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Rec. | Student | Thesis Title | Remarks | Year | Degree |
1. | Chen Jau-hua 陳瑤華 | 論康德《純粹理性之批判》中的圖式程序理論 | Tunghai University 東海大學 | 1985 | M.Phil |
2. | Chan Chi Wai 陳志偉 | The Notion of Truth in Heidegger's Later Works | B3279.H49C42 From then on, CUHK: 香港中文大學 | 1988 | M.Phil. |
3. | Ip Tat Leung Karl 葉達良 | The Historicity of Sense in Husserl's "Origin of Geometry" | B3279.H9I6 | 1990 | M.Phil. |
4. | Hung Wai Shun 洪維信 | Thinking Otherwise: Nietzsche, Deleuze and the Philosophy of Difference | B105.D5 H86 | 1991 | M.Phil. |
5. | Lau Kwai Piu 劉桂標 | 論康德的意志自律原則 | B2799.E8L55 1994 | 1994 | M.Phil. |
6. | Fung Siu Pun 馮少斌 | 康德論時間和空間 | B2799.S7 F4 1996 | 1996 | M.Phil. |
7. | Leung Yiu Ming 梁耀明 | 康德理性神學中「超驗理想」的概念淵源及理論地位 | B2799.T7L53 1997 | 1997 | M.Phil. |
8. | Lau Chong Fuk 劉創馥 | Kant's Transcendental Method and Its Under-Thematized Problem | B2799 T7 L38 1997 | 1997 | M.Phil. |
9. | Hung Yu Ching Joseph 洪宇澄 | 精神與個體 ─ 黑格爾哲學中的調和觀念 | B2948.H6334 1998 | 1998 | M.Phil. |
10. | Lau Kwai Piu 劉桂標 | 康德倫理學與王陽明心性論的比較:意志自律原則與心即理說 | BJ69 .L58 1999 | 1999 | PhD |
11. | Leung Ka Wing 梁家榮 | The Reformulation of Philosophy in Heidegger's Early Thinking | B3279H49L48 | 1999 | M.Phil. |
12. | Li King Kwok 李敬國 | 康德哲學中的意志與自由概念 | B2799.F8 L5 2001 T000082 | 2001 | M.Phil. |
13. | Yeung Ka Chung Lorraine 楊家頌 | Tragedy and Philosophy: The Problem of Tuché in Aristotle and Greek Tragedy | PA3131 .Y48 2001 T000084 | 2001 | M.Phil. |
14. | Leung Ka Wing 梁家榮 | 孔子之道的再釋與重估 | B127.C65 L385 2002 | 2003 | PhD |
15. | Wong Ho Ki 黃浩麒 | 論反省性判斷力在康德人學中的樞紐地位 | B2799.M25 H82 2003 T000096 | 2003 | M.Phil. |
16. | Liaw Siau-chi 廖朝驥 | 《物理學之後諸篇》附從者 (συμβεβηκός) 的意義-困惑四 (995b18-27, 997a25-33) 的分析及其恰當的理解 | B434.L52 2003 T000090 | 2003 | M.Phil. |
17. | Chan Chun Hang Henry 陳俊亨 | From Nature to Freedom: Kant on the Transition from the Sensible to the Supersensible through Reflective Judgement | completed | 2005 | M.Phil. |
18. | Wong Ho Ki 黃浩麒 | Kant's Concept of History - Situation and Vocation | completed | 2006 | PhD |
19. | Tang Wai Sang 鄧偉生 | 一個契約式的均等主義理論 (Co-supervised; main supervisor: Prof. Shih Yuan-kang) | completed | 2006 | PhD |
20. | Wong Yiu Hong 王耀航 | 實踐與理解-伽達瑪論主體性與自我認識 | completed | 2007 | PhD |
21. | Yeung Tak Lap 楊德立 | 康德的希望哲學-詮釋康德哲學的一次新嘗試 | completed | 2007 | M.Phil. |
22. | Chen Huping 陳虎平 | The Role of Intuition in Kant's Conceptualization of Causality and Purposiveness | completed | 2007 | PhD |
23. | Lam Sheung-Tak Derek 林尚德 | * Admitted in fall, 2007, but dropped out, with my recommendation, in favour of the Erasmus Mundus Europhilosophie Master Programme of the European Union, tenable at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Université Catholique de Louvain, and University of Luxembourg; completed in summer, 2010. | dropped out in favour of Erasmus Mundus Europhilosophie | * | M.Phil. |
