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ㄊㄧㄥ [ting1(*ㄊㄧㄥˋ [ting4). [Abbr. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To hear, listen: [ting1jian4], [ting1shuo1]↓;
得見,不見 can, cannot hear (voice, speaker);
不明白 cannot hear clearly;
而不聞 to listen but not hear, to hear but pay no attention.
(2)  To listen and obey : [ting1hua4]↓;
從 to listen to , be obedient to.
(3)  (*[ting4]) To let go, to let s.t. happen of its own accord: 其自然 let things take their natural course;
天由命 resign to fate, be fatalistic;
憑,便 [ting1ping2], [ting1bian4]↓.
(4)  (*[ting4]) To supervise: 政 supervise government;
Words1.便 *[ting4bian4], phr., let s.o. have option, at s.o.’s option. 
2.差 [ting1chai1], n., a servant attendant. 
3.取 [ting1qU3], v.t.,listen to, hear (opinion). 
4.斷 *[ting4duan4], v.i. & t., (of judge) decide at court. 
5.官 [ting1guan1], n., the sense of hearing . 
6.候 [ting1hou4], v.i., to wait (for arrival, decision, etc.). 
7.話 [ting1hua4], v.i., to obey, listen to s.o.’s advice: 小孩不話 child will not obey what he is told to do. 
8.診器 [ting1zhen3qi4], n., stethoscope. 
9.政 *[ting4zheng4], v.i., to supervise administration. 
10.講 [ting1jiang3], v.i., to hear it said, to attend lectures. 
11.見 [ting1jian4], v.i., to hear: 得見,不見 able, unable to hear. 
12.覺 [ting1jUe2], n., sense of hearing, see [ting1guan1]↑. 
13.命 *[ting4ming4], v.i., (1)  to obey orders, instructions; (2)  to let fate take its course. 
14.能 [ting1neng2], n., the power or function of hearing. 
15.憑 *[ting4ping2], v.t., to let come what may, to offer no obstruction: 憑你裁決 do what you decide (on case, with person).  
16.任 *[ting4ren4], v.t., to let go: 任自然 let it take its own course. 
17.審 [ting1shen3], phr., (of judge) to sit at session. 
18.寫 [ting1xie3], v.i. & n., dictate,dictation. 
19.戲 [ting1xi4], v.i., go to opera.  
20.信 [ting1xin4], v.t., (1)  to listen to and believe (rumors); (2)  await news.  
21.書 [ting1shu1], v.i., to attend a recitation by storytellers. 
22.說 [ting1shuo1], v.i., hear; it is said that. 
23.訟 *[ting4song4], v.i., to preside at law court. 
24.提 [ting1ti2], v.t., pay attention: 滿不提 pay no attention. 
25.頭 [ting1tou1er0], n., s.t. worth listening to :沒甚麼頭兒 nothing worth listening. 
26.蹭兒 [ting1ceng4]([er0]), v.t., to see (“hear”) a play at Chin. theater without pay . 
27.筒 [ting1tong2], n., earphone. 
28.聞 [ting1wen2], v.t. to hear (story, news, etc.)