The Rise of Japanese Militarism

Japan Provokes Territotial Disputes with Its Neighbours


Zhang Donglin

The latest dispute over the Diaoyutai Isles provoked by Japanese right-wing extremists with the support from the Japanese government is by no means an isolated incident. It must be viewed together with Japan's aggressive approach to the Tokdo Island in Korea.

It must also be viewed as an attempt of Japan's present right-wing government to undo the effort for a genuine reconcilliation with its Aisan neighbours by the previous prime minister. It is a very nasty move to provoke nationalistic hatred to serve its political purposes.

People who value peace and stability in East Asia region have every reason to denounce the actions taken by the Japanese government:

The justifications for these aggressive actions are laughable. The Japanese government claimed that the Tokdo Islands had become part of Japan in 1905. However, this "historical fact" took place while the whole Korea was being annexed by Japan. If this claim can be accepted, the Koreans might well surrender the whole country to the Japanese, again.

As for the Diaoyutai Isles, some Japanese argue that if they belong to China, why the Chinese did not take any action when the Isles were returned by the US together with Okinawa to Japan. It is the logic of thieves: I got it now therefore it is mine. Of course, you cannot apply this very "logic" to their rigourous campaign to claim the islands now occupied by the Russians.

Some countries and media are only interested in the danger of China but at the same time, if not encourage, turn a blind eye to Japanese militarism which has never feel any guilt with its aggressive past and is still willing to repeat the same atrocities if necessary.

A savage monster has been called up to serve a new cold war.

Japan's Military Threat to Its Neighbours

Diaoyutai Islands

The Tokdo Islands
