: 惡少年 juvenile delinquent. 惡.2.32 惡聲 eh-sheng, n., (1) (AC) immoral music or song; 惡.2.33 惡聲 eh-sheng, n., (2) verbal abuse; 惡.2.34 惡聲 eh-sheng, n., (3) bad reputation. 惡.2.35 惡限 eh-shiahn, n., (MC) a spell of bad luck. 惡.2.36 惡相 eh-shiahng, n., evil or angry countenance. 惡.2.37 惡嫌 *wuh-shiarn, v.t., to loathe. 惡.2.38 惡戲 eh-shih, v.t., see eh-tzuoh-jyuh↓. 惡.2.39 惡行 eh-shihng, n., immoral conduct. 惡.2.40 惡性的 eh-shihng-’de, adj., malignant: 惡性瘤 (贅瘤) malignant tumor. 惡.2.41 惡心 eh-shin, (1) n., wicked thought; 惡.2.42 惡心 eh-shin, (2) v.i., (*ee-shin) nauseate. 惡.2.43 惡識 eh-shyh, v.t., (MC) mistake (person) for what he is not. 惡.2.44 惡歲 eh-sueih, n., year of bad crops. 惡.2.45 惡徒 eh-tur, n., “bad guys,” hoodlums. 惡.2.46 惡作劇 eh-tzuoh-jyuh, v.i., to make fun (of person). 惡.2.47 惡阻 eh-tzuu, v.i., (1) lose appetite; 惡.2.48 惡阻 eh-tzuu, v.i., (2) show morning sickness and change of appetite during pregnancy. 惡.2.49 惡子 eh-tzyy, n., (AC) young hooligan. 惡.2.50 惡言 eh-yarn, n., words of abuse or vituperation. 惡.2.51 惡業 eh-yeh, n., (Budd.) evil thought, speech or conduct. 惡.2.52 惡意 eh-yih, n., malice: 沒有惡意 was not malicious, (said or done) without malice. 惡.2.53 惡因 eh-yin, n., (Budd.) cause or antecedent of evil results, see eh-guoo↑. 憨.0 31.72 han. 憨.1 N.1 A surname. 憨.1 Adj. & adv.1 (1) Pleasant and silly, rapt in love, see compp.↓. 憨.1 Adj. & adv.2 (2) Coarse: 憨繩子 a coarse rope or string. 憨.2.1 憨癡 han-chy, adj., coquettish, gayly provocative. 憨.2.2 憨厚 han-’houh, adj., (of scholar) poised, not flighty. 憨.2.3 憨直 han-jyr, adj., straightforward (character). 憨.2.4 憨笑 han-shiauh, v.i., smile coquettishly. 憨.2.5 憨子 han-tz, n., a ninny, nincompoop, idiot. 瑟.0 31.72 seh. 瑟.1 N.1 A long, base stringed instrument, anciently with 5 or 10 strings, later with 25 strings: 琴瑟 (high and base stringed instruments) symbolizing marital harmony. 瑟.1 Adj.1 (1) Rustling sound: 瑟縮,瑟瑟 ditto. 瑟.1 Adj.2 (2) U.f. 索 10.01 in 蕭瑟 dreary. 頁.0 31.80 yeh. 頁.1 N.1 (1) A page. 頁.1 N.2 (2) A leaf or double folded page in wood-block editions where half a leaf equals one Eng. page: 頁數 number of pages; 頁.1 N.3 第一頁 page 1. 頁.1 N.4 (3) 冊頁 album of sheets of painting or calligraphy. 貢.0 31.80 guhng. 貢.1 N.1 (1) A surname. 貢.1 N.2 (2) Tribute paid by a vassal state. 貢.1 V.t.1 (1) To pay tribute to: 進貢 to pay tribute; 貢.1 V.t.2 貢獻 guhng-shiahn, 貢奉 guhng-fehng↓; 貢.1 V.t.3 貢品 also local goods selected for His Majesty. 貢.1 V.t.4 (2) Recommend, select: 貢生 guhng-sheng↓. 貢.2.1 貢奉 guhng-fehng, v.t., (of vassal states) give (s.t.) as tribute. 貢.2.2 貢生 guhng-sheng, n., formerly, a senior licentiate. 貢.2.3 貢獻 guhng-shiahn, v.t. & n., contribute, -tions. 賈.0 31.80 jiaa (*guu). 賈.1 N.1 (1) A surname. 賈.1 N.2 (2) (*gun) A merchant: 商賈 a trader, businessman. 賈.1 V.t.1 (*gun) (1) (LL) sell in commerce. 賈.1 V.t.2 (2) (LL) to invite: 賈禍 invite disaster; 賈.1 V.t.3 賈怨 invite hatred. 天.0 31.81 tian. 天.1 N.1 (1) The sky, heaven: 天空 the sky, aerial space; 天.1 N.2 天下 tian-shiah↓; 天.1 N.3 天上 in the sky above; 天.1 N.4 天底下 all under heaven, the world over; 天.1 N.5 天大的事情 a tremendous event; 天.1 N.6 天無二日 only one supreme ruler, as “there is only one sun in heaven”; 天.1 N.7 天字第一號 “A-1,” the very best; 天.1 N.8 oft. coupled with 地 (the earth) in phrr.: 天地 tian-dih1↓; 天.1 N.9 天長地久 as long as the heaven and earth endure; 天.1 N.10 天公地道 the most natural and fair arrangement; 天.1 N.11 天翻地覆 turned completely upside down (of disasters, confusion); 天.1 N.12 天南地北, 天懸地隔 (of friends) separated far apart; 天.1 N.13 不識天高地厚 (of child) do not know what is what; 天.1 N.14 天崩地裂 natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides; 天.1 N.15 天網恢恢 God’s justice is inescapable; 天.1 N.16 天羅地網 (of Taoist demons’ magic) an invisible net preventing all escape; 天.1 N.17 天聾地啞 completely unmindful of anything, like one deaf and dumb. 天.1 N.18 (2) Nature, what is given by nature, esp. 天然 see tian-rarn↓: 天資,天賦,天成,天性 tian-tzy2, tian-fuh2, tian-cherng, tian-shihng2↓; 天.1 N.19 天年 man’s natural span of life; 天.1 N.20 天造地設 (of natural scenery) made by nature; 天.1 N.21 天作之合 (marriage) made in heaven; 天.1 N.22 天衣無縫 (of art, master piece in fiction) completely natural, without artifice; 天.1 N.23 天經地義 what is most appropriate, ordained in nature (moral obligations, eternal priciples, etc.); 天.1 N.24 聽由天命 resign to one’s fate or God’s will, be fatalistic; 天.1 N.25 靠天吃飯 have no regular income, live by what one can find. 天.1 N.26 (3) God, the supreme ruler, the celestial spirits: 天老爺 Father Heaven; 天.1 N.27 皇天后士 (prayer to) Ye Gods! heavenly father and mother earth; 天.1 N.28 天堂,天國 tian-tarng, tian-guor↓; 天.1 N.29 天怒人怨 the gods are angry and the people resentful; 天.1 N.30 怨天尤人 blame everybody but oneself; 天.1 N.31 無法無天 completely lawless and Godless, licentious; 天.1 N.32 天不怕,地不怕 fear neither God nor men; 天.1 N.33 天之驕子 “the chosen of God,” an unusually blessed or lucky person, God’s favored one, (a tint of sarcasm in Chin. usage.); 天.1 N.34 used coll. like Eng. “God”: 天啊,天哪 O God! good heavens! 我的天 oh, my God! 老天爺 oh, God! 天曉得 God knows (nobody knows); 天.1 N.35 天可憐見 how pitiful! 天誅地滅 may the gods strike (him) down! 天.1 N.36 (4) A day: 今天,明天,昨天 today, tomorrow, yesterday; 天.1 N.37 過兩天 in two or three days; 天.1 N.38 前幾天 a few days ago; 天.1 N.39 每天 everyday; 天.1 N.40 成天,一天到晚 all day; 天.1 N.41 大白天 in broad daylight. 天.1 N.42 (5) Season, weather: 春天,夏天,秋天,冬天 spring, summer, autumn, winter; 天.1 N.43 三伏天 hottest summer days; 天.1 N.44 黃梅天 rainy season in spring; 天.1 N.45 晴天 clear day, 天晴了 it is clear now; 天.1 N.46 天朗氣清 it is clear and dry; 天.1 N.47 雨天,陰天 rainy, cloudy day; 天.1 N.48 熱天,大熱天 hot, very hot day; 天.1 N.49 天熱了 it has become hot; 天.1 N.50 天冷了 it has become cold; 天.1 N.51 天變了,變天了 the weather has changed; 天.1 N.52 天亮了 it is dawn; 天.1 N.53 五更天 at early dawn; 天.1 N.54 天明 early dawn, daybreak; 天.1 N.55 天黑 at dusk, twilight; 天.1 N.56 天昏地暗 it is dark, overcast, like night. 天.1 N.57 (6) N. & adj., emperor, imperial, of the emperor: 天子 the Son of Heaven, Emperor; 天.1 N.58 天朝 the Celestial Court (formerly, used in communication with foreign countries); 天.1 N.59 天恩 the emperor’s grace; 天.1 N.60 天顏 His Imperial presence; 天.1 N.61 天闕 imperial court. 天.1 N.62 (7) The most important thing in life: 民以食為天 food is next to God for the people; 天.1 N.63 王者以民為天 a king’s life depends upon the people. 天.1 N.64 (8) Husband: 失其所天 lost her husband. 天.2.1 天表 tian-biaau, n., beyond heaven, beyond the skies. 天.2.2 天變 tian-biahn, n., natural calamities; 天.2.3 天變 tian-biahn, n., change of weather: 天變了 it’s going to rain. 天.2.4 天邊(兒) tian-bian (’l), n., beyond the horizon: 天邊海角 far beyond, in distant places. 天.2.5 天稟 tian-biing, n., native endowments. 天.2.6 天兵 tian-bing, n., (1) (Taoist) celestial troops; 天.2.7 天兵 tian-bing, n., (2) formerly, imperial troops. 天.2.8 天產 tian-chaan, n., local product, land product. 天.2.9 天朝 tian-chaau, n., imperial court. 天.2.10 天成 tian-cherng, adj., natural, springing from nature: 天成佳偶 a good match as if made in heaven; 天.2.11 天成 tian-cherng, adj., 文章本天成 good writing is completely like nature. 天.2.12 天譴 tian-chiaan, adj., God’s punishment. 天.2.13 天塹 tian-chiahn, n., natural barrier for defense (such as wide river). 天.2.14 天橋 tian-chiaur, n., (1) overpass at railways; 天.2.15 天橋 tian-chiaur, n., (2) anc. scaffolding for attacking city walls. 天.2.16 天氣 tian-chih, n., the day’s weather. 天.2.17 天青 tian-ching, n., (of brocades, etc.) dark wine color. 天.2.18 天窗 tian-chuang, n., skylight: 打開天窗說亮話 to be quite frank. 天.2.19 天趣 tian-chyuh, n., beauty of natural objects or phenomena. 天.2.20 天衢 tian-chyur, n., formerly, busy thoroughfares of the capital. 天.2.21 天道 tian-dauh, n., God’s way, divine order of things, spiritual principles: 天道好還 God’s way goes in a cycle; 天.2.22 天道 tian-dauh, n., (dial.) the weather. 天.2.23 天地 tian-dih1, n., (1) heaven and earth, the universe, the world: 天地間 in the whole world; 天.2.24 天地 tian-dih1, n., 小天地 a little world in itself; 天.2.25 天地 tian-dih1, n., 兒童天地 the child’s world; 天.2.26 天地 tian-dih1, n., 別有天地 a different world, a utopia; 天.2.27 天地 tian-dih1, n., (2) the upper and lower margins of a scroll. 天.2.28 天帝 tian-dih2, n., Celestial Ruler (appellation of Taoist gods). 天.2.29 天定 tian-dihng, adj., predetermined, predestined. 天.2.30 天底下 tian-dii-shiah, phr., under the sun; 天.2.31 天底下 tian-dii-shiah, phr., in the world. 天.2.32 天鵝 tian-er, n., the swan. 天.2.33 天方夜譚 Tian-fang-Yeh-tarn, n., Arabian Nights. 天.2.34 天分 tian-fehn (tian-’fen), n., born gifts, talent; 天.2.35 天分 tian-fehn (tian-’fen), n., 天分甚高 has high intelligence. 天.2.36 天父 Tian-fuh1, n., (Christ.) God the Father. 天.2.37 天賦 tian-fuh2, n., natural gifts. 天.2.38 天府 tian-fuu, n., self-sufficient region, with natural defense against invaders: 天府之國 a country with rich natural resource—a name given to 四川. 天.2.39 天干 tian-gan, n., the decimal cycle, 甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己,庚,辛,壬,癸, used as serial number like A, B, C, D—see Appendix A. 天.2.40 天光 tian-guang, n., daylight. 天.2.41 天癸 tian-gueei, n., menstruation. 天.2.42 天工 tian-gung1, n., nature’s work, said in praise of great art: 巧奪天工 it rivals nature. 天.2.43 天宮 tian-gung2, n., heavenly abode of the gods. 天.2.44 天國 tian-guor, n., (Christ.) the Kingdom of Heaven. 天.2.45 天鼓 tian-guu, n., (rare, LL) thunder. 天.2.46 天河 tian-her, n., the Milky Way (also called 銀河,天漢). 天.2.47 天花 tian-hua, n., (1) smallpox; 天.2.48 天花 tian-hua, n., (2) (Budd.) flowers dropped from the sky; 天.2.49 天花 tian-hua, n., 天花亂墜 said of extravagant talk; 天.2.50 天花 tian-hua, n., 天花板 ceiling. 天.2.51 天潢 tian-huarng, n., (LL) royal descendants. 天.2.52 天火 tian-huoo, n., fire from heaven, said of houses stuck by lightning. 天.2.53 天真 tian-jen, adj., innocent, nave, frank, gen. showing traits of children: 你太天真了 you are too nave, believe too much in people’s words. 天.2.54 天機 tian-ji, n., hidden plans of providence: 不可洩漏天機 (a seer) may not reveal what is coming or decree of God; 天.2.55 天機 tian-ji, n., the secret springs of nature, such as divine inspiration. 天.2.56 天戒 tian-jieh, n., born teetotaler. 天.2.57 天井 tian-jiing, n., courtyard, a small yard; 天.2.58 天井 tian-jiing, n., air shaft. 天.2.59 天津 Tian-jin, n., Tientsin, a port city. 天.2.60 天九 tian-jioou, n., game of dominoes. 天.2.61 天竺 Tian-jur, n., anc. term for India. 天.2.62 天竺桂 tian-jur-gueih, n., a kind of cinnamon, Cinnamonum pedunculatum. 天.2.63 天主 tian-juu, n., Catholic term for God: 天主教 Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; 天.2.64 天主 tian-juu, n., 天主(教)堂 cathedral. 天.2.65 天職 tian-jyr, n., man’s natural duty: 國民的天職 a citizen’s natural duty. 天.2.66 天空 tian-kung, n., the sky, outer space. 天.2.67 天籟 tian-laih, n., sounds of nature (whistlig of winds, etc.). 天.2.68 天藍 tian-larn, n., pale blue, skyblue. 天.2.69 天良 tian-liarng, n., conscience. 天.2.70 天理 tian-lii, n., Nature’s law: 天理昭彰 God’s law is manifest, i.e., evil is punished; 天.2.71 天理 tian-lii, n., 天理不容 intolerable, injustice; 天.2.72 天理 tian-lii, n., 沒有天理 unscrupulous, lawless, a law to oneself, unreasonable. 天.2.73 天靈蓋 tian-lirng-gaih, n., the crown of the head. 天.2.74 天祿 tian-luh, n., (1) a fabulous creature in anc. sculptures; 天.2.75 天祿 tian-luh, n., (2) anc. idea of official rank in heaven. 天.2.75 天倫 tian-lurn, n., the natural bonds and relationships of men, esp. the bonds of family: 天倫之樂 the happiness of family reunion, happy home. 天.2.77 天門冬 tian-mern-dung, n., (bot.) Asparagus lucidus. 天.2.78 天命 tian-mihng, n., fate, destiny, God’s will: 受天之命 divine mandate, a king rules by the grace of God. 天.2.79 天幕 tian-muh, n., awning over open space; 天.2.80 天幕 tian-muh, n., painted backdrop of stage, indicating open space. 天.2.81 天南星 tian-narn-shing, n., (bot.) jack-in-the-pulpit, Arisaema serratum. 天.2.82 天牛 tian-niour, n., a class of beetles with very long feelers, Apriona rugicollis. 天.2.83 天雿H tian-pauh-chuang, n., (med.) pemphigus, an infection with blisters on skin. 天.2.84 天棚 tian-perng, n., awning of cloth or bamboo. 天.2.85 天平 tian-(’)pirng, n., weighing scales. 天.2.86 天壤 tian-raang, n.,as in 天壤之別 wide difference (as distance between the sky and the earth). 天.2.87 天然 tian-rarn, adj. & adv., natural, not artificial; 天.2.88 天然 tian-rarn, adj. & adv., naturally, of course. 天.2.89 天人 tian-rern, n., (1) nature and man: 天人合一 theory that man is integral part of nature; 天.2.90 天人 tian-rern, n., (2) a celestial being, an extraordinary beauty. 天.2.91 天日 tian-ryh, n., daylight; 天.2.92 天日 tian-ryh, n., 重見天日 release after imprisonment or great injustice; 天.2.93 天日 tian-ryh, n., 不見天日 living in darkness or dark oppression. 天.2.94 天色 tian-seh, n., time of the day, as judged by color of sky: 天色已晚 it is getting dark. 天.2.95 天生 tian-sheng, adj., born: 天生才子 born great artist, a genius. 天.2.96 天神 tian-shern, n., celestial spirit. 天.2.97 天險 tian-shiaan, n., natural defense, such as high mountains, cliffs, etc. 天.2.98 天下 tian-shiah, n., the world: 今日的天下 the world today; 天.2.99 天下 tian-shiah, n., 天下的人 all people in the world; 天.2.100 天下 tian-shiah, n., anciently used to denote China. 天.2.101 天線 tian-shiahn, n., antenna. 天.2.102 天象 tian-shiahng, n., natural phenomena, esp. in the skies; 天.2.103 天象 tian-shiahng, n., the heavenly bodies. 天.2.104 天仙 tian-shian, n., fairy: 美若天仙 beautiful like a fairy; 天.2.105 天仙 tian-shian, n., 天仙果 tian-shian-guoo, n., (bot.) a kind of fig, Ficus erecta. 天.2.106 天香 tian-shiang, n., as in 國色天香 woman of great beauty; 天.2.107 天香 tian-shiang, n., 天香百合 tian-shiang-bair-her, n., (bot.) gold band lily, Lilium auratum. 天.2.108 天幸 tian-shihng1, n., rare luck. 天.2.109 天性 tian-shihng2, n., human nature, disposition (of wolves, foxes, villains, heroes, etc.). 天.2.110 天書 tian-shu, n., (1) Taoist writings; 天.2.111 天書 tian-shu, n., (2) imperial edict. 天.2.112 天數 tian-shuh, n., predestination. 天.2.113 天師 tian-shy, n., Taoist master. 天.2.114 天時 tian-shyr, n., weather. 天.2.115 天使 tian-shyy, n., angel. 天.2.116 天算 tian-suahn, n., short for 天文算術 astronomy and mathematics. 天.2.117 天堂 tian-tarng, n., heaven in religious sense. 天.2.118 天條 tian-tiaur, n., the laws of God in heaven. 天.2.119 天體 tian-tii, n., (1)heavenly body; 天.2.120 天體 tian-tii, n., (2) the nude: 天體運動 nudist movement; 天.2.121 天體 tian-tii, n., 天體營 nudist colony. 天.2.122 天庭 tian-tirng, n., (1) the forehead: 天庭飽滿 a full forehead; 天.2.123 天庭 tian-tirng, n., (2) anc., the imperial court. 天.2.124 天才 tian-tsair, n., (1) natural talent, aptitude; 天.2.125 天才 tian-tsair, n., (2) genius, very brilliant person. 天.2.126 天蠶 tian-tsarn, n., a wild species of silkworm. 天.2.127 天曹 tian-tsaur, n., celestial officials. 天.2.128 天災 tian-tzai, n., natural calamity; 天.2.129 天災 tian-tzai, n., act of God. 天.2.130 天擇 tian-tzer, n., natural selection in evolution: 物競天擇 survival of the fittest in natural selection. 天.2.131 天縱 tian-tzuhng, adj., as in 天縱之才 heroes, sages, especially gifted leaders of men. 天.2.132 天尊 tian-tzun, n., (Taoism) god, spirit. 天.2.133 天足 tian-tzur, n., unbound, “natural” feet. 天.2.134 天姿 tian-tzy1, n., beauty of looks. 天.2.135 天資 tian-tzy2, n., person’s natural endowment or intelligence (high, low). 天.2.136 天子 tian-tzyy, n., “the Son of Heaven,” designation of emperor. 天.2.137 天王星 tian-warng-shing, n., (astron.) Uranus. 天.2.138 天文 tian-wern, n., science of astronomy; 天.2.139 天文 tian-wern, n., 天文鏡 tian-wern-jihng, n., telescope; 天.2.140 天文 tian-wern, n., 天文臺 tian-wern-tair, n., astronomical observatory. 天.2.141 天演 tian-yaan, n., theory of evolution. 天.2.142 天閹 tian-yan, n., naturally impotent person. 天.2.143 天涯 tian-yar, n., the limits of the earth: 天涯海角 the four corners of the earth. 天.2.144 天意 tian-yih, n., god’s will. 天.2.145 天淵 tian-yuan, n., as in 天淵之別 great difference, as the sky is separated from ocean depths, see tian-raang↑. 天.2.146 天元 tian-yuarn1, n., anc. Chin. algebra. 天.2.147 天緣 tian-yuarn2, n., predestined friendship or marriage; 天.2.148 天緣 tian-yuarn2, n., predestination. 天.2.149 天宇 tian-yuu, n., the sky; 天.2.150 天宇 tian-yuu, n., the whole world; 天.2.151 天宇 tian-yuu, n., the capital of country. 耎.0 31.81 ruaan. [Cogn., 10D.81] 燹.0 31.81 shiaan. 燹.1 N.1 Wild fires: 兵燹之禍 the ravages of war. 更.0 31.82 geng (*gehng as adv.; *jing). 更.1 N.1 (1) A surname. 更.1 N.2 (2) (Also *jing) one of the five watches on a night: 三更半夜 about midnight; 更.1 N.3 更深夜漏 in the dead of night; 更.1 N.4 雞鳴五更 day break, dawn (lit., “when the cock crows at the last night watch”); 更.1 N.5 五更雞 chicken simmered for a whole night. 更.1 V.t.1 (1) To change, alter, modify: 更改,更動,更換 geng-gaai, geng-duhng, geng-’huahn↓; 更.1 V.t.2 變更 make changes in; 更.1 V.t.3 改弦更張 introduce reforms. 更.1 V.t.4 (2) Rotate, take turns at: 更番 geng-fan, 更代 geng-daih↓. 更.1 V.t.5 (3) Revise, correct, amend: 更正 geng-jehng, 更訂 geng-dihng. 更.1 V.t.6 (4) To experience: 更事 geng-shyh↓. 更.1 Adv.1 (1) (*gehng) Once more, over again, still further: 更上一層樓 go up a storey still higher. 更.1 Adv.2 (2) To a higher degree: vern. oft. 更加 gehng-jia↓; 更.1 Adv.3 更多 more; 更.1 Adv.4 更好 much better; 更.1 Adv.5 更難 more difficult; 更.1 Adv.6 更苦 more bitter or harder; 更.1 Adv.7 更使我為難 embarrass me so much the more; 更.1 Adv.8 更叫人不知如何是好 place one in an impossible fix. 更.2.1 更代 geng-daih, v.t., replace (s.o.) with another, take turns. 更.2.2 更迭 geng-dier, adv., in succession. 更.2.3 更訂 geng-dihng, v.t., revise (books, etc.). 更.2.4 更端 geng-duan, n., new beginning. 更.2.5 更動 geng-duhng, v.t., modify, change (personnel, post, texts, etc.). 更.2.6 更番 geng-fan, v.i., be assigned to duties by rotation. 更.2.7 更夫 geng-fu, n., a night watchman. 更.2.8 更改 geng-gaai, v.t., alter, change (dress, plans, etc.). 更.2.9 更鼓 geng-guu, n., a night watchman’s drum or clapper. 更.2.10 更換 geng-’huahn, v.t., replace, substitute, change (dress, position, regulations, etc.). 更.2.11 更張 geng-jang, v.t., as in 改絃更張 to reform (lit., restring musical instrument). 更.2.12 更正 geng-jehng, v.t., make corrections: 來函更正 letter to a newspaper editor to correct an inaccurate report. 更.2.13 更加 *gehng-jia, adv., as in 更加厲害 still worse; 更.2.14 更加 *gehng-jia, adv., 更加可憐 still more pitiful. 更.2.15 更漏 geng-louh, n., hourglass, a device for measuring time of the night watches. 更.2.16 更樓 geng-lour, n., a watch tower. 更.2.17 更名 geng-mirng, phr., to change one’s name. 更.2.18 更深 geng-shen, adv., late at night: 更深人靜 all is quiet in the dead of night. 更.2.19 更生 geng-sheng, v.t., as in 自力更生 put forth new life by one’s efforts. 更.2.20 更新 geng-shin, v.t. & n., renew, -al, renovate, -tion: 一元復始,萬象更新 with the beginning of another year, everything is fresh again; 更.2.21 更新 geng-shin, v.t. & n., 更新設備 (of industrial plants) renovate equipment and facilities. 更.2.22 更戍 geng-shuh, v.t., transfer garrison forces. 更.2.23 更事 geng-shyh, v.i., have experience of, be experienced: 少不更事 too young and inexperienced; 更.2.24 更事 geng-shyh, v.i., 更事未多 with little experience in practical affairs. 更.2.25 更始 gen-shyy, v.i., begin a new page: 與民更始 (pledge to) give the people a new deal. 更.2.26 更替 geng-tih, v.i. & t., to substitute, to change. 更.2.27 更頭 geng-tour, n., the time of a night watch; 更.2.28 更頭 geng-tour, n., 五更頭 at the fifth watch. 更.2.29 更次 geng-tsyh, n., as in 一個更次 a night watch (=tour↑). 更.2.30 更卒 geng-tzur, n., troops assigned to garrison duties by turns. 更.2.31 更衣 geng-yi, phr., to change dress. 更.2.32 更易 geng-yih, v.t., alter, change (plans, etc.). 夏.0 31.82 shiah (*jiah). 夏.1 N.1 (1) Summer: 夏季,夏天,夏日shiah-jih, shiah-tian, shiah-ryh↓; 夏.1 N.2 初夏 early summer; 夏.1 N.3 夏收 summer harvest; 夏.1 N.4 炎夏 hot summer; 夏.1 N.5 夏日可畏 of official superior who is a severe disciplinarian, compared to the summer sun, contrasted with 冬日可愛 the gentle superior like the pleasant sun of winter; 夏.1 N.6 “夏五,” “郭公” (LL) missing passages, from those in 左傳; 夏.1 N.7 夏蟲語冰 as a summer insect discusses ice—of one who talks what he knows nothing about. 夏.1 N.8 (2) The Shiah Dyn. (usu. wr. Hsia, 2205-1766 B.C.): 夏后 shiah-houh↓; 夏.1 N.9 夏朝,夏代,夏室 the Shiah Dyn.; 夏.1 N.10 夏禮 the rituals and institutions of Shiah Dyn. 夏.1 N.11 (3) 華夏 China; 夏.1 N.12 Chinese. 夏.1 N.13 (4) 夏國 anc. name of Bactria (also 大夏). 夏.1 N.14 (5) A surname. 夏.2.1 夏布 shiah-buh, n., fine linen. 夏.2.2 夏楚 *jiar-chuu-, n., a rod, a ferule for punishing pupils. 夏.2.3 夏后 Shiah-houh, n., usu. 夏后氏 name of royal house of Emperor Yuu (禹), founder of Shiah Dyn. 夏.2.4 夏正 shiah-jehng, n., the first month of the lunar year. 夏.2.5 夏節 shiah-jier, n., (1) the fifth day of fifth lunar month—the Dragon Boat Festival; 夏.2.6 夏節 shiah-jier, n., (2) summer solstice. 夏.2.7 夏季 shiah-jih, n., the summer season; 夏.2.8 夏季 shiah-jih, n., see shiah-lihng↓. 夏.2.9 夏至 shiah-jyh, n., summer solstice. 夏.2.10 夏曆 shiah-lih, n., the lunar calendar. 夏.2.11 夏令 shiah-lihng, n., summer season; 夏.2.12 夏令 shiah-lihng, n., 夏令會 summer conference; 夏.2.13 夏令 shiah-lihng, n., 夏令營 summer camp. 夏.2.14 夏眠 shiah-miarn, n., (of certain tropical insects) summer hibernation. 夏.2.15 夏日 shiah-ryh, n., summer day; 夏.2.16 夏日 shiah-ryh, n., summer sun. 夏.2.17 夏天 shiah-tian, n., summer, summer days. 憂.0 31.82 you. 憂.1 N.1 (1) Sorrow, anxiety, concern: 消憂,解憂 to dissipate sorrow; 憂.1 N.2 忘憂 forget one’s sorrow; 憂.1 N.3 隱憂 secret worry; 憂.1 N.4 憂苦 affliction. 憂.1 N.5 (2) Parents’ funeral: 丁憂 compulsory retirement from public life during parents’ mourning. 憂.1 V.t.1 To be concerned for: 憂國,憂民 be concerned, worried, for the country, for the people. 憂.1 Adj.1 Sorrowful, anxious, concerned: 憂愁,憂慮 you-’chour, you-’lyuh↓. 憂.2.1 憂愁 you-’chour, n. & adj., sorrow, -ful, sad, -ness. 憂.2.2 憂憤 you-fehn, adj. & n., angry, anger, exasperated, -tion. 憂.2.3 憂患 you-huahn, n., disaster. 憂.2.4 憂懼 you-jyuh, n. & adj., fear and worry. 憂.2.5 憂慮 you-’lyuh, n., concern, worry. 憂.2.6 憂悶 you-mehn, adj., depressed, sad. 憂.2.7 憂傷 you-shang, adj. & n., grief, grieved. 憂.2.8 憂心 you-shin, n., sad heart. 憂.2.9 憂思 you-sy, n., worry, anxiety. 憂.2.10 憂悒 you-yih, adj., sad, disappointed. 憂.2.11 憂鬱 you-yuh, adj., vexed. 覆.0 31.82 fuh. 覆.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) To overturn: 傾覆 to overthrow (government); 覆.1 V.i. & t.2 顛覆 totter, about to fall, also v.t., to overthrow (government); 覆.1 V.i. & t.3 舟覆 ship overturns; 覆.1 V.i. & t.4 see 覆沒,覆輒 fuh-moh, fuh-cheh↓; 覆.1 V.i. & t.5 覆車之戒,前車覆,後車戒 (anc. proverb) overturned cart in front is warning for those behind; 覆.1 V.i. & t.6 覆盆之冤 dark injustice (like being under a overturned tub). 覆.1 V.i. & t.7 (2) Cover: 覆蓋 cover; 覆.1 V.i. & t.8 天之所覆,地之所載 what is under heaven and borne by the earth; 覆.1 V.i. & t.9 覆(醬)瓿 (modest) my worthless writing (“useful for covering condiment jars”). 