Words | 1.才氣 [cai2qi4] ([cai2qi0]), n., rich talent, brilliance of mind. 2.才情 [cai2qing2], n., great ability, esp. litr. aptitude. 3.才調 [cai2diao4], n., see [cai2qi4]↑. 4.才分 [cai2fen4], n., inborn ability. 5.才幹 [cai2gan4] ([cai2gan0]), n., practical ability. 6.才華 [cai2hua2], n., see [cai2qi4]↑. 7.才智 [cai2zhi4], n., wisdom and ability. 8.才具 [cai2jU4], n., aptitude, capability (of person). 9.才力 [cai2li4], n., force of personality, spirit. 10.才略 [cai2lUe4], n., resourcefulness, political ability. 11.才貌 [cai2mao4], n., personal appearance as reflecting ability. 12.才名 [cai2ming2], n., literary reputation. 13.才能 [cai2neng2], n., natural gift, talent, litr. or practical ability. 14.才人 [cai2ren2], n., talented scholar. 15.才士 [cai2shi4], n., good scholars. 16.才學 [cai2xUe2] ([cai2xUe0]), n., ability and learning, person's scholarship. 17.才思 [cai2si1], n., brilliance in writing. 18.才藻 [cai2zao3], n., see [cai2si1]↑. 19.才子 [cai2zi3], n., (1) brilliant writer; (2) 才子佳人小說 popular romance with a handsome scholar and a pretty girl. 20.才悟 [cai2wu4], n., aptitude for understanding. 21.才 [cai2ying3], n., intellectual brilliance. 22.才媛 [cai2yUan2], n., a gifted maiden.
 | 1C20 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄕˋ [shi4] . |  | | N | (1) Affair, business, matter: 事務,事件,事情 [shi4wu4]2, [shi4jian4], [shi4qing2]↓; affair: 這件事 this affair, this business; 國事,家事 national, family affairs; 人事 personnel (problems); 公事,私事 public, private affairs; 萬事 all: 萬事如意 have all one's wishes; 風流韻事 a romantic affair, a scholar's gathering; 事不干己 the affair does not concern one; 事急,事忙 matter is urgent, business is pressing; 事半功倍 half the work with double results; 事倍功半 twice the work with half of results. (2) Fact, event, happening: 事實 [shi4shi2]↓; 事與願違 events do not happen as one wishes; 事過境遷 events have passed and times have changed; 事出有因 this happens not without reason; 事前,事後 before, after the event; 喜事 happy event (wedding, celebration); 喪事 funeral; 紅白事 happy and unhappy events; 事故,事端 [shi4gu4], [shi4duan1]↓. (3) Trouble, accident, undesirable event: 出事 have an accident (in travel); 肇事 cause trouble, a row; 事變 [shi4bian4]↓; 平安無事 all is well; 多事之秋 year of many troubles; 大事化為小事,小事化為無事 reduce a big trouble into a small one, and a small one into nothing; 省事 save trouble; 費事 takes a lot of doing; 少管閒事 don't meddle in others’ affairs; 造謠生事 cause trouble by spreading rumors; 惹事生非 be meddlesome; 了事 close a dispute, lawsuit; 息事寧人 stop dispute and live and let live; 舉事,起事 start rebellion; 事到如今 things have come to such a pass that. (4) Matter in gen., matters: 這是怎麼一回事 What is all this? 醫事 medical matters; 政事 politics, government; 軍事 military matters or affairs; 任事 take charge of matters; 史事 historical matters; 軼事,趣事 anecdotes; 房事 sexual intercourse; 月事 menstruation. (5) Oft. part of title: 董事,理事 board directors; 監事 supervisor; 幹事 executive officer, secretary or manager; 推事 judge; 通事 formerly, official interpreter of foreign language; 領事 consul; 執事 (LL) oft. used in letters like 先生 you, sir; 管事 men in charge; 縣知事 county magistrate.
| V | (1) To do: 不事農商 will not take up farming or a trade; 不事生產 does not attend to business or hold a job; 從事教育 devote oneself to education; 無所事事 do nothing all day. (2) To serve: 事親,事君 serve parents, ruler.
| Words | 1.事變 [shi4bian4], n., sudden turn of events (relellion, coup d'etat, etc.) 2.事情 [shi4qing2], n., (1) course of events, story; (2) ([shi4qing0]) affair, event: 這件事情 this affair; 沒有事情 nothing has happened; 有什麼事情 what is up? 3.事權 [shi4qUan2], n., duties and responsibilities (of an official), legal power in a case. 4.事端 [shi4duan1], n., an event, a dispute: 引起事端 causes disputes. 5.事故(兒) [shi4gu4]([er0]), n., an affair; some trouble. 6.事蹟 [shi4ji1]1, n., record of events, a person's activities. 7.事機 [shi4ji1]2, n., crux of a situation, happenings behind the scenes. 8.事件 [shi4jian4], n., an event, an item of business: 這些事件交給你 you will take charge of these several items; 事件發生 something happens. 9.事主 [shi4zhu3], n., party in an accident dealing or lawsuit. 10.事兒 [shi4er0], n., see [shi4qing2]↑. 11.事例 [shi4li4], n., case history, case law. 12.事略 [shi4lUe4], n., brief biographical sketch. 13.事項 [shi4xiang4], n., item of business, see [shi4jian4]↑. 14.事先 [shi4xian1], adv., prior to event. 15.事勢 [shi4shi4]1, n., trend of events. 16.事事 [shi4shi4]2, pron., everything: 事事小心 be careful in everything. 17.事實 [shi4shi2], n., fact: 事實如此 that is the fact; n., 事實上 [shi4shi2shang4], adv., as a matter of fact, factually (impossible, etc.). 18.事畜 [shi4xU4], v.i., (LL) to serve (parents) and raise (children). 19.事態 [shi4tai4], n., the look of things, situation, circumstances. 20.事體 [shi4ti3], n., business (important, unimportant): 事體 單,複雜 matter is simple, complicated. 21.事物 [shi4wu4]1, n., things, articles, objects: 各種事物 different things (coats, umbrellas, etc.). 22.事務 [shi4wu4]2, n., business, business duties, gen. affairs; 事務員 (also wr. 庶務) man in business office in charge of business side (outings, arrangements, etc.); 事務所 business office (as of lawyer, doctor). 23.事樣兒 [shi4yang4er0], n., look or appearance of things: 成什麼事樣兒 what will it look like? 24.事業 [shi4ye4], n., (1) a man's business or life work, career; (2) business enterprise: 公共事業 a public enterprise. 25.事宜 [shi4yi2], n., (official) event, case, subject dealt with. 26.事由 [shi4you2], n., story (of event, dispute, etc.); n., 事由兒 [shi4you2er0], n., some kind of work or event: 什麼事由兒他也做 he'll take up any kind of work.
 | 2C05 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 3 | ㄘㄨㄣˋ [cun4] . |  | | N | An inch (cf. 吋 English inch): 三寸丁 a three-inch nail, (fig.) a pint-sized person; 三寸金蓮 81.30; 方寸 square inch, also heart: 方寸已亂 my heart is already upset; 立方寸 cubic inch; 公寸 decimeter; 尺寸 dimensions of anything; 尺有所短,寸有所長 every man has his strong and weak points.
| Adj | (1) Very small in amount: 手無寸鐵 a man unarmed (“not a scrap of metal”); 寸步難行 cannot walk a step; 寸土寸地 a wisp of territory; 寸絲不掛 totally nude; 寸腸 my little thoughts or feelings; 寸紙 a short note; 寸刻,寸 ,寸晷 even a brief moment (must be utilized); 寸功 humble achievement or service; 寸進 small progress; 寸草不留 complete devastation of land. (2) (Coll.) just right, right moment: 他來得真寸 he comes just at the right time.
| Words | 1.寸衷 [cun4zhong1], n., (LL) my heart, innermost feelings. 2.寸口 [cun4kou3], n., (Chin. med.) a person's pulse on the wrist. 3.寸心 [cun4xin1], n., see [cun4zhong1]↑. 4.寸田 [cun4tian2], n., the heart (from 心田). 5.寸子 [cun4zi0], n., (Chin. opera) false sole worn by actress. 6.寸陰 [cun4yin1], n., a few minutes, a very short time (to be valued for study and not squandered.)
