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adj.one; all, whole, throughout; radical; uniform, single; alone; same; each, per
n.one, unity; the first; a, an, the; the same, uniform
adj.second; one; twisted, bent, crooked
n.well; pit; shaft of a mine; The Well, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.surname; The Neck, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.leader of one thousand men; thousand
pron.he; she; it; that one
v.amputate one leg (arch.); lean to one side
adj.inclined to one side; leaning; partial; prejudiced; determined
n.a word used in one's name
v.usurp; exceed ones responsibility of office
v.hold ones head high; arrange
n.one of the eight trigrams of baguah
n.Yan River; one of nine empire divisions of ancient China
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; short for Hepei province
v.precede ;to put on a man's hat ceremonially signifying one's coming of age
n.one tenth of an inch; part; function, duty; a unit of length; a unit of area; a unit of weight; minute; a unit of interest
v.cut one's throat; cut off
v.chop, cleave, split; strike; be right against (ones face)
v.make great efforts, do all one can; encourage, exhort; urge
v.be engaged in; devote one's efforts to
n.waters converging to one spot; whirling waters; bank draft; letter of credit; collection, assemblage
n.measurement unit for grains, one tenth of a dou or dipper; litre, pint
n.danger; peril; The Rooftop, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.The Three Stars, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky; corresponding to the three stars in the centre of the constellation Orion (arch.)
adj.single; one only
n.The Kingdom of Wu (one of the Three Kingdoms); A surname
v.suddenly greet loudly to catch one's attention
v.to bend (one's waist)
adj.one; single; individual; only; lone; odd; simple
v.close one's mouth; close; shiver; be used up
v.somniloquy; speak in ones sleep; shiver
n.hole, pit; bank, ridge; one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams
n.earth; one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams; representing the earth
n.partition-wall; wall of a house; screen-wall; cliff; The Wall, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
adj.single-minded; united, identical; all, one and all; one
n.a legendary one-legged creature; Name of musical official in Chinese antiquity; Kui prefecture
n.morning; one's early years; surname
n.one of the Sixty-four Hexagrams; secret signs made with the fingers
n.hip, the stride of man; name of constellation; The Legs, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
v.snatch; grasp; take away; rob; surpass; determine, decide; take by force; seize; wrest; force one's way
n.woman; daughter; girl; The Girl, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.Aries; sow that seek for life mate; surname; The Bond, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
v.girl gets married; to shift, to transfer; to attribute to (some one)
v.disobedient to ones parents; harm
n.house; mansion; home; apartment; room; wife; The encampment, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.one inch below the wrist where a Chinese physician takes the patient's pulse (arch. , med.); inch
n.archery, being one of the 6 basic items of classical education in Chinese antiquity
n.tail; rear, behind; the end; extremity; stern; promontory; remaining part; remnant; The Tail, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.a well-wooded hill;residence of one's father
n.ranges of hills stretching one beyond another; irregular peaks
n.wind; one of the eight trigrams of bagua; southeast
v.put on a man's hat ceremonially signifying one's coming of age; put at the head; put before
v.murder one's superior
v.stretch, string, extend, expand; draw a bow; set forth; snare; open out; make a display, publish, proclaim; The Extended Net, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China
v.move from one place to another; change; exile
v.come; solicit; send ones best wishes to
n.heart; mind; affection; intention; centre; middle; The Heart, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
conj.at one's convenience
adv.wantonly, to ones hearts content
v.love and respect one's elder brother
v.encourage, exhort, urge; do one' best, do all in one's power
n.city, citadel (arch.); achievement; result; the whole; one tenth of a sum (一成)
n.door withh one door leaf; individual; family, household; population; account
n.house; building; room; wife, concubine; branch of a family; The Room, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
v.underestimate; curl one's lips
v.to clap one's hands; beat; stamp, tread; to dance; to cheer
v.copy, transcribe; search and confiscate; fold (one's arms); plagiarize
v.divide, split; open; drape over one's shoulder; unveil
v.bind, tie; put together, join together; be ready to risk one's life, go all out in work
v.carry on the arm; wear sth.over ones shoulder or at ones side
v.carry or hold in both hands; cup one's hands; praise, support
v.manage; control; superintend; hold in one's hand; be in charge of
v.pinch, nip; choke to death, throttle; inlay; count on one's fingers
v.support sb. by the arm; assist; tuck in; hide; thrust in one's belt
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China
v.hide or carry in ones clothes; put in pocket of; be pregnant; impose (one's views,etc.) on others; measure; estimate
v.to knead; to rub; to hide or carry in one's clothes; to thump
v.perform one's duty negligently; keep out, ward off; spread over; evade, do sth. perfunctiorily
v.cast, throw; cast off; put on; fall;tumble, lose one's balance
v.draw sb. over one's side; gather up, rake together; embrace
n.interaction of one thing upon another
v.squeeze; press; crowd; conceal; hold in one's arms; embrace; hug; gather around; have, possess
adv.do sth. on one's own authority without permission
v.lift up; prop up, bear, support; hold; cup one hand in the other before the chest
v.to blow one's nose with the fingers
v.roll up; dismiss from ones post; temper oneself; slap with palm
v.hold; monopolize, dominate, take on everything; take sb.into ones arms, embrace; pick up
v.hold (one's head) high; force up the prices
n.star; point of light; planet; spark; heavenly body; The Star, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.Name of feudal state Jin in the Eastern Zhou dynasty; also name of the imperial dynasty (265-420 CE) that succeeded the Wei Dynasty; Short for Shanxi (Shan1Xi) province; one of 64 hexagrams
