Professor Emeritus, Philosophy Department, CUHK
Founding Director, Research Centre for Humanities Computing
Founding Director, Archive for Phenomenology & Contemporary Philosophy
Founder, Multifunction Chinese Character Databases 漢語多功能字庫
(2021-22; 2025-26) Visiting Professor, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan, ROC
(2017-18; 2022-23) Gastprofessor, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
(2018-2019) Visiting Professor, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, ROC
Curriculum Vitae
List of Publications/Presentations: (frequently updated!)
Course Outlines
Theses Supervised/Supervising
Competitive Research Grants Received
Selected papers on Language
CUPID: CU Philosophy Information Databases
Personalia and Miscellaneous:
Private databases: Phone Book; Journal Papers; Quotations
Langenscheidts Grammatiktafel
Deutsch: German grammatical tables
My Family
My Footprints & Tyre Marks (forthcoming)