 | 2C50 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄓㄨㄢ [zhuan1] . |  | | N | (1) A surname. (2) Short for 專門學校, see 專門 [zhuan1men2]↓: 商專 commercial college; 體專 college of physical culture; 大專 universities and technical schools.
| V | To monopolize, take possession alone: 專美 monopolize credit, enjoy credit alone; 專權,專政 [zhuan1qUan2], [zhuan1zheng4]↓; 專掌其事 take charge of matter alone.
| Adj | (1) Concentrated, devoted: 用心不專 is not devoted to one thing: 專心,專誠,專一,專專 [zhuan1xin1], [zhuan1cheng2], [zhuan1yi1], [zhuan1zhuan1]↓. (2) Special, -ly confined to one subject or area: 專長,專利 [zhuan1chang2], [zhuan1li4]↓; 專門,專科 [zhuan1men2], [zhuan1ke1]↓; 專家 [zhuan1jia1]↓; 專攻歷史 specialize in history; 專精,專擅 be specially good at some field; 專對他一人說 talk specially to him along; 專此 (end of letter) the above is what I write about specially; 專望 I wait or hope specially; 專差,專足 by special messenger; 專用線 Lines for special use, private line; 專律 special laws; 專條 special clause. (3) Arbitrary, high-handed, tyrannical: 專橫,專制 [zhuan1heng4], [zhuan1zhi4]↓; 自專 arbitrary, willful.
| Words | 1.專差 [zhuan1chai1], adv., by special messenger. 2.專長 [zhuan1chang2], v.i. & n., to specialize in, be good specially at (oratory, criticism, etc.); a specialty: 那是他的專長 that is his specialty. 3.專車 [zhuan1che1], n., special car or train. 4.專誠 [zhuan1cheng2], adv., specially: 專誠拜訪 make a special trip to call on s. o.; 專誠奉復 write a reply specially. 5.專寵 [zhuan1chong3], v.i. monopolize ruler's favor. 6.專權 [zhuan1qUan2], (1) n., full power to do s. t.; (2) v.i., to become absolute head of government. 7.專電 [zhuan1dian4], n., special or direct telegram. 8.專斷 [zhuan1duan4], adj., arbitrary (in decisions). 9.專橫 [zhuan1heng4], adj., arbitrary, intolerant, overbearing. 10.專政 [zhuan1zheng4], n., autocracy. 11.專征 [zhuan1zheng1], v.i., formerly, to enjoy full powers in the field for all military decisions. 12.專家 [zhuan1jia1], n., a specialist. 13.專專 [zhuan1zhuan1], adv., specially: 專專對他吩咐 specially told him (to do s.t.). 14.專制 [zhuan1zhi4], n., absolute monarchy; dictatorship; tyrannical government. 15.專科 [zhuan1ke1], n., special department or subject; 專科學校 technical or professional school or college. 16.專閫 [zhuan1kun3], n., formerly, an army commander with full powers in his jurisdiction. 17.專欄 [zhuan1lan2], n., (newspaper) column, feature. 18.專利 [zhuan1li4], n., monopoly in trade, patent. 19.專賣 [zhuan1mai4], n., ditto. 20.專門 [zhuan1men2], (1) n. & adj., a specialized science; n. & adj., a specialty; 專門學校 a technological or professional school or college; (2) adv., specially: 專門與我作對 obssessed in opposing me. 21.專命 [zhuan1ming4], adv., formerly, without waiting for orders from above. 22.專名 [zhuan1ming2], n., (gram.) proper noun. 23.專任 [zhuan1ren4], v.t., specially appointed to take full charge of (department, case, affair, etc.); adj. & n., full-time job, opp. 兼任 concurrent. 24.專人 [zhuan1ren2], adv., by special messenger. 25.專擅 [zhuan1shan4], v.t., specialize in, be especially good at (playing flute, etc.); take things into one's own hands, act without authorization from superior. 26.專心 [zhuan1xin1], adv., with concentration, devoted purpose. 27.專修 [zhuan1xiu1], v.i., to specialize in study: 英文專修學校 school of English, or specially for English only. 28.專使 [zhuan1shi3], n., special emissary of government. 29.專司 [zhuan1si1], v.t., see [zhuan1ren4]↑. 30.專才 [zhuan1cai2], n., specialist, person specially good at s.t. 31.專祠 [zhuan1ci2], n., temple specially in honor of s.o. 32.專業 [zhuan1ye4], n., special vocation. 33.專一 [zhuan1yi1], adv., with single mind and purpose. 34.專員 [zhuan1yUan2], n., an official (“specialist”) attached to some ministry for a temporary or nominal job.
 | 3C15 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄌㄧˇ [li3] . |  | | N | (1) (lii zi0) (Bot.) the plum, Prunus salicina: 桃李 peaches and plums. (fig.) one's students: 桃李滿天下 with students all over the world; 李代桃僵 (orig. allu.) two persons suffering for one another, (now) girl replaces another as wife; 瓜田李下 or 李下之嫌 be found in a suspicions position. (2) A surname.
 | 3C35 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄅㄟˋ [bei4] (*ㄅㄛˊ [bo2] ). |  | | 孛星 a comet.
Adv | (*[bo2]) U.f. 勃 suddenly.
 | 3C45 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄑㄧㄝˋ [qie4] . |  | | V | To take by the hand, to lift or lead by hand: 提挈 to lift or carry, (fig.) 提綱挈領 to give the main points (like “drawing a net in by its main lines and taking a coat by its collar”); 挈眷南下 bring one's family south; 挈出紅塵 lead a person away from this mortal life; 挈缾之知 (AC) trivial knowledge.
| Words | 1.挈挈 [qie4qie4], adj., (AC) in a hurry. 2.挈領 [qie4ling3], v.t., (1) to bring, lead (children, family); (2) 提綱挈領, see V.t.↑.
 | 4A15 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄔㄜˋ [che4] . |  | | (1) To pull, to hinder by pulling back: 掣後腿 hinder progress by “pulling leg”; 掣時 [che4zhou3]↓. (2) To strike like lightning: 風馳電掣 to pass or strike swiftly like the wind or lightning.
Words | 1.掣肘 [che4zhou3], v.i., to tug at elbow to prevent action. 2.掣曳 [che4yi4], v.t., to drag along.
 | 4A35 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄐㄧˊ [ji2] . |  | | (1) To strike, hit: 擊罐 to beat a drinking cup and sing; 擊柝 (of night watchmen) beat the rattle and go the rounds; 擊楫 to vow to bring peace to the country (allu. to the story of 祖逖); 擊築 to strike the strings of an ancient lute; 擊鼓 to strike a drum; 擊缽催詩 celebration of festive occasions by poets writing poems within set time limits; 拳擊 boxing; 敲擊 to pound, to hammer; 打擊 to beat, to strike a heavy blow; 重重一擊 give (s.o.) a pounding; 棒擊 hit with a stick or club; 技擊 to fence; 搏擊 to wrestle, engage in hand-fight scuffle; 槍擊 to shoot; 轟擊 bombard with guns or from the air, (fig.) criticize severely; 擊沈 to bombard and sink (a ship); 擊落敵機 to down an enemy plane; 擊節 [ji2jie2]; 擊賞 [ji2shang3]↓. (2) To combat, to fight: 攻擊 to attack, also attack, criticize in writing; 游擊 to wage guerrilla warfare; 打游擊 (now also)sponge meals on friends; 游擊戰爭 guerrilla warfare; 突擊 mount a sudden attack; 襲擊 make a surprise raid; 擊敗 defeat; 聲東擊西 feign attack on the east and strike on the west. (3) Come in contact with: 目擊 see with one's own eyes.