覆.1 V.i. & t.10 (3) Pour out: 覆水難收 water poured on the ground cannot be recovered, said by husband unwilling to take back separated wife. 覆.1 V.i. & t.11 (4) To reply (unnecessary var. of 復): 答覆,覆信,回覆; 覆.1 V.i. & t.12 覆命 report on termination of assignment. 覆.1 Adv.1 Used like “re-” as prefix & vb., denoting “double check”: 覆查 re-examine; 覆.1 Adv.2 覆校 re-proof; 覆.1 Adv.3 覆核 double check on figures for budget, expenses; 覆.1 Adv.4 覆選 second election; 覆.1 Adv.5 覆審 re-examine case at court; 覆.1 Adv.6 覆考,覆試 re-examination, double tests. 覆.2.1 覆敗 fuh-baih, v.i., be defeated. 覆.2.2 覆車 fuh-che, n., a bird trap; 覆.2.3 覆車 fuh-che, n., an overturned cart. 覆.2.4 覆輒 fuh-cheh, n., route of overturned cart. 覆.2.5 覆滅 fuh-mieh, v.i., be defeated; 覆.2.6 覆滅 fuh-mieh, v.i., be see fuh-moh↓. 覆.2.7 覆沒 fuh-moh, v.i., (of ship) overturn: 全軍覆沒 whole army is drowned. 覆.2.8 覆盆子 fuh-pern-tz, n., (bot.) plant of rose family, Rubus tokkura. 覈.0 31.82 her. 覈.1 V.i. & t.1 See var. 核 10B.81 vb. 覈.1 Adj.1 Severe, penetrating: 深覈. 迂.0 31.83 yu. 迂.1 Adj.1 (1) Doctrinaire, dogmatic, abstruse, impractical: 迂闊,迂腐 yu-kuoh, yu-fuu↓. 迂.1 Adj.2 (2) Roundabout, remote (interch. 紆 93B.00), intricate: 迂曲,迂迴 yu-chyu, yu-hueir↓. 迂.2.1 迂氣 yu-’chi, adj., stubborn, unrealistic. 迂.2.2 迂曲 yu-chyu, adj., twisted, with many turns. 迂.2.3 迂誕 yu-dahn, adj., perverse, absurd and pretentious, bombastic. 迂.2.4 迂道 yu-dauh, adv., by roundabout path. 迂.2.5 迂夫子 yu-fu-tzyy, n., (contempt.) a cranky professor; 迂.2.6 迂夫子 yu-fu-tzyy, n., a person with encrusted opinions. 迂.2.7 迂腐 yu-fuu, adj., antiquated, reactionary, dogmatic (person, ideas), senile-minded. 迂.2.8 迂緩 yu-huaan, adj. slow, cumbersome (progress). 迂.2.9 迂迴 yu-hueir, adj., (road) twisting about. 迂.2.10 迂見 yu-jiahn, phr., impractical, doctrinaire opinion. 迂.2.11 迂久 yu-jioou, adj., a very long time. 迂.2.12 迂拙 yu-juor, adj., stupid and narrow-minded. 迂.2.13 迂滯 yu-jyh, adj., sluggish. 迂.2.14 迂直 yu-jyr, adj., stubborn and simple-minded (opinion). 迂.2.15 迂拘 yu-jyu, adj., dogmatic, impractical. 迂.2.16 迂 yu-kuoh, adj., abstruse, unrealistic. 迂.2.17 迂陋 yu-louh, adj., vulgar and uninformed. 迂.2.18 迂路 yu-luh, n., see yu-dauh↑. 迂.2.19 迂論 yu-luhn, n., bombastic talk or opinion. 迂.2.20 迂儒 yu-rur, n., encrusted Confu. scholar. 迂.2.21 迂遠 yu-yuaan, adj., remote. 1ymcw10.0 31.83 naai. [Pop. & anc. var. of 遒 80.83] 1ymf7.0 31.83 huarn. [Pop. of 還 41D.83] 1ymlb7.0 31.83 yirng. [Abbr. of 迎 90.83] 逕.0 31.83 jihng. 逕.1 N.1 (Var. 徑) a footpath. 逕.1 Adv.1 Directly, freely, impulsively, see 徑 91B.30: 逕啟者 (phr. used in business letters) “This is to advise you that.…” 逐.0 31.83 jur. 逐.1 N.1 (1) To pursue: 追逐 pursue (fame, power, girl); 逐.1 N.2 逐鹿 jur-luh↓. 逐.1 N.3 (2) To drive out, expel: 驅逐 drive out; 逐.1 N.4 放逐 expel from country. 逐.1 Adj.1 Each: 逐一 each one; 逐.1 Adj.2 逐件 each piece; 逐.1 Adj.3 逐條 each article (of treaty) or item. 逐.1 Adv.1 Gradually, one by one: 逐漸 jur-jiahn↓. 逐.2.1 逐北 jur-boh, v.i., be defeated. 逐.2.2 逐臭 jur-chouh, v.i., run after “filth”—i.e., have strange hankerings or tastes, as flies like garbage. 逐.2.3 逐電 jur-diahn, adv., quick as lightning flash. 逐.2.4 逐漸 jur-jiahn, adv., gradually (grow, diminish, etc.). 逐.2.5 逐客令 jur-keh-lihng, n., as in 下逐客令 order guest unceremoniously to get out. 逐.2.6 逐鹿 jur-luh, phr., (allu.) 逐鹿中原 fight for the throne (lit., to see who gets the deer 鹿死誰手 in a deer hunt). 逐.2.7 逐末 jur-moh, n., as in 棄本逐末 run after the less important things, forgetting the important. 逐.2.8 逐日 jur-ryh, (1) adv., everyday; 逐.2.9 逐日 jur-ryh, (2) v.i., (LL) race with the sun (in speed). 逐.2.10 逐勝 jur-shehng, v.i., chase defeated enemy. 逐.2.11 逐勢 jur-shyh, v.i., to run after the rich and powerful. 逐.2.12 逐次 jur-tsyh, adv., (1) gradually; 逐.2.13 逐次 jur-tsyh, adv., (2) each time. 逐.2.14 逐一 jur-yi, adv., one by one. 逐.2.15 逐疫 jur-yih, v.i., perform rite to exorcise evil spirits. 遷.0 31.83 chian. 遷.1 V.i.1 (1) To move to another place: 遷移,遷徙,遷居 chian-yir, chian-shii, chian-jyu↓; 遷.1 V.i.2 遷入 move into (a new house); 遷.1 V.i.3 喬遷 celebration of moving to new house or official post; 遷.1 V.i.4 遷怒 chian-nuh↓. 遷.1 V.i.5 (2) To change, esp. slowly, to shift: 苟不教,性乃遷 a man’s nature changes for the worse if not properly taught. 遷.1 V.i.6 (3) (LL) to be appointed to a certain post: 升遷,遷調; 遷.1 V.i.7 also to be degraded or exiled: 遷謫,遷戍 chian-jer, chian-shuh↓. 遷.2.1 遷除 chian-chur, v.i., be appointed (to post, rank). 遷.2.2 遷調 chian-diauh, v.i., transfer to another post. 遷.2.3 遷鼎 chian-diing, n., change dynasty (allu., “transport sacrificial tripod,” symbol of royal rule). 遷.2.4 遷都 chian-du, v.i., to move capital. 遷.2.5 遷祔 chian-fuh, v.i., move grave to ancestral graveyard. 遷.2.6 遷化 chian-huah, v.i., (1) to change, deterioriate; 遷.2.7 遷化 chian-huah, v.i., (2) (Budd.) to die. 遷.2.8 遷換 chian-huahn, v.i.. to change (currency, location, etc.). 遷.2.9 遷謫 chian-jer, v.i., to go into exile. 遷.2.10 遷就 chian-jiouh, v.i., be accommodating, accept lower position or cheaper terms. 遷.2.11 遷居 chian-jyu, phr., to move into another house. 遷.2.12 遷怒 chian-nuh, phr., vent one’s anger on a third party. 遷.2.13 遷染 chian-raan, v.i. & t., to change in character; 遷.2.14 遷染 chian-raan, v.i. & t., be corrupted by (influence). 遷.2.15 遷善 chian-shahn, v.i., (LL) to reform one’s ways. 遷.2.16 遷徙 chian-shii, v.i. & t., cause (person, whole population) to, migrate, move away from original place of residence; 遷.2.17 遷徙 chian-shii, v.i. & t., to change residence. 遷.2.18 遷戍 chian-shuh, v.t., to exile (person), be exiled. 遷.2.19 遷次 chian-tsyh, (1) (LL) change of lodgings on journey; 遷.2.20 遷次 chian-tsyh, (2) promotion to higher post; 遷.2.21 遷次 chian-tsyh, (3) seasonal changes; 遷.2.22 遷次 chian-tsyh, (4) adv., hurriedly, disorderly. 遷.2.23 遷葬 chian-tzahng, phr., move graveyard to another place. 遷.2.24 遷延 chian-yarn, v.i., to dillydally, delay, procrastinate. 遷.2.25 遷移 chian-yir, v.i., remove, shift (place of residence, post, responsibility). 邇.0 31.83 eel. 邇.1 Adj.1 (LL) near: 親邇 go near; 邇.1 Adj.2 邇近 near; 邇.1 Adj.3 邇來 recently; 邇.1 Adj.4 遐邇 far and near. 跫.0 31.83 chyurng. 跫.1 Adj.1 (AC) descriptive of sound of footsteps: 跫跫,跫然. 甦.0 31.83 su. 甦.1 V.i.1 To wake up; 甦.1 V.i.2 to revive (also wr. 穌,蘇): 復甦 revive. 甦.2.1 甦醒 su-shiing, v.i., wake up from coma, stupor: 甦醒過來 recover from coma on unconsciousness. 耍.0 31.93 shuaa. 耍.1 V.i.1 To play for pastime: 玩耍 ditto; 耍.1 V.i.2 作耍 make a joke or do s.t. for pastime; 耍.1 V.i.3 好吃好耍 like to eat and to play; 耍.1 V.i.4 不是耍的 it is dangerous, not a joke. 耍.1 V.t.1 (1) To play (an act, a role, a trick), make (a gesture), show off: 耍把戲 shuar-baa-shih↓; 耍.1 V.t.2 耍手段,耍花槍 play a trick, show skill to confuse; 耍.1 V.t.3 耍花顗 ditto, also make a special flourish in painting or calligraphy; 耍.1 V.t.4 耍光棍 play the scoundrel; 耍.1 V.t.5 耍勢力 show off one’s power, use power to impress. 耍.1 V.t.6 (2) To gamble: 耍錢 shuaa-chiarn↓; 耍.1 V.t.7 把錢耍光了 gambled away all one’s money; 耍.1 V.t.8 耍家兒 shuaa-jia-’l↓. 耍.1 V.t.9 (3) To give a professional show: 耍刀 exhibit swordplay; 耍.1 V.t.10 耍拳腳 exhibit boxing; 耍.1 V.t.11 耍獅子 give a lion dance; 耍.1 V.t.12 耍猴子,耍狗熊 give a monkey, bear show. 耍.2.1 耍把戲 shuar-baa-shih, v.i., to play a trick; 耍.2.2 耍把戲 shuar-baa-shih, v.i., to give acrobatic or similar show. 耍.2.3 耍叉 shuaa-cha, v.i., to create trouble for s.o. 耍.2.4 耍錢 shuaa-chiarn, v.i., to gamble. 耍.2.5 耍骨頭 shuaa-gur-’tou, v.i., try to show off. 耍.2.6 耍滑 shuaa-huar, v.i., to play fast and loose. 耍.2.7 耍貨(兒) shuaa-huoh (’l), n., children’s toys. 耍.2.8 耍家兒 shuaa-jia-’l, n., a gambler (also 耍家子 shuaa-jia-tz). 耍.2.9 耍兒 shuaa-’l, n., gambling. 耍.2.10 耍臉子 shuar-liaan-tz, v.i., give an angry look. 耍.2.11 耍弄 shuaa-luhng, v.t., to make a fool of (s.o.). 耍.2.12 耍脾氣 shuaa-pir-’chi, v.i., indulge in fits of temper. 耍.2.13 耍頻(貧)嘴 shuaa-pirn-tzueei, v.i., love to gossip. 耍.2.14 耍人兒的 shuaa-rer-’l-’de, n., a labor hand. 耍.2.15 耍像兒 shuaa-shiahng-’l, v.i., to give a sign with a wink, nod, glance, etc. 耍.2.16 耍笑 shuaa-shiauh, v.i., to occupy time with jokes, tomfoolery. 耍.2.17 耍戲 shuaa-shih, v.t., v.t., to make a fool of. 耍.2.18 耍手藝 shuar-shoou-’yi, v.i., make a living by some skill. 耍.2.19 耍子 shuaa-tz, (1) n., (MC) a display of skill, a pastime; 耍.2.20 耍子 shuaa-tz, (2) v.i., to play, while away time. 耍.2.21 耍嘴皮子 shuar-tzueei-pir-tz, n., (coll.) professional clown or joker. 要.0 31.93 yauh (*yau). 要.1 N.1 Necessity, need, urgency: 必要 necessity; 要.1 N.2 沒有必要 there is no need; 要.1 N.3 主要 prime importance; 要.1 N.4 需要 need, necessity, also v.t., to need. 要.1 Vb. aux.1 (1) Want: 我要走 I want to go; 要.1 Vb. aux.2 他不要 he does not want (to, it). 要.1 Vb. aux.3 (2) Going to: 將要 ditto: (將)要下雨了 it is going to rain; 要.1 Vb. aux.4 天快要黑了 it is going to be dark soon. 要.1 Vb. aux.5 (3) Should: 你要知道,要小心 you should know, should be careful. 要.1 V.t.1 (1) To want (s. t.); 要.1 V.t.2 to demand or request: 我要他來 I want him to come; 要.1 V.t.3 這本書我要了 I have already requested for this book; 要.1 V.t.4 他要了去 he has requested and taken it away; 要.1 V.t.5 要得,要不得 yauh-der, yauh-’bu-’de↓. 要.1 V.t.6 (2) (*yau) (LL) to sum it up: 要之. 要.1 V.t.7 (3) (*yau) (a) Demand: 要求 yau-chiour↓; 要.1 V.t.8 (b) coerce: 要挾,要盟 yau-shier, yau-merng↓; 要.1 V.t.9 (c) (AC) ambush and capture on the way: 將要而殺之 was going to ambush and kill him. 要.1 Adj.1 Important: 要緊 yauh-jiin↓; 要.1 Adj.2 重要 important; 要.1 Adj.3 急要 urgent; 要.1 Adj.4 主要 of prime importance; 要.1 Adj.5 最要 most important; 要.1 Adj.6 至要 most important and do not forget; 要.1 Adj.7 要言不煩 an important statement need not be prolix. 要.1 Conj.1 If (=若, related): 要是 yauh-’shy↓; 要.1 Conj.2 要不然 yauh-’buh-rarn↓; 要.1 Conj.3 你要不來 if you don’t come; 要.1 Conj.4 要不,我們回去罷 if not, we’ll go back. 要.2.1 要隘 yauh-aih, n., strategic pass. 要.2.2 要便 yauh-biahn, adv., (MC) often, usually. 要.2.3 要不的 yauh-’bu-’de, (1) adv., extremely: 窮得要不的 unbearably poor; 要.2.4 要不的 yauh-’bu-’de, (2) phr., extremely bad: 這肉壞了要不的 this meat is spoilt, to be rejected. 要.2.5 要不然 yauh-’bu-rarn, phr., if not, otherwise (I refuse to go, etc.). 要.2.6 要強 yauh-chiarng, v.i., to want to forge ahead, be a success. 要.2.7 要求 *yau-chiour, v.i. & t., to demand, request (s.t., that). 要.2.8 要衝 yauh-chung, n., place which bears the brunt of attack; 要.2.9 要衝 yauh-chung, n., strategic area. 要.2.10 要道 yauh-dauh, n., (1) main route, highway; 要.2.11 要道 yauh-dauh, n., (2) important teaching. 要.2.12 要得 yauh-der (yauh-’de), adj., (Szechuan dial.) desirable, good; 要.2.13 要得 yauh-der (yauh-’de), adj., 要不得 (的) see yau-’bu-’de↑. 要.2.14 要點 yauh-diaan, n., important point. 要.2.15 要地 yauh-dih, n., important place, position. 要.2.16 要端 yauh-duan, n., important point. 要.2.17 要犯 yauh-fahn, n., chief culprit; 要.2.18 要犯 yauh-fahn, n., important convict. 要.2.19 要飯(兒)的 yauh-fahn (yauh-fah-’l)’de, n., a beggar. 要.2.20 要港 yauh-gaang, n., principal port. 要.2.21 要括 yauh-gua, v.i. & t., to summarize. 要.2.22 要乖乖 yauh-guai-guai, v.i., to kiss, see yauh-tzuee-’l↓. 要.2.23 要故 yauh-guh, n., serious business. 要.2.24 要公 yauh-gung, n., important official business. 要.2.25 要好 yauh-haau, v.i., be good friends with: 兩個人很要好 the two are very good to each other. 要.2.26 要害 yauh-haih, n., (1) vital part of body; 要.2.27 要害 yauh-haih, n., (2) vital area of defense. 要.2.28 要謊 yauh-huaang, v.i., (seller) asks fantastic price in preparation for haggling. 要.2.29 要賬 yauh-jahng, v.i., to ask for repayment. 要.2.30 要價兒 yauh-jiah-’l, n., the price offered for sale. 要.2.31 要件 yauh-jiahn, n., important items, articles, documents. 要.2.32 要近 yauh-jihn, n., (LL) those close to the ruling power. 要.2.33 要勁(兒) yauh-jihn (yauh-jieh-’l), n., strenuous effort. 要.2.34 要緊 yauh-jiin, adj., important: 不要緊 unimportant, never mind. 要.2.35 要津 yauh-jin, n., (LL) important road or avenue, esp. to success or power. 要.2.36 要擊 *yau-jir, v.t., to waylay and attack. 要.2.37 要著 yauh-juor, n., an important move step; 要.2.38 要著 yauh-juor, n., essential point (of book), prime aim. 要.2.39 要旨 yauh-jyy, n., essential point (of book), prime aim. 要.2.40 要口 yauh-koou, n., important point of entry or exit. 要.2.41 要臉 yauh-liaan, v.i., to care for “face”, also 要臉面; 要.2.42 要臉 yauh-liaan, v.i., 不要臉 shameless. 要.2.43 要領 (1) yauh-liing, n., main themes, main points of discussion: 不得要領 completely at sea; 要.2.44 要領 (1) yauh-liing, n., (2) (AC) also pr. (*yau-liing.), main point; 要.2.45 要領 (1) yauh-liing, n., 得全要領 (=腰領) keep head on shoulders, escape being dismembered. 要.2.46 要路 yauh-luh, n., vital route, esp. to power. 要.2.47 要略 yau-lyueh, n., a summary. 要.2.48 要買 *yau-maai, v.i., as in 要買人心 to win people’s hearts. 要.2.49 要盟 *yau-merng, v.i., to obtain treaty by threat of force. 要.2.50 要眇 *yau-miaau, adj., (AC) enticing, engaging. 要.2.51 要妙 *yau-miauh (yauh-miauh), adj., (AC) engaging, attractive. 要.2.52 要命 yauh-mihng, adv., desperately: 窮的要命 desperately poor; 要.2.53 要命 yauh-mihng, adv., 疼的要命 ghastly painful; 要.2.54 要命 yauh-mihng, adv., 要命鬼 (兒) (said of one’s child) a pest. 要.2.55 要目 yauh-muh, n., principal points. 要.2.56 要鬧 yauh-nauh, adj., busy (thoroughfare). 要.2.57 要人 yauh-rern, n., important person, V.I.P. 要.2.58 要塞 yauh-saih, n., vital area of defense, a fortress. 要.2.59 要項 yauh-shiahng, n., main items. 要.2.60 要挾 *yauh-shier, v.t., to coerce (person) by threat of force. 要.2.61 要是 yauh-’shy, conj., if (=若是). 要.2.62 要事 yauh-shyh, n., important business. 要.2.63 要素 yau-suh, n., main factor, essential element. 要.2.64 要菜 yauh-tsaih, v.i., (1) (sl.) assume airs; 要.2.65 要菜 yauh-tsaih, v.i., (2) to order food in restaurant. 要.2.66 要圖 yauh-tur, n., important plan. 要.2.67 要在 yauh-tzaih, phr., the important thing is. 要.2.68 要嘴兒 yauh-tzueei-’l, v.i., to make a kiss. 要.2.69 要嘴吃 yauh-tzueei-chy, phr., to ask for food like a glutton. 要.2.70 要聞 yauh-wern, n., summary of important news, headline stories of the day. 要.2.71 要務 yauh-wuh, n., important affairs. 要.2.72 要樣兒 yauh-yahng-’l, phr., care about putting on a good front. 要.2.73 要義 yauh-yih, n., essential points. 要.2.74 要因 yauh-yin, n., important cause. 娶.0 31.93 chyuu (re. pr. chyuh). 娶.1 V.t.1 (Of man) to marry (wife), cf. 嫁 (of woman) to marry (husband): 娶妻,娶媳婦兒 to take a wife (for son); 娶.1 V.t.2 婚娶,嫁娶 marriage; 娶.1 V.t.3 明媒正娶 legally marry; 娶.1 V.t.4 迎娶,娶過來,娶來了 marry a girl (“into the family”); 娶.1 V.t.5 再娶,續娶 re-marry a second wife. 娶.2.1 娶親 chyuu-chin, v.i., hold a wedding, marry: 娶親了沒有 is he married? 蚕.0 31.93 tsarn. [Pop. of 蠶 51.93] 蛩.0 31.93 chyurng. 蛩.1 N.1 (1) Locust. 蛩.1 N.2 (2) Cricket. 蛩.1 Adj.1 蛩蛩 (AC) worried, concerned. 琦.0 31A.00-1 chir. 琦.1 N.1 A fine jade. 琦.1 Adj.1 Admirable: 琦行 admirable conduct; 琦.1 Adj.2 琦瑋 admirable, distinguished. 玎.0 31A.00-3 ding. 玎.2.1 玎璫 ding-dang, adj., descriptive sound of jingling jade. 珂.0 31A.00-3 ke. 珂.1 N.1 (1) A white semi-precious stone. 珂.1 N.2 (2) A decoration on harness. 珂.2.1 珂羅版 ke-luor-baan, n., (translit.) collotype. 珂.2.2 珂雪 ke-shyuee, (LL) adj., snow-white. 瑜.0 31A.00-8 yur. [Usu. printed □] 瑜.1 N.1 Excellent jade or its luster: 瑕不掩瑜 the flaws do not detract from the jade’s essential beauty—blemishes do not detract man’s greatness; 瑜.1 N.2 瑕瑜俱見 see both its good and bad points. 瑜.2.1 瑜伽 yur-chier, n., yoga. 琤.0 31A.00-9 cheng. 琤.1 Adj.1 Descriptive of jangling (of jade), twanging (of string) gurgling (of flowing water). 珩.0 31A.00-9 herng. 珩.1 N.1 A horizontal piece of jade in dress. 琳.0 31A.01-1 lirn. 琳.2.1 琳琅 lirn-larng, (1) n., beautiful jade; 琳.2.2 琳琅 lirn-larng, n., sound of jade; 琳.2.3 琳琅 lirn-larng, (2) adj., resplendent: 琳琅滿目 (of multitude of beautiful things) dazzle the eye. 珠.0 31A.01-1 ju. 珠.1 N.1 (1) (ju-tz) A pearl, a bead: 珍珠 pearl; 珠.1 N.2 養珠 culture pearl; 珠.1 N.3 珠寶 ju-baau↓; 珠.1 N.4 珠簾 bead curtains; 珠.1 N.5 珠履 bead shoes; 珠.1 N.6 珠圓翠繞 surrounded by ladies decorated with pearls and jade; 珠.1 N.7 念珠 to finger the beads of rosary in prayer; 珠.1 N.8 珠圓玉潤 a round voice and jade-like skin; 珠.1 N.9 珠喉 a round feminine voice; 珠.1 N.10 魚目混珠 a fish eye passes as pearl. 珠.1 N.11 (2) A bead-like thing, eye pupil: 眼珠 eye pupil; 珠.1 N.12 有目無珠 “eye without pupil”—(derog.) of stupid people who do not know a good thing when they see it; 珠.1 N.13 淚珠 drops of tears; 珠.1 N.14 妙語如珠 pearls of wisdom, sparkling sayings; 珠.1 N.15 彈珠 playing marble. 珠.2.1 珠寶 ju-baau, n., jewelry: 珠寶店 jewelry shop; 珠.2.2 珠寶 ju-baau, n., 珠寶商 jeweller. 珠.2.3 珠蚌 ju-bahng, n., mother-of-pearl. 珠.2.4 珠粉 ju-feen, n., pearl powder, used as tonic. 珠.2.5 珠花 ju-hua, n. hair decoration of pearl. 珠.2.6 珠還 ju-huarn, phr., 珠還合浦 (allu.) restoration of pearl industry to place 合浦; 珠.2.7 珠還 ju-huarn, phr., (fig.) restoration of original condition; 珠.2.8 珠還 ju-huarn, phr., recovery of lost article. 珠.2.9 珠戶 ju-huh, n. pearl divers. 珠.2.10 珠璣 ju-ji1, n., pearl and jade; 珠.2.11 珠璣 ju-ji1, n., 滿腹珠璣 (fig.) sparkling ideas in writing. 珠.2.12 珠 ju-ji2, n., quail (also called 珍珠). 珠.2.13 珠江 ju-jiang, n., The Pearl River, the third longest in China. 珠.2.14 珠蘭 ju-larn, n., (bot.) tree with fragrant yellow bead-like seeds, Chloranthus inconspicuus, used for scenting tea. 珠.2.15 珠母 ju-muu, n., mother-of-pearl. 珠.2.16 珠算 ju-suahn, n., the abacus; 珠.2.17 珠算 ju-suahn, n., art of using it, dist. 筆算 arithmetic with pen or pencil. 珠.2.18 珠胎 ju-tai, n., human embryo in woman’s body. 珠.2.19 珠翠 ju-tsueih, n., pearls and jade decorations. 璨.0 31A.01-2 tsahn. 璨.1 Adj.1 Bright, scintillating (also wr. 燦). 璪.0 31A.01-4 tzaau. 璪.1 N.1 (AC) silk tassels threaded with jades hanging from a coronet. 璟.0 31A.01-4 jiing. 璟.1 N.1 The luster of gems. 琛.0 31A.01-6 chen. 琛.1 N.1 (LL) a treasure. 1mgnnc9.0 31A.01-9 jen. [Pop. of 珍 31A.91] 璅.0 31A.01-9 suoo. [Var. of 瑣 31A.80] 球.0 31A.02-1 chiour. 球.1 N.1 (1) (chiour-’l) A ball, a ball game: 足球 football; 球.1 N.2 籃球 basketball; 球.1 N.3 排球 volleyball; 球.1 N.4 網球 tennis; 球.1 N.5 羽毛球 badminton; 球.1 N.6 保齡球 bowling; 球.1 N.7 高爾夫球 golf; 球.1 N.8 棒球,壘球 baseball; 球.1 N.9 鉛球 shot put; 球.1 N.10 打球 play ball; 球.1 N.11 拍球 hit ball with racket; 球.1 N.12 踢球 kick ball; 球.1 N.13 滾球 dribble; 球.1 N.14 曲棍球 (短柄) hockey; 球.1 N.15 (長柄) lacrosse. 球.1 N.16 (2) A sphere: 地球 the globe, the earth: 球半徑 chiour-bahn-jihng, 球面 chiour-miahn↓; 球.1 N.17 日球,月球 the sun, the moon; 球.1 N.18 星球 a star; 球.1 N.19 花球,綵球 a silk festoon; 球.1 N.20 繡球 an embroidered ball. 球.1 N.21 (3) (AC) jade; 球.1 N.22 jadestone of a certain musical pitch (玉磬). 球.2.1 球半徑 chiour-bahn-jihng, n., (math.) radius. 球.2.2 球 chiour-chaang, n., football field; 球.2.3 球 chiour-chaang, n., basketball, handball or tennis court, baseball diamond. 球.2.4 球隊 chiour-dueih, n., a ball team. 球.2.5 球房 chiour-farng, n., a poolroom. 球.2.6 球竿 chiour-gan, n., hockey stick, golf club. 球.2.7 球根 chiour-gen, n., bulbous root of a plant. 球.2.8 球徑 chiour-jihng, n., diameter. 球.2.9 球莖 chiour-jing, n., bulbous underground stalk. 球.2.10 球面 chiour-miahn, n., (math.) surface of sphere. 球.2.11 球迷 chiour-mir, n., a ball game (baseball, etc.) fan. 球.2.12 球拍 chiour-pai, n., a racket. 球.2.13 球賽 chiour-saih, n., a ball match. 球.2.14 球鞋 chiour-shier, n., tennis shoes; 球.2.15 球鞋 chiour-shier, n., other shoes or boots for games. 球.2.16 球心 chiour-shin, n., (math.) center of sphere. 球.2.17 球形 chiour-shirng, n., spheroid; 球.2.18 球形 chiour-shirng, adj., spherical. 球.2.19 球衣 chiour-yi, n., jacket for different games (as tennis, etc.). 球.2.20 球員 chiour-yuarn, n., player of a ball team. 璩.0 31A.02-2 chyur. 璩.1 N.1 (1) (AC) an earring. 璩.1 N.2 (2) A surname. 琢.0 31A.02-3 juor. 琢.1 V.t.1 To chisel, to grind, esp. jade; 琢.1 V.t.2 琢玉 grind jade; 琢.1 V.t.3 雕琢 to chisel and carve, also to embellish unnecessarily; 琢.1 V.t.4 雕章琢句 write in ornate style. 琢.2.1 琢磨 juor-mor, v.i., to polish by slow painful work; 琢.2.2 琢磨 juor-mor, v.i.,to mold and polish character; 琢.2.3 琢磨 juor-mor, v.i.,to study by hard grind. 環.0 31A.02-4 huarn. 環.1 N.1 (1) A bracelet: 玉環 jade bracelet. 環.1 N.2 (2) A ring-shaped object of any material; 環.1 N.3 耳環 earring. 環.1 N.4 (3) A surname. 環.1 Adv.1 Around: 環遊世界 tour around the world; 環.1 Adv.2 環拜 to make a circling movement and bow to all guests; 環.1 Adv.3 環列 stand around; 環.1 Adv.4 環視 look around gen. situation; 環.1 Adv.5 環堵 surrounding walls; 環.1 Adv.6 環堵蕭然 in a cold, bare room; 環.1 Adv.7 燕瘦環肥 of two anc. beauties, 趙飛燕 was thin, and 楊玉環 (貴妃) was plump. 環.2.1 環球 huarn-chiour, adj. & adv., around the world (also wr. 寰). 環.2.2 環海 huarn-haai, adv., (1) along the coast; 環.2.3 環海 huarn-haai, adv., (2) within the encircling seas. 環.2.4 環境 huarn-jihng, n., environment, material background: 環境不同 one’s background is different; 環.2.5 環境 huarn-jihng, n., 環境關係 factors of environment. 環.2.6 環佩 huarn-peih, n., formerly, jade hangings on girdle. 環.2.7 環繞 huarn-rauh, adv., circle round: 環繞一週 circle round once. 1mgywv20.0 31A.02-6 guei. [Interch. 瑰] 1mgywv20.1 N.1 A Precious stone: 1mgywv20寶. 琅.0 31A.02-6 larng. [Pop. 瑯] 琅.1 N.1 A surname. 琅.2.1 琅當(璫) larng-dang, n., (1) (=鋃鐺) fetters, shackles: 琅璫入獄 be fettered and thrown into prison; 琅.2.1 琅當(璫) larng-dang, n., (2) a tinkling sound. 琅.2.2 琅玕 larng-gan, n., a kind of white carnelian. 琅.2.3 琅琅 larng-larng, n., a tinkling sound. 1mghhe19.0 31A.02-9 lir. [Var. of 璃 31A.42] 琫.0 31A.10-1 beeng. 琫.1 N.1 (AC) decoration on knife carried on girdle. 瑋.0 31A.10-2 weei. 瑋.1 N.1 Valuable jade: 瑋玉 rare treasure. 璘.0 31A.10-2 lirn. 璘.1 N.1 Luster of jade. 玕.0 31A.10-3 gan. 玕.1 N.1 See 琅^玕 31A.02 珥.0 31A.10-3 eel. 珥.1 N.1 (1) Earring of jade, pearl or similar decorations. 珥.1 N.2 (2) (AC) writing brush, sable tail , etc. stuck on side of hat. 璋.0 31A.10-6 jang. 璋.1 N.1 An anc. jade ornament; 璋.1 N.2 a jade plaything: 弄璋 (LL, from AC allu.) give birth to a boy (given jade to play with; if a girl, given tile to play with). 珪.0 31A.11-1 guei. 珪.1 N.1 Anc. form of 圭. 瑾.0 31A.11-2 jiin (also jihn). 瑾.1 N.1 A beautiful gem. 璀.0 31A.11-2 tsueei. 璀.2.1 璀璨 tsueei-tsahn, adj., lustrous, gleaming (jade, pearls, etc.). 璀.2.2 璀璀 tsueir-tsueei, adj., ditto. 玨.0 31A.11-3 jyuer. [Var. 滘 玨.1 N.1 Two joined pieces of jade. 理.0 31A.11-4 lii. 