24. | Wong Wing-Yuen Spring 王穎苑 | The Significance of Art in Schelling: Primordial Demand and Final Destination of Reason | completed | 2008 | PhD |
25. | Lowe Chun-Yip Isaac 婁振業 | The Final Purpose of the Metaphysics of Morals: Kant's Theory of Perpetual Peace | completed | 2009 | M.Phil. |
26. | Chiu Tze-Ming 趙子明 | 論洪堡特語言哲學中的創造議題 | completed | 2010 | PhD |
27. | Liu Wei 劉瑋 | Human Being, Rhetoric, and Legislation: Aristotle's Solution to the Tension between Private and Common Good (co-supervised; main supervisor: Prof. Wang Qingjie) | completed | 2010 | PhD |
28. | Lee Hong-Ting 李康廷 | 康德論崇高體驗 | completed | 2011 | M.Phil. |
29. | Zhong Hui 仲輝 | 康德圖式法疑難及其現代批判 (co-supervised; main supervisor: Prof. Wang Qingjie) | completed | 2011 | PhD |
30. | Lau Po-Hei 劉保禧 | 隱匿的對話:牟宗三與海德格論有限與超越 | completed | 2012 | PhD |
31. | Ng Yat-Kan Abraham 伍一勤 | Kant on Moral Imputation: An Analysis of “Personality” in the Categories of Freedom and its Relation to Gesinnung | completed | 2012 | M.Phil. |
32. | Tse Chiu Yui Plato 謝昭銳 | On the I as the Foundation of Knowledge in Fichte's Early Wissenschaftslehre | completed | 2013 | M.Phil. |
33. | Zhu Xinqu Wendy 朱心曲 | Between the Transcendental and the Ontical: An Undismissible Tension in Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology (co-supervised) | completed | 2013 | MPhil |
34. | Deng Yangzhou 鄧揚舟 | Genius and Genus: How to Name Things with Metaphors | completed | 2014 | PhD |
35. | Fung Hin-fung, Wilson 馮顯峰 | Game between Arch-enemies: Kant on The Play of Faculties | completed | 2017 | M.Phil. |
Rec. | Student | Thesis Title | Remarks | Year | Degree |
1. | Chiu King Pong 趙敬邦 | 《壇經》中「自性」概念之研究及其所引伸之主體性哲學 | completed | 2006 | M.A. |
2. | Elsa Ngar-Sze Lau 劉雅詩 | 論人與世界的關係 — 海德格的『在世界之中存在』與印度佛家的法界緣起初探 | completed | 2006 | M.A. |
3. | Gloria Lau 劉懿嫻 | 採討人藉信仰超越苦難如何可能 | completed | 2007 | M.A. |
4. | Cuthbert Lo 勞平天 | 佛家輪迴學說中的主體性和自我身份研究 | completed | 2007 | M.A. |
5. | Ho Kin Kei Joseph 何建基 | What is a Subject? From Descartes to Neuroscience | completed | 2008 | M.A. |
6. | Li Hong Ting 李康廷 | Kantian Philosophy in Relation to Rationalism and Empiricism | completed | 2008 | M.A. |
7. | Lee Chun Hong, Conrad 李進康 | Heidegger and the Meaning of Question of Being | completed | 2009 | M.A. |
8. | Ho Hiu-yan Alan 何曉炘 | The tension between syntax and semantics in Chomskyan linguistics | completed | 2009 | M.A. |
9. | Hung Hin Sun 孔憲新 | Problem of Affection: Noumenal Unknowability and Noumenal Causality | completed | 2011 | M.A. |
10. | Jessica Ho 何蓓恩 | 從尼采的思想探索何謂本能 | completed | 2013 | M.A. |
Rec. | Student | Thesis Title | Remarks | Year | Degree |
1. | Leonard Ip 葉朗年 | Imagining the World: Rethinking Kant’s Focus Imaginarius | completed | 2017 | B.A. |
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