Words | 1.擊節 [ji2jie2], v.i. & t., as in 擊節稱賞 to clap and applaud. 2.擊賞 [ji2shang3], v.t., ditto. 3.擊刺 [ji2ci4], v.t., (1) stab with a sword; (2) (of troops) fight with swords and spears.
 | 4B25 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄆㄢ [pan1] . |  | | (1) To climb: 攀鞍上馬 mount a horse, (lit.) mount by clasping saddle; 攀附 (權貴) attach onseslf to (persons in power) as a means of securing promotion; 攀龍附鳳 (LL) attach oneself to dragon and phoenix, with similar meaning; 攀高親 to marry into rich, well-known family; 高攀 try to make friends with those higher-up; 攀不上 dare not, be unworthy to seek connections with (persons); 攀桂 (LL) formerly, to succeed in civil examinations (“win the laurel”); 攀折 [pan1zhe2]↓; 攀花折柳 phr., to philander. (2) To implicate (accomplice) at court by accused: 攀他一口 make such statements, also 攀供.
Words | 1.攀纏 [pan1chan2], v.t., to keep annoying by inappropriate talk, request. 2.攀親 [pan1qin1], v.i., to betroth, discuss betrothal. 3.攀登 [pan1deng1], v.i., climb up. 4.攀析 [pan1zhe2], v.t., break branches: 不准攀折 do not pick flowers, break branches. 5.攀緣 [pan1yUan2]1, v.i., (Budd.) be distracted by material world, like monkeys swinging from branch to branch. 6.攀援 [pan1yUan2]2, n., seek help from those on top. 7.攀輿 [pan1yU2], v.i., to surround carriage of departing magistrate in affectionate farewell.
 | 4C20 10.01 | [pin4] . |  | | Peel off the bark of hemp (麻).
 | 4C30 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄓㄨˊ [zhu2] . |  | | N | (Bot.) 白朮 91.41.
 | 4C35 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄨㄟˋ [wei4] . |  | | (1) Number 8 in duodecimal cycle, see Appendix A. (2) 未時 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Adv | (1) Not, yet, have not yet (contrast 不 do not, will not): 未曾 [wei4ceng2]↓; 未能 have not been able to; 尚未過目 have not seen it yet; 未遇 failed to see him on visit; 未嫁 not yet married; 未成年 under age, or a minor; 和約未成 negotiations have not yet been concluded; 未老先衰 old before one's age; 未之前聞 never heard of it; 未之有也 there never was such a thing. (2) (LL) at the end of a sentence, equals “or not?”: 寒梅著花未 have the plum flowers come to bud yet?
| Words | 1.未便 [wei4bian4], phr., it's not convenient to. 2.未必 [wei4bi4], phr., is not sure (to, that), not definitely (usu. conjecture): 未必來 is not sure to come; 未必看見這件 (s.o.)may not have seen this letter. 3.未嘗 [wei4chang2], adv., never: 未嘗對他說過 never told him; used in double negative: 未嘗不是 can't say that it is wrong, it is quite right, see [wei4ceng2]↓. 4.未定草 [wei4ding4cao3], n., author's manuscripts which are not final, also 未定稿. 5.未冠 [wei4guan4], adj., (AC) not yet mature, before the “capping ceremony” (冠禮). 6.未遑 [wei4huang2], phr., have not had time to (do): 未遑執筆 have not had the time to write you a letter. 7.未婚妻 [wei4hun1qi1], n., fiancée 8.未幾 [wei4ji3], adv., (1) soon after, in a short time; (2) (LL) not much or many (=無幾 ). 9.未經 [wei4jing1], phr., have not yet (gone through) : 未經閱過 have not read it yet. 10.未及 [wei4ji2], phr., not in time for, have not had time to; have not had time (to prepare, to answer your letter, etc.). 11.未知數 [wei4zhi1shu4], n., an unknown quantity or number. 12.未來 [wei4lai2], n., the future, time to come; n., 未來的 adj., future (luck, etc.). 13.未了 [wei4liao3], adj., unfinished (business). 14.未免 [wei4mian3], adv., (1) can’t say that it isn't (tactful expression for “is”): 未免過份 is rather too presumptuous; (2) could not help: 未免答他兩句 could not help saying a word or two in reply; 未免多情 could not help being sentimental. 15.未能 [wei4neng2], adv., could not: 未能免俗 phr., (court.)have to follow the customs. 16.未然 [wei4ran2], adj. & n., before event, before it happens: 防患於未然 prevent trouble before it happens. 17.未入流 [wei4ru4liu2]. adj., out of the run; (of writers) not yet known or recognized. 18.未若 [wei4ruo4], phr., it would be better to (sell it, recognize its existence, etc.). 19.未悉 [wei4xi1], phr., (in letters) do not know (how you are, etc.), =未知. 20.未詳 [wei4xiang2], phr., is not expressly stated, not told: 情形未詳 do not know the details. 21.未遂 [wei4sui4], phr., (plan, wish) not realized or fulfilled. 22.未曾 [wei4ceng2], adv., never: 未曾見過 never saw, have never seen. 23.未完 [wei4wan2], phr., not yet finished. 24.未亡人 [wei4wang2ren2], n., widow in self-reference (person who is due to die but “hasn't yet”). 25.未央 [wei4yang1], phr., (the night) is not far spent yet. 26.未有 [wei4you3], phr., there never was: 未有如此作法 it was never done like this.
 | 5B35 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄇㄛˋ [mo4] . |  | | N | (1) Last part (versus 本 foundation): 本末 beginning and end: 物有本末,事有終始 there is a proper sequence of foundation and end-results, of first and last things; 德者本也,財者末也 character is the foundation and wealth follows; 本末倒置 put first things last or last things first. (2) Dust, powder (oft. [mo4zi0], [mo4er0]): 粉筆末 (兒) chalk powder; 麵包末兒 bread crumbs; 茶葉末 tea-leaves dust; 藥末 medical powder. (3) Name of old man's role in Chin. drama.
| Adj | (1) Last in time : 末了 at the end; 末班車 the last train or bus; 末年 the last years of a period; 末葉 the last generations of family, last part of century or dynasty; 末流,末代 last generations. (2) Last in place: 末座,末位,末席 the lowest seats at table. (3) Last in importance: 末技,末藝 small arts; 末策,末計 the last resort after other methods fail; 末議 insignificant criticism, (modest) my humble views; 末官 (modest) your humble servant, self-reference of official to superior.
| Words | 1.末後 [mo4hou4], adv., later, after that. 2.末減 [mo4jian3], v.t., commute sentence, lighten punishment. 3.末節 [mo4jie2], n., unimportant details. 4.末了(兒) [mo4liao3]([er0]), adv., at the end. 5.末流 [mo4liu2], n., later and usually corrupted stage of movement. 6.末路 [mo4lu4], n., the end, death (of plans). 7.末命 [mo4ming4], n., last will (oral). 8.末末了 [mo4mo4liao3], adv., at the very end. 9.末日 [mo4ri4], n., the Judgment Day. 10.末梢 [mo4shao1], n., small end, extremity; n.,末梢神經 nerve endings, peripheral nerves. 11.末世 [mo4shi4], adj., last or declining years; 末世論 [mo4shi4lun4], n., eschatology. 12.末學 [mo4xUe2], n., shallow scholar, -ship: 末學後進 the younger superficial students; (oft. modest) one's own scholarship. 13.末俗 [mo4su2], n., (derog.) modern customs; latter-day fashions or fads; decadent ways. 14.末尾 [mo4wei3], n., end (of event, thing). 15.末業 [mo4ye4], n., lower professions (traditionally, commerce and industry).
 | 5C50 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄓㄨ [zhu1] . |  | | N | A surname.
| Adj | Vermilion, scarlet: 朱唇皓齒 red lips and white teeth; 傅粉塗朱 facial make-up of powder and rouge; 近朱者赤 phr. (fig.) be influenced by close association.