理.1 N.1 (1) Reason, what is right, reasonable, and proper: 道理 reason; 理.1 N.2 天理 divine law, law of nature; 理.1 N.3 公理 justice; 理.1 N.4 情理 justifiablility, reasonableness; 理.1 N.5 不近情理 unreasonable; 理.1 N.6 合理 conforming to reason; 理.1 N.7 講理 reasonable in speech or action, to weigh the pros and cons; 理.1 N.8 入情入理 perfectly logical and reasonable; 理.1 N.9 無理取鬧 refuse to listen to reason; 理.1 N.10 理直氣壯 selfconfident on the strength of one’s being right; 理.1 N.11 理所當然,理當如此 it’s only right and proper; 理.1 N.12 不可理喻 will not listen to reason; 理.1 N.13 據理力爭 try to convince one’s opponent with an argument; 理.1 N.14 理屈詞窮 have nothing more to say on realizing one’s own shaky stand; 理.1 N.15 理虧 (of actions, arguments, etc.) indefensible; 理.1 N.16 理短 ditto; 理.1 N.17 於理不合 improper and unreasonable; 理.1 N.18 理應,理合 duty-bound, as a matter of course, the proper course to take is…; 理.1 N.19 理由 lii-your↓; 理.1 N.20 原理 basic principles; 理.1 N.21 定理 axioms. 理.1 N.22 (2) Line, grain, vein, line of thought: 條理 logical arrangement; 理.1 N.23 條理分明 (writing) clearly arranged; 理.1 N.24 有條有理 properly and logically arranged, orderly; 理.1 N.25 分理 proper disposition; 理.1 N.26 肌理 skin texture; 理.1 N.27 腠理 ditto; 理.1 N.28 紋理 veins, wood grain, arrangement of lines and curves; 理.1 N.29 文理 literary style, diction; 理.1 N.30 文理清順 reads smoothly. 理.1 N.31 (3) The rationale of things: 物理 (學) physics; 理.1 N.32 事理 the wherefore and why of things; 理.1 N.33 學理 academic theories; 理.1 N.34 心理 (學) a mental state; 理.1 N.35 心理學 psychology; 理.1 N.36 地理 geography; 理.1 N.37 論理 logic; 理.1 N.38 倫理 ethics; 理.1 N.39 理學 lii-shyuer↓. 理.1 N.40 (4) The natural sciences: 理科 lii-ke, 理工 lii-gung↓. 理.1 N.41 (5) (AC) prison official, a judicial officer. 理.1 N.42 (6) A surname. 理.1 V.t.1 (1) Take notice of, pay attention to: 不理 ignore; 理.1 V.t.2 不要理他 take no notice of him; 理.1 V.t.3 要理不理 attend to (person, duty) halfheartedly; 理.1 V.t.4 理會 lii-hueih↓. 理.1 V.t.5 (2) To polish (gems), hence, to clean up, regulate, arrange, repair, put in proper order, manage: 修理 to mend; 理.1 V.t.6 (sl.) (of police methods) to give s.o. the works; 理.1 V.t.7 清理 clear up (desk, drawer, room, books, etc.); 理.1 V.t.8 整理 readjust, rearrange; 理.1 V.t.9 自理 take care of (s.t.) oneself; 理.1 V.t.10 理髮 lii-faa↓; 理.1 V.t.11 理頭髮 to comb hair; 理.1 V.t.12 梳理 (lit.) to comb hair, (fig.) straighten out or arrange (things, data) in proper order; 理.1 V.t.13 理東西 clean up things; 理.1 V.t.14 理書包 clean up the book bag (of a schoolchild); 理.1 V.t.15 理行李 pack up baggage; 理.1 V.t.16 理理屋子 to tidy up the rooms a bit; 理.1 V.t.17 理衣服 adjust clothing. 理.1 V.t.18 (3) To manage: 理喪事 manage a funeral; 理.1 V.t.19 理財 lii-tsair↓; 理.1 V.t.20 處理 deal or cope with; 理.1 V.t.21 治理 to rule or manage; 理.1 V.t.22 署理,代理 act for (s.o.); 理.1 V.t.23 辦理 do, carry out; 理.1 V.t.24 掌理 be in control of; 理.1 V.t.25 管理 manage; 理.1 V.t.26 監理 supervise; 理.1 V.t.27 (總)經理 (general) manage(r); 理.1 V.t.28 綜理 oversee; 理.1 V.t.29 總理 exercise general supervision over, a director general, premier; 理.1 V.t.30 助理 an assistant; 理.1 V.t.31 副理 a deputy manager; 理.1 V.t.32 襄理 an assistant manager; 理.1 V.t.33 協理 a deputy assistant manager; 理.1 V.t.34 理事 lii-shyh↓. 理.1 V.t.35 (4) To review, go over (lessons): 理書 review the lessons; 理.1 V.t.36 理一理功課 review the school work. 理.1 V.t.37 (5) Realize, appreciate, understand: 理會,理解 lii-hueih, lii-jiee↓. 理.1 Adj.1 Orderly, well-regulated: 則天下理焉 (AC) then the country will be well-governed. 理.2.1 理兒 liee-’l, n., reason: 說不出理兒來 cannot explain the reason why. 理.2.2 理髮 lir-faa, (1) v.i., to cut hair; 理.2.3 理髮 lir-faa, (2) n., haircut: 理髮師,理髮匠 a barber, hairdresser; 理.2.4 理髮 lir-faa, n., 理髮店 a barbershop; 理.2.5 理髮 lir-faa, n., beauty salon. 理.2.6 理工 lii-gung, n., (departments, schools of) science and engineering. 理.2.7 理化 lii-huah, (1) n., physics and chemistry; 理.2.8 理化 lii-huah, (2) v.i., (LL) to govern and educate the people. 理.2.9 理會 lii-hueih, v.t., (1) realize, appreciate, be clear about, understand (a situation, explanation); 理.2.10 理會 lii-hueih, v.t., (2) pay attention to, receive (a visitor or friend): 不加理會 ignore (s.o. or s.t.); 理.2.11 理會 lii-hueih, v.t., 別理會他 don’t pay any attention to him; 理.2.12 理會 lii-hueih, v.t., 他一點也不理會 he doesn’t heed it at all; 理.2.13 理會 lii-hueih, v.t., (3) take care of, deal with, arbitrate or mediate, take measures or steps to; 理.2.14 理會 lii-hueih, v.t., (4) (AC) conform to. 理.2.15 理家 lii-ja, v.i., manage domestic affairs: 她很會理家 she is a very good housewife. 理.2.16 理障 lii-jahng, n., (Budd.) hindrances to truth. 理.2.17 理解 lir-jiee, n. & v.t., apprehend, -sion, comprehend, -sion. 理.2.18 理智 lii-jyh1, n. & adj., the rational (faculty) esp. as opp. 情感 emotions. 理.2.19 理致 lii-jyh2, n., interesting point or development. 理.2.20 理科 lii-ke, n., the physical sciences. 理.2.21 理亂 lii-luahn, (1) n. order or lack of it; 理.2.22 理亂 lii-luahn, (2) v.i., bring order out of chaos. 理.2.23 理路 lii-luh, n., the logical sequence of things of events: 理路分明 clear line of reasoning. 理.2.24 理論 lii-luhn, (1) n., theorizing, theories (opp. 實驗,實行 experimentation, practical application): 理論上 theoretically; 理.2.25 理論 lii-luhn, n., 空談理論 empty speculation; 理.2.26 理論 lii-luhn, n., 理論與事實相左 conflict between theory and practice; 理.2.27 理論 lii-luhn, n., 理論化學 theoretical chemistry; 理.2.28 理論 lii-luhn, n., 理論科學 theoretical sciences; 理.2.29 理論 lii-luhn, (2) v.i., argue, debate, discuss: 我要和他理論 I’ll have to straighten out the matter with him. 理.2.30 理門(兒) lii-mern (lii-mer-’l), n., formerly, a sect against opium and drinking. 理.2.31 理想 lir-shiaang, n. & adj., ideal: 理想與事實 ideal and reality; 理.2.32 理想 lir-shiaang, n. & adj., 理想主義 idealism; 理.2.33 理想 lir-shiaang, n. & adj., 理想家 an idealist; 理.2.34 理想 lir-shiaang, n. & adj., 理想化 to idealize; 理.2.35 理想 lir-shiaang, n. & adj., 理想上 in theory, ideally; 理.2.36 理想 lir-shiaang, n. & adj., 合乎理想 be ideal; 理.2.37 理想 lir-shiaang, n. & adj., 最理想的人物 most ideal choice for the job; 理.2.38 理想 lir-shiaang, n. & adj., 真太理想了 really perfect, ideal. 理.2.39 理性 lii-shihng, n., (1) rational faculty; 理.2.40 理性 lii-shihng, n., (2) reasonableness. 理.2.41 理事 lii-shyh, (1) n., a director (of firm, organization); 理.2.42 理事 lii-shyh, n., 理事會 board of directors; 理.2.43 理事 lii-shyh, n., 理事長 chairman of the board (of directors); 理.2.44 理事 lii-shyh, (2) v.t., to direct (business operations, etc.). 理.2.45 理學 lii-shyuer, n., (1) the moral theories of the Suhng Neo-Confucian scholars; 理.2.46 理學 lii-shyuer, n., (2) 理學士 a bachelor of science. 理.2.47 理睬 lir-tsaai, v.t., take notice of, pay attention to, heed the presence of (s.o.). 理.2.48 理財 lii-tsair, v.i., administer financial affairs: 理財家 a financier. 理.2.49 理由 lii-your, n., reasons, arguments for or against: 說不出理由 cannot give the reason; 理.2.20 理由 lii-your, n., 發展的理由 reason for the development. 斑.0 31A.11-6 ban. [Dist. 班↓] 斑.1 N.1 A spot (on leopard’s skin); 斑.1 N.2 窺見一斑 see segment of a whole. 斑.1 Adj.1 Motley-colored, spotted: 斑色 variegated colored; 斑.1 Adj.2 斑鬢 grey haired, grey-templed. 斑.2.1 斑斑 ban-ban, adj., spotted; 斑.2.2 斑斑 ban-ban, adj., of variegated design. 斑.2.3 斑白,斑駁 ban-bor, adj., motley, chopped in appearance. 斑.2.4 斑點 ban-diaan, n., spots, dots. 斑.2.5 斑疹 ban-jeen, n. , a kind of measles. 斑.2.6 斑鳩 ban-jiou, n., turtledove. 斑.2.7 斑竹 ban-jur, n., bamboo bearing black spots. 斑.2.8 斑斕 ban-larn, adj., of variegated colors; 斑.2.9 斑斕 ban-larn, adj., rich in hues. 斑.2.10 斑馬 ban-maa, n., zebra. 斑.2.11 斑蝥 ban-maur, (also wr. □蝥,班貓) n., Cicindela chinensis, a poisonous striped fly, the Chinese cantharis. 斑.2.12 斑銅礦 ban-turng-kuahng, n., (min.) bornite. 斑.2.13 斑紋 ban-wern, n., striped pattern, wood grain. 班.0 31A.11-9 ban. [Dist. 斑] 班.1 N.1 (1) Class in school, workers’ team: 高班,低班 upper class, lower class; 班.1 N.2 早班,晚班,夜班 morning, afternoon, night class. 班.1 N.3 (2) Scheduled unit of work: 輪班 on duty by turn; 班.1 N.4 排班 arrange(d) team of work; 班.1 N.5 這班機 this flight (of airplane), 這班火車 this train; 班.1 N.6 下班 next flight, train; 班.1 N.7 班次 number of train or flight; 班.1 N.8 站班,值班 on duty. 班.1 N.9 (3) A surname: 班門弄斧 phr., (derog.) foolish display of wooden axe in front of famous carpenter’s (魯班) home. 班.1 V.t.1 (1) To call back troops: 班師. 班.1 V.t.2 (2) To spread about: 班荊道故 (AC allu.) spread on the grass and chat of old times. 班.2.1 班班 ban-ban, (AC) adj., in good order; 班.2.2 班班 ban-ban, n., (AC) rumble of carts. 班.2.3 班駁 ban-bor, adj., grey (hair); 班.2.4 班駁 ban-bor, adj., motley-colored; 班.2.5 班駁 ban-bor, adj., chopped in appearance (paint, bark) (also 斑白,頒白). 班.2.6 班輩 ban-beih, n., rank, status seniority. 班.2.7 班禪 Ban-charn, n., the Panchan Lama (of Tibet). 班.2.8 班底(兒) ban-dii (’l), n., the supporting cast in play; 班.2.9 班底(兒) ban-dii (’l), n., inner group of people to assist political leader. 班.2.10 班房 ban-farng, n., employee’s quarters in office of high officials (for transmission of messages, etc.). 班.2.11 班長 ban-jaang, n., leader of class; 班.2.12 班長 ban-jaang, n., patrol leader. 班.2.13 班級 ban-jir, n., school class. 班.2.14 班子 ban-tz, n., actors of one troupe (戲班). 班.2.15 班位 ban-weih, n., scheduled or arranged order (of seating, etc.). 瑤.0 31A.21-9 yaur. 瑤.1 N.1 Fine jade: 瑤琴 jade-decorated stringed instrument. 瑤.1 Adj.1 (1) White like jade. 瑤.1 Adj.2 (2) Much valued: 瑤函,瑤箋 your esteemed letter. 瑤.1 Adj.3 (3) Associated with fairyland or abode of immortals: 瑤臺,瑤草,瑤池 yaur-tair, yaur-tsaau, yaur-chyr↓. 瑤.2.1 瑤池 Yaur-chyr, n., abode of immortals, associated with mythical 西王母 fairy mother goddess. 瑤.2.2 瑤華 yaur-hua, (1) n., pure jade; 瑤.2.2 瑤華 yaur-hua, (2) adj., (AC) pure, glistening like jade; 瑤.2.2 瑤華 yaur-hua, esteemed. 瑤.2.3 瑤臺 yaur-tair, n., jade terrace, esp. of immortals. 瑤.2.4 瑤草 yaur-tsaau, n., a plant of fairyland. 1mgmf8.0 31A.22-3 huarn. [Abbr. of 環 31A.02] 瑯.0 31A.22-6 larng. [Pop. of. 琅] 瑯.1 N.1 琺^瑯 (pr. larn) 31A.93. 瑳.0 31A.30-8 tsuoo. 瑳.1 Adj.1 (AC) lustrous (jade); 瑳.1 Adj.2 fresh, bright, smiling. 玷.0 31A.40-2 diahn. 玷.1 N.1 A flaw in jade, in character. 玷.1 V.i.1 To disgrace: 沾污,沾辱 diahn-wu, diahn-ruu↓. 玷.2.1 沾辱 diahn-ruu (diahn-ruh), v.t., to besmear (person’s reputaion); 玷.2.1 沾辱 diahn-ruu (diahn-ruh), v.t., to humiliate. 玷.2.2 沾污 diahn-wu, v.t., to besmear, cast a stain upon character; 玷.2.2 沾污 diahn-wu, v.t., humiliate (a virgin). 璐.0 31A.40-4 luh. 璐.1 N.1 A kind of jade. 琀.0 31A.40-8 hahn. 琀.1 N.1 Jade kept in mouth of a dead person when buried. 瑲.0 31A.40-8 chiang. 瑲.2.1 瑲瑲 chiang-chiang, adj., descriptive of jingling sound of jade. 珞.0 31A.40-9 luoh. 珞.1 N.1 See 瓔^珞 31A.93. 璿.0 31A.41-2 shyuarn. [Var. of 璇 31A.83] 璫.0 31A.41-2 dang. 璫.1 N.1 (1) Jewelry, esp. earring: 耳璫. 璫.1 N.2 (2) Eunuch, from 貂璫 eunuchs’ gold headdress. 1mgmlw15.0 31A.41-3 liour. [Var. of 琉 31A.70] 瑁.0 31A.41-4 meih. 瑁.1 N.1 (1) (AC) ceremonial jade. 瑁.1 N.2 (2) 玳瑁 daih-meih, tortoise shell. 珀.0 31A.41-9 poh. 珀.1 N.1 See 琥^珀 31A.70. 瑙.0 31A.41-9 naau. 瑙.1 N.1 瑪^瑙 See 31A.50. 瑚.0 31A.42-1 hur. 瑚.1 N.1 See 珊^瑚 31A.42. 瑚.2.1 瑚璉 hur-liarn, n., (AC) vessels of grain at ancestral temple; 瑚.2.2 瑚璉 hur-liarn, n., hence 瑚璉之器 (AC) a person of high caliber. 瑞.0 31A.42-2 rueih. 瑞.1 N.1 (1) A jade tablet used as a token of authourity and good faith in anc. times. 瑞.1 N.2 (2) A good omen: 祥瑞 a happy omen; 瑞.1 N.3 吉瑞 signs of good luck; 瑞.1 N.4 人瑞 a venerable old man (woman), usu. a benefactor of mankind. 瑞.1 Adj.1 Auspicious: 瑞兆 auspicious portents; 瑞.1 Adj.2 瑞雪 rueih-shyuee↓; 瑞.1 Adj.3 瑞氣 celestial phenomena portending peace and prosperity. 瑞.2.1 瑞典 Rueih-diaan, n., Sweden. 瑞.2.2 瑞符 rueih-fur, n., (AC) a tally used for ordering troop movements. 瑞.2.3 瑞禾 rueih-her, n., auspicious cluster of rice (also 嘉禾). 瑞.2.4 瑞麥 rueih-maih, n., auspicious tassels of wheat. 瑞.2.5 瑞腦 rueih-naau, n., (med.) Borneo camphor (also 冰片,瑞龍腦). 瑞.2.6 瑞相 rueih-shiahng, n., (1) (Phrenology) facial signs portending good luck or luck in gen.; 瑞.2.7 瑞相 rueih-shiahng, n., (2) (Budd.) auspicious signs. 瑞.2.8 瑞仙桃 rueih-shian-taur, n., (bot.) the peach, Prunus persica. 瑞.2.9 瑞香 rueih-shiang, n., (bot.) the winter daphne, Daphne odora. 瑞.2.10 瑞士 Rueih-shyh, n., Switzerland. 瑞.2.11 瑞雪 rueih-shyuee, n., (1) (euphem.) winter snow; 瑞.2.12 瑞雪 rueih-shyuee, n., (2) (Chin. med.) roots of Tricho-santhes japonica. 瑞.2.13 瑞草 rueih-tsaau, n., a grass which, owing to its rarity, is regarded as a lucky portent. 珊.0 31A.42-4 shan. 珊.2.1 珊篤寧 shan-duh-nirng, n., (translit.) santonin. 珊.2.2 珊瑚 shan-hur, n., coral; 珊.2.3 珊瑚 shan-hur, n., 珊瑚島 coral island; 珊.2.4 珊瑚 shan-hur, n., 珊瑚礁 coral reef. 琱.0 31A.42-4 diau. 琱.1 V.i. & t.1 To carve (jade), (AC var. of 雕). 璃.0 31A.42-6 lir. [Var. □] 璃.1 N.1 See 琉^璃 31A.70; 璃.1 N.2 玻^璃 31A.82. 1mgqmi13.0 31A.50-1 daih. [Var. of 玳 31A.71] 瑪.0 31A.50-5 maa. 瑪.2.1 瑪瑙 mar-naau, n., (min.) agate, cornelian. 琇.0 31A.50-9 shiouh. 琇.1 N.1 A jade-like stone. 玲.0 31A.63-8 lirng. [Usu. printed as 玲] 玲.1 Adj.1 Sound of jade, see comp.↓. 玲.2.1 玲瓏 lirng-lurng, adj., (1) (also 玲玲 lirng-lirng, 玲玎 lirng-ding, 玲琅 lirng-larng) all descriptive of jangling of jade; 玲.2.2 玲瓏 lirng-lurng, adj., (2) (of art objects) 玲瓏可愛,小巧玲瓏 lovely, cleverly carved; 玲.2.3 玲瓏 lirng-lurng, adj., (of persons) small and pretty; 玲.2.4 玲瓏 lirng-lurng, adj., 心竅玲瓏 very bright-minded. 珧.0 31A.70-2 yaur. 珧.1 N.1 See 江^珧63A.30. 琥.0 31A.70-2 huu. 琥.2.1 琥珀 huu-poh, n., amber. 玩.0 31A.70-3 wahn (*warn). 玩.1 N.1 (1) Curios: 古玩 ditto; 玩.1 N.2 珍玩 valuable curios. 玩.1 N.3 (2) (*warn) A game: 玩兒 war-’l↓. 玩.1 V.i.1 (*warn) To play, have fun with, fondle, enjoy oneself: 玩笑,玩賞 warn-shiauh, warn-shaang↓; 玩.1 V.i.2 玩月 enjoy the moon; 玩.1 V.i.3 玩雪 enjoy the snow. 玩.1 V.t.1 To fool with, dicker with (law), take lightly: 玩忽 wahn-hu, 玩法 wahn-faa, 玩世 wahn-shyh1↓. 玩.2.1 玩法 wahn-faa, v.i., to juggle with the law. 玩.2.2 玩好 wahn-hauh, n., favorite pastime, hobby. 玩.2.3 玩忽 wahn-hu (warn-hu), v.t., to ignore. 玩.2.4 玩話 *warn-huah, n., a joke, an empty promise. 玩.2.5 玩具 *warn-jyuh, n., a toy. 玩.2.6 玩兒 *war-’l, n., a trick, a pastime, a joke, an amusement: 不是玩兒的 not to be fooled with—i.e., will have grave consequences. 玩.2.7 玩弄 wahn-luhng (warn-luhng), v.t., to play with (person), to fondle (art object). 玩.2.8 玩偶 *warn-oou, n., a toy figurine. 玩.2.9 玩(兒)票 warn(war-’l)piauh, v.i., (1) to sing Chin. opera as amateur or as hobby; 玩.2.10 玩(兒)票 warn(war-’l)piauh, v.i., (2) to sing without pay. 玩.2.11 玩賞 *warn-shaang, v.t., to enjoy (moon, flowers, etc.). 玩.2.12 玩笑 *warn-shiauh, (1) n., s.t. done for fun; 玩.2.13 玩笑 *warn-shiauh, (2) v.i., 開玩笑 play jokes upon (person); 玩.2.14 玩笑 *warn-shiauh, v.i., to play and relax. 玩.2.15 玩習 wahn-shir, v.t., to study and slowly appreciate (history, etc.). 玩.2.16 玩耍 *warn-shuaa, n. & v.i., to play, to relax; 玩.2.17 玩耍 *warn-shuaa, n. & v.i., relaxation, pastime. 玩.2.18 玩世 wahn-shyh1, phr., 玩世不恭 to live dangerously or in defiance of conventions. 玩.2.19 玩視 wahn-shyh2 (or *warn-shyh), v.t., to take lightly, ignore (laws, statutes). 玩.2.20 玩味 wahn-weih (*warn-weih), v.t., to appreciate slowly (a profound saying). 玩.2.21 玩物 (1) *warn-wuh, n., a toy; 玩.2.22 玩物 (2) (wahn-wuh) phr., 玩物喪志 to play through life and have no serious ambition. 玩.2.23 玩意兒 *warn-yeh-’l, n., (1) a toy; 玩.2.24 玩意兒 *warn-yeh-’l, n., (2) s.t. interesting; 玩.2.25 玩意兒 *warn-yeh-’l, n., (3) a trifle, a little thing: 小玩意兒 just a little trifle. 玩.2.26 玩泄 wahn-yih, v.i., (AC) to spend life in pleasures. 琨.0 31A.70-4 kun. 琨.1 N.1 Beautiful jade. 現.0 31A.70-4 shiahn. 現.1 N.1 Cash: 現金 shiahn-jin2↓; 現.1 N.2 兌現 pay cash on check, (fig.) redeem promise; 現.1 N.3 貼現 discount on rate of exchange; 現.1 N.4 付現 pay cash. 現.1 V.i. & t.1 To show, become visible, be revealed: 現了原形 reveal original shape (snake-spirit, etc.); 現.1 V.i. & t.2 現出來 appear, be visible, (slip) shows; 現.1 V.i. & t.3 出現 (comet, anything) appear; 現.1 V.i. & t.4 呈現,顯現 present (flaws, symptoms, etc.); 現.1 V.i. & t.5 表現 to express, -ion. 現.1 Adj.1 (1) Now, present, current: 現在 shiahn-tzaih; 現.1 Adj.2 現代 shiahn-daih↓; 現.1 Adj.3 現務 current duty; 現.1 Adj.4 現役 (soldiers) in active service; 現.1 Adj.5 現狀 shiahn-juahng↓; 現.1 Adj.6 現 on the spot; 現.1 Adj.7 現職 present post, office; 現.1 Adj.8 現值,現價 current value, price. 現.1 Adj.9 (2) Available in goods or money: 現貨 stock on hand; 現.1 Adj.10 現錢 shiahn-chiarn2↓. 現.1 Adv.1 Immediately: 現賣 cash sale; 現.1 Adv.2 現買現賣 straight cash deal; 現.1 Adv.3 現吃現做 (food) freshly prepared as ordered; 現.1 Adv.4 現用現買 buy as one needs for the day; 現.1 Adv.5 現官現管 in the grip of bureaucracy; 現.1 Adv.6 現存 amount in current account; 現.1 Adv.7 現有 there is (are) now. 現.2.1 現報 shiahn-bauh, n., see shiahn-shyh1↓. 現.2.2 現成(兒) shiahn-cherng-’l, adj., ready-made (answer), immediately available without trouble: 吃現成飯 have a living without any work; 現.2.3 現成(兒) shiahn-cherng-’l, adj., 說現成話 answer with stock phrases. 現.2.4 現前 shiahn-chiarn1, adv., at present, before one’s eyes. 現.2.5 現錢 shiahn-chiarn2, n., cash (payment): 現錢交易 cash deal. 現.2.6 現期 shiahn-chir, adv., for the time being; 現.2.7 現期 shiahn-chir, adv., during that time. 現.2.8 現出 shiahn-chu, v.i. & t., show, reveal, grow: 現出毛病 (machines) show trouble of operation. 現.2.9 現代 shiahn-daih, (1) n., contemporary era, modern age; 現.2.10 現代 shiahn-daih, (2) adj., contemporary. 現.2.11 現今 shiahn-jin1, adv., now, nowadays, at the present juncture. 現.2.12 現金 shiahn-jin2, n., cash reserve. 現.2.13 現狀 shiahn-juahng, n., present conditions (of city, education, justice, etc.). 現.2.14 現款 shiahn-kuaan, n., cash. 現.2.15 現露 shiahn-luh, v.i. & t., to show, reveal. 現.2.16 現弄 shiahn-’nung, v.i., to show off. 現.2.17 現批 shiahn-pi, n. & v.i., wholesale purchase on cash. 現.2.18 現任 shiahn-rehn, adj. & adv., current office; 現.2.19 現任 shiahn-rehn, adj. & adv., currently. 現.2.20 現身 shiahn-shen, n., (1) (Budd.) the present body of flesh; 現.2.21 現身 shiahn-shen, n., (2) different manifestations of Buddha, representing his different capacities: 現身說 Buddha bodily appeared and taught; 現.2.22 現身 shiahn-shen, n., (fig.) personally appear (at meetings, etc.). 現.2.23 現生 shiahn-sheng, n., (Budd.) the present incarnation. 現.2.24 現下 shiahn-shiah, adv., see shiahn-tzaih↓. 現.2.25 現象 shiahn-shiahng, n., (1) phenomenon; 現.2.26 現象 shiahn-shiahng, n., (2) see shiahn-juahng↑. 現.2.27 現行 shiahn-shirng1, adj., current (prices, statutes, customs, etc.). 現.2.28 現形 shiahn-shirng2, (1) v.i., to manifest in material body; 現.2.29 現形 shiahn-shirng2, (2) n., see shiahn-juahng↑. 現.2.30 現世 shiahn-shyh1, n., present generation or incarnation; 現.2.31 現世 shiahn-shyh1, n., 現世報 retribution in present life, not in future life. 現.2.32 現勢 shiahn-shyh2, n., present situation. 現.2.33 現時 shiahn-shyr1, (1) n., the present time; 現.2.34 現時 shiahn-shyr1, (2) adv., at present. 現.2.35 現實 shiahn-shyr2, (1) n., present reality; 現.2.36 現實 shiahn-shyr2, (2) adj., practical, realistic: 這個人真現實 this man is very realistic; 現.2.37 現實 shiahn-shyr2, 現實主義 realism; 現.2.38 現實 shiahn-shyr2, 現實主義者 n., a realist. 現.2.39 現在 shiahn-tzaih, (1) n., the present time; 現.2.40 現在 shiahn-tzaih, (2) adv., at present now: 現在怎麼樣了 how is (person, thing) now? 現.2.41 現眼 shiahn-yaan, adj., shameful (affair, condition). 現.2.42 現銀 shiahn-yirn, n., cash (silver). 珮.0 31A.70-4 peih. 珮.1 N.1 A jade ornament worn on girdle. 1mgru7.0 31A.70-5 chii. 1mgru7.1 N.1 (AC) a jade pendant. 琉.0 31A.70-6 liour. [Var. □,□] 琉.2.1 琉球 liour-chiour, n., the Ryukyu Islands. 琉.2.2 琉璃 liour-’lir, n., (1) glass; 琉.2.3 琉璃 liour-’lir, n., (2) glazed color tile: 琉璃瓦; 琉.2.4 琉璃 liour-’lir, n., (3) coll. for dragonfly; 琉.2.5 琉璃 liour-’lir, n., 琉璃球兒 liour-’lir-chiour-’l, chandelier, also a very smart person, a slippery fellow; 琉.2.6 琉璃 liour-’lir, n., 琉璃廠 section in Peking, formerly, famous for book shops. 瓏.0 31A.70-6 lurng. 瓏.2.1 瓏璁 lurng-tsung, adj., (1) jangling sound of jade or metal; 瓏.2.2 瓏璁 lurng-tsung, adj., (2) (of hair) fluffy; 瓏.2.3 瓏璁 lurng-tsung, adj., (3) (of wood) luxuriant and green (also wr. 蘢p); 瓏.2.4 瓏璁 lurng-tsung, adj., (4) hazy (light of dawn). 琬.0 31A.70-6 waan. 琬.2.1 琬圭 waan-guei, n., jade with soft luster. 琬.2.2 琬琰 warn-yaan, n., ditto; 琬.2.3 琬琰 warn-yaan, n., (AC fig.) the soft mature character of a gentleman. 瑰.0 31A.70-9 guei (*gueih). 瑰.1 N.1 (1) A kind of jasper. 瑰.1 N.2 (2) (-*gueih) 玫瑰 a rose. 瑰.1 Adj.1 Extraordinary, admirable: 瑰麗 guei-lih, 瑰異 guei-yih, 瑰岸 guei-ahn↓. 瑰.2.1 瑰岸 guei-ahn, adj., (of a person’s appearance) stately, imposing, stalwart. 瑰.2.2 瑰麗 guei-lih, adj., elegant. 瑰.2.3 瑰異 guei-yih, adj., preeminent. .0 31A.71-5 mirn. .1 N.1 Name of a jade-like stone. 琖.0 31A.71-7 jaan. 琖.1 N.1 A carved jade cup. 瑊.0 31A.71-7 jen. 瑊.1 N.1 Semi-precious stone. 玳.0 31A.71-9 daih. 玳.2.1 玳瑁 daih-meih, n., tortoise shell. 璣.0 31A.71-9 ji. 璣.1 N.1 (1) A pearl not perfectly round in shape: 字字珠璣 (of litr. works) every phrase a gem. 璣.1 N.2 (2) 璇璣,璿璣 an anc. astronomical instrument, armillary sphere. 璁.0 31A.72-9 tsung. 璁.1 N.1 A precious stone. 瑱.0 31A.80-1 tiahn (also jehn). 瑱.1 N.1 Jade earring. 瓚.0 31A.80-1 tzahn. 瓚.1 N.1 (AC) a ceremonial ladle, used in libation. 琪.0 31A.80-2 chir. 琪.1 N.1 A kind of jade: 琪花瑤草 jade flowers of fairy land; 琪.1 N.2 琪樹 jade tree, also described as a tree whose branches hang down like willows and bear berries. 璜.0 31A.80-2 huarng. 璜.1 N.1 A jade pendant of semi-circular shape. 瑣.0 31A.80-2 suoo. [Dist. 鎖 81A.80] 瑣.1 N.1 A chain of jade: 瑣連環. 瑣.1 Adj.1 (1) Petty, trivial, insignificant: 瑣碎,瑣細 suoo-sueih, suoo-shih↓; 瑣.1 Adj.2 繁瑣 tedious, annoying. 瑣.1 Adj.3 (2) Interlocked, of chain design: 瑣窗 suoo-chuang↓. 瑣.2.1 瑣窗 suoo-chuang, n., a form of lattice window with interlocked design. 瑣.2.2 瑣屑 suoo-shieh, n. & adj., petty trifles. 瑣.2.3 瑣細 suoo-shih, (1) n., trifles, details; 瑣.2.4 瑣細 suoo-shih, (2) adj., small and tedious (work, things). 瑣.2.5 瑣事 suoo-shyh, n., trifles, sundry work to do. 瑣.2.6 瑣碎 suoo-sueih, adj., fragmentary, tedious, multitudinous (items, work); 瑣.2.7 瑣碎 suoo-sueih, adj., annoying, as a child is prone to small illnesses. 瑣.2.8 瑣瑣 suor-suoo, adj., trivial, piffling. 瑣.2.9 瑣聞 suoo-wern, n., sundry news or anecdotes, fragmentary records. 頊.0 31A.80-3 shyuh. 頊.1 N.1 Personal name: 顓^頊 21S.80. 璵.0 31A.80-5 yur. 璵.1 N.1 (AC) beautiful jade. 瑛.0 31A.81-2 ying. 瑛.1 N.1 Gem luster; 瑛.1 N.2 translucent jade. 璞.0 31A.81-2 pur. 璞.1 N.1 Uncarved jade; 璞.1 N.2 (fig.) original nature of man in Taoist philosophy (cf. 樸 10B.81); 璞.1 N.3 歸真返璞 return to nature, preserve man’s natural simplicity of character; 璞.1 N.4 璞玉渾金 jade and gold in natural state, symbolic of beautiful untutored talent. 玦.0 31A.81-9 jyuer. 玦.1 N.1 A semi-circular piece of jade. 玖.0 31A.81-9 jioou. 玖.1 N.1 (1) A jade-like dark-hued stone. 玖.1 N.2 (2) Capital form of 九 (nine) in writing checks. 玻.0 31A.82-2 bo. 玻.2.1 玻璃 bo-lir, n., glass; 玻.2.2 玻璃 bo-lir, n., used also to denote a variety of transparent material (nylon, cellophane, etc.); 玻.2.3 玻璃 bo-lir, n., 玻璃版 bo-lir-baan; 玻.2.4 玻璃 bo-lir, n., photogravure; 玻.2.5 玻璃 bo-lir, n., 玻璃窗 bo-lir-chuang, n., glass window. 