n.one full year after a child's birth; day; a year of a person's life
adv.one by one;one after another
n.willow; The Willow, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; bridge over a brook; beam; ridge; joist; fine grain
n.plums, prunes; plum flower, one of the Four Junzi Flowers (四君子) of China
v.comb one's hair; put in order
n.a bag opening at one end; sack
n.a coffin, especially the inner one; Chinese parasol tree
n.base; root; Di nationality in ancient China; one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
v.wash one's hair, shampoo; moisten
n.name of 2 rivers, one in Anhui province and one in Henan province
n.one of 64 hexagrams
v.wash one's foot (arch.); wash; bathe; rinse; purify; polish or grind gems
n.Zhen River, one of the sources of the River Hwai in Henan
v.wash hand; bath; correct one's errors; refine
n.ox; cow; bull; The Ox, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.dog; a courteous way to mention one's son
n.one's courtesy name
n.one of bell's handle; road flanked by walls; Yong river; Ningbo city; a measure of capacity
n.calamity, disaster; an ancient pottery (arch.); Zi River; evil; ground that has been under cultivation for one year
n.hand-net (arch.); name of a constellation that resembles a hand-net; The Net, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
v.issue; put forth; send forth; rise; manifest; send out; deliver; distribute; utter; express; discharge; shoot; emit; develop; expand; bring into existenceget into a certain stage; become; show one's feeling; feel
adj.one hundred; numerous, many, all
n.one hundred
v.inspecting one's own countenance by gazing at one's reflection in a bowl of water (arch.); inspect, supervise, oversee; revise; look into
adj.blind in one eye; having one small eye smaller than the other; faraway; very small; exquisite, ingenious
v.narrow; take a nap; unable to open one's eye while getting something in it; be blinded
v.to open one's eyes wide
n.Strabismus, a misalignment of the eyes; one of the 64 hexagrams
v.narrow one's eyes; take a short nap; get into one's eye
v.self-conceited, self-important, singing ones own praise; take pity on, sympathize with; lay emphasis on, uphold, advocate
n.ten thousand milliard; one thousand million; one thousand milliard
n.sieve; dust pan; garbage bag; The Winnowing Basket, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
v.write with seal character; carve; engrave on one's mind
v.wear in ones hair; stitch meet
n.a garment of one colour with no lining; a dust coat
adj.pure, stainless; cultivate ones moral character
n.carriage harness or rope; one of the five areas in ancient times; Sui river
n.color silk fabrics; fine thin silk; a silk pass; the fine gauze; the frayed edges of silk; silk torn into pieces, one of which was given as a credential and the other retained
n.wings; shelter; The Wings, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
adj.aged; in one's eighties
n.stomach; The Stomach, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.one of three stars in Ursa Major, one of the three highest dignitaries of State; platform; stage, terrace; stand, support; Taiwan Province; desk, table
n.one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; thorns; brambles; my wife; cane
n.chrysanthemum, one of the Four Junzi Flowers (四君子) of China
n.a field that has been under cultivation for one year; withered trees; evil; calamity
v.grow aftergrass; have eaten one's fill; be full; rush
n.epidendrum; orchid, one of the Four Junzi Flowers (四君子) of China
adj.brutal, cruel, ferocious; violent, perilous; to ones hearts content
n.big mound (arch.); void; emptiness; empyrean; The Emptiness, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.The Kingdom of Shu (one of the Three Kingdoms); caterpillar or larva of a butterfly or moth (arch.); Short for Sichuan province
v.lie; put ones clothes in order
v.be naked to the waist, divest or unbutton one's upper garment; take off the outer clothing
adj.specially like and unduly trust one's subordinate; dirty
n.horn; angle; corner; point; a tenth of a dollar; The Horn, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.horn-like hair on the owl-head (arch.); beak; The Turtle Beak, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.one horn turned up and one turned down; odd; strange; single
adj.one-sided; biased; superficial; unfair
v.visit; call on a senior; pay one's respect to; report
n.elephant (arch.); one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; short for Henan province
n.fine payable for one's crime among the southern tribes (comparable to indulgence in the West)
n.gift presented to a senior at ones first visit
v.see sb. for the first time with gift; hold in one's hand
n.one round trip; times; step, suit
v.stamp one's foot
v.whirl; turn back; walk to and fro; walk with one foot
v.sprain one's ankle; dodge
v.lift up; hold up; stand on tiptoe; lame; hold one's head high
v.tread; climb; put on; lighten ones step; follow; walk on tiptoe
n.cross board at rear of carriage (arch.); carriage; rash; peg for tuning stringed-instrument; The Chariot, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
adj.unlucky; unable to reach one's aim
idiomin order, in succession, one by one
v.to walk as one pleases; to go carefully; to advance
adj.drink to ones hearts content; flourishing; satisfied; intoxicated
n.money; copper coin; cash; wealth; one tenth of a Chinese ounce
v.to mourn, to grieve; to condole, offer ones condolences; encourage
n.the side door of the palace; the residence of the imperial concubines; the bedroom of one's parents; women's quarters; the examination hall or room for imperial examinations in ancient times
n.steps' order; a low bank between fields; one hundred million; a place very far away
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China
n.black-naped oriole (arch.); one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams
n.one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; colour of nature
n.surname; one of seven main warring states in ancient China; Korea
adj.oblique, be inclined to one side, slant; partial, prejudiced, biased
v.to frown one' brows; to knit the brows; to scowl
n.the name of one of Mu Wang's steeds
n.ghost; spirit; The Ghost, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n. One of the Seven Warring States; The Kingdom of Wei (one of the Three Kingdoms); a surname
v.to show or bare ones teeth