| Words | 1.朱陳 [zhu1cheng2], phr., 結朱陳之好 marriage of two families, from AC allu., the clans 朱 and 陳 traditionally married into each other. 2.朱黃 [zhu1huang2], n., “yellow and red”colors used in revising or correcting text-hence the work of correction. 3.朱紅 [zhu1hong2], adj., scarlet. vermilion, a shade paler than 大紅 deep red. 4.朱槿 [zhu1jin3], n., (bot.) red hibiscus (=扶桑 10A.81), described as similar to the mulberry. 5.朱欒 [zhu1luan2], n., (LL) the pomelo (=文旦) . 6.朱鷺 [zhu1lu4], n., (zoo.) a crane with white pinkish body, Nipponia nippon. 7.朱輪 [zhu1lun2], n., red carriage wheels of noble or rich family, see [zhu1xUan1] ↓. 8.朱門 [zhu1men2], n., “vermilion gate,”(fig.) a rich mansion: 朱門酒肉臭 (allu.) meat is allowed to spoil in rich men's homes (while wayfarers die of cold). 9.朱墨 [zhu1mo4], n., red ink (made of cinnabar): 朱墨套印 bicolor printing in black and red. 10.朱儒 [zhu1ru2], n., see 侏儒 91A.001. 11.朱砂 [zhu1sha1], n., cinnabar, used as red ink and medicine. 12.朱軒 [zhu1xUan1], n., red-painted carriage of the noblemen. 13.朱紫 [zhu1zi3], n., the noblemen and those of high official rank (in vermilion and purple costume). 14.朱顏 [zhu1yan2], n., pink face, referring (1) to beautiful women; (2) to youth or in 朱顏皓髮 healthy old age. 15.朱殷 [zhu1yin1], adj., (AC) deep red.
 | 6B00 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄌㄟˇ [lei3] . |  | | N | A plough: 耒耜 ploughs and plowshares; 耒耨 plough and rake.
 | 6B10 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄌㄞˊ [lai2] (*ㄌㄞˋ [lai4] ). [Pop. ] |  | | A surname.
V | (1) Come: 來往 [lai2wang3]↓; 往來 exchange of visits, goods, gifts, etc.; 來來往往 come and go; 來而不往 not to pay a return call on s.o.; 歸去來兮 (LL) I am homeward bound; 魂兮歸來 (LL) may the spirit of the deceased come back to us! 來回 [lai2hui2]↓; 跑來跑去 be ever coming and going; 來到 [lai2dao4], 來臨 [lai2lin2] ↓; 前來領獎 come forward to receive a prize or award; 不來也好 it’s just as well that s.o. hasn't come; 過來吧 come over here; 來呀,來吧 come come; 眉來眼去 exchange glances between them. (2) V.i., do: 來得及 can be done, there is time enough; 來不及 cannot be done, time won't allow it; 來一下 come and try it; 你來 you come and try; 你來不來 will you join us? 不來了 won’t do it, won't come, give up; 胡來,亂來,瞎來 you are making a mess of it; 白來 wasted one's time in coming; 照樣再來一回 let's do it over again; 別來這一套 don't give me that! 慢來,慢慢來 ed it slowly, take your time; 來來[lai2lai0]↓; 這樣一來,這一來 by so doing, in this way. (3) V.t., bring, let's do (s.t.): 來酒,來飯 bring some wine, rice; 來他五斤 let me have five catties; 來八圈 (of mahjong) let's play eight rounds; 來兩盤 (of chess) let's play a couple of games. (4) (*[lai4] (Interch. 徠) v.t., to comfort, encourage (s.o.) to come over to one's side.
| Vb | (1) Used after vb. to complement its meaning: (a) be able to, be worth: 說不上來 don’t know how to say it, don't remember it now; 辦不來 be unable to do it; 買不來 be unable to buy it; 搶不來 be unable to get it by fair means or foul; 趕不起來 be unable to finish it in time; 做不來 don't know how to do it; 合得來 be able to get along with (s.o.); (b) be worth the effort or money; 花得來 be not worth the money; 花不來 be not worth it. (2) Expressing an action begun: 颳起風來 a wind starts blowing; 鬧出事來 have got into trouble; 打起架來 a fight has broken out; 提起筆來 take up a pen to write. (3) Having the sense of “having done!”: 你同誰吵嘴來 with whom are you quarrelling?你剛才說甚麼來 what were you saying just then? (4) Oft. equiv. Eng. “to”: 看來,想來,說來,聽來好笑 it's ridiculous to see it, to think of it, to speak of it, to hear it; 說來話長 it's a long story to tell. (5) Expressing direction toward speaker: 走過來 come over here; 拿張紙來 bring a piece of paper; 上來 please come up; 下來 please come down. (6) With 去 (一來一去) having the sense of “over,” “about,” “in both directions”: 唸來唸去 read it over and over again; 想來想去 after thinking it over; 寫來寫去 write it over and over again. (7) Used as a final particle: 盍歸乎來 (AC) why not come home?你這是何苦來 why have you done such an abominable thing? 為的甚麼來 what have you come or done such a thing for?
| Adj | (1) Future, later on: 來年[lai2nian2], 來日 [lai2ri4]↓; 來春 next spring; 來月 next month; 來歲 next year; 來世 [lai2shi4]2, 來生 [lai2sheng1]↓. (2) (Of person or thing) coming, incoming; 來人 [lai2ren2], 來使 [lai2shi3], 來者 [lai2zhe3]↓; 來函,來札,來翰 your letter; 來意 [lai2yi4]↓; 來情去意 mutual expressions of affection; 來勢 [lai2shi4]4↓; 送往迎來 be busy welcoming and bidding good-bye to friends.
| Adv | (1) About, approximately: 三十來歲 about 30 years old; 十來個 approximately ten or so; 尺來長 about one foot long. (2) As (big, small, etc.) as: 你色膽有天來大 your daring in sex exploits is fantastic( “big as the sky”).
| Special formations | (1) Forming words meaning “since,” “originally”: 本來,原來 original(ly); 由來 since. (2) Part of n. denoting time: 近來 recent(ly); 將來,未來 in the future; 後來 later on; 日來 the other day; 以來,而來 since then; 從來,向來 usually, in the past. (3) Adv. conj., in order to, so that, to: 唱個歌來湊熱鬧 sing us a song (in order) to make the party more lively (equiv. 以 in LL); 開口來說話 open one's mind and (to) talk. (4) In enumeration: 一來,二來,三來 firstly, secondly, thirdly.