玻璃墊 bo-lir-diahn, glass top for tables; 玻.2.6 玻璃 bo-lir, n., 玻璃粉, bo-lir-feen, jello; 玻.2.7 玻璃 bo-lir, n., 玻璃磚 bo-lir-juan, glass bricks; 玻.2.8 玻璃 bo-lir, n., 玻璃紙 bo-lir-jyy, cellophane; 玻.2.9 玻璃 bo-lir, n., 玻璃杯 bo-lir-bei, tumbler, a glass. 瑕.0 31A.82-5 shiar. 瑕.1 N.1 A flaw in jade: 瑕疵 shiar-tsy↓; 瑕.1 N.2 瑕瑜俱見 see what is perfect and what is not—(瑜 flawless jade). 瑕.2.1 瑕謫 shiar-jer, n., (AC) flaws: 無瑕可謫 flawless. 瑕.2.2 瑕釁 shiar-shihn, n., flaws, imperfections, cracks. 瑕.2.3 瑕疵 shiar-tsy, n., imperfections, minor faults. 玫.0 31A.82-9 meir. 玫.2.1 玫瑰 meir-’guei (meir-gueih), n., rose: 玫瑰紫 rose purple; 玫.2.2 玫瑰 meir-’guei (meir-gueih), n., 玫瑰露 rose wine; 玫.2.3 玫瑰 meir-’guei (meir-gueih), n., 玫瑰油 attar of rose petals. 瓊.0 31A.82-9 chyurng. [Abbr. 赩 瓊.1 N.1 Poetic synonym for “jade”; 瓊.1 N.2 rare jade; 瓊.1 N.3 symbolic of luxury: 瓊筵,瓊宴 a luxurious dinner; 瓊.1 N.4 瓊樓玉宇 “towers of jade”—a fabulously rich residence. 瓊.2.1 瓊花 chyurng-hua, n., a very rare flower now extinct. 瓊.2.2 瓊華 chyurng-huar, n., beautiful jade, symbolic of poetic talent. 瓊.2.3 瓊漿 chyurng-jiang, n., (LL) excellent wine. 瓊.2.4 瓊玖 chyurng-jioou, n., beautiful jade. 瓊.2.5 瓊林 chyurng-lirn, n., collection of selected phrr. or sentences; 瓊.2.6 瓊林 chyurng-lirn, n., 瓊林宴 formerly, dinner in honor of successful 進士 graduates. 瓊.2.7 瓊瑤 chyurng-yaur, n., beautiful jade. 璇.0 31A.83-6 shyuarn. 璇.1 N.1 Fine jade: 璇室,璇閨 a room, boudoir, decorated with jade; 璇.1 N.2 璇宮 jade-decorated hall. 璇.2.1 璇璣 shyuarn-ji, n., (astron.) armillary sphere; 璇.2.2 璇璣 shyuarn-ji, n., 璇璣圖 see Q^紋詩 41.83. 瑽.0 31A.83-9 tsung. 瑽.1 N.1 See 錚^瑽 81A.00, tinkling of jade or metal. 璆.0 31A.91-5 chiour. 璆.1 N.1 Beautiful jade: 璆然 jangling of jade. 珍.0 31A.91-8 jen. 珍.1 N.1 (1) Rare valuables, treasure, what is highly prized, see Adj.↓. 珍.1 N.2 (2) A delicacy in food: 山珍海味 delicacies from land and sea. 珍.1 Adj.1 Rare, highly prized, valuable: 珍貴,珍品 jen-gueih, jen-piin↓; 珍.1 Adj.2 珍本 rare edition; 珍.1 Adj.3 珍禽異獸 rare birds and animals; 珍.1 Adj.4 attached to vbb. indicating esteem: 珍愛,珍賞,珍藏 jen-aih, jen-shaang, jen-tsarng↓; 珍.1 Adj.5 珍視 prize, cherish. 珍.2.1 珍愛 jen-aih, v.t., love dearly, cherish. 珍.2.2 珍寶 jen-baau, n., jewellery; 珍.2.3 珍寶 jen-baau, n., rare treasures. 珍.2.4 珍奇 jen-chir, n., rare objects. 珍.2.5 珍怪 jen-guaih, n., ditto. 珍.2.6 珍貴 jen-gueih (jen-’guei), adj., valuable, precious, priceless, of great value. 珍.2.7 珍珠 jen-ju, n., pearl; 珍.2.8 珍珠 jen-ju, n., 珍珠蘭 see 珠^蘭 31A.01; 珍.2.9 珍珠 jen-ju, n., 珍珠毛 (兒) jen-ju-maur (’l), skin of lamb embryo; 珍.2.10 珍珠 jen-ju, n., 珍珠米 corn; 珍.2.11 珍珠 jen-ju, n., 珍珠菜 a vegetable, Lysimachia clethroides. 珍.2.12 珍重 jen-juhng, v.i. & t., to take good care (of health): 千萬珍重 please take good care of yourself. 珍.2.13 珍品 jen-piin, n., a highly valued art object. 珍.2.14 珍賞 jen-shaang, v.t., to appreciate highly. 珍.2.15 珍攝 jen-sheh, v.i., as in 善自珍攝, see jen-juhng↑. 珍.2.16 珍羞(饈) jen-shiou, n., delicacy of food. 珍.2.17 珍惜 jen-shir, v.t., to cherish, love dearly. 珍.2.18 珍藏 jen-tsarng, v.t., to keep (rare editions, art works) as of great value. 珍.2.19 珍物 jen-wuh, n., rare objects, also rare food. 珍.2.20 珍聞 jen-wern, n., strange and interesting news. 珍.2.21 珍異 jen-yih, adj., rare, highly esteemed. .0 31A.93-1 fah. [Interch. 琺] .2.1 琺(搳^瑯 fanh-larg, n., cloisonn; .2.2 琺(搳^瑯 fanh-larg, n., enamel. 瓔.0 31A.93-4 ying. 瓔.2.1 瓔珞 ying-luoh, n., jade necklace. 1mgomv13.0 31A.93-8 yur. [Printed form of 瑜 31A.00] 磚.0 31B.00-1 juan. [Pop. of □ 10S.70] 硎.0 31B.00-3 shirng. 硎.1 N.1 Whetstone. .0 31B.00-4 aih. [Pop. of 礙 31B.83] 砑.0 31B.00-5 yah. 砑.1 V.t.1 To press (cloth, silks) in a mangle, to give a shining surface: 砑綾,砑羅 silks pressed even between rollers. 砑.2.1 砑光 yah-guang, v.t. to roll even and give a shine; 砑.2.2 砑光 yah-guang, v.t. 砑光機 a calender, a mangling machine for pressing paper, silks. 硃.0 31B.01-1 ju. 硃.1 N.1 Cinnabar, used as red pigment and medicine; 硃.1 N.2 hence red ink; 硃.1 N.3 硃砂 ju-sha↓. 硃.2.1 硃筆 ju-bii, n., writing brush used for writing with red ink. 硃.2.2 硃卷 ju-jyuahn, n., script or scroll in red ink; 硃.2.3 硃卷 ju-jyuahn, n., (Manchu Dyn.) red-ink copy of examination papers, made from black-ink copy written by candidates, to prevent favoritism by the judges. 硃.2.4 硃批 ju-pi, n., documents containing the emperor’s comments in red ink. 硃.2.5 硃砂 ju-sha, n., cinnabar. 硃.2.6 硃諭 ju-yuh, n., imperial decree. 碟.0 31B.01-2 dier. 碟.1 N.1 (dier-tz, ’l) Dinner plate, dish: 一碟蔬菜 a dish of vegetable. 磉.0 31B.01-3 saang. 磉.1 N.1 Pedestal, base of pillar. 磔.0 31B.01-9 jer. 磔.1 N.1 (Callig.) the right-hand slanting stroke. 磔.1 V.t.1 (AC) to dismember criminal for extreme crime: 碟於市. 礫.0 31B.01-9 lih. 礫.1 N.1 Gravel, shingle: 瓦礫broken tiles, rubble. 碾.0 31B.02-5 niaan. 碾.1 N.1 Roller for grinding, crushing or husking, see 碾子 niaan-tz↓; 碾.1 N.2 藥碾子 a mortar and pestle. 碾.1 V.t.1 To grind, crush, pound, polish or husk: 碾米 husk or polish rice; 碾.1 V.t.2 碾碎 crush, grind or pound to small particles. 碾.2.1 碾房 niaan-farng, n., a mill for milling or husking grain. 碾.2.2 碾子 niaan-tz, n., a mill for husking grain or rice. 硠.0 31B.02-6 larng. 硠.1 Adj.1 (LL) resounding: 磅硠 reverberating sounds of falling rocks; 硠.1 Adj.2 磅硠 descriptive of the sounds of drum-beating or of falling stones bang. 碌.0 31B.02-9 luh. 碌.1 Adj.1 (1) Rocky. 碌.1 Adj.2 (2) Busy: 忙碌 busily occupied; 碌.1 Adj.3 勞碌 working without respite, very busy. 碌.1 Adj.4 (3) Mediocre, common: 庸碌 common: 碌碌庸才 very mediocre person. 碌.1 Adj.5 (4) Var. of 轆 10D.70. 碌.2.1 碌碌 luh-dur, n., stone roller for husking rice, crushing oats, etc. 磷.0 31B.10-2 lirn. 磷.1 N.1 (Chem.) phosphorus (var. 燐). 磷.2.1 磷氫 lirn-ching, n., (chem.) phosphines. 磷.2.2 磷酐 lirn-gan, n., (chem.) phosphoric anhydride. 磷.2.3 磷化氫 lirn-huah-ching, n., (chem.) hydrogen phosphide. 磷.2.4 磷灰石 lirn-huei-shyr, n., (min.) apatite. 磷.2.5 磷磷 lirn-lirn, adj. (AC) rocks in water. 磷.2.6 磷酸 lirn-suan, n., (chem.) phosphoric acid; 磷.2.7 磷酸 lirn-suan, n., 磷酸質 phosphate; 磷.2.8 磷酸 lirn-suan, n., chemical fertilizer; 磷.2.9 磷酸 lirn-suan, n., 磷酸鈣 lirn-suan-gaih, calcium phosphate; 磷.2.10 磷酸 lirn-suan, n., 磷酸亞鐵 lirn-suan-yah-tiee, ferrous phosphorate. 砰.0 31B.10-3 peng. 砰.1 N.1 “Bing, bang!” big noise such as roar of waves, rumble of thunder, crash of water, crackle of rifles, boom of guns. 砰.2.1 砰宕 peng-dahng, n., (LL) sound of water lapping against ships. 砰.2.2 砰轟 peng-hung, n., (LL) rumble of thunder. 砰.2.3 砰磕 peng-ke, n., (LL) crackle of thunder. 砰.2.4 砰磅 peng-pang, n., crash of water against rocks. 砰.2.5 砰砰 peng-peng, n., sound of drums, crackle of rifles. 碎.0 31B.10-6 sueih. 碎.1 N.1 Broken bits. 碎.1 V.t.1 To break to pieces. 碎.1 Adj.1 (1) Broken: 碎玻璃 broken glass: 碎金 gold crumbs; 碎.1 Adj.2 寧為玉^碎 see 31.11; 碎.1 Adj.3 碎屑,碎瑰 sueih-shieh, sueih-kuaih↓. 碎.1 Adj.4 (2) Piecemeal, tedious, paltry: 瑣碎 disconnected, trifling (affairs), multifarious. 碎.1 Adj.5 (3) (AC of writing) too elaborate and dull. 碎.2.1 碎步兒 sueih-buh-’l, v.i., to hurry on in small steps. 碎.2.2 碎塊 sueih-kuaih, n., broken bits. 碎.2.3 碎片 sueih-piahn, n., fragments, shrapnels. 碎.2.4 碎小 sueih-shiaau, n., (MC) family dependents. 碎.2.5 碎屑 sueih-shieh, n., broken bits. 碎.2.6 碎修兒 sueih-shiou-’l, v.i., make small repairs. 碎.2.7 碎嘴子 sueih-tzueei-tz, n., a tedious talker. 碑.0 31B.10-9 bei. 碑.1 N.1 A stone tablet: 墓碑 tombstone. 碑.2.1 碑版 bei-baan, n., see bei-jih↓. 碑.2.2 碑額 bei-er, n., inscription at top of tablet. 碑.2.3 碑碣 bei-jier, n., stone inscription. 碑.2.4 碑記 bei-jih, n., inscriptions on a tablet, recording an event. 碑.2.5 碑誌 bei-jyh, n., ditto. 碑.2.6 碑林 bei-lirn, n., collection of anc. tablets housed in Si-an, Shensi. 碑.2.7 碑銘 bei-mirng, n., inscriptions on tablet. 碑.2.8 碑帖 bei-tieh, n., rubbings from ancient tablets, used as models of calligraphy. 碑.2.9 碑亭 bei-tirng, n., a pavilion housing a tablet. 碑.2.10 碑文 bei-wern, n., inscribed text on tablet. 碑.2.11 碑陰 bei-yin, n., the back face of a tablet. 硅.0 31B.11-1 guei. 硅.1 N.1 (Chem.) silicon. 碓.0 31B.11-9 dueih. 碓.1 N.1 Pestle for hulling rice; 碓.1 N.2 碓臼 pestle and mortar; 碓.1 N.3 水碓 water mill for hulling rice. 碓.2.1 碓頭 dueih-tour, n., pestle. 確.0 31B.11-9 chyueh. 確.1 Adj.1 (1) Sure, definite, true: 確定 chyueh-dihng↓; 確.1 Adj.2 的確 truly, really; 確.1 Adj.3 確耗,確訊 definite news; 確.1 Adj.4 確證,確據 definite evidence. 確.1 Adj.5 (2) Accurate: 準確 accurate (news, etc.); 確.1 Adj.6 確論 an accurater and just opinion. 確.1 Adv.1 Definitely: 確實 chyueh-shyr↓; 確.1 Adv.2 確信,確認,確知 definitely believe, recognize, know. 確.2.1 確切 chyueh-chieh, adv., in earnest, factually (carry out, live up to, etc.). 確.2.2 確定 chyueh-dihng, adj., definite and sure. 確.2.3 確乎 chyueh-’hu, adv., really: 確乎不錯 really not bad: 確乎不成問題 really is not a problem. 確.2.4 確實 chyueh-shyr, adj. & adv., (1) definite, -ly; 確.2.5 確實 chyueh-shyr, adj. & adv., (2) really: 確實不錯 really not bad (very good). 確.2.6 確鑿 chyueh-tzuoh, adj., definite, well-established (evidence). 研.0 31B.20-3 yarn (*yahn). 研.1 N.1 (*yahn) Var. of 硯 ink slab. 研.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) To grind: 研究 grind into powder; 研.1 V.i. & t.2 研碎 grind up; 研.1 V.i. & t.3 研墨 grind ink. 研.1 V.i. & t.4 (2) To study: 研究,研討 yarn-jiouh, yarn-taau↓. 研.2.1 研求 yarn-chiour, v.t., to study, search for (truth). 研.2.2 研覈 yarn-her, v.t., (LL) to examine: 研覈是非 to weigh the pros and cons. 研.2.3 研究 yarn-jiouh, v.t., to study, do research; 研.2.4 研究 yarn-jiouh, v.t., 研究院 institute for research; 研.2.5 研究 yarn-jiouh, v.t., 研究所 department in a graduate school. 研.2.6 研討 yarn-taau, v.t., to study and discuss (problems); 研.2.7 研討 yarn-taau, v.t., 研討會 seminar. 碪.0 31B.21-2 kahn (*jen). 碪.1 N.1 (*jen) (As var. of 砧) stone slab for beating laundry. 碪.1 Adj.1 碪□ (AC) high, rugged (rocks). 砸.0 31B.21-5 tzar. 砸.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) To smash, break, crush: 砸開 to force open; 砸.1 V.i. & t.2 砸開門 to burst open the door; 砸.1 V.i. & t.3 砸破 smash to pieces; 砸.1 V.i. & t.4 砸碎 pulverize, decimates; 砸.1 V.i. & t.5 砸壞 break and make unusable; 砸.1 V.i. & t.6 砸扁 crush flat; 砸.1 V.i. & t.7 砸爛 wreck, demolish; 砸.1 V.i. & t.8 砸死 batter to death. 砸.1 V.i. & t.9 (2) To pound: 砸蒜 (薑) to crush garlic (ginger). 砸.1 V.i. & t.10 (3) Cause to accumulate: 錯過時機,貨就砸到手G了 if we miss the opportunity, the goods would become a part of the dead stock. 砸.1 V.i. & t.11 (4) V.i., to foul up, usu. as vb. complement, meaning “fouled up”: 說砸了 say s.t. wrong; 砸.1 V.i. & t.12 辦砸了 have fouled up s.t.; 砸.1 V.i. & t.13 唱砸了 sing badly; 砸.1 V.i. & t.14 砸鍋 tzar-guo↓. 砸.2.1 砸兌 tzar-’duei, v.i., make sure: 你到底來不來,要砸兌準了 please be sure whether you will be coming or not. 砸.2.2 砸鍋 tzar-guo, v.i., fail in a task (work, assignment); 砸.2.3 砸鍋 tzar-guo, v.i., 砸鍋槌兒 one who makes a mess of things. 砸.2.4 砸了 tzar-’le, v.t., (p.p.) broken up: 這件事砸了 this matter has been broken up; 砸.2.5 砸了 tzar-’le, v.t., 把碟子砸了 have dropped the plate and broken it. 砸.2.6 砸字兒 tzar-tzeh-’l, n., a defaced coin. 砷.0 31B.22-2 shen. 砷.1 N.1 (Chem.) arsenic. 碲.0 31B.22-6 dih. 碲.1 N.1 (Chem.) tellurium. 斫.0 31B.22-9 juor. 斫.1 V.t.1 To heck, chip (var. of 斲). 砟.0 31B.22-9 jah. 砟.1 N.1 (jah-tz, ’l) 煤砟子 or 砟兒 coal cinders (usu. wr. 煤渣子 or 兒). 碴.0 31B.30-1 char. 碴.1 N.1 (char-’l) (1) Broken bits (of bone, glass): 鬍子碴兒 bits of beard which show after shaving. 碴.1 N.2 (2) (Coll.) thing: 提起那個碴兒 in regard to that thing. 碴.1 N.3 (3) Quarrel, dispute: 找碴兒 looking for faults to pick up quarrel; 碴.1 N.4 我和他有個碴兒 we two have an old grudge to settle. 磕.0 31B.30-1 ke. 磕.1 V.i. & t.1 To knock, bump: 磕破 knock to pieces; 磕.1 V.i. & t.2 磕著了 bump into (stone); 磕.1 V.i. & t.3 see 磕頭 ke-tour↓; 磕.1 V.i. & t.4 磕レ knock the ashes from a pipe. 磕.1 Adj.1 Descriptive of sound of hitting stone, drum beat: see 磕磕巴巴 ke-ke-ba-ba↓. 磕.2.1 磕磕巴巴 ke-ke-ba-ba, v.i. & adj., to stutter; 磕.2.2 磕磕巴巴 ke-ke-ba-ba, v.i. & adj., 磕磕絆絆 ke-ke-bahn-bahn, adj., (of road) uneven, difficult to walk on. 磕.2.3 磕碰 ke-pehng, n. & v.t., crack (in cups, etc.) caused by knocking; 磕.2.4 磕碰 ke-pehng, n. & v.t., knock against. 磕.2.5 磕膝蓋(兒) ke-shi-gaih (ke-shi-gah-’l), n., kneecap. 磕.2.6 磕頭 ke-tour, v.i., to kowtow (interch. 叩頭 kouh-tour), i.e., knock head on the ground in kneeling position as a form of ceremonial greeting; 磕.2.7 磕頭 ke-tour, v.i., to perform such ceremony to establish master-disciple relationship: 你給誰磕的頭 who is your master? or as sworn brother: 他們是磕過頭的; 磕.2.8 磕頭 ke-tour, v.i., as a phrase, meaning “thanks”: 先給你磕頭了 first let me thank you; 磕.2.9 磕頭 ke-tour, v.i., 磕頭,磕頭 thanks a lot! 磕頭蟲 (兒) (a) Melanotus legatus, an insect (=叩頭蟲); 磕.2.10 磕頭 ke-tour, v.i., (b) a subservient fellow (ready to kowtow on every occasion). 磕.2.11 磕牙 ke-yar, v.i., to jabber, palaver, chat idly: 閒磕牙 or 磕打牙兒 indulge in gossiping at leisure; 磕.2.12 磕牙 ke-yar, v.i., 別拿他磕打牙兒了 don’t sit there prating and making fun of him (cf. 嗑 40A.30). 硜.0 31B.30-3 keng. 硜.2.1 硜硜 keng-keng, adj., hard and intractable like pebbles: 硜硜乎小人哉 (AC) such petty, small people! 磴.0 31B.30-3 dehng. 磴.1 N.1 Stone steps on hill path. 碰.0 31B.30-8 pehng. [Pop. form of 掽] 碰.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) To run into, encounter, chance upon: 碰見老朋友 run into an old friend; 碰.1 V.i. & t.2 碰不 didn’t meet him. 碰.1 V.i. & t.3 (2) Knock against, cause damage by collision: 碰破,碰壞,碰傷 knock and break (bowl, etc.); 碰.1 V.i. & t.4 碰撞 collide with another car or boat; 碰.1 V.i. & t.5 碰釘子,碰一鼻子灰 knock against a nail with a bare hand, knock one’s nose into ashes, i.e., receive serious rebuff in speaking to high personage; 碰.1 V.i. & t.6 碰鼻轉彎, to change after getting one’s finger burned; 碰.1 V.i. & t.7 碰壁 run into a blind alley. 碰.1 V.i. & t.8 (3) To have a try at it: 碰一碰,碰運氣 try one’s luck. 碰.1 V.i. & t.9 (4) Run into bad luck: 碰了=碰釘子, see 2↑; 碰.1 V.i. & t.10 make a mistake in opera singing or acting: 她碰了. 碰.2.1 碰 pehng-charng, v.i., combine two meetings in one. 碰.2.2 碰巧 pehng-chiaau, v.i., happen to, it happens that: 碰巧他不在家 he happened to be away. 碰.2.3 碰面 pehng-miahn, v.i., meet headlong. 碰.2.4 碰頭 pehng-tour, v.i., (dial.) meet (of friends); 碰.2.5 碰頭 pehng-tour, v.i., 碰頭好兒 enthusiastic applause of audience on actor’s, actress’s entrance to stage; 碰.2.6 碰頭 pehng-tour, v.i., enthusiastic reception of first novel, etc. 碰.2.7 碰瓷兒 pehng-tsyr-’l, n., racketeer who claims damage by carrying broken porcelain and dropping it on encounter; 碰.2.8 碰瓷兒 pehng-tsyr-’l, n., one who tries to create an accident. 磋.0 31B.30-8 tsuo. 磋.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) To grind, polish (jade, etc.): 磋磨 tsuo-mor↓. 磋.1 V.i. & t.2 (2) To examine, study or discuss carefully: 磋商 tsuo-shang↓; 磋.1 V.i. & t.3 切磋 education as a gradual polishing process; 磋.1 V.i. & t.4 切磋琢磨 ditto. 磋.2.1 磋磨 tsuo-mor, v.i., see V.i. & t. 2↑. 磋.2.2 磋商 tsuo-shang, v.i., to discuss together (negotiated matter, etc.). xxi1mruon12.0 31B.32-2 cheen. 1mruon12.1 Adj.1 (MC) indecent: 1mruon12短命 (term of scolding) a wretch, scoundrel; 1mruon12.1 Adj.2 1mruon12兒 (MC) indecencies. 矽.0 31B.32-9 shih. 矽.1 N.1 (Chem.) silicon. 矽.2.1 矽化氫 shih-huah-ching, n., (chem.) hydrogen silicide. 矽.2.2 矽灰石 shih-huei-shyr, n., (min.) wollastonite, native calcium silicate. 矽.2.3 矽鋅 shih-shin-kuahng, n., (min.) willemite, native silicate of zinc. 矽.2.4 矽石 shih-shyr, n., (min.) silica or silex. 矽.2.5 矽酸 shih-suan, n., (chem.) acids of silicon: 矽酸鉀 potassium silicate; 矽.2.6 矽酸 shih-suan, n., 矽酸鋁 aluminum silicate; 矽.2.7 矽酸 shih-suan, n., 矽酸鈣 calcium silicate; 矽.2.8 矽酸 shih-suan, n., 矽酸鈉 sodium silicate. 矽.2.9 矽藻 shih-tzaau, n., (bot.) a tiny water plant, Diatomaceae (also called 硅藻). 矽.2.10 矽岩 shih-yarn, n., (min.) quartz. 砧.0 31B.40-2 jen. 砧.1 N.1 (1) A stone slab for laundry by beating with wooden club (杵): 砧板 slab and laundry club. 砧.1 N.2 (2) A chopping block: execution on chopping block with an axe (鑕). 砧.2.1 砧板 jen-baan, n., kitchen chopping board (also wr. 椹板). 硌.0 31B.40-9 geh. 硌.1 V.t.1 Cause pain through pressure exerted by bulging object: 這硬板牷A躺韟n硌人 it’s so painful to lie on this bed made of hard boards; 硌.1 V.t.2 硌窩兒 eggs damaged through pressure. 磠.0 31B.41-2 luu. 磠.2.1 磠砂 luu-sha, n., (鹵砂,□砂) (min.) Sal ammoniac. 礌.0 31B.41-3 leih (*leir). [Var. 礧] 礌.1 V.t.1 Push stones down from a height: 礌石相擊 throw stones on enemy. 礌.2.1 礌石 leih-shyr (*leir-shyr), n., stone missiles used by defenders of a besieged city. 磻.0 31B.41-9 parn. 磻.1 N.1 Name of a river in Shensi. 1mrhwk11.0 31B.41-9 naur. 1mrhwk11.2.1 1mrhwk11naur-sha, n., (min.) ammonia salt. 硝.0 31B.42-2 shiau. 硝.1 N.1 Saltpeter; 硝.1 N.2 niter (nitre); 硝.1 N.3 potassium nitrate used as a preservative: 硝皮子 leather treated with nitre. 硝.2.1 硝鏹水 shiau-chiarng-shueei, n., (chem.) nitric acid (=硝酸). 硝.2.2 硝化甘油 shiau-huah-gan-your, n., nitroglycerine, an explosive. 硝.2.3 硝基 shiau-ji, n., (chem.) nitro radical (e.g., 硝基苯 nitrobenzene). 硝.2.4 硝石 shiau-shyr, n., saltpeter or niter (potassium or sodium nitrate). 硝.2.5 硝酸 shiau-suan, n., nitric acid; 硝.2.6 硝酸 shiau-suan, n.,硝酸鈉 sodium nitrate; 硝.2.7 硝酸 shiau-suan, n.,硝酸鉀 potassium nitrate; 硝.2.8 硝酸 shiau-suan, n.,硝酸銀 silver nitrate, etc. 碉.0 31B.42-4 diau. 碉.1 N.1 Fortified watch tower. 碉.2.1 碉堡 diau-baau, n., military watch tower for outpost. 碉.2.2 碉樓 diau-lour, n., formerly, military watch tower. 硼.0 31B.42-4 perng. 硼.1 N.1 (Chem.) boron, an element. 硼.2.1 硼磕 perng-ke, n., sound of crashing water (var. of 砰^磕 31B.10). 硼.2.2 硼砂 perng-sha, n., (min.) borax. 硼.2.3 硼酸 perng-suan, n., boric acid. 礪.0 31B.42-5 lih. 礪.1 N.1 A whetstone. 礪.1 V.t.1 (Of knives, etc.) sharpen: 砥礪 (lit.) sharpen any instrument with a cutting edge, (fig.) harden oneself by self-discipline: 砥礪德行. 确.0 31B.42-9 chyueh. 确.1 Adj.1 Rocky (soil, ground): 确犖,磽确,确瘠 ditto. 砌.0 31B.50-1 chih (*chieh). 砌.1 N.1 (1) Brickwork. 砌.1 N.2 (2) Inlays: 雕欄玉砌 carved railings and jade inlays. 砌.1 V.t.1 To build up in layers (as bricks): 砌牆 to build brick wall; 砌.1 V.t.2 砌高 build up; 砌.1 V.t.3 砌階 lay stone or brick steps; 砌.1 V.t.4 堆砌字句 to pile up words and phrases in writing. 砌.2.1 砌末(子) *chieh-moh (’tz), n., (Chin. opera) stage equipment (also wr. 切). 碡.0 31B.50-1 dur. 碡.1 N.1 See 碌^碡 31B.02. 碭.0 31B.50-4 dahng. 碭.1 N.1 碭山 place name in Kiangsu. 碣.0 31B.50-4 jier. 碣.1 N.1 A commemorative stone tablet. 碣.1 Adj.1 (Of mountain) towering, lofty. 碼.0 31B.50-5 maa. 碼.1 N.1 (1) Number: 門牌號碼 house number; 碼.1 N.2 數碼不對 the number is wrong. 碼.1 N.3 (2) Yard (length measure): 三碼 three yards. 碼.2.1 碼頭 maa-tour, n., wharf, jetty. 碼.2.2 碼子 maa-tz, n., (1) number, also 碼兒 maa-’l; 碼.2.3 碼子 maa-tz, n., (2) (comm.) cash at bank. 磅.0 31B.50-6 bahng (*pang). 磅.1 N.1 (1) Pound, a measure of weight: 英磅 English pound (money); 磅.1 N.2 磅量 weight in pounds. 磅.1 N.3 (2) *(pang) (AC) sound of rocks. 磅.1 V.t.1 To weigh: 磅一磅 weigh it. 磅.2.1 磅秤 bahng-chehng, n., weighing scales in pounds. 礁.0 31B.63-9 jiau. 礁.1 N.1 (Half-) submerged rocks: 明礁 rocks rising above water; 礁.1 N.2 暗礁 a reef, completely submerged rocks; 礁.1 N.3 觸礁 (of ship) run aground, strike on a rock. 礁.2.1 礁石 jiau-shyr, n., reef, sandbar. 磽.0 31B.70-1 chiau. [Var. 墝] 磽.1 Adj.1 (Of land) barren, unproductive: 磽薄,磽角 ditto. 砒.0 31B.70-2 pi. [Var. □] 砒.1 N.1 Arsenic, see 砒霜 pi-shuang↓. 砒.2.1 砒霜 pi-shuang, n., arsenic. 砒.2.2 砒石 pi-shyr, n., (min.) arsenopyrite. 硯.0 31B.70-4 yahn. 硯.1 N.1 Ink slab, ink stone, the grinding of which seems to occupy writer’s labors, hence 硯耕,硯田 yahn-geng, yahn-tiarn↓; 硯.1 N.2 as symbol of study at school: 同硯 classmate “having shared the same ink slab”; 硯.1 N.3 硯友,硯兄,硯弟 yahn-yoou, yahn-shyung, yahn-dih↓. 硯.2.1 硯池 yahn-chyr, n., depression in ink slab for collecting water. 硯.2.2 硯滴 yahn-di, n., a small container for dripping water on ink slab. 硯.2.3 硯弟 yahn-dih, n., junior classmate. 硯.2.4 硯耕 yahn-geng, v.t., (LL) to make a living by writing. 硯.2.5 硯室 yahn-shyh, n., case for ink stone. 硯.2.6 硯兄 yahn-shyung, n., senior classmate. 硯.2.7 硯臺 (commonly 台) yahn-’tai, n., an ink stone. 硯.2.8 硯田 yahn-tiarn, n., (LL) writer’s way of making a living, see yahn-geng↑. 硯.2.9 硯瓦 yahn-waa, n., ink stone. 硯.2.10 硯友 yahn-yoou, n., classmate. 1mrmsu9.0 31B.70-5 eh. [Translit. of □ 81A.83] 硫.0 31B.70-6 liour. 硫.1 N.1 Short for 硫磺 sulphur, liour-huarng↓. 硫.2.1 硫化 liour-huah, n., (chem.) sulphide: 硫化氫 hydrogen sulphide; 硫.2.2 硫化 liour-huah, n., 硫化銀 silver sulphide; 硫.2.3 硫化 liour-huah, n., 硫化銅 copper sulphide; 硫.2.4 硫化 liour-huah, n., 硫化銨 ammonium sulphide; 硫.2.5 硫化 liour-huah, n., 硫化鋅 zinc sulphide; 硫.2.6 硫化 liour-huah, n., 硫化鍚 stannic sulphide; 硫.2.7 硫化 liour-huah, n., 硫化鎘 cadmium sulphide. 硫.2.8 硫黃 liour-huarng, n., (chem.) sulphur (also wr. 硫磺); 硫.2.9 硫黃 liour-huarng, n., 硫磺酸 thionic acids. 硫.2.10 硫酸 liour-suan, n., (chem.) sulphuric acid, sulphate; 硫.2.11 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鈉 sodium sulphate (Glauber’s salt); 硫.2.12 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鈣 calcium sulphate; 硫.2.13 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鉀 potassium sulphate; 硫.2.14 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鉛 lead sulphate; 硫.2.15 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鉻 chromic sulphate; 硫.2.16 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸銅 cupric sulphate; 硫.2.17 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸銨 ammonium sulphate; 硫.2.18 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鋁 aluminum sulphate; 硫.2.19 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鋇 barium sulphate; 硫.2.20 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鋅 zinc sulphate; 硫.2.21 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鎂 magnesium sulphate; 硫.2.22 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鎳 nickel sulphate; 硫.2.23 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸鐵 ferric sulphate; 硫.2.24 硫酸 liour-suan, n., 硫酸治瘧鹼 quinine sulphate. 碗.0 31B.70-6 waan. [Pop. of □,鎞 碗.1 N.1 A bowl (for rice, tea, soup, etc.). 矻.0 31B.70-9 kuh. 矻.2.1 矻矻 kuh-kuh, adj. & adv., busy, -ily: 終日矻矻 busily occupied all day. 砲.0 31B.70-9 pauh. [Var. A,A] 砲.1 N.1 (1) Cannon, gun, ballista: 開砲 open gunfire, (coll.) attack; 砲.1 N.2 放砲 fire a gun; 砲.1 N.3 大砲 big guns, artillery; 砲.1 N.4 槍砲 arms and supplies in gen. 砲.1 N.5 (2) A chessman in Chin. chess. 砲.2.1 砲兵 pauh-bing, n., artillery man, unit. 砲.2.2 砲車 pauh-che, n., gun carriage. 砲.2.3 砲彈 pauh-dahn, n., shell. 砲.2.4 砲轟 pauh-hung, v.t., to bombard with artillery. 砲.2.5 砲火 pauh-huoo, n., cannon fire. 