| Words | 1.來賓 [lai2bin1], (1) n., guest(s); (2) v.i., (AC) come as guest(s). 2.來禽 [lai2qin2], n., (bot) the apple, Pirus malus var. tomentosa (also 林檎 ). 3.來去 [lai2qU4], n., (1) a round trip; (2) distance between two places; (3) friendly contacts and intercourse. 4.來到 [lai2dao4], v.i., arrive at, come to (place). 5.來得 [lai2de0], v.i., as usual followed by a complement: (1) have the capacity for, be able to: 他很來得一兩杯 he is able to drink quite a few cups; (2) act or speak with great force: 你這一句話來得利害 your words are most telling; 這一招兒來得好 this move (parry) of yours is well aimed; (3) happen, come: 來得不巧 happens at the wrong (unfortunate) moment. 6.來頓瓶 [lai2dun1ping2], n., a Leyden jar or vial. 7.來附 [lai2fu4]1, v.i., submit as vassal state. 8.來復 [lai2fu4]2, n., a seven-day cycle (as used in the Book of Change; 來復鎗 a rifle (translit. also 來福槍). 9.來服 [lai2fu2], n., (bot. MC) the turnip (also 萊服)=modn. 蘿 蔔[luo2bo0], 20A.11 10.來稿 [lai2gao3], n., manuscript submitted to an editor. 11.來歸 [lai2gui1], v.i. & t., (1) (AC) (of women) be married into husband's home; (2) submit as vassal; (3) return, come home. 12.來亨雞 [lai2heng1ji1], n., the Leghorn. 13.來回(兒) [lai2hui2] ([lai2huerer0]), n., return: 打來回 make a return trip; 來回一趟 ditto; 一個來回 a return trip; 來回來去的 ever coming and going; 來回票 a return ticket. 14.來朝 (1) [lai2zhao1], n., (AC) tomorrow; (2) [lai2chao2], v.i., (LL) come to pay homage or tribute. 15.來著 [lai2zhe0], aux. vb., expressing a continuing or completed action: 他說甚麼來著 what has he been saying? 聽見說你認得他來著it's said that you know him. 16.來者 [lai2zhe3], n., (1) anything in the future: 來者猶可追 (AC) the future is yet for oneself to shape or mold; (2) anyone who has come: 來者不善,善者不來 (AC) those who have come are not friendly, those who are friendly have not come; 來者不拒 all comers welcome. 17.來件 [lai2jian4], n., incoming communication or other articles received. 18.來今 [lai2jin1], n., days to come. 19.來客 [lai2ke4], n., guests, visitors. 20.來來 [lai2lai0], v.t., try to do (s.t.): 他做的不好,你來來看 if he doesn't know how to do it, you come and try. 21.來歷 [lai2li4], n., a person's background, career. 22.來臨 [lai2lin2], (1) v.i., come, arrive; (2) n., advent, arrival. 23.來路 [lai2lu4], n., (1) see [lai2li4]↓; (2) anything from abroad: 來路貨 imported goods. 24.來龍 [lai2long2], n., (geomancy) a hill exerting a decisive influence (in selecting a site for a building or grave): 來龍去脈 a sequence of events, cause and effect. 25.來牟 [lai2mou2], n., (AC) wheat and barley. 26.來年 [lai2nian2], n., next year. 27.來派 [lai2pai4], n., onset, first symptoms (of a disease): 這病的來派可不輕: the disease comes with serious first symptoms. 28.來人 [lai2ren2], n., (1) a messenger, bearer of note; (2) in 來人兒 middleman in business deals or employment service. 29.來日 [lai2ri4], n., (1) tomorrow; (2) the future: 來日方長 there are many days yet to provide for or think about; 來日大難 difficult days are ahead. 30.來生 [lai2sheng1], n., future life. 31.來手 [lai2shou3], n., the bearer of a letter: 請交來手帶下 please give to the bearer. 32.來示 [lai2shi4]1, n., (court.) your letter or note (same as 來諭). 33.來世 [lai2shi4]2, n., (1) later generations; (2) future life. 34.來事 [lai2shi4]3, n., future events. 35.來勢 [lai2shi4]4, n., (1) manner of approaching enemy, landslide, etc.: 來勢洶洶 break in in full fury, also come to look for trouble; (2) onset, first symptoms (of a disease). 36.來使 [lai2shi3], n., a messenger; representative from another country. 37.來頭(兒) [lai2tou1]([er0], n., (1) position or social status: 大有來頭 very influential socially or politically; 來頭不小 not to be taken lightly; 此人來頭大 this person has influential backing; (2) fun in doing anything: 這種賭博還有甚麼來頭兒 what's the fun with this kind of gambling? 38.來茲 [lai2zi0], n., (LL) the future. 39.來往 (1) [lai2wang3], v.i., come and go: 來往奔波 ceaselessly come and go; v.i., (2) [lai2wang0], n., friendly intercourse: 您和他有來往麼 do you have dealings with him? 常來常往 frequently see each other; v.i., 來往文件 correspondence, communication. 40.來意 [lai2yi4], n., purpose of one's coming. 41.來儀 [lai2yi2], phr., (AC) arrival of phoenixes as a good omen for the country: 鳳凰來儀. 42.來由 [lai2you2], n., (also wr. 來繇) (1) cause: 我尋思著甚來由 I've tried to find out its cause; (2) background: 問起他的來由 asked where he had come from or purpose of his visit; 沒來由 wihtout rhyme or reason, (person) of unknown identity. 43.來源 [lai2yUan2], n., origin, source (of water, news, word).
 | 8A15 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄉㄨㄥ [dong1] . |  | | N | (1) The east, eastern: 東方 east; 東邊 east side; 遠東 the Far East: 近東 Middle East; 東半球 Eastern Hemisphere; 東風過耳 (advice) unheeded; 東山再起 (of politician) to stage a comebake (allu.); 東施效顰 (allu.) ugly woman (東施) trying to imitate famous beauty (西施) knitting her brows. (2) Host, landlord, owner: 房東 landlord; 股東 shareholder; 作東 be host of dinner; 東道,東兒,東家 [dong1dao4], [dong1er0], [dong1jia1]↓. (3) (MC) toilet, latrine 東廁,東司. (4) A surname.
| Adv | 東行 going east; oft. coupled with 西 west, describing confusion, on all sides: 東倒西歪,東零西亂 lying on all sides; 東一個,西一個 lying here and there, spread everywhere; 東一拳,西一腳 a blow here, a kick there; 東不成,西不就 cannot or will not accept post and be without job; 東塗西抹 draw paint everywhere; 東食西宿 without definite place for board or lodging; 東拉西扯 (of talk) rambling, incoherent, disorderly; 東奔西走 going in all directions for s.t.; 東張西望 to look in all directions.
| Words | 1.東北 [dong1bei3], n., northeast, usu. reference to Manchuria. 2.東邊 [dong1bian1], adj., east side, on the east. 3.東床 [dong1chuang2], n., son-in-law: 東床快婿,坦腹東床 (allu.). 4.東道 [dong1dao4], n., host for party: 做東道, also 東道主. 5.東丁 [dong1ding1], n., jingling sound. 6.東都 [dong1du1], n., Loyang in Suhng Dyn. 7.東方 [dong1fang1], n., (1) the east, the Orient: 東方文化 oriental culture; (2) a surname. 8.東宮 [dong1gong1], n., the crown prince; his residence; also empress in East Palace. 9.東家 [dong1jia1], n., (1) landlord, house owner; (2) the person whom one serves as tutor, secretary or domestic help; (3) eastern neighbor. 10.東京 [dong1jing1], n., Tokyo; 東京灣 Gulf of Tonkin, also Tokyo Bay. 11.東兒 [dong1er0], n., host for party. 12.東南亞 [dong1nan2ya3], n., Southeast Asia; 東南亞公約組織 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). 13.東三省 [dong1san1sheng3], n., Manchuria. 14.東西 [dong1xi1], n., (1) east and west; (2) ([dong1xi0]) a thing: 很多東西 many things; 甚麼東西 what, what things; 你是甚麼東西 (abusive) what are you anyway? 不是東西 a rascal, scoundrel. 15.東廁 [dong1ce4], n., latrine. 16.東亞 [dong1ya3], n., East Asia. 17.東洋 [dong1yang2], n., Japan; 東洋人 Japanese; 東洋車 rickshaw, also called 人力車 jinrickshaw. 18.東瀛 [dong1ying2], n., Japan.
 | 8B45 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄐㄧㄢˇ [jian3] . |  | | N | (Interch. ) a written note, calling cards: 喜柬 invitation to a wedding; 柬帖,名柬 a visiting card; 請柬 a formal invitation; 紅柬 formerly, red visiting cards; 禮柬 a card sent with presents; 庚柬,媒柬 betrothal card giving the name of the betrothed and the year, month, day, and hour of his (her) birth.
| V | (Interch. 揀) select, choose.
 | 8C05 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄕㄨˋ [shu4] . |  | | N | (1) A bundle, bale, bunch: 一束花 a bunch of flowers; 一束草 a bundle of straw; 束芻,束脩 [shu4chu2], [shu4xiu1]↓. (2) A surname.
| V | To tie, tie up, keep immobile, put away: 束縛 [shu4fu2]↓; 束髮 to tie up hair; 束手 [shu4shou3]↓; 束之高閣 to shelve a matter (put it away unheeded); 拘束 exercise rigid control over, not free; 管束,約束 control, put restraint (on children); 結束 conclude (matter, discussion).
| Words | 1.束帛 [shu4bo2], v.i., (AC) ancient rite of betrothal, the bridegroom giving a roll of silks. 2.束芻 [shu4chu2], n., a bundle of grass in sacrifice at grave. 3.束髮 [shu4fa3], v.i., tie up the hair; (AC) ceremony of capping boy on maturity. 4.束縛 [shu4fu2], v.t. & adj. & n., constraint, rigid control: 不受束縛 will not submit to control. 5.束躬 [shu4gong1], v.i., (LL) exercise self-control in conduct. 6.束裝 [shu4zhuang1], v.i., as in 束裝就道 to pack up for journey. 7.束身 [shu4shen1], v.i., see [shu4gong1]↑. 8.束脩 [shu4xiu1], n., a teacher's salary-in Confucius’ time, a parcel of dried meat (脩). 9.束手 [shu4shou3], v.i., to fold one's hands in gesture of hopelessness: 束手待斃 wait helplessly for death; 醫束手 the doctors can do nothing to help. 10.束胸 [shu4xiong1], n., a brassiere. 11.束腰 [shu4yao1], (1) n., a girdle; (2) v.i., to girdle the waist.
 | 8C55 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄗㄠˇ [zao3] . |  | | N | (Bot.) the date tree or its fruit: 棗子 [zao3zi0]; 棗兒 [zao3er0]↓; 蜜棗 preserved dates; 紅棗,黑棗 red, black dates.
| Words | 1.棗核兒 [zao3he2er0], n., date-stones; 棗核檳榔 see [zao3er0]↓; 棗核兒桃 a kind of slender peach; shaped like date-stones. 2.棗紅 [zao3hong2], n., red like dates (also 棗兒紅). 3.棗兒 [zao3er0], n., dates; 棗兒 or 棗核兒檳榔 the betel nut; 棗兒榚 steamed cake with dates. 4.棗泥 [zao3ni2]([er0]), n., date paste. 5.棗仁 [zao3ren2], n., kernel of dates. 6.棗糖兒色 [zao3tang2er0shai3], n., reddish-brown.
 | 9A25 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄇㄨˋ [mu4] . |  | | (1) Wood: 木已成舟 too late to change. (2) Trees, timber: 樹木 trees; 林木 forest; 木皮 bark; 木屑 sawdust, wood chips; 木桶,木橋 wooden pail, bridge, etc.; 木刻,木雕 wood carving, carved of wood; 木偶,木像 wooden idol, figure; 木偶戲 puppet show; 木紋,木理 wood grain; 木行 timber shop, etc. (3) One of five elements 五行, the element of growth and expansion. (4) The planet 木星 Jupiter; 木曜日 Friday. [WEdit: should read "Thursday"]. (5) A surname.
Adj | (1) Wooden. (2) Insensitive: 木了,麻木 (了) benumbed, paralyzed; 木訥 [mu4na4]↓; 木頭木腦 blockhead, stupid; 木立 stand like a post; 木雕泥塑 (person like) clay or wooden statue, blockhead.
| Words | 1.木板 [mu4ban3], n., wooden board, plank; 木板畫 woodcut. 2.木半夏 [mu4ban4xia4], n., (bot.) wild cherry. 3.木本 [mu4ben3], n., trees (a classification as dist. from grass 艸本) 4.木 [mu4bie1], n., (bot.) Momordica, a tropical fruit. 5.木筆 [mu4bi3], n., magnolia, also called 辛夷. 6.木廠 [mu4chang3], n., timber mill. 7.木強 [mu4qiang2], adj., stiff, insensitive. also wr. 木疆. 8.木材 [mu4cai2], n., timber. 9.木器 [mu4qi4], n., wooden vessels, wooden furniture. 10.木蠹蛾 [mu4du4e2], n., (zoo.) a moth which eats into trees, Cossus lignipera. 11.木鐸 [mu4duo2], n., (AC) a bell with wooden clapper, used for communal signal. 12.木耳 [mu4er3], n., edible tree fungus. 13.木筏 [mu4fa2], n., wooden raft. 14.木芙蓉 [mu4fu2rong2], n., (bot.) hibiscus. 15.木瓜 [mu4gua1], n., papaya. 16.木管樂器 [mu4guan3yUe4qi4], n., wood-wind instruments. 17.木工 [mu4gong1], n., carpenter. 18.木札 [mu4zha2], n., slips of wood. 19.木雞 [mu4ji1], n., (AC) insensate like a wooden chicken. 20.木屐(子) [mu4ji1]([zi0]), n., wooden sandals. 21.木匠 [mu4jiang4], n., carpenter. 22.木焦油 [mu4jiao1you2], n., (chem.) wood tar. 23.木槿 [mu4jin3], n., hibiscus. 24.木精 [mu4jing1], n., wood alcohol. 25.木樁 [mu4zhuang1], n., wooden pile. 26.木主 [mu4zhu3], n., spirit tablet=神主. 27.木刻 [mu4ke4], n. & adj., woodcarved (object); wood carving; woodcut. 28.木蠟 [mu4la4], n., wood wax, Japan wax. 29.木蘭 [mu4lan2]1, n., magnolia; name of famous girl impersonating as man soldier, celebrated in song and drama; 木蘭花 (慢) name of melodic form in Suhng poetry. 30.木藍 [mu4lan2]2, n., indigo dye stuff, made from 馬棘 Indigofera tinctoria. 31.木料 [mu4liao4], n., timber. 32.木馬 [mu4ma3], n., wooden horse (gymnastics) 33.木棉 [mu4mian2], n., cotton. 34.木乃伊 [mu4nai3yi1], n., mummy. 35.木訥 [mu4na4], adj., silent, slow of speech. 36.木牛流馬 [mu4niu2liu2ma3], n., military transport vehicles, with control mechanism, credited to 諸葛亮 around 220 A.D. 37.木偶 [mu4ou3], n., wooden figure; a blockhead, puppet; 木偶戲 a puppet show. 38.木排(兒) [mu4pai2] ([mu4pai1er0]), n., raft. 39.木芍藥 [mu4shao2yao4], n., (MC) peonia. 40.木犀 [mu4xi0], n., (bot.) cassia. 41.木香 [mu4xiang1], n., putchuck, an incense of Cambodia; n., 木香花 n., banksia rose. 42.木星 [mu4xing1], n., planet Jupiter. 43.木梳 [mu4shu1], n., comb. 44.木蝨 [mu4shi1], n., wood louse, bedbug. 45.木樨 [mu4xU1], n., (bot.) the cassia; 木樨肉 scrambled egg; 木樨湯 egg soup (from gen. Peking custom to avoid the word 蛋 [dan4]). 46.木炭 [mu4tan4], n., charcoal. 47.木頭 [mu4tou0], n., wood, wood block; blockhead. 48.木叢 [mu4cong2], n., copse, wood, grove. 49.木賊 [mu4ze2], n., a short, stiff grass, used for polishing wood. 50.木作 [mu4zuo4], n., carpentry. 51.木魚 [mu4yU2], n., wooden fish used for beating rhythm during Buddhist incantations. 52.木俑 [mu4yong3], n., (AC) wooden idol.
 | 9C45 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄙㄣ [sen1] . |  | | N | Forest: 森林 [sen1lin2]↓
| Adj | (1) In close rows as trees in forest: 森羅 [sen1luo2]↓; in close rows. (2) Dark: 陰森 dark in dealings, cunning; 黑森森 very dark; 森然 see [sen1yan2]↓. (3) Severe: 森嚴 [sen1yan2]↓.
| Adv | (LL) rising or growing closely: 林豎,森聳 (buildings, trees) rising closely together or in a row; 森列 displayed, stacked closely (weapons, armed soldiers, monuments, etc.).
| Words | 1.森林 [sen1lin2], n., forest, cultivated or wild. 2.森羅 [sen1luo2], adj., formidable: 森羅萬象 in formidable array; 森羅殿 palace of the King of Hell=閻羅殿. 3.森森 [sen1sen1], adj. & adv., dark, close, thick (vegetation): 黑森森 frightfully dark. 4.森嚴 [sen1yan2], adj., (laws, regulations) severe. 5.森鬱 [sen1yU4], adj., thickly overgrown.
 | 10A25 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄑㄧㄢˋ [qian4] . |  | | N | Engraving on woodblock; 宋槧 a Suhng (wood-block) edition.
 | 10A40 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄊㄨㄛˊ [tuo2] . |  | | A hollow bag open on both ends, dist. 囊 closed on one end.
Words | 1.橐筆 [tuo2bi3], phr., formerly, poor scholar with a bag of books and a pen stuck in hair, symbolic of writing profession. 2.橐駝 [tuo2tuo2]1, n., camel; a hunchback. 3.橐橐 [tuo2tuo2]2, adj., click-clack, sound of footsteps. 4.橐籥 [tuo2yUe4], n., a (pair of) bellows.
 | 10B00 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄍㄠ [gao1] . |  | | (AC) case or bag for bows and arrows.