砲.2.6 砲仗 pauh-jahng, n., firecrackers. 砲.2.7 砲戰 pauh-jahn, n., artillery duel. 砲.2.8 砲竹 pauh-jur, n., firecrackers. 砲.2.9 砲艦 pauh-jiahn, n., gunboat; 砲.2.9 砲艦 pauh-jiahn, n., cruiser. 砲.2.10 砲手 pauh-shoou, n., gunner. 砲.2.11 砲臺 pauh-tair, n., fort. .0 31B.71-7 jiaan. [Pop. of 鹼 21S.81] 砥.0 31B.71-9 dii (also jyy). 砥.1 N.1 A grinding stone of fine quality. 砥.1 V.i.1 砥礪 To polish character by continuous association with friends, to urge each other in moral cultivation. 磯.0 31B.71-9 ji. 磯.1 N.1 A submerged rock. 磯.1 V.t.1 (AC) to obstruct (current). 磧.0 31B.80-1 chih. 磧.1 N.1 Sand and gravel: 磧礫 piles of gravel; 磧.1 N.2 磧壓 sediments of gravel. 磺.0 31B.80-2 huarng. 磺.1 N.1 See 硫^磺 31B.70↑. 碘.0 31B.80-2 diaan. 碘.1 N.1 (Chem.) iodine. 碘.2.1 碘酊 diaan-ding, n., tincture of iodine. 碘.2.2 碘酒 diaan-jioou, n., ditto. 碩.0 31B.80-3 shyr (re. pr. shuo). 碩.1 Adj.1 (1) Big, large, great: 碩大,碩量,碩果 shyr-dah, shyr-liahng, shyr-guoo↓; 碩.1 Adj.2 豐碩 (feast) rich; 碩.1 Adj.3 壯碩,肥碩 (person) bodily big, stout, corpulent, obese, robust, sturdy. 碩.1 Adj.4 (2) Great, scholarly: 碩儒,碩士 shyr-rur, shyr-shyh↓; 碩.1 Adj.5 碩畫 great plan; 碩.1 Adj.6 碩交 (LL) a great friend. 碩.2.1 碩大 shyr-dah, n., large: 碩大無朋 exceptionally large. 碩.2.2 碩輔 shyr-fuu, n., (LL) a great minister. 碩.2.3 碩果 shyr-guoo, n., as in 碩果僅存 one of the few still left. 碩.2.4 碩老 shyr-laau, n., an old venerable scholar. 碩.2.5 碩量 shyr-liahng, n., great capacity. 碩.2.6 碩人 shyr-rern, n., (AC) (1) a beauty; 碩.2.7 碩人 shyr-rern, n., (2) a hermit scholar. 碩.2.8 碩儒 shyr-rur, n., a great Confu. scholar. 碩.2.9 碩士 shyr-shyh, n., (1) a Master of Arts (M.A.); 碩.2.10 碩士 shyr-shyh, n., (2) (AC) great scholar. 碩.2.11 碩學 shyr-shyuer, n. & adj., scholar, -ly: 碩學通儒,碩學鴻儒 a profound scholar. 碩.2.12 碩望 shyr-wahng, n., (LL) great reputation. 碩.2.13 碩言 shyr-yarn, n., (LL) a boast, exaggeration. 礦.0 31B.80-6 kuahng. [Var. 柛 礦.1 N.1 (1) A mine, ore pit: 金礦,煤礦 gold mine, coal mine; 礦.1 N.2 礦區 mining area; 礦.1 N.3 開礦,採礦 to open mines. 礦.1 N.4 (2) Ore, mineral. 礦.2.1 礦產 kuahng-chaan, n., mineral, mining products. 礦.2.2 礦 kuahng-chuarng, n., (geol.) ore bed. 礦.2.3 礦泉 kuahng-chyuarn, n., (geol.) mineral spring. 礦.2.4 礦毒 kuahng-dur, n., poisonous material or gas in mines. 礦.2.5 礦工 kuahng-gung, n., a miner. 礦.2.6 礦坑 kuahng-keng, n., mining pit. 礦.2.7 礦苗 kuahng-miaur, n., outcroppings of ore. 礦.2.8 礦脈 kuahng-moh, n., a mineral vein, a lode. 礦.2.9 礦山 kuahng-shan, n., mining area, ore-producing hill. 礦.2.10 礦石 kuahng-shyr, n., an ore. 礦.2.11 礦藏 kuahng-tsarng, n., ore deposits. 礦.2.12 礦層 kuahng-tserng, n., strata of ores. 礦.2.13 礦物 kuahng-wuh, n., a mineral. 礦.2.14 礦業 kuahng-yeh, n., mining industry. 硤.0 31B.81-1 shiar. 硤.1 N.1 硤石 place name in Chekiang. 碳.0 31B.81-2 tahn. [Anc. var. 炭] 碳.1 N.1 (Chem.) carbon, a chemical element. 碳.2.1 碳化 tahn-huah, n. & v.i., (chem.) carbonize, -zation; 碳.2.2 碳化 tahn-huah, n. & v.i., 碳化氫 hydrocarbons; 碳.2.3 碳化 tahn-huah, n. & v.i., 碳化水 carbonic water; 碳.2.4 碳化 tahn-huah, n. & v.i., 碳水化合物 carbonhydrate; 碳.2.5 碳化 tahn-huah, n. & v.i., 碳化鈣 calcium carbide. 碳.2.6 碳酸 tahn-suan, n., (chem.) carbonic acid; 碳.2.7 碳酸 tahn-suan, n., 碳酸氣 carbonic acid gas; 碳.2.8 碳酸 tahn-suan, n., 碳酸鈣 calcium carbonate; 碳.2.9 碳酸 tahn-suan, n., 碳酸鈉 sodium carbonate or soda; 碳.2.10 碳酸 tahn-suan, n., 碳酸鹽 carbonate. 砍.0 31B.81-9 kaan. 砍.1 V.t.1 (1) To chop down, off: 砍下來 chop down; 砍.1 V.t.2 砍成兩半 chop into two halves; 砍.1 V.t.3 砍斷 cut down; 砍.1 V.t.4 砍腦袋 chop off one’s head. 砍.1 V.t.5 (2) Hit with brick, rock: 拿磚頭砍人 hit s.o. with bricks. 砍.2.1 砍伐 kaan-far, v.t., to chop down (trees). 砍.2.2 砍頭 kaan-tour, v.t., to behead (person); 砍.2.3 砍頭 kaan-tour, v.t.,砍頭癰 (kaan-tour-yung) a kind of malignant boil on the neck. 破.0 31B.82-2 poh. 破.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) To break: 破例,戒,約 break rules, vows, treaty or agreement; 破.1 V.i. & t.2 破臉 quarrel openly; 破.1 V.i. & t.3 破口 (罵人) break into abuse, use abusive language; 破.1 V.i. & t.4 破膽 frightened out of one’s wits; 破.1 V.i. & t.5 破顏,破涕為笑 melt into smiles (of face); 破.1 V.i. & t.6 破土 break ground (of construction). 破.1 V.i. & t.7 (2) To crush (enemy ranks): 破陣,勢如破竹 smash enemy easily (like splitting bamboo); 破.1 V.i. & t.8 攻破南京 capture Nanking; 破.1 V.i. & t.9 破賊 crush rebels. 破.1 V.i. & t.10 (3) To show, reveal: 說破 reveal (secret); 破.1 V.i. & t.11 一語破的 hit the nail on the head (“hit target with one remark”); 破.1 V.i. & t.12 破露 betray (conspiracy, plan), (plan) is exposed; 破.1 V.i. & t.13 破盤 leak out plan; 破.1 V.i. & t.14 破顙S臉 disregard modesty by appearing in public (of women); 破.1 V.i. & t.15 破綻 poh-’jan↓; 破.1 V.i. & t.16 破釜沉舟 no-retreat policy (“burning the bridges”). 破.1 V.i. & t.17 (4) To analyze, explain, define: 破題 poh-tir↓. 破.1 V.i. & t.18 (5) To spend: 破鈔,破財,破費 spend money; 破.1 V.i. & t.19 破工夫 spend a lot of time. 破.1 V.i. & t.20 (6) To brave: 破浪 ride the waves. 破.1 V.i. & t.21 (7) To break out: 破空而下, appear, burst out of the blue. 破.1 Vb.complement.1 Through: 看破 kahn-poh) see through (世情 pomp, the material world); 破.1 Vb.complement.2 打破 break (a cup); 破.1 Vb.complement.3 打破難關 break through a difficult situation; 破.1 Vb.complement.4 撕破 tear up; 破.1 Vb.complement.5 攻破 capture a city; 破.1 Vb.complement.6 讀破 read character with different pronunciation, representing different word. 破.1 Adj.1 Broken down: 破屋子,衣服,皮鞋 broken-down house, tattered clothing, shoes; 破.1 Adj.2 破罐子 poh-guahn-tz↓; 破.1 Adj.3 破鏡重圓 reunion of couple after separation, divorce; 破.1 Adj.4 家破人亡 family ruined; 破.1 Adj.5 破家子弟 spendthrift son of family; 破.1 Adj.6 penniless person; 破.1 Adj.7 國破 country destroyed. 破.2.1 破敗 poh-baih, v.t., destroy (property, plan). 破.2.2 破產 poh-chaan, n. & adj., bankrupt, -cy. 破.2.3 破除 poh-chur, v.t., overcome prejudices, obstacles, superstition. 破.2.4 破格 poh-ger, adv., as an exceptional favor. 破.2.5 破瓜 poh-gua, v.i., lose virginity; 破.2.6 破瓜 poh-gua, v.i., 破瓜之年 age sixteen, (AC) also age sixty-four (of women). 破.2.7 破罐子 poh-guahn-tz, n., (contemp.) unchaste woman; 破.2.8 破罐子 poh-guahn-tz, n., a physical wreck. 破.2.9 破壞 poh-huaih, v.t., break (neutrality, marriage), violate (agreement), damage (reputation). 破.2.10 破綻 poh-’jan, n., flaw (in clothing, secret, argument). 破.2.11 破折號 poh-jer-hauh, n., printer’s dash mark (“-”). 破.2.12 (打)破紀錄 (daa) poh-jih-luh, v.i., break the record. 破.2.13 破爛 poh-lahn, adj., torn-down, ragged (furniture, dress). 破.2.14 破裂 poh-lieh, v.i. & adj., split, break, broken (friendship, marriage). 破.2.15 破落戶 poh-luoh-huh, n., penniless person, family; 破.2.16 破落戶 poh-luoh-huh, n., fallen into decline. 破.2.17 破嗓子 poh-saang-tz, n., broken voice, lost voice. 破.2.18 破傷風 poh-shang-feng, n. tetanus infection. 破.2.19 破身 poh-shen, v.i., lose virginity. 破.2.20 破曉 poh-shiaau, n., daybreak. 破.2.21 破碎 poh-sueih, adj., piecemeal, broken up, out of line; 破.2.22 破碎 poh-sueih, adj., n., broken bits. 破.2.23 破天荒 poh-tian-huang, adj. & adv., unprecedented, breaking all precedents. 破.2.24 破體字 poh-tii-tzyh, n., corrupt or abbreviated form of a character. 破.2.25 破題(兒) poh-tir-’l, n., the opening sentence of essay in civil examinations defining the theme; 破.2.26 破題(兒) poh-tir-’l, n., (fig.) the first thing. 破.2.27 破字 poh-tzyh, n., special pronunciation of a character different from normal, and used with different meaning. 破.2.28 破五兒 poh-wuu-’l, n., fifth of January in old calendar. 破.2.29 破音 poh-yin, n., special pr. of character used with different meaning. 硬.0 31B.82-3 yihng. 硬.1 Adj.1 (1) Hard: 硬繃繃,硬邦邦 very hard. 硬.1 Adj.2 (2) Stubborn, firm, adamant (attitude): 骨頭硬,脾氣硬 stubborn in temperament. 硬.1 Adj.3 (3) Hard-hearted: 心腸硬 opp. 軟 soft-hearted. 硬.1 Adj.4 (4) Raw, stiff, not fluent: 舌頭硬 tongue is stiff in learning language; 硬.1 Adj.5 生硬 not well learned, forced, not skillful or smooth. 硬.1 Adj.6 (5) Solid, well-equipped: 陣容很硬 staffed with the best personnel; 硬.1 Adj.7 戲碼兒硬 theater has solid program. 硬.1 Adv.1 By force, doggedly, without flinching: 硬拉 pull by force; 硬.1 Adv.2 硬掙,硬撐 hold up by force; 硬.1 Adv.3 esp. 硬著頭皮,硬著臉子 braving all rebuff; 硬.1 Adv.4 硬著心腸 with hardened heart, i.e., unwillingly (do s.t. cruel); 硬.1 Adv.5 硬把他的名掛上 put his name on the list against his will. 硬.2.1 硬幣 yihng-bih, n., hard currency. 硬.2.2 硬氣 yihng-chih, n. & adj., firm, -ness: 兒子偏不硬氣 unfortunately the son is weak in character. 硬.2.3 硬度 yihng-duh, n., (jewels, steel) degree of hardness. 硬.2.4 硬幹 yihng-gahn, v.i., to do recklessly. 硬.2.5 硬膏 yihng-gau, n., (med.) plasters. 硬.2.6 硬漢 yihng-hahn, n., a strong-willed person, one who never yields. 硬.2.7 硬化 yihng-huah, v.i., to harden, stiffen: 動脈血管硬化 sclerosis; 硬.2.8 硬化 yihng-huah, v.i., 硬化症 yihng-huah-jehng, n., cirrhosis. 硬.2.9 硬黃紙 yihng-huarng-jyy, n., sized paper. 硬.2.10 硬貨 yihng-huoh, n., metallic coins. 硬.2.11 硬脂 yihng-jy, n., (chem.) stearin, suet, tallow. 硬.2.12 硬朗 yihng-’lang, adj., robust (health). 硬.2.13 硬臉 yihng-liaan, phr., accept no compromise. 硬.2.14 硬G子 yihng-lii-tz, n., important supporting actors in troupe. 硬.2.15 硬領(兒)(子) yihng-liing (’l) (tz), n., stiff collar. 硬.2.16 硬煤 yihng-meir, n., anthracite coal. 硬.2.17 硬麵(兒) yihng-miahn (yihng-miah-’l), n., hard noodles, made with less water. 硬.2.18 硬木 yihng-muh, n., hardwood. 硬.2.19 硬橡皮 yihng-shiahng-pir, n., ebonite. 硬.2.20 硬性 yihng-shihng, n., hardness, rigidity. 硬.2.21 硬手(兒) yihng-shoou (’l), n., an able hand or assistant. 硬.2.22 硬水 yihng-shueei, n., hard water. 硬.2.23 硬頭貨 yihng-’tou-huoh, n., (1) money; 硬.2.24 硬頭貨 yihng-’tou-huoh, n., (2) indigestible stuff. 硬.2.25 硬彩 yihng-tsaai, n., deep-colored enamel on porcelain. 硬.2.26 硬玉 yihng-yuh, n., jadeite. 1mrsfk19.0 31B.82-5 pauh. [Var. of A 31B.82] A.0 31B.82-5 pauh. [Var. of 砲 31B.70↑] 礉.0 31B.82-9 chiau (*her). 礉.1 Adj.1 (1) Jagged (var. of 磽 31B.70↑). 礉.1 Adj.2 (2) (*her) To check officially (var. of 核 10B.81 and 覈 31.82). 礎.0 31B.83-1 chuu. 礎.1 N.1 Foundation stone: 礎石 ditto; 礎.1 N.2 基礎 foundation, (lit. and fig.) (of strength, wisdom, etc.); 礎.1 N.3 礎潤知雨 certain stones show changes of weather by their wet color. 礙.0 31B.83-2 aih. 礙.1 N.1 Obstacle, hindrance, detriment: 障礙 ditto; 礙.1 N.2 有礙,無礙 (於) is hindrance, is no hindrance, to (plan, progress): 有礙衛生 is deletrious to health. 礙.1 V.t.1 (1) To hinder, stand in the way: 阻礙 hinder (progress, cooperation, etc.); 礙.1 V.t.2 礙眼,礙口 aih-yaan, aih-koou↓; 礙.1 V.t.3 礙事 aih-shyh↓. 礙.1 V.t.4 (2) Difficult, embarrassing: 礙難 aih-narn↓; 礙.1 V.t.5 礙于情面 one cannot do s.t. (refuse, etc.) for fear of hurting another’s feelings. 礙.2.1 礙口 aih-koou, phr., too embarrassing to speak out. 礙.2.2 礙目 aih-muh, phr., an eyesore. 礙.2.3 礙難 aih-narn, adj., (official language) inconvenient for certain reasons, i.e., cannot: 礙難照准 cannot or do not approve. 礙.2.4 礙手 aih-shoou, phr., (affair) difficult to handle: 礙手礙腳 in the way. 礙.2.5 礙事 aih-shyh, adj., detrimental, highly inconvenient; 礙.2.6 礙事 aih-shyh, adj.,usu. in negative form: 不礙事 does not matter, is quite all right (to do s.t.). 礙.2.7 礙眼 aih-yaan, phr., be an eyesore, see aih-muh↑. 碇.0 31B.83-6 dihng. 碇.1 N.1 Anchor of a ship: 啟碇 to weigh anchor. 砭.0 31B.83-9 bian. 砭.1 N.1 (AC) fine-pointed stone for puncturing skin. 砭.1 V.t.1 Anciently to probe with stone point, now with metal point in acupuncture; 砭.1 V.t.2 針^砭 81A.10 n., acupuncture, also v.t. to probe and criticize (faults) severely. 砭.2.1 砭骨 bian-guu, adj., very cold, stinging (of cutting wind); 砭.2.2 砭骨 bian-guu, adj., very severe (of criticism). 砭.2.3 砭灸 bian-jioou, n., (med.) anc. method of acupuncture, puncture (砭 to puncture and 灸 to cauterize). 砂.0 31B.91-2 sha. 砂.1 N.1 (1) Sand (usu. interch. 沙). 砂.1 N.2 (2) Gritty marks in measles. 砂.2.1 砂布 sha-buh, n., emery cloth. 砂.2.2 砂金 sha-jin, n., placer gold; 砂.2.3 砂金 sha-jin, n., 砂金石 sha-jin-shyr, (min.) corundum, varieties of quartz. 砂.2.4 砂紙 sha-jyy, n., see sha-buh↑. 砂.2.5 砂礫 sha-lih, n., gravel. 砂.2.6 砂輪 sha-lurn, n., emery wheel. 砂.2.7 砂漠 sha-moh, n., desert (usu.沙 ). 砂.2.8 砂囊 sha-narng, n., the gizzard of a fowl. 砂.2.9 砂皮 sha-pir, n., emery cloth or paper. 砂.2.10 砂糖 sha-tarng, n., unrefined sugar. 砂.2.11 砂鐵 sha-tiee, n., magnetic sand. 砂.2.12 砂土 sha-tuu, n., sandy soil. 砂.2.13 砂眼 sha-yaan, n., trachoma. 砂.2.14 砂岩 sha-yarn, n., sandstone. 磣.0 31B.91-9 cheen. [Var. □] 磣.1 Adj.1 (1) Gritty (food mixed with sand). 磣.1 Adj.2 (2) Ugly, unsightly: 磣可可,磣得慌 very ugly, pitifullooking (related 慘 22A.91). 砝.0 31B.93-1 far. 砝.2.1 砝碼 far-maa, n., brass or lead weights, used in old-style scales. 磁.0 31B.93-8 tsyr. 磁.1 N.1 (1) Magnetism: 磁氣 tsyr-chih1↓; 磁.1 N.2 磁性,磁石,磁針 tsyr-shihng, tsyr-shyr, tsyr-jen↓. 磁.1 N.3 (2) U.f □ porcelain, 80.70: 磁器 tsyr-chih2↓. 磁.2.1 磁 tsyr-chaang, n., (phys.) magnetic field. 磁.2.2 磁氣 tsyr-chih1, n., (phys.) magnetic force: 地磁氣 terrestrial magnetism; 磁.2.3 磁氣 tsyr-chih1, n., 磁氣感應 magnetic induction; 磁.2.4 磁氣 tsyr-chih1, n., 磁氣赤道 magnetic equator. 磁.2.5 磁器 tsyr-chih2, n., porcelain, chinaware. 磁.2.6 磁電 tsyr-diahn, n., (phys.) electromagnetism. 磁.2.7 磁針 tsyr-jen, n., magnetic needle. 磁.2.8 磁極 tsyr-jir, n., (phys.) magnetic pole. 磁.2.9 磁軸 tsyr-jour, n., (phys.) magnetic axis. 磁.2.10 磁力 tsyr-lih, n., (phys.) magnetic force: 磁力線 line of magnetic force. 磁.2.11 磁性 tsyr-shihng, n., magnetism, magnetic properties. 磁.2.12 磁實 tsyr-’shy, adj., (coll.) substantial, well-built, solid (house). 磁.2.13 磁石 tsyr-shyr, n., loadstone; 磁.2.14 磁石 tsyr-shyr, n., 磁石棍 or 磁條 bar magnet. 磁.2.15 磁條 tsyr-tiaur, n., bar magnet. 磁.2.16 磁鐵 tsyr-tiee, n., magnetic iron, magnet: 馬蹄磁鐵 horseshoe magnet; 磁.2.17 磁鐵 tsyr-tiee, n., 圓條磁鐵 cylindrical magnet. 酎.0 31C.00-1 jouh. 酎.1 N.1 (AC) double-fermented wine. 酵.0 31C.00-1 shiauh (also jiauh). 酵.1 N.1 Yeast, leaven: 發酵 to ferment. 酵.2.1 酵母 shiauh-muu, n., leaven, yeast. 酵.2.2 酵素 shiauh-suh, n., (bilo.) enzymes. 酊.0 31C.00-3 diing. 酊.1 Adj.1 See 酩^酊 31C.40. .0 31C.00-6 chour. [Pop. of 酬 31C.22] 醇.0 31C.00-6 churn. [Var. of □] 醇.1 N.1 (1) Mellow wine: 醇酒婦人 indulgence with wine and women. 醇.1 N.2 (2) 乙醇 ether. 醇.1 Adj.1 (1) U.f. 淳 simple, unsophisticated: 醇厚,醇樸 churn-houh, churn-pur↓. 醇.1 Adj.2 (2) U.f. 純 pure: 醇備,醇謹,醇粹 churn-beih, churn-jiin, churn-tsueih↓. 醇.2.1 醇備 churn-beih, adj. (AC) pefsect (also 純備), without flaws of character. 醇.2.2 醇醇 churn-churn, adj., (AC) primitively simple-hearted. 醇.2.3 醇厚 churn-houh, adj., careful and honest (also wr. 純,淳). 醇.2.4 醇化 churn-huah, adj., mellowed, well blended (customs, callig., also 淳化). 醇.2.5 醇謹 churn-jiin, adj., see churn-houh↑. 醇.2.6 醇精 churn-jing, n., (chem.) ether. 醇.2.7 醇醪 churn-laur, n., exceptionally strong wine. 醇.2.8 醇醨 churn-lir, n., good (醇) and bad (醨) wine, (fig.) tough and refined customs, manners. 醇.2.9 醇美 churn-meir, adj., mellow, superb (also 純,淳). 醇.2.10 醇醲 churn-nurng, adj., wine of old vintage; 醇.2.11 醇醲 churn-nurng, adj., (fig.) mellow character of a people. 醇.2.12 醇樸(朴) churn-pur, adj., simple, unsophisticated (also 淳,純). 醇.2.13 醇粹 churn-tsueih, adj., unadulterated, pure (also 純,淳). 酹.0 31C.00-9 leih. 酹.1 V.t.1 Perform libation. 釂.0 31C.00-9 jiauh. 釂.1 V.i.1 (AC) empty a cup of wine at one gulp. 醥.0 31C.01-3 piaau. 醥.1 N.1 (MC) light wine. 醾.0 31C.01-6 mir. [Var. of □ 31C.01] 醾.1 N.1 See 酴^□ 31C.01↓. 酴.0 31C.01-8 tur. 酴.1 N.1 (AC) yeast. 酴.2.1 酴□ tur-mir, n., see 荼^蘼 20A.01. 酴.2.2 酴酥 tur-su, n., see 屠^蘇 52A.41. 酥.0 31C.01-9 su. 酥.1 N.1 Light, fluffy or crisp edible (cakes, etc.): 桃酥 crisp preserved peach; 酥.1 N.2 酥糖 crisp sweetmeat. 酥.1 Adj.1 (1) Crisp, light and fluffy (cookie). 酥.1 Adj.2 (2) Soft like butter: 酥胸 woman’s soft breasts; 酥.1 Adj.3 酥髮 soft, silky hair. 酥.1 Adj.4 (3) Luxuriously relaxed: 酥麻,酥 su-mar, su-ruaan↓. 酥.2.1 酥酪 su-lauh, n., yogurt. 酥.2.2 酥麻 su-mar, adj., (limbs) numb and weak, sensually soothed. 酥.2.3 酥 su-ruaan, adj., (legs) gone soft, weak from excitement. 酥.2.4 酥油 su-your, n., butter from cow’s or mare’s milk. 醵.0 31C.02-2 jyuh. 醵.1 V.i.1 Contribute money for a common purpose, esp. to buy drinks: 醵金 to chip in; 醵.1 V.i.2 醵資 ditto. 醲.0 31C.02-2 nurng. 醲.1 N.1 Rich wine. 醲.1 Adj.1 Rich: (of wine, tea, etc.) rich-flavored (cf. 濃 63A.02). 釀.0 31C.02-6 niahng. 釀.1 N.1 Wine or its by-product: 佳釀 vintage wine; 釀.1 N.2 酒釀 sweet fermented rice; 釀.1 N.3 see 釀母 niahng-muu↓. 釀.1 V.t.1 (1) To brew wine: 釀酒,釀造,釀製 make wine. 釀.1 V.t.2 (2) Cause (s.t.) to mature gradually: 釀蜜 (of bees) make honey; 釀.1 V.t.3 釀成 (of bad habits, evil tendencies, etc.) suffer to grow or develop; 釀.1 V.t.4 釀禍 ferment trouble; 釀.1 V.t.5 醞釀 (lit.) brew wine, etc. (fig.) (of mischiefs, trouble, rebellion, etc.) brew, ferment. 釀.2.1 釀母 niahng-muu, n., (=酵母) yeast. 釀.2.2 釀造 niahng-tzauh, v.t., make (wine, etc.) by fermentation. 醁.0 31C.02-9 luh. 醁.1 N.1 □醁 lirng-luh, name of wine. 醰.0 31C.10-3 tarn. 醰.1 Adj.1 (Of wine) good and rich-flavored: 醰醰 full-flavored. 醉.0 31C.10-6 tzueih. 醉.1 Adj.1 Drunk: 醉漢 tzueih-hahn↓; 醉.1 Adj.2 碎鬼 tzuei-gueei↓; 醉.1 Adj.3 醉客 a drunken man; 醉.1 Adj.4 醉貓兒 a person walking and acting unsteadily under the influence of alcohol; 醉.1 Adj.5 醉薰薰 drunk, tipsy; 醉.1 Adj.6 醉貌咕咚 sottish; 醉.1 Adj.7 醉眼惺忪 sleepy-eyed from drink; 醉.1 Adj.8 醉咧咧兒 habbling (faltering) from too much drink; 醉.1 Adj.9 醉了 got drunk, intoxicated; 醉.1 Adj.10 醉倒 lying paralyzed by drink; 醉.1 Adj.11 醉死 dead drunk, drink oneself to death; 醉.1 Adj.12 醉酒 drunk with wine; 醉.1 Adj.13 喝醉了酒 have had a cup too many; 醉.1 Adj.14 酒醉飯飽 dined and wined to satiety; 醉.1 Adj.15 醉酒飽德 (litr.) expression of thanks for host’s hospitality (“have partaken of your vintage wine and basked in your kindness”); 醉.1 Adj.16 醉生夢死 lead a happy-go-lucky life; 醉.1 Adj.17 酒不醉人人自醉 it’s not the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who gets himself drunk; 醉.1 Adj.18 醉意 unusually talkative or high-spirited after a drinking bout, half-tipsy; 醉.1 Adj.19 醉翁之意不在酒 some ulterior motive. 醉.1 Adv.1 (1) Be addicted to: 醉心 tzueih-shin↓. 醉.1 Adv.2 (2) Steep (crab, shrimps) in wine. 醉.2.1 醉鬼 tzueih-gueei, n., a drunken sot, a tippler, an alcoholic. 醉.2.2 醉漢 tzueih-hahn, n., a drunkard, a drunken person. 醉.2.3 醉雷公 tzueih-leir-gung, phr., a busybody fond of making superficial comments on men and events (“a drunken thunderer”). 醉.2.4 醉墨 tzueih-moh, n., painting or calligraphy done under the influence of wine. 醉.2.5 醉鄉 tzueih-shiang, n., the state of ecstasy in which a drinker finds himself. 醉.2.6 醉心 tzueih-shin, v.t., be infatuated with (honor, fame, music, poetry, art). 醉.2.7 醉魚草 tzueih-yur-tsaau, n., (bot.) Buddlea japonica. 醛.0 31C.11-2 chyuarn. 醛.1 N.1 (Chem.) aldehyde. 醒.0 31C.11-4 shiing (shing). 醒.1 V.i.1 (1) To wake up, be awake: 他醒了 he is awake; 醒.1 V.i.2 昏迷了又醒過來 come out of coma; 醒.1 V.i.3 甦醒,夢醒 wake up from sleep, dream; 醒.1 V.i.4 喚醒他 wake him up; 醒.1 V.i.5 醒獅 awaken lion (oft. used to describe awakened China). 醒.1 V.i.6 (2) Sober up: 酒醒了 become sober; 醒.1 V.i.7 v.t., 醒酒 help to wake up from drink. 醒.1 V.i.8 (3) To realize one’s mistake: 醒悟 shiing-wuh↓. 醒.2.1 醒腔 shiing-chiang, v.i., (coll.) come to realize: 他總是不醒腔 (coll.) he would never come to realize his mistake, see shiing-wuh↓. 醒.2.2 醒豁 shiing-huoh, adj., striking, bright in appearance. 醒.2.3 醒覺 shiing-jyuer, adj., wake up from (error, sleep). 醒.2.4 醒木 shiing-muh1, n., a gavel used by teahouse storyteller to call attention. 醒.2.5 醒目 shiing-muh2, adj., refreshing to the eye, attractive-looking (billboard, etc.). 醒.2.6 醒脾 shiing-pir, (1) v.i., 醒人脾胃 to refresh one’s mind; 醒.2.7 醒脾 shiing-pir, v.i., to make fun of: 你別拿我們醒脾 don’t make fun of us; 醒.2.8 醒脾 shiing-pir, (2) adj., amusing, refreshing, appetizing (anecdote, etc.). 醒.2.9 醒世 shiing-shyh, adj., (moral tract, story) moralizing, calculated to make one reform. 醒.2.10 醒悟 shiing-wuh, v.i., to come to realize (truth, error); 醒.2.11 醒悟 shiing-wuh, v.i., to reform. 醒.2.12 醒眼 shiing-yaan, adj., see shiing-muh2↑. 酗.0 31C.21-2 shyuh. 酗.1 V.i.1 To become drunk and violent: 酗酒 ditto; 酗.1 V.i.2 酗訟 get into a drunken brawl. 酬.0 31C.22-2 chour. [Pop. 鼕 酬.1 N.1 Reward, remuneration: 卻酬 decline any remuneration; 酬.1 N.2 酬金,酬勞 chour-jin, chour-laur↓. 酬.1 V.i.1 (1) To pledge a cup of wine, to toast and return toast: 應酬 v.i. & n., have a round of social events, parties, invitations and return invitations; 酬.1 V.i.2 repartees at parties: 酬答,酬對 chour-dar, chour-dueih↓; 酬.1 V.i.3 酬應,酬酢 chour-yihng, chour-tzuoh↓; 酬.1 V.i.4 write poems and reply in poems: 酬和,酬唱 chour-heh, chour-chahng↓. 酬.1 V.i.5 (2) To reward, give thanks: 酬報 chour-bauh↓; 酬.1 V.i.6 酬謝 chour-shieh↓. 酬.2.1 酬報 chour-bauh, n., remuneration for service; 酬.2.2 酬報 chour-bauh, n., (theology) retribution. 酬.2.3 酬唱 chour-chahng, v.i., to write back and forth, esp. poems, between friends. 酬.2.4 酬答 chour-dar, v.i., (1) express appreciation; 酬.2.5 酬答 chour-dar, v.i., (2) give remuneration; 酬.2.6 酬答 chour-dar, v.i., (3) see chour-chahng↑. 酬.2.7 酬對 chour-dueih, (1) v.i., to hold conversation; 酬.2.8 酬對 chour-dueih, (2) the art of conversation. 酬.2.9 酬和 chour-heh, v.i., see chour-chahng↑. 酬.2.10 酬金 chour-jin, n., service fees. 酬.2.11 酬直 chour-jyr, v.i., to repay for service (properly 值). 酬.2.12 酬勞 chour-laur, n. & v.t., remunerate, -tion. 酬.2.13 酬賽 chour-saih, n. & v.i., thanksgiving to gods, a religious festival with parades. 酬.2.14 酬謝 chour-shieh, v.t., to repay with thanks; 酬.2.15 酬謝 chour-shieh, v.t., n., remuneration. 酬.2.16 酬酢 chour-tzuoh, n. & v.i., (1) invitations back and forth; 酬.2.17 酬酢 chour-tzuoh, n. & v.i., (2) drink toasts to each other. 酬.2.18 酬應 chour-yihng, v.i., ditto. 酬.2.19 酬庸 chour-yung, n., (LL) remuneration, reward for past services. 醡.0 31C.22-6 jah. 醡.1 N.1 Wine press. 1mwidy16.0 31C.22-6 mir. [Var. of 醾 31C.01↑] 酢.0 31C.22-9 tzuoh. 酢.1 V.t.1 To toast the host: 酬酢 mutual toasting between host and guests, dining and wining. 醢.0 31C.30-1 haai. 醢.1 N.1 Minced meat sauce; 醢.1 N.2 pickled meat. 醢.1 V.t.1 (AC) to cut slices of flesh as a form of torture. 醴.0 31C.30-2 lii. 醴.1 N.1 (1) 醴泉 A sweet spring. 醴.1 N.2 (2) 醴酒 sweet wine. 醞.0 31C.30-4 yuhn. 醞.1 V.i.1 To ferment. 醞.2.1 醞藉 yuhn-jieh, adj., poised (character); 醞.2.2 醞藉 yuhn-jieh, adj., rich but restrained (style of writing), also wr. 蘊. 醞.2.3 醞釀 yuhn-niahng, v.i., to ferment; 醞.2.4 醞釀 yuhn-niahng, v.i., (fig.) (of troubles, revolutionary movement) are brewing. 醯.0 31C.30-6 shi. 醯.1 N.1 (AC) vinegar; 醯.1 N.2 pickles. 醯.2.1 醯 shi-ji, n., gnat-like insect found on pickles. 醯.2.2 醯醬 shi-jiahng, n., pickled condiment. 1mwcmt16.0 31C.30-8 shi. [Var. of 醯 31C.30↑] 酤.0 31C.40-1 gu. 酤.1 V.t.1 Sell or buy: 酤酒 sell or buy wine (cf. 沽 63A.40). 酷.0 31C.40-1 kuh. 酷.1 Adj. & adv.1 (1) Strong (bouquet of wine). 