V | (AC) to put away in bag.
 | 10B10 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄋㄞˋ [nai4] . |  | | N | A crab apple.
| Adv | (Corrupt var. of 奈 12.01).
 | 10B25 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄐㄧㄣˋ [jin4] (*ㄐㄧㄣ [jin1] ). |  | | N | (1) Royal residence: 宮禁 palace grounds; 紫禁城 the Forbidden City in Peking; 禁城 [jin4cheng2]↓, 禁苑 [jin4yUan4]↓; 禁中 imperial quarters; 禁衛軍 [jin4wei4jUn1]↓. (2) Sorcery, witchcraft.
| V | (1) Prohibit, forbid: 禁止 [jin4zhi3], 禁令 [jin4ling4]↓; 違禁 illegal acts; 違禁品 n., & adj., contraband; 禁制 [jin4zhi4]↓; 禁屠 days on which no meat is sold; 禁煙,禁賭,禁娼 ban on opium-smoking, gambling, prostitution; 禁酒 (U.S history) Prohibition; 嚴禁 strictly forbid(den); 開禁 lifting of a ban; 禁運 trade embargo; 禁地 forbidden ground; 難禁 difficult (impossible) to suppress; 不禁 cannot help it; 情不自禁 cannot control oneself (one's own feelings). (2) Take into custody, imprison: 監禁 throw into prison; 囚禁 imprison, incarcerate; 禁閉 [jin4bi4], 禁錮 [jin4gu4], 禁卒 [jin4zu2], 禁子 [jin4zi0]↓. (3) To taboo: 禁忌 [jin4ji4]↓. (4) (*[jin4]) Be able to withstand or endure: 禁得起,禁不起 (住) can, cannot stand.
| Adj | (*[jin1]) Durable, -bly: 禁穿 (of clothes) to wear well; 禁用 long-lasting, serviceable for a long time; 禁燒 (of fuel) slowburning.
| Words | 1.禁閉 [jin4bi4], v.t., to jail, lock up, detain. 2.禁城 [jin4cheng2], n., palace grounds; 紫禁城 the Forbidden City in Peking. 3.禁地 [jin4di4], n., forbidden ground. 4.禁方 [jin4fang1], n., a secret formula or prescription. 5.禁錮 [jin4gu4], v.t., (1) imprison; (2) (AC) debar from holding office. 6.禁果 [jin4guo3], n., the forbidden fruit. 7.禁忌 [jin4ji4], n. & v.i., taboos (in food, superstitution). 8.禁制 [jin4zhi4], v.t., restrict, prohibit, forbid, ban. 9.禁軍 [jin4jUn1], n., short for 禁衛軍 [jin4wei4jUn1]↓. 10.禁止 [jin4zhi3], v.t., forbid, prohibit, ban: 禁止吸煙 “no smoking.” 11.禁例 [jin4li4], n., an official ban or restraint. 12.禁令 [jin4ling4], n., legal restriction or ban. 13.禁臠 [jin4luan2], n., (LL) the “forbidden fruit,” much desired but inaccessible woman. 14.禁書 [jin4shu1], n., an officially banned book. 15.禁土 [jin4tu3], n., (astrology) days on which all ground-digging is forbidden. 16.禁子 [jin4zi0], n., a jailer. 17.禁卒 [jin4zu2], n., ditto. 18.禁網 [jin4wang3], n., network of legal restrictions. 19.禁衛軍 [jin4wei4jUn1], n., imperial guards. 20.禁夜 [jin4ye4], v.i. & n., (declare) a curfew. 21.禁掖 [jin4yi4], n., palace grounds. 22.禁苑 [jin4yUan4], n., imperial gardens. 23.禁慾 [jin4yU4], v.i., suppress sensual passion; 禁慾主義 asceticism.
 | 10C55 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄙㄨㄛˇ [suo3] . |  | | N | (1) [suo3zi0] A rope: 鐵索 iron cable: 索頭 [suo3tou2]↓. (2) A surname.
| V | (1) To search, try to get: 披索ditto; 索求,索解 [suo3qiu2], [suo3jie3]↓; 索取 [suo3qU3]↓. (2) To demand (payment): 索欠,索薪 [suo3qian4], [suo3xin1]↓.
| Vb | (MC) must (=須): 這數年索是(=須是)辛苦也 these last few years must be hard indeed; 你索教(=須使)意兒溫存 you must try to be gentle; 不索(=不須)生嗔 don't be angry.
| Adj | Lonely, depressed: 索然 [suo3ran2]↓; 離群索居 live alone, cut off from society.
| Adv | (*[suo2]) 索性 [suo2xing4]↓.
| Words | 1.索欠 [suo3qian4], v.i., to demand pay. 2.索求 [suo3qiu2], v.t., to seek (person, job, etc.). 3.索取 [suo2qU3], v.i., try to get, obtain. 4.索合 [suo3he2], aux. vb., (MC) must (=須當). 5.索解 [suo2jie3], phr., requires explanation. 6.索落 [suo3luo4], v.t., (coll.) to berate (person). 7.索寞 [suo3mo4], adj., lonely, bored, depressed (also wr. 索莫,索漠). 8.索賠 [suo3pei2], v.t., claim. 9.索然 [suo3ran2], adj., (1) dull, uninteresting: 索然無味; (2) quiet, isolated: 牙門索然 (AC) commandant's office is quiet, without callers; (3) depressed: 索然出涕 (AC) depressed and shed tears. 10.索性 *[suo2xing4], adj., (1) straight-tempered; (2) (*[suo2xing4]), adv., may just as well, simply, without further ado: 索性給了他 might just as well make it a gift to him; adj., 索性走了 left without further trouble. 11.索薪 [suo3xin1], phr., to demand payment of salary in arrears. 12.索是 [suo3shi4], aux. vb., (MC) must be. 13.索索 [suo2suo3], adj., (1) a rustle, whispering sound; (2) (AC) frightened, startled; (3) bored, see [suo3ran2]↑. 14.索頭 [suo3tou2], n., end of a rope. 15.索要 [suo3yao4], v.t., to demand (money, etc.). 16.索引 [suo2yin3]1, n., an index: 書名索引 title index; 作者索引 author index, etc. 17.索隱 [suo3yin3]2, phr., (1) 探賾索隱 (AC) to search for hidden meanings; (2) 索隱行怪 to look for the abstruse and behave eccentrically.
 | 11B15 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄙㄨˋ [su4] . |  | | N | (1) White silk; (LL) a letter; 縞素 white of mourning. (2) Vegetarian food: 吃素,茹素 be vegetarian; 素食 [su4shi2]↓. (3) Element, factor: 原素 chemical element; factor in situation.
| Adj | (1) White, color of mourning: 素服 [su4fu2]↓; 素車白馬 white horse and unadorned carriage used at funeral; 素手 [su4shou3]↓; 素月 the bright moon. (2) Simple, unadorned: 樸素 (person) simple, without ostentation of any kind; 素質 [su4zhi2]↓; 素服,素位,素餐 [su4fu2], [su4wei4], [su4can1]↓. (3) Usual, habitual, present and past: 素望 usual, habitual reputation; 素願 lifelong wish; 素行 [su4xing2], 素交suh-jiau↓; 素風 habitual manner. (4) Vegetarian, opp. 葷 [hun1], meat: 素火腿 ham made of bean curd; 素麵 noodles with vegetarian garnish; 素油 [su4you2]↓; 素席 [su4xi2]1↓. (5) Poor: 寒素 (family) poor; 無奈自己手頭兒素 unfortunately have no money.
| Adv | Usually, in the past, heretofore: 平素 ditto; 素來,素日,素昔 [su4lai2], [su4ri4], [su4xi2]2↓; 素不相識 didn't know him before; 素不通信 haven't written each other before; 素稱 has been known to be; 素識 have known (person) for a long time; 素知 I have known always.