酷.1 Adj. & adv.2 (2) Brutal: 殘酷,酷烈 brutal; 酷.1 Adj. & adv.3 酷吏 merciless judge or prison warden; 酷.1 Adj. & adv.4 酷虐 tyrannical cruel; 酷.1 Adj. & adv.5 冷酷 cold, severe, without human warmth; 酷.1 Adj. & adv.6 酷刑 kuh-shirng↓. 酷.1 Adj. & adv.7 (3) Severe, extreme, -ly: 酷熱,酷寒 extremely hot, severely cold (weather); 酷.1 Adj. & adv.8 酷似 very much resembling. 酷.2.1 酷烈 kuh-lieh, adj., (1) severe, cruel; 酷.2.2 酷烈 kuh-lieh, adj., (2) strong (smell). 酷.2.3 酷刑 kuh-shirng, n., torture. 醽.0 31C.40-3 lirng. 醽.2.1 醽醁 lirng-luh, n., (MC) name of fine wine. 醅.0 31C.40-6 pei. 醅.1 N.1 Unstrained spirits. 酩.0 31C.40-9 mirng (miing). 酩.2.1 酩酊(大醉) mirng-diing (dah-tzueih), adj., dead drunk. 酪.0 31C.40-9 luoh (lauh in coll.). 酪.1 N.1 (1) Kinds of cheese: 奶酪,乳酪 cream cheese. 酪.1 N.2 (2) (AC) fruit jelly, jam. 酣.0 31C.41-2 han. 酣.1 Adj. & adv.1 Rapturous, -ly, soundly and comfortably: 酣飲 rapturously drunk, drink to one’s heart’s content; 酣.1 Adj. & adv.2 酒意半酣 half drunk, comfortably drunk; 酣.1 Adj. & adv.3 酣睡 sleep soundly; 酣.1 Adj. & adv.4 酣歌,酣舞 to sing, dance rapturously; 酣.1 Adj. & adv.5 酣樂 enjoy with rapture. 醋.0 31C.41-2 tsuh. 醋.1 N.1 (1) Vinegar. 醋.1 N.2 (2) Jealousy (from adj. 酸 sour): 醋意 tsuh-yih↓; 醋.1 N.3 吃醋 feel jealous; 醋.1 N.4 醋海生波 a storm of jealousy. 醋.2.1 醋大 tsuh-dah, n., penniless fellow, oft. 窮醋大 (also wr. 措大); 醋.2.2 醋大 tsuh-dah, n., formerly, sour and haughty scholars. 醋.2.3 醋罐子 tsuh-guahn-tz, n., “a bottle of vinegar”—extremely jealous wife or husband. 醋.2.4 醋勁(兒) tsuh-jihn (tsuh-jieh-’l), n., jealousy, see tsuh-yih↓. 醋.2.5 醋心 tsuh-’shin, n., belching of acid from stomach. 醋.2.6 醋酸 tsuh-suan, n., (chem.) acetic acid; 醋.2.7 醋酸 tsuh-suan, n., 醋酸鈉 sodium acetate; 醋.2.8 醋酸 tsuh-suan, n., 醋酸鈣 calcium acetate; 醋.2.9 醋酸 tsuh-suan, n., 醋酸鉀 potassium acetate; 醋.2.10 醋酸 tsuh-suan, n., 醋酸鉛 lead acetate; 醋.2.11 醋酸 tsuh-suan, n., 醋酸銅 cupric acetate; 醋.2.12 醋酸 tsuh-suan, n., 醋酸鉻,鋁,鐵 chromium, aluminum, ferric acetate. 醋.2.13 醋意 tsuh-yih, n., feeling of jealousy. 1mwyra16.0 31C.41-6 churn. [Var. of 醇 31C.00↑] 酺.0 31C.42-1 pur. 酺.1 N. & v.i.1 A drink fest. 醐.0 31C.42-1 hur. 醐.1 N.1 See 醍^醐 31C.83↓. 酌.0 31C.50-9 juor. 酌.1 N.1 (1) A feast, banquet: 喜酌 wedding banquet. 酌.1 N.2 (2) Small, informal dinner with a little wine: 清酌,便酌,隨意小酌 ditto; 酌.1 N.3 對酌 have a drink together. 酌.1 V.i.1 (1) To drink: 獨酌 drink without company; 酌.1 V.i.2 小酌,對酌 see N.2↑; 酌.1 V.i.3 淺酌 have a little drink. 酌.1 V.i.4 (2) To pour wine (for guest, etc.). 酌.1 V.i.5 (3) To deliberate (as to measure wine by jigger): 斟酌 to deliberate (together), consider before decision; 酌.1 V.i.6 酌定,酌奪,酌量 juor-dihng, juor-duor, juor-liarng↓. 酌.1 Adv.1 (As vb. prefix) at discretion, according to needs or circumstances: 酌付,酌改 pay, correct, at your discretion; 酌.1 Adv.2 酌復 reply as you think fit; 酌.1 Adv.3 酌減 decrease according to circumstance; 酌.1 Adv.4 酌取 take as much as you consider desirable, etc. 酌.2.1 酌辦 juor-bahn, v.i. & t., proceed at your discretion. 酌.2.2 酌定 juor-dihng, v.t., please kindly decide. 酌.2.3 酌奪 juor-duor, v.t., ditto. 酌.2.4 酌量 juor-liarng (juor-liahng), adv., according to circumstances: 酌量辦理, see juor-bahn↑. 酌.2.5 酌獻 juor-shiahn, v.i., to offer sacrifices with libation. 酌.2.6 酌裁 juor-tsair, v.t., (await) your decision. 醺.0 31C.63-9 shyun. 醺.1 Adj.1 Drunk: 醉醺醺 very drunk, tipsy. 醮.0 31C.63-9 jiauh. 醮.1 N.1 A Taoist Buddhist sacrifice: 打醮 hold sacrifice to appease the gods or exorcise the demons. 醮.1 V.i.1 (Of women) marry: 再醮 remarry after husband’s death. 醃.0 31C.70-1 yan. 醃.1 V.t.1 To pickle, marinate, salt; 醃.1 V.t.2 p.p., salted, marinated: 醃菜 salted vegetable. 配.0 31C.70-5 peih. 配.1 V.t.1 (1) To match, be worthy of: 配不上 be unworthy of post or match; 配.1 V.t.2 他配說這種話嗎 is he the person qualified to say such things? 配對 to make a pair, to mate. 配.1 V.t.3 (2) To compose, blend, make up: 配藥 make up a prescription; 配.1 V.t.4 配戲 cast a play; 配.1 V.t.5 配貨 buy, replenish supplies for stores; 配.1 V.t.6 配製 make, compose from different elements, such as medicine. 配.1 V.t.7 (3) To send (person) to exile. 配.1 Adj.1 Side (wing, construction): 配殿,配房 peih-diahn, peih-farng↓. 配.2.1 配備 peih-beih, n., (mil.) arms; 配.2.2 配備 peih-beih, n., and equipment things, decorations that go with (a thing); 配.2.3 配備 peih-beih, v.t., to furnish with arms. 配.2.4 配搭(兒) peih-da (’l), v.t., arrange (accessories, equipment, subsidiary roles). 配.2.5 配殿 peih-diahn, n., side temple. 配.2.6 配房 peih-farng, n., side room. 配.2.7 配合 peih-her, v.t. & adj., match (things together); 配.2.8 配合 peih-her, v.t. & adj., well-matched, appropriate. 配.2.9 配件兒 peih-jiah-’l, n, accessories. 配.2.10 配給 peih-jii, n. & v.i., ration, supply, usu. free. 配.2.11 配角(兒) peih-jyuer (peih-jyuer-’l), n., minor roles in play. 配.2.12 配軍 peih-jyun, n., troops of exiled persons. 配.2.13 配偶(耦) peih-oou, n., spouse, matrimonial match. 配.2.14 配流 peih-liour, v.t., send to exile. 配.2.15 配享 peih-shiaang, v.i., to be worshipped by side of (main spirit, ancestor), to share sacrifices with. 配.2.16 配售 peih-shouh, n., rationed purchase. 配.2.17 配所 peih-suoo, n., place of exile. 配.2.18 配音 peih-yin, n., sound track in films. 酡.0 31C.70-6 tuor. 酡.1 Adj.1 Face flushed with drink: 酡顏,酡醉. 酖.0 31C.70-9 dan (*jehn). 酖.1 N.1 (*jehn) Poisoned wine: 酖毒 wine poison. 酖.1 V.i.1 Be infatuated with, addicted to: 酖迷酒色 addicted to wine and women, also wr. 耽. 醜.0 31C.70-9 choou. 醜.1 N.1 (1) (Abusive) blackguard, scoundrel: 小醜 underling, scoundrel; 醜.1 N.2 跳梁小醜 little rascal, scamp; 醜.1 N.3 c醜 the rascals; 醜.1 N.4 醜虜 a term of abuse of enemy. 醜.1 N.5 (2) Disgrace: 出醜 expose oneself to ridicule for clumsiness (awkwardness, incompetence, etc.), be exposed for s.t. immoral; 醜.1 N.6 獻醜 (self-deprecating of performance) show my immature skill. 醜.1 Adj.1 (1) Ugly, loathsome, unsightly: 醜婦 ugly woman; 醜.1 Adj.2 醜臉 ugly face; 醜.1 Adj.3 醜極了 frightfully badlooking. 醜.1 Adj.4 (2) Disgraceful, shameless: 醜話,醜事 choou-huah, choou-shyh↓; 醜.1 Adj.5 醜行 choou-shihng↓; 醜.1 Adj.6 醜史 story of s.o.’s shameless doings; 醜.1 Adj.7 醜樣子 grisly appearance; 醜.1 Adj.8 醜名 choou-mirng↓; 醜.1 Adj.9 醜聲四溢 notorious; 醜.1 Adj.10 醜態百出 behave in a revolting manner (show flattery, etc.). 醜.1 Adj.11 (3) (AC) matching: 天下地醜德齊 (AC) the countries are equally strong in territory and power. 醜.1 Adv.1 Frightfully, horribly: 醜罵,醜詆 give a merciless scolding; 醜.1 Adv.2 一頓醜打 beat up (person) mercilessly. 醜.2.1 醜巴怪 choou-ba-guaih, n. & adj., disfigured, monstrous-looking (person). 醜.2.2 醜惡 choou-eh, adj., loathsome, despicable (conduct). 醜.2.3 醜話 choou-huah, n., scandal, scandalous gossip. 醜.2.4 醜類 choou-leih, (1) n., (LL, abusive) gang of scoundrels; 醜.2.5 醜類 choou-leih, (2) 比物醜類 (AC) to classify according to categories. 醜.2.6 醜陋 choou-louh, adj., ugly, loathsome, unsightly. 醜.2.7 醜名 choou-mirng, n., bad reputation. 醜.2.8 醜行 choou-shihng, n., notorious conduct, indecencies. 醜.2.9 醜事 choou-shyh, n., a scandal. 醜.2.10 醜熊 choou-taih, n., disgusting manner. 1mwihr16.0 31C.71-7 shiarn. [Var. of 鹹] 醭.0 31C.81-2 bur (also pur or mur in Peking). 醭.1 N.1 White spots on surface of vinegar, soy sauce, usu. 醭兒 bur-’l. 醊.0 31C.82-3 chuoh. 醊.1 V.t.1 (LL) to drink, sip. 醱.0 31C.82-3 poh. 醱.1 N. & vb.1 Secondary fermentation. 醱.2.1 醱酵 poh-shiauh, v.i., cause fermentation by yeast. 釅.0 31C.82-4 yahn. 釅.1 Adj.1 Strong (liquor, tea). 酘.0 31C.82-4 tour. 酘.1 V.i.1 (MC) to have a small drink (酘一酘) after heavy drinking the previous day, believed to be a good way of woking it off. 酸.0 31C.82-9 suan. 酸.1 N.1 An acid: 碳酸 carbonic acid; 酸.1 N.2 鹽酸 hydrochloric acid; 酸.1 N.3 硫酸 sulphuric acid; 酸.1 N.4 醋酸 acetic acid; 酸.1 N.5 磷酸 phosphoric acid; 酸.1 N.6 硝酸 nitric acid. 酸.1 Adj.1 (1) Sour in taste: 酸溜溜,酸不啷(兒)的,酸不啷溜兒的 all meaning very sour. 酸.1 Adj.2 (2) Jealous: also 酸溜溜 very jealous (cf. 醋 31C.41). 酸.1 Adj.3 (3) Putrid, rancid: 酸咕囔的 very rancid in smell. 酸.1 Adj.4 (4) Feeling deeply touched in pity: 心酸 ditto; 酸.1 Adj.5 酸鼻 suan-bir↓. 酸.1 Adj.6 (5) U.f. 痠 61A.82, muscular ache. 酸.1 Adj.7 (6) Puritanical, pettily critical of others, narrow-minded: 寒酸,窮酸 poor and jealous of others; 酸.1 Adj.8 酸文假醋 one who poses as a cultured gentleman, hypocrite, -ical. 酸.2.1 酸敗 suan-baih, adj., turned sour. 酸.2.2 酸鼻 suan-bir, v.i., cause one’s heart to ache: 令人酸鼻 makes one want to cry out of pity (describing a feeling in sinus). 酸.2.3 酸慳 suan-chian, adj., miserly. 酸.2.4 酸切 suan-chieh, adj., touching (words). 酸.2.5 酸楚 suan-chuu, adj., mournful, heart breaking. 酸.2.6 酸丁 suan-ding, n., (contempt.) an unsuccessful and morose or crabbed person. 酸.2.7 酸度 suan-duh, n., acidity. 酸.2.8 酸腐 suan-fuu, adj., puritanical, doctrinaire. 酸.2.9 酸根 suan-gen, n., (chem.) acid radicals. 酸.2.10 酸寒 suan-harn, adj., poor and unhappy (person) (=寒酸). 酸.2.11 酸懷 suan-huair, adj., sorrowful. 酸.2.12 酸漿 suan-jiang, n., (bot.) “Chinese lantern” or winter cherry, Physalis alkekengi (also called 燈籠草). 酸.2.13 酸款 suan-kuaan, adj., sour and aloof, conceited (person). 酸.2.14 酸懶 suan-laan, adj., (legs, body) limp and aching. 酸.2.15 酸辣湯 suan-lah-tang, n., a sour-and-hot soup (of slices of bean curd and blood). 酸.2.16 酸類 suan-leih, n., (chem.) acids. 酸.2.17 酸溜溜(兒) suan-liou-’liou (’l), adj., very jealous; 酸.2.18 酸溜溜(兒) suan-liou-’liou (’l), adj., very puritanical; 酸.2.19 酸溜溜(兒) suan-liou-’liou (’l), adj., (muscles) aching. 酸.2.20 酸梅湯 suan-meir-tang, n., wild-plum juice, a cold drink. 酸.2.21 酸軟 suan-ruaan, adj., (limbs) limp. 酸.2.22 酸性 suan-shihng, n., acidity: 酸性岩 acid rocks; 酸.2.23 酸性 suan-shihng, n., 酸性鹽 acid salts; 酸.2.24 酸性 suan-shihng, n., 酸性反應 acid reaction. 酸.2.25 酸心 suan-shin1, (1) n., acidity in stomach; 酸.2.26 酸心 suan-shin1, (2) adj., touching (=心酸). 酸.2.27 酸辛 suan-shin2, adj., sad, hard-pressed, in hard circumstances. 酸.2.28 酸疼 suan-terng, adj., (muscles) aching. 酸.2.29 酸甜兒 suan-tiar-’l, adj., sweet and sour (dishes); 酸.2.30 酸甜兒 suan-tiar-’l, adj., 酸甜苦辣 all the sweet and bitter experiences of life. 酸.2.31 酸頭兒 suan-tour-’l, n., slightly sour flavor. 酸.2.32 酸菜 suan-tsaih, n., sour pickled cabbage. 酸.2.33 酸痛 suan-tuhng, adj. ,see suan-terng↑. 酸.2.34 酸棗 suan-tzaau, n., a wild date, Zizyphus vulgaris. 醍.0 31C.83-4 tir. 醍.2.1 醍醐 tir-hur, n., essential oil of butter; 醍.2.2 醍醐 tir-hur, n., (Budd.) Buddha nature in man; 醍.2.3 醍醐 tir-hur, n., 醍醐灌頂 phr., pleasure of understanding or receiving wisdom (like “pouring rich liquor over one’s head”). 醪.0 31C.91-5 laur. 醪.1 N.1 Wine with dregs: 醪糟 the sediment of wine or spirits. 雺.0 31D.00-3 merng. [Anc. var. of 霧 31D.50↓] 雺.1 N.1 Heavy fog. 雺.2.1 雺淞 merng-sung (mehng-suhng), n., thick fog. 霖.0 31D.01-1 lirn. 霖.1 N.1 Rain, esp. long rain: 霖雨 heavy rain; 霖.1 N.2 甘霖 sweet rain, good for the crops. 霢.0 31D.02-4 moh. 霢.1 N.1 (AC) drizzle. 震.0 31D.02-5 jehn. [Related 顫] 震.1 N.1 (1) One of the eight diagrams, see 八^卦 80.80. 震.1 N.2 (2) (AC) thunder; 震.1 N.3 earthquake: 地震. 震.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) To shock, strike by thunder: 雷震 struck by thunder; 震.1 V.i. & t.2 震死了 struck dead by lightning; 震.1 V.i. & t.3 to shock by brilliance: 震古鑠今 galvanize the world. 震.1 V.i. & t.4 (2) To quake, crash: 震撼 jehn-hahn↓; 震.1 V.i. & t.5 震動 jehn-duhng↓; 震.1 V.i. & t.6 震天駭地 shake the universe; 震.1 V.i. & t.7 震耳 (欲聾) deafening (noise). 震.1 V.i. & t.8 (3) To frighten, be frightened (oft. prefixed to adj. or p.p.): 震懼,震驚,震恐,震慴 jehn-jyuh, jehn-jing, jehn-kuung,jehn-jer↓, etc., meaning greatly frightened; 震.1 V.i. & t.9 震怒 jehn-nuh↓, greatly angry. 震.1 V.i. & t.10 (4) (AC) pregnant (related modn. 娠). 震.2.1 震顫 jehn-chahn, n., tremor. 震.2.2 震旦 Jehn-dahn, n., ancient Hindu name for China. 震.2.3 震怛 jehn-dar, adj., frightened. 震.2.4 震悼 jehn-dauh, adj., shocked by s.o.’s death. 震.2.5 震動 jehn-duhng, (1) v.i., to quake, tremble; 震.2.6 震動 jehn-duhng, (2) v.t. & p.p., be greatly moved, restless: 人心震動. 震.2.7 震耳 jehn-eel, adj., earsplitting, deafening (noise). 震.2.8 震撼 jehn-hahn, v.t., shake, -en agitate, -ed; 震.2.9 震撼 jehn-hahn, v.t., shatter, -ing, -ed. 震.2.10 震駭 jehn-haih, v.i. & t., shock, -ed. 震.2.11 震慴 jehn-jer, v.i. & t., frighten, -ed. 震.2.12 震悸 jehn-jih, v.i., to quiver, quake with fear. 震.2.13 震驚 jehn-jing, v.i., greatly frightened, afraid. 震.2.14 震懼 jehn-jyuh, v.i., tremble with fear. 震.2.15 震恐 jehn-kuung, adj., (p.p.) shocked. 震.2.16 震慄 jehn-lih, v.i., see jehn-jyuh↑. 震.2.17 震怒 jehn-nuh, adj., furious. 霹.0 31D.10-5 pi. 霹.2.1 霹靂 pi-lih, adj. & n., descriptive of crashing thunder, lightning flash: 霹靂一聲雷 a thunderbolt; 霹.2.2 霹靂 pi-lih, adj. & n., 霹靂火 quick-tempered person; 霹.2.3 霹靂 pi-lih, adj. & n., 霹靂手 a fast mover, one quick at decisions. 霪.0 31D.11-6 yirn. 霪.1 N.1 Excessive rain. 霾.0 31D.11-9 mair. 霾.1 V.i.1 Blow sandstorm. 霾.2.1 霾晦 mair-hueih, adj., (of sky) overcast by sandstorm. 霍.0 31D.11-9 huoh. 霍.1 N.1 A surname. 霍.1 Adv.1 霍地,霍然 huoh-dih, huoh-rarn↓. 霍.2.1 霍地 huoh-dih, adv., quickly, in a flash. 霍.2.2 霍霍 huoh-huoh, adv., as in 光霍霍 shining bright; 霍.2.3 霍霍 huoh-huoh, adv., 磨刀霍霍向豬羊 sharpen knife to kill lamb and pig. 霍.2.4 霍亂 huoh-luahn, n., (translit.) cholera. 霍.2.5 霍然 huoh-rarn, adv., see huoh-dih↑. 霍.2.6 霍閃 huoh-shaan, v.i., flash (of lightning). 霏.0 31D.22-2 fei. 霏.1 Adj.1 Descriptive of snowfall: 雨雪霏霏 snow flying about. 霽.0 31D.22-6 jih. 霽.1 V.i.1 (1) Cease raining: 雨霽 the rain is over; 霽.1 V.i.2 晴霽 (of weather) fair and clear; 霽.1 V.i.3 霽色 jih-seh↓. 霽.1 V.i.4 (2) Calm down after a fit of anger: see compp.↓. 霽.2.1 霽色 jih-seh, n., sky blue, a blue sky. 霽.2.2 霽威 jih-wei, v.i., to calm down, stop raging. 霽.2.3 霽顏 jih-yarn, v.i., ditto. 霽.2.4 霽月 jih-yueh, (1) n., a bright moon after rainfall; 霽.2.5 霽月 jih-yueh, (2) adj., (of persons) openhearted, open-minded (“like an unclouded moon”). 霈.0 31D.22-6 peih. 霈.1 N.1 Plentiful rain; 霈.1 N.2 (fig.) gracious kindness, favour. 霈.1 Adj.1 (Of rain) pouring, torrential. 靈.0 31D.30-4 lirng. [Arch. □; pop. □] 靈.1 N.1 (1) Spirit, soul: 神靈 spirit, the gods; 靈.1 N.2 精靈,幽靈 soul of departed; 靈.1 N.3 靈魂 lirng-hurn↓. 靈.1 N.4 (2) Spiritual world, power: 顯靈 (of gods, idol) show supernatural power; 靈.1 N.5 通靈 in touch with spiritual world; 靈.1 N.6 靈感 inspiration; 靈.1 N.7 靈修 attending to spiritual things. 靈.1 N.8 (3) Coffin; 靈.1 N.9 spirit tablet: 停靈 deposit coffin pending burial; 靈.1 N.10 扶靈 carry the hearse; 靈.1 N.11 靈骨 collected bones of deceased relative; 靈.1 N.12 靈牌,靈位,靈柩 lirng-pair, lirng-weih, lirng-jiouh↓. 靈.1 N.13 (4) The people: 生^靈 10.11. 靈.1 N.14 (5) A surname. 靈.1 Adj.1 (1) (Of persons) intelligent, bright, clever, 靈巧,靈敏 lirng-chiaau, lirng-miin↓. 靈.1 Adj.2 (2) (Of things) alert, responsive, alive: 靈通,靈便,靈活 lirng-tung, lirng-biahn, lirng-huor↓. 靈.1 Adj.3 (3) Spiritual, pertaining to the spirits: 靈魂,靈氣 lirng-hurn, lirng-chih↓. 靈.1 Adj.4 (4) (Of med.) efficacious: 靈驗 lirng-yahn↓; 靈.1 Adj.5 (of things) work well; 靈.1 Adj.6 這把鎖靈不靈 does this lock work? 不靈 do not work properly. 靈.2.1 靈便 lirng-biahn, adj., light and convenient. 靈.2.2 靈車 lirng-che, n., the hearse carriage. 靈.2.3 靈櫬 lirng-chehn, n., the hearse. 靈.2.4 靈巧 lirng-chiaau, adj., clever, (of devices) well made. 靈.2.5 靈竅 lirng-chiauh, adj. & n., wit, intelligence. 靈.2.6 靈氣 lirng-chih, n., (of beautiful mountains) spiritual influence or atmosphere: 靈氣所鍾 such influence on persons born in certain place. 靈.2.7 靈床 lirng-chuarng, n., deathbed; 靈.2.8 靈床 lirng-chuarng, n., person’s bed and room furniture kept as when he was living. 靈.2.9 靈感 lirng-gaan, n., inspiration (in writing). 靈.2.10 靈慧 lirng-hueih, adj., (of person, child) very intelligent. 靈.2.11 靈活 lirng-huor, adj., quick in response, alert; 靈.2.12 靈活 lirng-huor, adj., (style of writing, descriptive passage) alive, interesting. 靈.2.13 靈魂 lirng-hurn, n., soul; 靈.2.14 靈魂 lirng-hurn, n., departed spirit. 靈.2.15 靈機 lirng-ji, n., (sudden) inspiration: 靈機一動 a bright idea occurs. 靈.2.16 靈柩 lirng-jiouh, n., coffin and scaffold support. 靈.2.17 靈芝 lirng-jy, n., a mythic plant of long life. 靈.2.18 靈貓 lirng-mau, n., (zoo.) the civet cat (also called 香貓,香貍). 靈.2.19 靈敏 lirng-miin, adj., intelligent, quick to respond. 靈.2.20 靈牌 lirng-pair, n., spirit tablet. 靈.2.21 靈山 lirng-shan, certain fairies’ abode (Buddhist, Taoist). 靈.2.22 靈效 lirng-shiauh, n. & adj., efficacy, -cious. 靈.2.23 靈性 lirng-shihng, n., man’s spiritual nature. 靈.2.24 靈修 lirng-shiou, v.i., to retreat for spiritual contemplation. 靈.2.25 靈秀 lirng-shiouh, adj., delicately beautiful (person, landscape). 靈.2.26 靈透 lirng-touh, adj., very clever. 靈.2.27 靈通 lirng-tung, n., as in 消息靈通 quick, efficient report of news. 靈.2.28 靈座 lirng-tzuoh, n., seat of spirit tablet. 靈.2.29 靈位 lirng-weih, n., ditto. 靈.2.30 靈驗 lirng-yahn, n. & adj. efficacy, -cious (of prayer, medicine). 雪.0 31D.30-5 shyuee (*shyueh as an exception; cf. 血 shyueh or shiee). 雪.1 N.1 (1) Snow: 下雪了 it snows; 雪.1 N.2 大雪 heavy snow; 雪.1 N.3 大風雪 snow blizzard; 雪.1 N.4 冰天雪地 snow and icebound, all covered in ice and snow; 雪.1 N.5 冰雪聰明 extreme crystal-like intelligence; 雪.1 N.6 雪中送炭 phr., real friend in need—“send coal during snow”; 雪.1 N.7 雪泥鴻爪 (fig.) human life likened to the life of birds of passage, uncertain or passing travels; 雪.1 N.8 雪兆豐年 snow as an omen of a bumper harvest; 雪.1 N.9 雪上加霜 disasters pile up on one another; 雪.1 N.10 雪肌,雪膚 white smooth skin like snow; 雪.1 N.11 雪白 shyuee-bair↓. 雪.1 N.12 (2) A surname. 雪.1 V.i.1 To wipe away shame, restitute a wrong, rehabilitate a good name: see 雪冤,雪仇,雪恥 shyuee-yuan, shyuee-chour, shyuer-chyy↓; 雪.1 V.i.2 雪涕,雪淚 wipe away a tear; 雪.1 V.i.3 雪污 cleanse stains on good name. 雪.2.1 雪白 *shyueh-bair, adj., snow-white. 雪.2.2 雪車 shyuee-che, n., sledge, toboggan. 雪.2.3 雪青 shyuee-ching, adj., pale mauve color. 雪.2.4 雪蛆 shyuee-chyu, n., an edible insect found in 峨嵋 Omei mountains in Szechuan. 雪.2.5 雪恥 shyuer-chyy, v.i., to wipe out shame, avenge a former insult or humiliation. 雪.2.6 雪膚 shyuee-fu, n., a lady’s snow-white skin. 雪.2.7 雪恨 shyuee-hehn, v.i., to get even with hated enemy. 雪.2.8 雪花(兒) shyuee-hua (’l), n., snowflakes; 雪.2.9 雪花(兒) shyuee-hua (’l), n.,雪花膏 cold cream, face cream; 雪.2.10 雪花(兒) shyuee-hua (’l), n.,雪花石膏 alabaster. 雪.2.11 雪肌 shyuee-ji, n. see shyuee-fu↑. 雪.2.11 雪茄 shyuee-jia, n., (translit.) cigar. 雪.2.12 雪景 shyuer-jiing (shueih-jiing), n., snow landscape. 雪.2.13 雪G蕻 shyuer-lii-huhng, n. a kind of leaf mustard, Brassica cernua). 雪.2.14 雪柳 shyuer-lioou, n., a wand or staff, wrapped with white paper, held by employed people preceding a funeral procession. 雪.2.15 雪梨 shyuee-lir, n., (1) a kind of pear; 雪.2.16 雪梨 shyuee-lir, n., (2) a place name, Sydney, Australia. 雪.2.17 雪片 shyuee-piahn, n., snowflakes: 函電雪片而來 mail and telegrams pour in like snowflakes. 雪.2.18 雪人 shyuee-rern, n., a snow man. 雪.2.19 雪線 shyuee-shiahn, n., (geog.) the snow line. 雪.2.20 雪鞋 shyuee-shier, n., snowshoes. 雪.2.21 雪橇 shyuee-tsueih, n., a sledge. 雪.2.22 雪刺 shyuee-tsyh, phr., (LL) white, stubby hair (of old man). 雪.2.23 雪衣娘 shyuee-yi-niarng, n., poetic name for a white parrot or cockatoo. 雪.2.24 雪冤 shyuee-yuan, v.i., to avenge a wrong. 靂.0 31D.30-5 lih. 靂.1 N. & adj.1 See 霹^靂 31D.10. 霝.0 31D.40-4 lirng. 霝.1 V.i.1 (AC) (rain) fall. 霝.1 Adj.1 Related to 靈 in 空靈 spaced. 露.0 31D.40-4 luh. 露.1 N.1 (1) Dew: 雨露之恩 (poet.) gracious favors; 露.1 N.2 甘露 sweet dew which nourishes plants. 露.1 N.3 (2) Essence, fruit juice: 花露水 eau de cologne; 露.1 N.4 玫瑰露 rose essence, rose wine; 露.1 N.5 杏仁露 essence of almond, etc. 露.1 N.6 (3) A surname. 露.1 V.t.1 To leak out, expose, to bare to view: 露臉,露面,露頭兒 show one’s face: 永不露臉 never show one’s face (in public); 露.1 V.t.2 露相 (兒) ditto; 露.1 V.t.3 露骨 luh-guu↓; 露.1 V.t.4 露苗 sprout shows; 露.1 V.t.5 露□ (兒) secret (lit. “stuffing”) is exposed; 露.1 V.t.6 露馬腳 (a flaw, a lie) unintentionally shows, is exposed; 露.1 V.t.7 露齒而笑 laugh openly, grin. 露.1 Adj. & adv.1 Bare, open, in open air: 露天 luh-tian↓; 露.1 Adj. & adv.2 露宿 pass night in the open: 風餐露宿 exposed to cold and wet (wind and dew) on a journey; 露.1 Adj. & adv.3 露立 stand in the open; 露.1 Adj. & adv.4 露臺 luh-tair↓. 露.2.1 露白 louh-bair, phr., (of traveller) reveal silver in pocket or luggage. 露.2.2 露布 luh-buh, n., (1) an unsealed letter; 露.2.3 露布 luh-buh, n., (2) announcement of victory. 露.2.4 露點 luh-diaan, n., (phys.) dew-point temperature. 露.2.5 露兜樹 luh-dou-shuh, n. a kind of palm, Pandanus odoratissimus. 露.2.6 露骨 luh-guu, (1) phr., to have corpse exposed; 露.2.7 露骨 luh-guu, (2) adj. (of criticism, etc.) blunt, overt, make no bones about s.t. 露.2.8 露珠 luh-ju, n., dewdrops. 露.2.9 露水 luh-shueei, n., dew: 露水夫妻 phr., man and woman not married, meeting secretly (at night in the open). 露.2.10 露臺 luh-tair, n., open terrace. 露.2.11 露天 luh-tian, adj. & adv., openair, outdoor, in the open, unsheltered (theater, movie, concert). 露.2.12 露營 luh-yirng, n. camp in the open. 霑.0 31D.40-6 jan. 霑.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) To soak with rain (interch. 沾 as in 霑衣,霑濕 see 沾 63A.40 V.i. & t.); 霑.1 V.i. & t.2 霑醉 drunk like a fish. 霑.1 V.i. & t.3 (2) Receive benefit, favors: 霑恩,霑惠. 霜.0 31D.41-1 shuang. 霜.1 N.1 Frost: 結霜,落霜,降霜 form frost; 霜.1 N.2 霜雪 frost and snow; 霜.1 N.3 霜露 frost and dew benefiting vegetation; 霜.1 N.4 霜天 the cold “frosted” sky; 霜.1 N.5 霜草 frosted grass; 霜.1 N.6 傲霜 “defy frost,” said of chrysanthemum; 霜.1 N.7 (shuang-’l) white powdery coat (as on some persimmons); 霜.1 N.8 symbolic of severity in countenance: 冷若冰霜 (cf. 孀 for widow); 霜.1 N.9 秋霜,霜威 coldness of demeanor. 霜.1 Adj.1 White like frost: 霜鬢 frosted or grey temples; 霜.1 Adj.2 霜鋒 gleaming sword. 霜.2.1 霜降 shuang-jiahng, n., a solar term, Oct. 23rd or 24th. 雷.0 31D.41-4 leir. 雷.1 N.1 (1) Thunder: 雷雨 leir-yuu↓; 雷.1 N.2 打雷 a thunderclap; 雷.1 N.3 雷聲大,雨點小 full of sound and fury but with little action. 雷.1 N.4 (2) Mine: 地雷 a land mine; 雷.1 N.5 水雷 a sea mine; 雷.1 N.6 魚雷 a torpedo. 雷.1 N.7 (3) A surname. 雷.2.1 雷鞭 leir-bian, n., a flash of lightning. 雷.2.2 雷池 leir-chyr, n. orig., the name of a lake in Anhuei Province: 不能越雷池一步 the utmost limit one can go. 雷.2.3 雷打 leir-daa, phr., be struck by lightning (also 雷擊). 雷.2.4 雷達 leir-dar, n., radar. 雷.2.5 雷電 leir-diahn, n. thunder and lightning. 雷.2.6 雷動 leir-duhng, adj., loud-sounding like thunder: 邊境雷動 tumults in border regions; 雷.2.7 雷動 leir-duhng, adj., 歡聲雷動 a thundering applause. 雷.2.8 雷公 leir-’gung, n., god of thunder, equiv. Thor in Norse mythology. 雷.2.9 雷鼓 leir-guu, n., (1) a drum used in anc. times in sacrificing to the celestial god; 雷.2.10 雷鼓 leir-guu, n., (2) drum taps. 雷.2.11 雷汞 leir-guung, n., (chem.) fulminating powder (same as 雷酸汞). 雷.2.12 雷轟 leir-hung, v.i., to sound like thunder. 雷.2.13 雷震 leir-jehn, n. the roll of thunder (also 雷鳴). 雷.2.14 雷擊 leir-jir1, v.t. & n., see leir-daa↑. 雷.2.15 雷殛 leir-jir2, v.t., killed by lightning. 雷.2.16 雷厲 leir-lih, adj. & adv., fierce(ly), violent(ly): 雷厲風行 strictest enforcement (of an order, law and regulations). 雷.2.17 雷鳴 leir-mirng, n., (1) the roll of thunder; 雷.2.18 雷鳴 leir-mirng, n., (2) any loud sound. 雷.2.19 雷墨 leir-moh, n., (Chin. med.) a mineral believed to be good for infant cramps. 雷.2.20 雷鳥 leir-niaau, n., (zoo.) Lagopus mutus. 雷.2.21 雷劈 leir-pi, n., a thunderclap. 雷.2.22 雷射 leir-sheh, n., laser: 雷射光線 laser beams. 雷.2.23 雷師 leir-shy, n., the god of thunder. 雷.2.24 雷霆 leir-tirng, n., thunder: 大發雷霆 break into a furious rage; 雷.2.25 雷霆 leir-tirng, n., 雷霆之怒 a thunderous rage. 雷.2.26 雷同 leir-turng, v.t., (oft. in plagiarism) identical with another. 雷.2.27 雷音 leir-yin, n., (Budd.) the Buddha’s sayings (lit., “the voice of thunder”). 雷.2.28 雷雨 leir-yuu, n., a thunderstorm. 霸.0 31D.42-2 bah. [Pop. □] 霸.1 N.1 Dictator, tyrant; 霸.1 N.2 chief of feudal princes. 霸.1 V.t.1 Rule, occupy, by force: 霸天下 rule world by force; 霸.1 V.t.2 霸諸侯 be overlord of the dukes; 霸.1 V.t.3 霸奪 bah-duor, 霸據 bah-jyuh, 霸佔 bah-jahn↓; 霸.1 V.t.4 霸市, dominate, corner the market; 霸.1 V.t.5 獨霸 dominate (political, literary, commerical world); 霸.1 V.t.6 爭霸 compete for hegemony; 霸.1 V.t.7 稱霸 be acknowledged the master or overlord among states. 霸.1 Adj.1 Arrogant, tyrannical, belonging to tyrants, see compp.↓. 霸.2.1 霸氣 bah-chih, adj. & n., arrogant, -nce. 霸.2.2 霸道 bah-dauh, n., rule by force of dictators, contrasted with 王^道 31.11 (Mencius); 霸.2.3 霸道 bah-dauh, adj., overbearing; 霸.2.4 霸道 bah-dauh, n., violent in action (of med.). 霸.2.5 霸奪 bah-duor, v.t., take possession arbitrarily. 霸.2.6 霸功 bah-gung, n., accomplishments of dictator, i.e., conquests. 霸.2.7 霸佔 bah-jahn, v.t., usurp, occupy illegally (property, inheritance). 霸.2.8 霸者 bah-jee, n., a dictator. 霸.2.9 霸據 bah-jyuh, v.t., occupy, take possession by force. 霸.2.10 霸略 bah-lyueh, n., see bah-shuh↓. 霸.2.11 霸術 bah-shuh, n., the strategies of national expansion of dictators. 霸.2.12 霸王 bah-warng, n., (AC) chief of feudal princes, self-proclaimed king in time of Warring Kingdoms; 霸.2.13 霸王 bah-warng, n., 西楚霸王 assumed title of 項羽 (died 202 B.C); 霸.2.14 霸王 bah-warng, n., 坐霸王車 ride bus without ticket. 霸.2.15 霸業 bah-yeh, n., =霸功 bah-gung↑. 霄.0 31D.42-2 shiau. 霄.1 N.1 (1) The sky: 凌霄 soar to the skies; 霄.1 N.2 雲霄 the cloudy regions, high up; 霄.1 N.3 霄壤之別 a great difference, as that between heaven and earth. 霄.1 N.4 (2) Var. of 宵 night. 霄.2.1 霄漢 shiau-hahn, n., the sky, skies, firmament. 需.0 31D.42-3 shyu. [Dist 須 91S.80 must] 需.1 N.1 Need(s): 軍需 army supplies; 需.1 N.2 需要 shyu-yauh↓. 需.1 V.t.1 Need: 所需 what one needs; 需.1 V.t.2 需要 shyu-yauh↓; 需.1 V.t.3 必需 must needs have; 需.1 V.t.4 急需 need urgently; 需.1 V.t.5 需款甚殷 need funds badly. 需.1 Prep.1 (LL) according to: 需次陞用 will be promoted according to qualifications, status. 需.2.1 需求 shyu-chiour, v.i., beg for need; 需.2.2 需求 shyu-chiour, v.i., be in need of; 需.2.3 需求 shyu-chiour, n., need, demand. 需.2.4 需索 shyu-suoo, v.i., look for urgently. 需.2.5 需要 shyu-yauh, (1) v.i. & t., have need of; 需.2.6 需要 shyu-yauh, (2) n., a need; 需.2.6 需要 shyu-yauh, n., necessity: 沒有這個需要 no need or necessity for this. 雩.0 31D.50-3 yur (*yuu). 雩.1 N.1 (*yuu) (AC) the rainbow. 雩.1 V.i.1 To offer sacrifices and pray for rain. 霧.0 31D.50-3 wuh. 霧.1 N.1 Mist: 大霧,濃霧 heavy mist; 霧.1 N.2 雲霧 cloud and mist; 霧.1 N.3 霧G看花 have blurred vision; 霧.1 N.4 霧鬢 a lady’s fluffy hair; 霧.1 N.5 墜入五里霧中 completely lost at sea, enveloped in clouded, ill-understood ideas, problems. 霧.2.1 霧氣 wuh-’chi, n., mist, haze. 霧.2.2 霧縠 wuh-hur, n., formerly, thin, transparent gauze. 霧.2.3 霧淞 wuh-sung, n., (MC) icicles formed on trees (modn., coll. 樹掛). 2mbnnn17.0 31D.50-5 lirng. [Var. of 靈 31D.30] 雱.0 31D.50-6 parng. [Var. □] 雱.1 Adj.1 Immense (of clouds). 靄.0 31D.50-6 aai. 靄.1 N.1 Haze: 暮靄 evening haze; 靄.1 N.2 靄氣 haze over the country. 靄.1 Adj.1 Hazy, with diffused light. 2mbeys21.0 31D.50-6 parng. 2mbeys21.1 Adj.1 Immense (cloud); 2mbeys21.1 Adj.2 pouring (rain). 2mbeys21.2.1 2mbeys21parng-peih, adj., torrential (rain); 2mbeys21.2.2 2mbeys21parng-peih, adj., cf. 澎^湃 rushing water, 63A.91. 雰.0 31D.50-8 fen. 雰.1 N.1 (LL) mist; 雰.1 N.2 atmosphere. 雰.2.1 雰雰 fen-fen, adj., misty. 雰.2.2 雰圍氣 fen-weir-chih, n., surrounding atmosphere (of fear, suspicion, etc.); 雰.2.3 雰圍氣 fen-weir-chih, n., atmosphere surrounding earth. 霉.0 31D.50-9 meir. 霉.1 N.1 Mold, mildew. 霉.1 Adj.1 Mildewed, damp, moldy: 發霉 become mildewed. 霉.2.1 霉氣 meir-chih, n., damp. 霉.2.2 霉乾菜 meir-gan-tsaih, n., stem of cabbage processed by molding and sun-dried. 霉.2.3 霉爛 meir-lahn, adj., spoiled by mildew. 霉.2.4 霉天,霉雨 meir-tian, meir-yuu, n., see 梅^天,梅^雨 10B.50. 零.0 31D.63-8 lirng. [Usu. printed □] 零.1 N.1 The number zero: 一百零五105; 零.1 N.2 一千零一十, 1010; 零.1 N.3 點零零零三 .0003; 零.1 N.4 一點三 1.3; 零.1 N.5 零點零二五 0.025. 零.1 Adj.1 (1) Withered: 凋零; 零.1 Adj.2 飄零 floating about. 零.1 Adj.3 (2) Retail trade: 零賣,零售 lirng-maih, lirng-shouh↓. 零.1 Adj.4 (3) Odd: 零頭 (兒) odd lots; 零.1 Adj.5 零件,零用 lirng-jiahn, lirng-yuhng↓; 零.1 Adj.6 找零兒 give customer small change. 零.2.1 零丁 lirng-ding, adj., alone without relatives (also wr. 伶仃). 零.2.2 零度 lirng-duh, n., zero degree: 零下三度 three degrees below zero. 零.2.3 零活(兒) lirng-huor (’l), n., odd jobs (dist. 靈活 31D.30). 零.2.4 零件 lirng-jiahn, n., (1) odds and ends, accessories; 零.2.5 零件 lirng-jiahn, n., (2) spare parts. 零.2.6 零亂 lirng-luahn, adj., confused, piled together. 零.2.7 零落 lirng-luoh, adj., (of plants) withered, bare without leaves; 零.2.8 零落 lirng-luoh, adj., (2) (family, etc.) in bad circumstances; 零.2.9 零落 lirng-luoh, adj., (3) incomplete in a set. 零.2.10 零賣 lirng-maih, v.i. & t., sell by retail. 零.2.11 零售 lirng-shouh, v.i. & t., ditto. 零.2.12 零數 lirng-shuh, n., (1) the number zero; 零.2.13 零數 lirng-shuh, n., (2) remainder. 零.2.14 零碎(兒) lirng-sueih (’l), n., odd pieces, leftover: 零零碎碎 (adj.) too detailed, not welded together; 零.2.15 零碎(兒) lirng-sueih (’l), (n.) such odd details. 零.2.16 零頭(兒) lirng-tour-’l, n., remainder; 零.2.17 零頭(兒) lirng-tour-’l, n., (cloth) odd lots. 零.2.18 零用 lirng-yuhng, n., sundry expenses; 零.2.19 零用 lirng-yuhng, n., pocket money. 電.0 31D.70-4 diahn. 電.1 N. & adj.1 (1) Electric, -ity: usu. 電氣 electricity; 電.1 N. & adj.2 電力 electric power, or force; 電.1 N. & adj.3 發電,生電 generate electricity; 電.1 N. & adj.4 forming many compp. connected with electricity and some merely imagined to be so: see 電瓶 diahn-pirng, 電棒 diahn-bahng, 電驢子 diahn-lyur-tz↓; 電.1 N. & adj.5 動電,靜電 dynamic, static electricity; 電.1 N. & adj.6 正電,負電 positive, negative electricity; 電.1 N. & adj.7 無線電 wireless, radio; 電.1 N. & adj.8 電子 diahn-tzyy↓. 電.1 N. & adj.9 (2) Telegram, short for 電報:急電 urgent telegram; 電.1 N. & adj.10 賀電 telegram of congratulations; 電.1 N. & adj.11 by telegram: 電賀 wire congratulations; 電.1 N. & adj.12 電匯 (business) telegraphic transfer (abbr. T.T.); 電.1 N. & adj.13 電覆 reply by wire. 電.1 N. & adj.14 (3) Lightning: 雷電 thunder and lightning; 電.1 N. & adj.15 風馳電掣 lightning fast. 電.1 N. & adj.16 (4) (Court.) 電察,電照 (sometimes used in correspondence) for your bright consideration. 電.1 V.i. & t.1 To wire, communicate by wire: 電示,電復 wire reply; 電.1 V.i. & t.2 電知 inform by wire; 電.1 V.i. & t.3 電某人 wire to s.o; 電.1 V.i. & t.4 電殛 electrocuted by lightning. 電.2.1 電版 diahn-baan, n., electroplate. 電.2.2 電棒 diahn-bahng, n., portable flashlight. 電.2.3 電報 diahn-bauh, n., telegram, -graph: 發電報 send telegram; 電.2.4 電報 diahn-bauh, n., 電報局 telegraph office; 電.2.5 電報 diahn-bauh, n., 電報重發器 telegraph repeater; 電.2.6 電報 diahn-bauh, n., 電報符號 telegraphic code, or indicator, such as Morse. 電.2.7 電表 diahn-biaau, n., electric meter. 電.2.8 電波 diahn-bo, n., electric waves. 電.2.9 電唱機 diahn-chahng-ji, n., electric phonograph, a record player. 電.2.10 電 diahn-charng, n., electric field. 電.2.11 電插頭 diahn-cha-tour, n., socket for electric light or power. 電.2.12 電車 diahn-che, n., tramcar, streetcar, trolley car. 電.2.13 電氣 diahn-chih1, n., electricity. 電.2.14 電器 diahn-chih2, n., electric appliances. 電.2.15 電池 diahn-chyr, n., battery: 乾電池 dry battery. 電.2.16 電傳照相 diahn-chyuarn-jauh-shiahng, n., radiophoto, telephoto; 電.2.17 電傳照相 diahn-chyuarn-jauh-shiahng, n., 電傳打字機 diahn-chyuarn-daa-tzyh-ji, n., teletype. 電.2.18 電導 diahn-dauh, n., electric circuit. 電.2.19 電燈 diahn-deng, n., electric light; 電.2.20 電燈 diahn-deng, n., 電燈炮 diahn-deng-pauh, n., light bulb, globe; 電.2.21 電燈 diahn-deng, n., also unwanted third party accompanying lovers. 電.2.22 電鍍 diahn-duh, n., electroplate. 電.2.23 電動機 diahn-duhng-ji, n., electric motor; 電.2.24 電動機 diahn-duhng-ji, n., 電動力學 electrodynamics; 電.2.25 電動機 diahn-duhng-ji, n., 電動勢 electromotive force. 電.2.26 電杆 diahn-gan, n., telegraph pole, also 電線杆. 電.2.27 電光 diahn-guang, n., light of electricity, lightning. 電.2.28 電荷 diahn-heh, n., electric charge; 電.2.29 電荷 diahn-heh, n., 電荷密度 charge density. 電.2.30 電花 diahn-hua, n., electric spark. 電.2.31 電話 diahn-huah, n., telephone: 打電話 to telephone; 電.2.32 電話 diahn-huah, n., 電話簿 telephone directory; 電.2.33 電話 diahn-huah, n., 電話號碼 telephone number; 電.2.34 電話 diahn-huah, n., 電話亭 telephone booth. 電.2.35 電弧燈 diahn-hur-deng, n., arc lamp. 電.2.36 電解 diahn-jiee, n., electrolysis; 電.2.37 電解 diahn-jiee, 電解液 (or 質) n., electrolyte; 電.2.38 電解 diahn-jiee, 電解分離 n., electrolytic dissociation. 電.2.39 電擊 diahn-jir1, n., electric shock; 電.2.40 電擊 diahn-jir1, n., lightning stroke. 電.2.41 電極 diahn-jir2, n., electrode. 電.2.42 電纜 diahn-laan, n., electric cable. 電.2.43 電量計 diahn-liahng-jih, n., voltameter. 電.2.44 電療 diahn-liaur, n., electrotherapy. 電.2.45 電力 diahn-lih, n., electric force; 電.2.46 電力 diahn-lih, n., electric power; 電.2.47 電力 diahn-lih, n., 電力線 line of electric force. 電.2.48 電流 diahn-liour, n., electric current; 電.2.49 電流 diahn-liour, n., 電流計 galvanometer; 電.2.50 電流 diahn-liour, n., 電流密度 electric current density; 電.2.51 電流 diahn-liour, n., 直電流 direct current; 電.2.52 電流 diahn-liour, n., 交電流 alternate current. 電.2.53 電鈴 diahn-lirng, n., electric bell. 電.2.54 電路 diahn-luh, n., electric circuit. 電.2.55 電爐 diahn-lur, n., electric stove, furnace. 電.2.56 電驢子 diahn-lyur-tz, n., (sl.) motorcycle. 電.2.57 電碼 diahn-maa, n., telegraphic code. 電.2.58 電門 diahn-mern, n., electric switch. 電.2.59 電木 diahn-muh, n., bakelite. 電.2.60 電腦 diahn-naau, n., storage system in computer, (oft. loosely used of washing machine, etc.). 電.2.61 電鈕 diahn-nioou, n., electric button. 電.2.62 電瓶 diahn-pirng, n., electric cell, storage battery, accumulator; 電.2.63 電瓶 diahn-pirng, n., also (pop.) thermos bottle. 電.2.64 電容 diahn-rurng, n., electric capacity. 電.2.65 電扇 diahn-shahn, n., electric fan. 電.2.66 電線 diahn-shiahn, n., electric wire. 電.2.67 電視 diahn-shyh, n., television. 電.2.68 電石燈 diahn-shyr-deng, n., acetylene lamp. 電.2.69 電學 diahn-shyuer, n., the science of electricity. 電.2.70 電燙 diahn-tahng, n., (of woman’s hair-do) permanent wave. 電.2.71 電臺 diahn-tair, n., radio or television station; 電.2.72 電臺 diahn-tair, n., such broadcast. 電.2.73 電梯 diahn-ti, n., elevator. 電.2.74 電筒 diahn-tuung, n., flashlight, also called 電棒 diahn-bahng↑. 電.2.75 電阻 diahn-tzuu, n., electric resistance: 電阻箱 resistance box; 電.2.76 電阻 diahn-tzuu, n., 電阻係數 specific resistance. 電.2.77 電磁 diahn-tzy, n., electromagnetism; 電.2.78 電磁 diahn-tzy, 電磁鐵 diahn-tzy-tiee, n., electromagnet; 電.2.79 電磁 diahn-tzy, 電磁說 diahn-tzy-shuo, n., theory of electromagnetism; 電.2.80 電磁 diahn-tzy, 電磁波 diahn-tzy-bo, n., electromagnetic wave. 電.2.81 電子 diahn-tzyy, n., electron; 電.2.82 電子 diahn-tzyy, 電子學 diahn-tzyy-shyuer, n., electronics; 電.2.83 電子 diahn-tzyy, 電子顯微鏡 diahn-tzyy-shiaan-weir-jihng, n., electronic microscope; 電.2.84 電子 diahn-tzyy, 電子音樂 electronic music. 電.2.85 電網 diahn-waang, n., charged barbed wire fence. 電.2.86 電位 diahn-weih, n., electric potential. 電.2.87 電壓 diahn-ya, n., electric pressure, voltage. 電.2.88 電眼 diahn-yaan, n., magic eye. 電.2.89 電椅 diahn-yii, n., electric chair. 電.2.90 電影(兒) diahn-ying (’l), n., movie; 電.2.91 電影(兒) diahn-ying (’l), n., 有聲電影 talkie; 電.2.92 電影(兒) diahn-ying (’l), n., 電影明星 movie star. 霓.0 31D.70-9 nir. 霓.1 N.1 A rainbow (also wr. 蜺). 霓.2.1 霓虹燈 nir-hurng-deng, n., neon lamp. 霓.2.2 霓旌 nir-jing, n., a banner of multicolored feathers. 雹.0 31D.70-9 baur (re. pr. *bor). 雹.1 N.1 Hail: 下雹子 it hails; 雹.1 N.2 oft. 冰雹. 霙.0 31D.81-2 ying. 霙.1 N.1 (AC) (1) sleet. 霙.1 N.2 (2) snowflakes. 霰.0 31D.82-2 shiahn. 霰.1 N.1 Sleet. 霞.0 31D.82-5 shiar. 霞.1 N.1 Rosy cloud: 晚霞 rosy sunset; 霞.1 N.2 朝霞 morning glow; 霞.1 N.3 彩霞 roseate clouds. 霞.2.1 霞帔 shiar-peih1, n., scarf over jacket for bride or lady on formal occasions. 霞.2.2 霞珮 shiar-peih2, n., ladies’ pendants. 雯.0 31D.82-6 wern. 雯.1 N.1 Cloud patterns. 霆.0 31D.83-9 tirng. 霆.1 N.1 Thunderbolt: 雷霆 crash of thunder, symbolic of anger: 雷霆之怒 (之威). 雲.0 31D.93-3 yurn. 雲.1 N.1 (1) Cloud(s): 浮雲 floating clouds; 雲.1 N.2 彩雲 clouds of many colors; 雲.1 N.3 雲彩 yurn-tsaai↓; 雲.1 N.4 祥雲 clouds that are lucky omens; 雲.1 N.5 雲霧 yurn-wuh, 雲雨 yurn-yuu↓; 雲.1 N.6 雲消霧散 sky has cleared up, oft. (fig.) (of fears, worries) clear up, disappear; 雲.1 N.7 雲山霧罩 extravagant and baseless talk; 雲.1 N.8 雲起龍驤 the rise of great heroes; 雲.1 N.9 雲譎波詭 sudden and perplexing changes, also changing kaleidoscopically; 雲.1 N.10 symbol of multitudes: 雲集 swarm about; 雲.1 N.11 僕從如雲 myriads of servants, retinue. 雲.1 N.12 (2) Short for 雲南 Yunnan Province: 雲腿 Yunnan ham; 雲.1 N.13 雲貴 Yunnan and Kweichow. 雲.1 N.14 (3) A surname. 雲.2.1 雲鬢 yurn-bihn, n., lady’s hair. 雲.2.2 雲車 yurn-che, n., (AC) a high carriage. 雲.2.3 雲橋 yurn-chiaur, n., ladder with scaffolding (for storming city). 雲.2.4 雲氣 yurn-chih, n., cloud mists. 雲.2.5 雲衢 yurn-chyur, n., formerly, main highway in capital city. 雲.2.6 雲(□)豆 yurn(biaan)douh, n., a kind of bean. 雲.2.7 雲端 yurn-duan, phr., high in the clouds. 雲.2.8 雲海 yurn-haai, n., a sea of clouds. 雲.2.9 雲漢 yurn-hahn, n., the Milky Way. 雲.2.10 雲鬟 yurn-huarn, n., a lady’s hair. 雲.2.11 雲章 yurn-jang, n., (LL) an emperor’s handwriting. 雲.2.12 雲際 yurn-jih1, phr., high in the clouds. 雲.2.13 雲髻 yurn-jih2, n., a lady’s hair-coil. 雲.2.14 雲集 yurn-jir, v.i., swarm about together. 雲.2.15 雲羅 yurn-lour1, n., sheets of clouds. 雲.2.16 雲鑼 yurn-luor2, n., a set of small gongs. 雲.2.17 雲履 yurn-lyuu, n. shoes with wavy cloud patterns. 雲.2.18 雲母 yurn-muu, n., (geol.) mica. 雲.2.19 雲泥 yurn-nir1, phr., great difference in status (clouds and mud). 雲.2.20 雲霓 yurn-nir2, n., (AC) clouds presaging rainstorm. 雲.2.21 雲片糕 yurn-piahn-gau, n., a kind of Chin. wafers. 雲.2.22 雲擾 yurn-raau, v.t., to disturb. 雲.2.23 雲仍 yurn-rerng, n. distant great-grandchildren (cf. 孫 32S.01). 雲.2.24 雲霞 yurn-shiar, n., beautiful clouds; 雲.2.25 雲霞 yurn-shiar, n., 雲霞之交 (LL) high-minded friendship. 雲.2.26 雲霄 yurn-shiau, n., the sky, the region of clouds. 雲.2.27 雲實 yurn-shyr, n., (bot.) the Mysore thorn, Caesalpinia sepiaria. 雲.2.28 雲梯 yurn-ti, n. see yurn-chiaur↑. 雲.2.29 雲天 yurn-tian, n., high regions of the clouds. 雲.2.30 雲頭 yurn-tour, phr., the clouds; 雲.2.21 雲頭 yurn-tour, phr., 雲頭兒 wavy cloud pattern. 雲.2.32 雲彩 yurn-’tsai, n., clouds, beautiful clouds. 雲.2.33 雲霧 yurn-wuh, n., cloudy mist, haze. 雲.2.34 雲吞 yurn-tun, n., Chin. ravioli, wonton, (also 餛吞). 雲.2.35 雲煙 yurn-yan, n., cloud and mist; 雲.2.36 雲煙 yurn-yan, n., s.t. which vanishes quickly. 雲.2.37 雲液 yurn-yeh1, n., (LL) wine. 雲.2.38 雲葉 yurn-yeh2, n., (bot.) Euptelea polyandra. 雲.2.39 雲遊 yurn-your, v.i., to travel about or abroad in freedom. 雲.2.40 雲雨 yurn-yuu, n., (1) favors, blessings from on high; 雲.2.41 雲雨 yurn-yuu, n., (2) (euphem.) sexul intercourse (from allu., a fairy maiden in the Szechuan Gorges who commanded the clouds and rains). 霎.0 31D.93-6 shah. 霎.1 N.1 (1) Light drizzle. 霎.1 N.2 (2) A wink, blink. 霎.2.1 霎霎 shah-shah, adj., descriptive of sound of drizzling rain. 霎.2.2 霎時 shah-shyr, adv., a short moment (time of batting an eye). 耐.0 31S.00-1 naih. 耐.1 V.t.1 Bear, endure: 耐勞 can endure hardships; 耐.1 V.t.2 耐煩 naih-farn↓; 耐.1 V.t.3 耐時 wait patiently for an opportune moment; 耐.1 V.t.4 耐心煩 (兒) bear annoyance patiently; 耐.1 V.t.5 耐不住 cannot bear it. 耐.1 Adj.1 (1) (Adj. & n.) patient, -nce, tolerant, -ce, having resistance: 忍耐 patient or tolerant; 耐.1 Adj.2 不耐 impatient or intolerant; 耐.1 Adj.3 耐寒 resistant (-ce) to cold; 耐.1 Adj.4 能耐 n., ability, staying power. 耐.1 Adj.5 (2) Enduring: 耐用,耐久 capable of standing wear and tear; 耐.1 Adj.6 耐人尋味 stand careful reading or pondering about; 耐.1 Adj.7 耐嚼 (of food) tasty and savory. 耐.2.1 耐煩 naih-farn, v.i., have patience. 耐.2.2 耐火磚 naih-huoo-juan, n., firebrick made to resist heat, as in chimneys, fireplaces, etc. 耐.2.3 耐性 naih-shihng, n., patience. 耐.2.4 耐心 naih-shin, n., ditto. 列.0 31S.00-2 lieh. 列.1 N.1 (1) Row: 行列 row or column; 列.1 N.2 第三列 the third row (=排). 列.1 N.3 (2) A surname. 列.1 V.i.1 To arrange in order, form line, to enter in list: 列名 to enter or appear on a list of persons; 列.1 V.i.2 列單 make out list (of goods, invited guests, candidates, etc.); 列.1 V.i.3 列坐 be seated in a row with others; 列.1 V.i.4 列成隊伍 (mil.) to fail in, form company; 列.1 V.i.5 列於 be named, appear on (list); 列.1 V.i.6 左列 as appears below. 列.1 Adj.1 Prefaced to nn., signifying a group: 列星 the stars; 列.1 Adj.2 列宿 the constellations; 列.1 Adj.3 列強,列島 lieh-chiarng, lieh-daau↓; 列.1 Adj.4 列肆 group of shops together; 列.1 Adj.5 列位 (used in public address): “ladies and gentlemen,” those of you here. 列.1 Adv.1 Instance after instance: 列舉人名,罪狀 give list of names, counts of crimes. 列.2.1 列車 lieh-che, n., railroad train, a train of wagons. 列.2.2 列強 lieh-chiarng, n., the Great Powers. 列.2.3 列島 lieh-daau, n., archipelago. 列.2.4 列鼎 lieh-diing, n., (LL, rare) great feast. 列.2.5 列國 lieh-guor, n., the different countries: 春秋列國 the city states of time of Confucius. 列.2.6 列傳 lieh-juahn, n., biographies, esp. section on biographies in different dynastic histories. 列.2.7 列列 lieh-lieh, adj., clearly shown in order; 列.2.8 列列 lieh-lieh, adj., big in stature; 列.2.9 列列 lieh-lieh, adj., sound of wind. 列.2.10 列女 lieh-nyuu, n., famous women in history (see 烈^女 31.63). 列.2.11 列席 lieh-shir, v.i., (1) be present at meeting; 列.2.12 列席 lieh-shir, v.i., (2) be observer at conference. 列.2.13 列士 lieh-shyh, n., (1) (AC) the gentry, a class below 大夫; 列.2.14 列士 lieh-shyh, n., (2) u.f. 烈^士 31.63. 列.2.15 列氏表 lieh-shyh-biaau, n., Raumur’s thermometer. 列.2.16 列土 lieh-tuu, v.i., (AC) to divide into fiefdoms, given to royal princes. 刑.0 31S.00-2 shirng. [Var. □] 刑.1 N.1 Punishment: 刑罰,刑事,刑法 shirng-far, shirng-shyh, shirng-faa↓; 刑.1 N.1 刑訊 shirng-shyuhn↓; 刑.1 N.2 處刑 mete out, submit to punishment; 刑.1 N.3 徒刑,死刑 sentence to hard labor, to death; 刑.1 N.4 笞刑 punishment by whipping; 刑.1 N.5 紋刑 punishment by strangling; 刑.1 N.6 酷刑 torture, third degree; 刑.1 N.7 上刑 “put on the works”(shackles, whipping, etc.); 刑.1 N.8 緩刑 suspend execution of sentence, delay punishment; 刑.1 N.9 受刑不過 could not stand the torture (and confessed). 刑.2.1 刑 shirng-chaang, n., execution ground. 刑.2.2 刑臣 shirng-chern, n., (AC) eunuch (lit., “castrated officer”). 刑.2.3 刑典 shirng-diaan, n., criminal code. 刑.2.4 刑法 shirng-faa, n., criminal law. 刑.2.5 刑罰 shirng-far, v.t. & n., to punish, -ment. 刑.2.6 刑房 shirng-farng, n., formerly, department of criminal prosecution. 刑.2.7 刑杖 shirng-jahng, n., staff used for thrashing. 刑.2.8 刑章 shirng-jang, n., see shirng-diaan↑. 刑.2.9 刑具 shirng-jyuh, n., instruments of torture. 刑.2.10 刑戮 shirng-luh, v.t., to kill as punishment. 刑.2.11 刑律 shirng-lyuh, n., see shirng-faa↑. 刑.2.12 刑名 shirng-mirng, n., (1) (AC) law, esp. criminal laws; 刑.2.13 刑名 shirng-mirng, n., 刑名之學 (philosophy of legalist school, e.g., 韓非); 刑.2.14 刑名 shirng-mirng, n., (2) 刑名師爺 formerly, government secretary, who is specialist in law, known for skillful use of a judicious word to incriminate people (深文,周納). 刑.2.15 刑人 shirng-rern, n., (AC) a person permanently crippled or disfigured by punishment. 刑.2.16 刑賞 shirng-shaang, n., the administration of justice (“punishment and award”). 刑.2.17 刑書 shirng-shu, n., (AC) book of criminal laws. 刑.2.18 刑事 shirng-shyh, adj. & n., pertaining to crimes, criminal (act, case); 刑.2.19 刑事 shirng-shyh, adj. & n., 刑事訴訟法 code of criminal procedure. 刑.2.20 刑訊 shirng-shyuhn, v.i. & n., cross-examination with application of torture. 刑.2.21 刑庭 shirng-tirng, n., criminal court. 刑.2.22 刑網 shirng-waang, phr., the long arm of the law. 刑.2.23 刑問 shirng-wehn, v.i. & n., see shirng-shyuhn↑. 刑.2.24 刑餘 shirng-yur, n., (1) (AC) eunuch, see shirng-chern↑; 刑.2.25 刑餘 shirng-yur, n., (2) (AC) exconvict. 刵.0 31S.00-2 ehl. 刵.1 V.t.1 To lop off the ear, an anc. punishment. 到.0 31S.00-2 dauh. 到.1 V.i & t.1 (1) Arrive: 到家 arrive at home, also see dauh-jia↓; 到.1 V.i & t.2 已經到了 have arrived; 到.1 V.i & t.3 時間到了 the (appointed) time has come. 到.1 V.i & t.4 (2) Go to (destination): 到日本去 go to Japan; 到.1 V.i & t.5 到那G去 where are you going? 到.1 V.i & t.6 (3) 到過 been to; 到.1 V.i & t.7 沒到過 have never been to. 到.1 Vb. complement.1 Showing completed action: 看到,聽到 see, hear (as dist. look, listen); 到.1 Vb. complement.2 收到 have received, 找到 have found; 到.1 Vb. complement.3 來到 come to; 到.1 Vb. complement.4 拿到 got hold of; 到.1 Vb. complement.5 做不到 cannot do it; 到.1 Vb. complement.6 想得到,做得到 what he wanted to do, he accomplished; 到.1 Vb. complement.7 想不到 never thought or imagined that; 到.1 Vb. complement.8 夢想不到 never dreamed (that). 到.1 Prep.1 At, up to , upon: 到次日 upon the next day; 到.1 Prep.2 到今天 up to today; 到.1 Prep.3 到此(地)為止 stop here; 到.1 Prep.4 到處 dauh-chuh↓. 到.2.1 到案 dauh-ahn, v.i., appear at court. 到.2.2 到岸價格 dauh-ahn-jiah-ger, n., cost, insurance and freight (c.i.f.) 到.2.3 到差 dauh-chai, v.i., arrive at post, appear for duty. 到.2.4 到 dauh-charng, v.i., be present (at party, meeting). 到.2.5 到期 dauh-chir, phr., when time is due; 到.2.6 到期 dauh-chir, phr.,到期日 date of maturity. 到.2.7 到處 dauh-chuh, adv., everywhere: 到處去找 look for it everywhere. 到.2.8 到達 dauh-dar, v.t., reach: 到達某地 reach certain place; 到.2.9 到達 dauh-dar, v.t., 到達目的 reach goal. 到.2.10 到得 dauh-der, conj., until, as soon as: 到得那個時候 when that time arrives. 到.2.11 到底 dauh-dii, adv., (1) after all: 到底不是壞 after all this is not a bad thing; 到.2.12 到底 dauh-dii, adv., 到底沒錯after all there was nothing wrong; 到.2.13 到底 dauh-dii, adv., (2) to the end: 抗戰到底 fight to the bitter end. 到.2.14 到家 dauh-jia, (1) adj., (of art, artist) accomplished, skilled, proficient; 到.2.15 到家 dauh-jia, (2) v.i., come home. 到.2.16 到了 dauh-liaau, v.i., (1) dauh-’le, arrive: 到了那個時候 when the time comes; 到.2.17 到了 dauh-liaau, v.i., (2) 到了兒 dauh-liau-’l, adv. phr., in the end. 到.2.18 到任 dauh-rehn, v.i., assume post. 到.2.19 到手 dauh-shoou, phr., succeed in getting: 錢拿到手 have money in hand; 到.2.20 到手 dauh-shoou, phr., 弄不到手 fail in getting. 到.2.21 到頭來 dauh-tour-lair, adv., phr., in the end (lose everything, etc.). 1muln10.0 31S.00-2 huah. [Pop of 劃 22S.00] 剄.0 31S.00-2 jiing. 剄.1 V.i.1 To cut the throat: 自剄 commit suicide by slashing the throat. 剽.0 31S.00-2 piauh. 剽.1 V.t.1 (1) To rob, take what is not one’s won. 剽.1 V.t.2 (2) (AC) slice off (property). 剽.1 Adj.1 (AC, of animals) fast, agile. 剽.2.1 剽剝 piauh-bo, v.t., (AC) attack (doctrine, etc.). 剽.2.2 剽竊 piauh-chieh, v.t. & n., plagiarize, -ism. 剽.2.3 剽輕 piauh-ching, adj., blustering, combative (youth). 剽.2.4 剽悍 piauh-haan, adj., warlike. 剽.2.5 剽劫 piauh-jier, v.t., roam and rob. 剽.2.6 剽疾 piauh-jir, adj., fast (fighter, etc.). 剽.2.7 剽掠 piauh-lyueh, v.t., loot the country. 2mlln7.0 31S.00-2 suoo. [Abbr. of 所 90S.22] 殍.0 31S.00-9 piaau. [Var. 莩] 殍.1 N1 Exposed bodies of those who died from starvation. 殊.0 31S.01-1 shu. 殊.1 Adj.1 (1) Different: 殊異,殊別 shu-yih, shu-bier↓; 殊.1 Adj.2 特殊 special (circumstances, etc.); 殊.1 Adj.3 殊途同歸 different roads lead to the same goal (“all roads lead to Rome”). 殊.1 Adj.4 (2) Excellent, distinguished, unusual: 殊色 outstanding beauty; 殊.1 Adj.5 殊功,殊勳,殊績 outstanding, notable service; 殊.1 Adj.6 殊能 unusual ability; 殊.1 Adj.7 殊恩,殊遇 uncommon royal or imperial favors. 殊.1 Adv.1 (1) Indeed: oft. 殊屬,殊為,殊非,殊難, etc.; 殊.1 Adv.2 殊為不該 (s.t.) is indeed wrong, improper; 殊.1 Adv.3 殊屬非是 ditto; 殊.1 Adv.4 殊非原意 that was not (my) original intention; 殊.1 Adv.5 殊難解決 indeed difficult to settle or decide. 殊.1 Adv.6 (2) Very: 殊久 (LL) very long; 殊.1 Adv.7 殊念 deeply miss (s.o.). 殊.2.1 殊別 shu-bier, adj., different. 殊.2.2 殊等 shu-deeng, n., special class. 殊.2.3 殊方 shu-fang, phr., different places, distant places. 殊.2.4 殊功 shu-gung, n., distinguished service. 殊.2.5 殊技 shu-jih, n., excellent skill. 殊.2.6 殊絕 shu-jyuer, adj., rare, distinguished (art, talent). 殊.2.7 殊科 shu-ke, n., different category. 殊.2.8 殊類 shu-leih, n., different tribe, type. 殊.2.9 殊力 shu-lih, n., special effort, see shu-syy↓. 殊.2.10 殊禮 shu-lii, n., special, privileged treatment. 殊.2.11 殊能 shu-nerng, n., special skill. 殊.2.12 殊派 shu-paih, n., different school, clan or party. 殊.2.13 殊榮 shu-rurng, n., unusual honor. 殊.2.14 殊勝 shu-shehng, adj., (LL) unusual, meritorious. 殊.2.15 殊效 shu-shiauh, n., marked efficacy. 殊.2.16 殊行 shu-shirng, n., admirable, distinctive conduct or character. 殊.2.17 殊選 shu-shyuaan, adj., select, out of common run (of men). 殊.2.18 殊俗 shu-sur, (1) n., different custom; 殊.2.19 殊俗 shu-sur, (2) adj., unconventional (character). 殊.2.20 殊死 shu-syy, adj., as in 殊死力 utmost effort; 殊.2.21 殊死 shu-syy, adj., 殊死戰 heroic fight, fight to the death. 殊.2.22 殊態 shu-taih, n., distinctive manner. 殊.2.23 殊異 shyu-yih, adj., distinctive. 殊.2.24 殊尤 shu-your, adj., ditto. 殊.2.25 殊域 shu-yuh1, n., distant regions. 殊.2.26 殊遇 shu-yuh2, n., unusual honor or recognition. 臻.0 31S.01-1 jen. 臻.1 V.t.1 (LL) to attain (a height), to realize (a high ideal): 已臻上乘 arrive at excellent or superior condition; 臻.1 V.t.2 曷克臻此 how could this be otherwise attained (without s.o.’s help)? 1mnoiv13.0 31S.02-8 sun. [Pop. of 飧 92S.02] 殫.0 31S.10-4 dan. 殫.1 V.t.1 (LL) give all one has got (=vern. 盡):殫心,殫力 (=盡心,盡力) give all one knows, all of one’s strength; 殫.1 V.t.2 殫竭其力 ditto; 殫.1 V.t.3 殫精(思)竭慮 think of everything one can (to do). 殣.0 31S.11-2 jiin (also jihn). 殣.1 V.i & t.1 (AC) (1) V.i., die of hunger, starve to death. 殣.1 V.i & t.2 (2) V.t., bury, inter, entomb. 殢.0 31S.22-2 tih. 殢.1 Adj.1 Tired, fatigued. 邛.0 31S.22-3 chyurng. 邛.1 N.1 (AC) a hillock; 邛.1 N.2 labor. 邛.2.1 邛杖 chyurng-jahng, n., a bamboo cane. 邗.0 31S.22-3 harn. 邗.1 N.1 (1) Name of a river. 邗.1 N.2 (2) A surname. 邢.0 31S.22-3 shirng. 邢.1 N.1 A surname. 邳.0 31S.22-3 Peir. 邳.1 N.1 (1) 邳縣 Peir-shiahn, name of district. 邳.1 N.2 (2) A surname. 郅.0 31S.22-3 jyh. 郅.1 N.1 A surname. 郅.1 Adj.1 (AC) var. of 至 very, ultimate: 郅治 (=至治) complete peace; 郅.1 Adj.2 郅盛 (=至盛) great prosperity. 耶.0 31S.22-3 yer (*ye). 耶.1 Fin. part.1 (LL) used in interrogation: 是耶,非耶 is it true or is it not? (also wr. 邪). 耶.2.1 耶和華 Ye-her-huar, n., Jehovah. 耶.2.2 耶路撒冷 Ye-luh-sa-leeng, n., Jerusalem. 耶.2.3 耶魯 Ye-luu, n., Yale. 耶.2.4 耶穌 Ye-su, Jesus; 耶.2.4 耶穌 Ye-su, n., 耶穌教 Christianity, the Christian religion or church. 鄢.0 31S.22-3 yan. 鄢.1 N.1 A surname. 豨.0 31S.22-8 shi. 豨.1 N.1 (AC) hog. 聊.0 31S.22-9 liaur. 聊.1 V.i.1 (1) To chat idly: 請多聊一會 please stay and chat a while yet; 聊.1 V.i.2 聊天,聊聊 liaur-tian, liaur-’liau↓. 聊.1 V.i.3 (2) To endure: 聊賴 liaur-laih↓; 聊.1 V.i.4 民不聊生 the people find it hard to live on; 聊.1 V.i.5 無聊 adj., bored, oppressed, find time idle, also boring, (play, performance) most unintersting: 無聊的很 (of meeting, play) boring; 聊.1 V.i.6 beneath concern: 這個人太無聊 this person is not worth keeping company with, is a bore. 聊.1 Adv.1 Rather, just, just a little: 聊勝於無 better than nothing; 聊.1 Adv.2 聊陳愚見 just express my opinion; 聊.1 Adv.3 聊勝一等 just a little better; 聊.1 Adv.4 聊以助興 just for entertainment; 聊.1 Adv.5 聊以自慰 comfort oneself with thought. 聊.2.1 聊且 liaur-chiee, adv., just, see Adv.↑. 聊.2.2 聊浪 liaur-lahng, adj., (AC) unrestrained, wandering freely. 聊.2.3 聊賴 liaur-laih, v.i., to endure (boredom): 百無聊賴 be completely bored, despondent. 聊.2.4 聊聊 liaur-’liau, v.i., have a chat. 聊.2.5 聊天(兒) liaur-tian (liaur-tia-’l), v.i., chat idly (=談天). 聯.0 31S.22-9 liarn. [Abbr. □,□; pop. □ dist. 連 10.83 with same pr., “combine,” “continue”, 聯 “unite”] 聯.1 N.1 Couplet, written or inscribed, oft. hung up as decoration: 對聯 couplet; 聯.1 N.2 輓聯 scroll of condolence; 聯.1 N.3 門聯 couplet on door panels; 聯.1 N.4 楹聯 couplet on posts; 聯.1 N.5 春聯 New Year couplet. 聯.1 V.i.1 To unite; 聯.1 V.i.2 hence oft. in p.p. form, “United” (name of company, etc.). 聯.2.1 聯保 liarn-baau, v.i., system of making two or more persons responsible for one another’s action. 聯.2.2 聯邦 liarn-bang, adj. & n., federal, confederate, -acy, federation: 聯邦政府 federal government. 聯.2.3 聯璧 liarn-bih, n., see 連^璧 10.83. 聯.2.4 聯大 liarn-dah, n., short for 聯合國大會 United Nations General Assembly. 聯.2.5 聯單 liarn-dan, n., duplicate or joint forms for receipt, etc. 聯.2.6 聯貫 liarn-guahn, v.i. & n., continue, -uity: 不相聯貫 disjointed. 聯.2.7 聯合 liarn-her, v.i., unite(d); 聯.2.8 聯合 liarn-her, v.i., 聯合國 United Nations (UN); 聯.2.9 聯合 liarn-her, v.i., 聯合國大會 General Assembly of the UN (GA); 聯.2.10 聯合 liarn-her, v.i., 聯合國安全理事會 Security Council of the UN (SC); 聯.2.11 聯合 liarn-her, v.i., 聯合國憲章 Charter of the UN; 聯.2.12 聯合 liarn-her, v.i., 聯合國教科文組織 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); 聯.2.13 聯合 liarn-her, v.i., 聯合國糧農組織 Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN(FAO); 聯.2.14 聯合 liarn-her, v.i., 聯合政府 coalition government. 聯.2.15 聯歡 liarn-huan, n., social get-together: 聯歡會 get-together party. 聯.2.16 聯軍 liarn-jyun, n., the allied troops. 聯.2.17 聯絡 liarn-luoh, v.i., to get in touch with each other, keep in contact, (also wr. 連絡); 聯.2.18 聯絡 liarn-luoh, v.i., 聯絡官(員) liaison officer. 聯.2.19 聯袂 liarn-meih, adv., as in 聯袂而來 arrive together as a group (lit., “joining sleeves”). 聯.2.20 聯盟 liarn-merng, v.i., ally oneself with; 聯.2.21 聯盟 liarn-merng, v.i., n., alliance; 聯.2.22 聯盟 liarn-merng, v.i., 國際聯盟 League of Nations. 聯.2.23 聯□ liarn-miarn, adv., (come) in close succession, in continuous stream. 聯.2.24 聯名 liarn-mirng, phr., with joint signatures. 聯.2.25 聯翩 liarn-pian, adv., see liarn-miarn↑. 聯.2.26 聯票 liarn-piauh, n., coupon with connection tickets for journey. 聯.2.27 聯想 liarn-shiaang, v.i. & n., by association of thought, mental association: 我聯想到 remind one of s.t. 聯.2.28 聯繫 liarn-shih, n. & v.i., connection; 聯.2.29 聯繫 liarn-shih, n. & v.i., make connection (with person) for some business. 聯.2.30 聯席 liarn-shir, phr., at the same table; 聯.2.31 聯席 liarn-shir, phr., 聯席會議 joint session or conference. 聯.2.32 聯手 liarn-shoou, v.i., join hands (with person). 聯.2.33 聯屬 liarn-shuu1, v.i., belong together. 聯.2.34 聯署 liarn-shuu2, v.i., give joint signatures. 聯.2.35 聯宗 liarn-tzung, v.i., combined branches of clan. 聯.2.36 聯誼 liarn-yih, n., fellowship; 聯.2.37 聯誼 liarn-yih, n., 聯誼會 social, fellowship party. 聯.2.38 聯姻 liarn-yin, v.i., be related by marriage. 聯.2.39 聯營 liarn-yirng, n., joint management; 聯.2.40 聯營 liarn-yirng, n., 聯營事業 enterprise by joint investment (government and private); 聯.2.41 聯營 liarn-yirng, n., 聯營公司 affiliated company. 殖.0 31S.30-1 jyr. [Usu. printed 殖] 殖.1 N.1 Plantation: 種殖,種殖園. 殖.1 V.t.1 (1) To cultivate crops, to plant: 移殖 transplant (trees, heart, kidney). 殖.1 V.t.2 (2) To trade, “grow” in business: 貨殖 commerce; 殖.1 V.t.3 殖財,殖利 trade for profit; 殖.1 V.t.4 增殖 expand business; 殖.1 V.t.5 殖產 business property. 殖.1 V.t.6 (3) 生殖,蕃殖 (of plants and animals) to grow and multiply; 殖.1 V.t.7 生殖器 sexual organs. 殖.1 V.t.8 (4) To settle population: 殖民 jyr-mirn↓. 殖.2.1 殖民 jyr-mirn, n., colonization (policy); 殖.2.2 殖民 jyr-mirn, n., 殖民地 n. & adj., colony, colonial (government, policy, people). 殪.0 31S.30-1 yih. 殪.1 V.i. & t.1 (AC) to die; 殪.1 V.i. & t.2 to kill. f.0 31S.30-2 chyy. [Pop. of 恥 31S.72] 殭.0 31S.30-3 jiang. 殭.1 Adj.1 Dead but not yet putrefied: 殭巴 dry and shriveled; 殭.1 Adj.2 殭斃 jiang-bih, 殭屍 jiang-shy, 殭蠶 jiang-tsarn↓; 殭.1 Adj.3 死而不殭 dead but showing no signs of rigor mortis. 殭.2.1 殭斃 jiang-bih, adj., dead and stiff. 殭.2.2 殭屍 jiang-shy, n., a vampire, a reanimated corpse. 殭.2.3 殭蠶 jiang-tsarn, n. silkworms that die before spinning. 殛.0 31S.30-3 jir. 殛.1 V.t.1 (AC) to kill: 殛鯀於禹山 executed Guun at Yushan; 殛.1 V.t.2 遭雷殛 (LL) struck by lightning. 殂.0 31S.30-4 tsur. 殂.1 V.i.1 To die: 殂落 (AC, of ruler) pass away. 聒.0 31S.40-9 gua. 聒.1 Adj.1 (Of noise) loud and confusing: 聒耳 deafening to the ear. 聒.2.1 聒聒叫 gua-gua-jiauh, adj., (Shanghai) (of things, persons) the best there is. 聒.2.2 聒絮 gua-shyuh, v.i., babble endlessly. 聒.2.3 聒噪 gua-tzauh, v.i. & adj., make disturbing noises (as birds); 聒.2.3 聒噪 gua-tzauh, v.i. & adj., boisterous and clamorous. 殆.0 31S.40-9 daih. 殆.1 Adj.1 (1) Dangerous: 殆哉 (exclam.) dangerous indeed; 殆.1 Adj.2 思而不學則殆 (Confu.) thinking without reading makes one flighty (學而不思則罔 reading without thinking makes one muddled). 殆.1 Adj.3 (2) Tired, exhausted: 力殆 strength exhausted. 殆.1 Adv.1 (LL) almost, it is feared: 存款殆盡 cash is almost exhaused; 殆.1 Adv.2 殆存 (s.t.) barely exists; 殆.1 Adv.3 其愚殆不可及 the foolishness, I am afraid is unmatched. 豬.0 31S.41-1 ju. [Pop. □] 豬.1 N.1 Pig, hog: 公豬,母豬 male, female pig; 豬.1 N.2 豬毛 pig’s bristle; 豬.1 N.3 豬肉 pork; 豬.1 N.4 豬油 pork fat, used in cooking; 豬.1 N.5 豬肝 liver of pig, etc.; 豬.1 N.6 野豬 boar; 豬.1 N.7 豬仔 ju-tzaai↓; 豬.1 N.8 豬玀 ju-luor↓; 豬.1 N.9 swine (a term of abuse), symbol of stupidity, but not of gluttony or filth as in Eng.: 蠢豬 pigheaded person; 豬.1 N.10 豬狗不如 worse than pigs or dogs, like a swine. 豬.2.1 豬公 ju-gung, n., male pig. 豬.2.2 豬□ ju-huan, n., (zoo.) the badger. 豬.2.3 豬圈 ju-jyuahn, n., a pigpen. 豬.2.4 豬欄 ju-larn, n., a pigpen. 豬.2.5 豬苓 ju-lirng, n., a kind of “China root.” 豬.2.6 豬玀 ju-luor, n., (abusive) swine. 豬.2.7 豬籠草 ju-lurng-tsaau, n., the pitcher plant, Nepenthes Rafflesiana. 豬.2.8 豬婆龍 ju-por-lurng, n., a giant sea turtle, giant tortoise. 豬.2.9 豬頭三 ju-tour-san, n., (Shanghai coll.) fool, “pig head.” 豬.2.10 豬仔 ju-tzaai, n., (1) (Cantonese) a piglet; 豬.2.11 豬仔 ju-tzaai, n., (2) victim of slave trade, sold and shipped abroad as cheap labor. 豬.2.12 豬鬃 ju-tzung, n., pig’s bristles. 聃.0 31S.42-2 dan. [Var. □] 聃.1 N.1 Personal name of Laotse: 老聃. 聘.0 31S.50-2 pihn (*pihng). 聘.1 N. & v.t.1 (1) Appoint: 聘為 invite as; 聘.1 N. & v.t.2 聘為顧問,教授 appoint as advisor, professor; 聘.1 N. & v.t.3 延聘,邀聘,徵聘 invite, appoint (teacher, etc.); 聘.1 N. & v.t.4 應聘 accept appointment; 聘.1 N. & v.t.5 聘請,聘任,聘用 pihn-chiing, pihn-rehn, pihn-yuhng↓. 聘.1 N. & v.t.6 (2) (*pihng) Betroth, -thal: 定聘 formally betroth; 聘.1 N. & v.t.7 (also pihn) (AC) be married to; 聘.1 N. & v.t.8 出聘 (於) be married to; 聘.1 N. & v.t.9 聘禮,聘金 pihn-lii, pihn-jin↓. 聘.1 N. & v.t.10 (3) (LL) diplomatic mission between countries. 聘.2.1 聘妻 pihn-chi, n., fiance. 聘.2.2 聘請 pihn-chiing, v.t., appoint (person) as: 聘請教授,專家 appoint professor, specialist. 聘.2.3 聘姑娘 pihn-gu-’niang or *pihng-gu-’niang, v.t., marry a girl off. 聘.2.4 聘金 pihn-jin, n., gift of groom’s family to family of betrothed. 聘.2.5 聘禮 pihn-lii, ditto. 聘.2.6 聘任 pihn-rehn, v.t., appoint to post, used as pihn-chiing↑. 聘.2.7 聘書 pihn-shu, n., letter of appointment. 聘.2.8 聘使 pihn-shyy, n., (AC) diplomatic missions. 聘.2.9 聘用 pihn-yuhng, v.t., see pihn-chiing, pihn-rehn↑. 巧.0 31S.50-3 chiaau. 巧.1 N.1 (1) Small skills: 技巧 skillful, also skills; 巧.1 N.2 巧奪天工 divine skill. 巧.1 N.3 (2) Seventh day of seventh lunar month: 巧夕 chiaau-shih↓. 巧.1 Adj.1 (1) Intelligent, clever, skillful: 靈巧 clever (handicaraft, mind); 巧.1 Adj.2 巧思 a clever thought; 巧.1 Adj.3 巧言 clever words; 巧.1 Adj.4 巧語 a clever saying; 巧.1 Adj.5 巧計 clever strategy: 巧工 clever art work; 巧.1 Adj.6 巧匠 clever carpenter or artisan; 巧.1 Adj.7 巧手 a skillful hand, artisan; 巧.1 Adj.8 巧婦難為無米之炊 even a clever woman cannot cook a meal without rice; 巧.1 Adj.9 巧發奇中 a clever, penetrating remark. 巧.1 Adj.10 (2) Artful, deceiving: 巧詐 chiaau-jah↓; 巧.1 Adj.11 巧辯 specious argument; 巧.1 Adj.12 花言巧語 a lot of artful talk, pretty words; 巧.1 Adj.13 奸巧 deceitful (person); 巧.1 Adj.14 巧言令色鮮矣仁 (Confu.) artful speech and flashy manners seldom indicate a real man; 巧.1 Adj.15 取巧 do things by irregular ways; 巧.1 Adj.16 巧吏,巧宦 clever politician. 巧.1 Adv.1 (1) Cleverly: 巧詆 criticize or attack artfully. 巧.1 Adv.2 (2) Fortuitously, by a happy chance: 巧遇 extraordinary meeting (of a person); 巧.1 Adv.3 巧合 strangely fits (prophecy, etc.); 巧.1 Adv.4 恰巧 ditto; 巧.1 Adv.5 see 巧當兒 chiaau-dang-’l↓; 巧.1 Adv.6 湊巧 it happens by luck; 巧.1 Adv.7 趕巧兒 at the most opportune moment (s.o. arrives, etc.); 巧.1 Adv.8 巧極了,巧得很 what a coincidence! 這可巧了 this is indeed an extraordinary (meeting, etc.); 巧.1 Adv.9 不巧 unfortunately. 巧.2.1 巧當兒 chiaau-dang-’l, adv. & n., by a good chance, a chance opportunity. 巧.2.2 巧故 chiaau-guh, n., (AC) artful deceit. 巧.2.3 巧詐 chiaau-jah, adj., deceitful. 巧.2.4 巧勁兒 chiaau-jieh-’l, n., (1) great skill (usu. manual); 巧.2.5 巧勁兒 chiaau-jieh-’l, n., (2) unexpected meeting, event. 巧.2.6 巧捷 chiaau-jier, adj., skillful, fast. 巧.2.7 巧計 chiaau-jih, n., clever stratagem, trick. 巧.2.8 巧妙 chiaau-miauh, adj., wonderful (turn of events, art work). 巧.2.9 巧舌 chiaau-sher, n., clever words. 巧.2.10 巧夕 chiaau-shih, see the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, see 七^夕 70.70. 巧.2.11 巧宗兒 chiaau-tzung-’l, n., a piece of good luck: 是巧宗兒,你們都得了 if good luck comes, you all will share it. 功.0 31S.50-9 gung. 功.1 N.1 (1) Achievements, accomplishments: 功名 gung-mirng, 功德 gung-der, 功勞 gung-’laur, 功勳gung-shyun, 功利 gung-lih1, 功績 gung-jir, 功業 gung-yeh↓; 功.1 N.2 功虧一簣 just one step short of success or completion; 功.1 N.3 功不補過 demerits outweigh merits; 功.1 N.4 徒勞無功 make futile efforts; 功.1 N.5 功成身退 retire affer having made one’s mark; 功.1 N.6 成功 success; 功.1 N.7 有功 deserving of recognition for services rendered; 功.1 N.8 立功 accomplish a great service or achivement. 功.1 N.9 (2) Efficacy, good results: 功效 gung-shiauh, 功用 gung-yuhng, 功能 gung-nerng, 功力 gung-lih2↓. 功.1 N.10 (3) Action deserving reward, merit (opp. 過 demerit): 記功, give mark of credit; 功.1 N.11 紀功碑 memorial tablet. 功.1 N.12 (4) (Phys.) work. 功.1 N.13 (5) A mourning garment: 功服 gung-fur↓. 功.2.1 功臣 gung-chern, n., formerly, loyal ministers with a record of distinguished service, (fig.) anyone who has rendered great service. 功.2.2 功德 gung-der, n., (1) an achievement or contribution 功德無量 a great service to mankind; 功.2.3 功德 gung-der, n., (2) (Budd.) meritorious works. 功.2.4 功夫 gung-’fu, n., (1) (interch. 工夫) time and energy expended on work; 功.2.5 功夫 gung-’fu, n., (2) degree of perfection attained in any line of work: 功夫甚深 knowledge of subject is profound. 功.2.6 功服 gung-fur, n., formerly, a mourning garment worn for nine months in case of 大功 and for five months in that of 小功. 功.2.7 功架 gung-jiah, n., (1) a person’s conduct and carriage; 功.2.8 功架 gung-jiah, n., (2) an actor’s movements and gestures on stage. 功.2.9 功績 gung-jir, n., merits, contributions. 功.2.10 功課 gung-keh, n., lessons, studies (also 工課). 功.2.11 功勞 gung-’laur, n., meritorious services, contribution (great, small) to work, nation, etc. 功.2.12 功利 gung-lih1, n., utility, material gain: 功利主義 utilitarianism. 功.2.13 功力 gung-lih2, n., (1) merits, efficacy; 功.2.14 功力 gung-lih2, n., (2) (coll.) force and skill, esp. in regard to training. 功.2.15 功率 gung-lyuh, n., (phys.) power, degree of power. 功.2.16 功名 gung-mirng, n., formerly, official honor or rank, esp. academic degrees in civil examinations. 功.2.17 功能 gung-nerng, n., function, skill, ability. 功.2.18 功效 gung-shiauh, n., effect (-iveness), efficacy (of medicine, etc.). 功.2.19 功勳 gung-shyun, n., services to the nation. 功.2.20 功業 gung-yeh, n., outstanding accomplishments to nation or society. 功.2.21 功用 gung-yuhng, n., purpose, function; 功.2.22 功用 gung-yuhng, n., efficacy. 勁.0 31S.50-9 jihng (sp. pr. jihn). 勁.1 N.1 Physical strength, force: 勁頭 jihng-tour, 勁兒 jieh-’l↓. 勁.1 Adj.1 (1) Strong, tough, powerful: 強勁 sturdy, stout, hardy: 勁敵 jihng-dir, 勁旅 jihng-lyuu, 勁卒 jihng-tzur↓. 勁.1 Adj.2 (2) Violent: 勁風 furious wind. 勁.2.1 勁敵 jihng-dir, n., a redoutable enemy. 勁.2.2 勁兒 jieh-’l, n., (1) muscular strength: 這股勁兒 this force or spirit of action; 勁.2.3 勁兒 jieh-’l, n., 他很有勁兒 he is very strongly built; 勁.2.4 勁兒 jieh-’l, n., 傻勁兒 brute force; 勁.2.5 勁兒 jieh-’l, n., (2) vigor: 帶勁兒 vigorous, spirited (writing, performance); 勁.2.6 勁兒 jieh-’l, n., (3) interest: 起勁兒 arousing, exciting, be interested in; 勁.2.7 勁兒 jieh-’l, n., (4) deep affection, attachment: 上勁兒 (of lovers) be deeply attached to each other; 勁.2.8 勁兒 jieh-’l, n., (5) a person’s bearing, manner, or appearance: 蹩扭勁兒 lackadaisical manner. 勁.2.9 勁旅 jihng-lyuu, n., crack troops. 勁.2.10 勁頭(兒) jihn-tour (’l), n., (1) muscular strength; 勁.2.11 勁頭(兒) jihn-tour (’l), n., (2) a person’s general bearing, manner, or appearance. 勁.2.12 勁卒 jihng-tzur, n., see jihng-lyuu↑. 1mwks11.0 31S.50-9 miaan. [Var. of 勉 92.70] 殉.0 31S.50-9 shyuhn. 殉.1 V.i. & t.1 (1) In very early days, before paper men and horses were invented, a custom of burying servants and maids in royal tomb: 殉葬. 殉.1 V.i. & t.2 (2) Be martyr for, to die for: see compp.↓. 殉.2.1 殉情 shyuhn-chirng, phr., die (commit suicide) for love. 殉.2.2 殉道 shyuhn-dauh, phr., be martyr for religion. 殉.2.3 殉國 shyuhn-guor, phr., die for country. 殉.2.4 殉教 shyuhn-jiauh, phr., die for religion. 殉.2.5 殉節 shyuhn-jier, phr., die for honor in loyalty to regime or deceased husband. 殉.2.6 殉利 shyuhn-lih, phr., perish from love of wealth. 殉.2.7 殉名 shyuhn-mirng, phr., kill oneself to gain name. 殉.2.8 殉難 shyuhn-nahn, phr, be killed during some disaster (defeat, etc.). 殉.2.9 殉身 shyuhn-shen, phr., sacrifice one’s life. 殉.2.10 殉財 shyuhn-tsair, see shyuhn-lih↑. 殤.0 31S.50-9 shang. 殤.1 V.i.1 To die young or prematurely. 聆.0 31S.63-8 lirng. [Usu. printed □] 聆.1 V.t.1 (LL court.) to hear: 聆教,面聆教益 to benefit by your advice; 聆.1 V.t.2 聆悉 have learned (from letter) that. 1sjvif16.0 31S.63-9 liarn. [Abbr. of 聯 31S.22] 甄.0 31S.70-3 jen. 甄.1 N.1 (1) 甄者 (AC) potter. 甄.1 N.2 A surname. 甄.1 V.t.1 (LL) to select, discriminate, see compp.↓. 甄.2.1 甄拔 jen-bar, v.t., select and promote (talents). 甄.2.2 甄別 jen-bier, v.t., to pick, discriminate different grades of quality, to screen; 甄.2.3 甄別 jen-bier, v.t., 甄別試 test of the unfit. 甄.2.4 甄審 jen-sheen, v.t., to examine and evaluate. 甄.2.5 甄選 jen-shyuaan, v.t., to pick, select (talents, commerical products). 甄.2.6 甄汰 jen-taih, v.t., to eliminate (the unqualified). 甄.2.7 甄陶 jen-taur, v.t., to mold character as potter molds clay. 甄.2.8 甄用 jen-yuhng, v.t., select for appointment. 覡.0 31S.70-4 shir. 覡.1 N.1 (AC) sorcerer (dist. 巫 sorceress). 靦.0 31S.70-4 tiaan *miaan). 靦.1 Adj.1 (LL) unashamed, shameless. 靦.2.1 靦臉 tiarn-liaan, adj., unashamed. 靦.2.2 靦然 tiarn-rarn, adj. & adv., unashamed, shamelessly. 靦.2.3 靦 *miarn-tiaan, adj., thick-skinned, unashamed. 靦.2.4 靦顏 tiarn-yarn, adj., thick-skinned: 靦顏事仇 shamelessly collaborate with enemy. 1mbbuu21.0 31S.70-4 luor. 1mbbuu21.2.1 1mbbuu21luor-lyuu, v.t., (LL) tell, narrate in detail. 飄.0 31S.70-4 piau. [Var. □] 飄.1 N.1 Hurricane, gale. 飄.1 V.i.1 (1) To blow about: 隨風飄舞 whirl about in the wind; 飄.1 V.i.2 風飄葉落 the wind blows and the leaves fall to the ground. 飄.1 V.i.3 (2) Drift about (in this sense used like 漂, as 飄泊,飄流,飄泛, see 漂^63A.01). 飄.1 Adj.1 See 飄飄,飄然 piau-piau, piau-rarn↓. 飄.2.1 飄布 piau-buh, n., cotton badge of membership in former secret societies. 飄.2.2 飄帶(兒) piau-daug (piau-dah-’l), n., streamers. 飄.2.3 飄高 piau-gau, v.i., fall from a height (of workman). 飄.2.4 飄忽 piau-hu, adj., passing like a wind (of time, events). 飄.2.5 飄疾 piau-jir, adj., swift (wind), also (fig.) of s.t. passing swiftly (飄疾而逝). 飄.2.6 飄s piau-juu, v.i., soar aloft. 飄.2.7 飄零 piau-lirng, adj., lonely and adrift (of person): 飄零無依 friendless, also 飄落,飄蓬. 飄.2.8 飄眇 piau-miaau, adj., lingering softly (of music); 飄.2.9 飄眇 piau-miaau, adj., elusive, difficult to discern. 飄.2.10 飄飄 piau-piau, adj., (of person’s character, ambition) lofty. 飄.2.11 飄然 piau-rarn, adj., ditto: 飄然欲仙 walking on clouds almost like a fairy. 飄.2.12 飄蕭 piau-shiau, adj., (MC) adrift. 飄.2.13 飄字(兒) piau-tzyh (piau-tzeh-’l), v.t., (of opera singer) unprecise in enunciation. 飄.2.14 飄揚 piau-yarng, v.i., flutter in the wind (of flag). 飄.2.15 飄搖 piau-yaur, v.i., drift about. 豝.0 31S.70-5 ba. 豝.1 N.1 (AC) female hog, also u.f. b 80S.70. 耽.0 31S.70-9 dan. [Dist. 間A眈] 耽.1 V.i.1 (1) Tarry, in 耽擱,耽誤 dan-’ge, dan-wuh↓. 耽.1 V.i.2 (2) Indulge, lose oneself in (pleasure, wine, etc.). 耽.1 V.i.3 (3) Bear (burden, sorrow): 耽憂,耽心 dan-you, dan-shin↓. 耽.2.1 耽擱 dan-’ge, v.i. & t., delay; 耽.2.2 耽擱 dan-’ge, v.i. & t., stop over (at) place: 別把這事耽擱了 don’t delay this matter; 耽.2.3 耽擱 dan-’ge, v.i. & t., 耽擱時間 waste time or holdup of other things. 耽.2.4 耽惑 dan-huoh, v.t., be infatuated with (wine, women). 耽.2.5 耽湎 dan-miahn, v.t., ditto. 耽.2.6 耽心 dan-shin, v.i., be worried: 這件事耽心 be worried about this, also wr. 擔心. 耽.2.7 耽誤 dan-wuh, v.t., hold up, interfere with (other things) by neglect, also wr. . 耽.2.8 耽憂 dan-you, v.i., worry.