| Words | 1.素常 [su4chang2], adv., usually (comes to office punctually, etc.). 2.素秋 [su4qiu1], n., autumn. 3.素琴 [su4qin2], n., a stringed instrument without strings typical of 陶淵明 Taur Yuanmirng's easy, simple nature. 4.素尺 [su4chi3], n., (LL) a letter. 5.素封 [su4feng1], adj., (AC) rich without ranks. 6.素服 [su4fu2], n., (1) white dress; (2) white of mourning. 7.素交 [su4jiao1], n., long-known friend. 8.素節 [su4jie2], n., (1) habitual conduct; (2) personal integrity; (3) (LL, rare) autumn season. 9.素淨 [su4jing4], adj., simple and neat (dress). 10.素志 [su4zhi4], n., life ambition. 11.素質 [su4zhi2], n., (1) innate quality (of material) or character; (2) white background. 12.素來 [su4lai2], adv., see [su4chang2]↑. 13.素練 [su4lian4], n., (LL) waterfall (coming down like a sheet of white silk). 14.素描 [su4miao2], v.i. & n., to sketch, a sketch (painting); delineate (character in novel). 15.素朴 [su4pu2], adj., simple, unadorned (also wr. 素樸). 16.素日 [su4ri4], adv., usually, in the past, see [su4chang2]↑. 17.素性 [su4xing4], n., one's nature, temperament. 18.素馨 [su4xin1]1, n., jasmine. 19.素心 [su4xin1]2, n., one's simple, habitual nature; 素心人 person of simple character; 素心蘭 [su4xin1lan2], n., a kind of orchid with undotted petals. 20.素席 [su4xi2]1, n., a vegetarian meal. 21.素昔 [su4xi2]2, adv., here to fore. 22.素行 [su4xing2], n., habitual conduct. 23.素手 [su4shou3], (1) n., white hand; (2) adj., empty-handed. 24.素(因)數 [su4] ([yin1]) [shu4], n., (math.) prime (factor) number. 25.素事 [su4shi4]1, n., funeral affairs. 26.素識 [su4shi4]2, n., old acquaintance. 27.素食 [su4shi2], n. & v.i., (1) (be) vegetarian; (2) (AC) eat without work, see [su4can1]↓. 28.素菜 [su4cai4], n., vegetarian dish. 29.素餐 [su4can1], v.i., hold sinecure job. 30.素族 [su4zu2], n., (come from) common folks without rank. 31.素王 [su4wang2], n., the uncrowned king-Confucius. 32.素位 [su4wei4], phr., 素其位而行 (AC) act according to one's status or station in life. 33.素養 [su4yang3], n., cultivated manners or poise; cultivation of learning. 34.素油 [su4you2], n., vegetable oil. 35.素願 [su4yUan4], n., (my) cherished ambition or wish. 36.素約 [su4yUe1], n., long-standing promise.
 | 12A25 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄓㄚˊ [zha2] (*ㄗㄚ [za1] ). |  | | N | A bundle (of flowers, etc.).
| V | (1) To tie up, pack up: 紮裹 [zha2guo0]↓; 包紮,用繩子紮起來 to pack with strings, tape, rope. (2) (*[za1]) 紮住,紮緊 tie up fast; 紮燈,紮風箏 make paper lantern, kite, with string; 紮辮子 make a queue. (3) To pitch (tent, camp): 紮營,紮寨 [zha2ying2], [zha2zhai4]↓.
| Words | 1.紮裹 [zha2guo0], v.i., (coll.) adjust girdle and shoes; tidy up. 2.紮寨 *[za2zhai4], v.i., pitch tent, to encamp (usu. of brigands). 3.紮門 *[za2men2], v.i., to stand guard at gate. 4.紮營 *[za2ying2], v.i., (of army units) set up base camp.
 | 12A55 10.01 | ㄓㄚˊ [zha2] (*ㄗㄚ [za1] ). [Var. of 紮] |  | |
 | 12B00 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄒㄧㄝˊ [xie2] (*ㄐㄧㄝˊ [jie2] ). |  | | Adj | (*[jie2]) U.f. 潔 63A.01.
| Words | 1.絜矩 [xie2jU3], v.i., follow the golden rule: 絜矩之道 the principle of reciprocity.
 | 12B15 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄒㄧˋ [xi4] (*ㄐㄧˋ [ji4] ). [Cf. related 係 91A.01, 系 90.01] |  | | V | (1) To tie up, around (also *[ji4]): 繫伴,繫囚 [xi4ban4], [xi4qiu2]↓. (2) To remember in mind: 繫掛,繫懷 [xi4gua4], [xi4huai2]↓. (3) To be in contact: 聯繫 to contact (person), 取聯繫 get in contact.
| Words | 1.繫絆 [xi4ban4] (*[ji4ban4]), n., a stumbling rope across roadway (=羈絆); a burden, added responsibility, what impedes movement. 2.繫囚 [xi4qiu2] (*[ji4qiu2]), n., a prisoner in fetters. 3.繫掛 [xi4gua4], v.t., to be concerned with, think always of (person perhaps in need). 4.繫懷 [xi4huai2], v.i. & t., to have constantly on one's mind. 5.繫戀 [xi4lian4], v.i. & t., ditto. 6.繫念 [xi4nian4], v.i. & t., ditto. 7.繫腰 [xi4yao1], n., (MC) a girdle.
 | 12B45 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 25 | ㄉㄠˋ [dao4] (or ㄉㄨˊ [du2] ). |  | | N | Big square army banner.
 | 12C05 10.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄑㄧㄡˊ [qiu2] . |  | | A surname.
V | (1) To beg for, to seek or look for, to demand: 要求 to demand; 苛求 to demand too much (of person) or criticize by severe standards; 求索 to seek for; 求偶 seek for life mate; 求婚,求人 [qiu2hun1], [qiu2ren2]↓; 求職,求事 seek for job; 求才 look for real talents; 反求諸己 to look for cause of failure in oneself; 求治 (the people) yearn for peace, (ruler) tries to put country in order; 求之不得 just what one wished for; 可遇而不可求 s.t. unique which may come by chance but not by diligent search; 供過於求 supply exceeds demand; 求漿得酒 get more than that one was looking for ; 求田問舍 to busy oneself with business deals and have no higher ambition in life, looking for a site for a permanent home. (2) To beg, request, pray for: 求乞,求化,求情 [qiu2qi3], [qiu2hua4], [qiu2qing2]↓; 求你,求求你 I beg you; 求借 beg to borrow; 求見 beg for an interview; 求子,求雨 pray for the birth of a son, for rain; 求生不得,求死未能 can neither live nor die-utter misery; 有求必應 (of god, gentleman) never refuses a request. (3) Set one's mind to, try to: 力求上進 try to make progress in studies; 不求有功,只求無過 dare not hope for great accomplishment, but only to be free from mistakes; 力求 try very hard to; 求名,求利 set one's mind to obtain fame, wealth; 刻意求工 try to do one's best (in writing, workmanship); (oft. +adj.); 求速,求簡 try to be efficient, simple; 求備,求全 [qiu2bei4], [qiu2qUan2]↓.
| Words | 1.求備 [qiu2bei4], phr., to ask for perfection: 毋求備於一人 don't ask for perfection in any man. 2.求成 [qiu2cheng2], phr., hope for success. 3.求籤 [qiu2qian1], v.i., to pray and draw divination sticks at temple. 4.求乞 [qiu2qi3], v.i., & t., to ask s.o. for s.t. (help, pardon, etc.). 5.求親 [qiu2qin1], v.i., (1) to ask for marriage between two families; (2) to ask for help from relatives. 6.求情 [qiu2qing2], v.i., to ask for special consideration, make appeal as friend or for friend. 7.求全 [qiu2qUan2], v.i., to ask for perfection: 萬事莫求全 don't ask for perfection; 求全之毀 (AC) one tries one's best and still gets criticized for it; see 委曲求全 90.93. 8.求貸 [qiu2dai4], v.i., to ask for loan. 9.求和 [qiu2he2], v.i., to beg for peace by offering surrender. 10.求化 [qiu2hua4], v.i., (Budd.) to ask for subscriptions. 11.求凰 [qiu2huang2], v.i., a man looking for a life mate. 12.求婚 [qiu2hun1], v.i., ask for a girl's hand. 13.求積法 [qiu2ji1fa3], n., (math.) mensuration. 14.求假 [qiu2jia4], phr., to ask for leave of absence. 15.求教 [qiu2jiao4], v.i., (court.) to ask for advice (cf. 請教 60A.42). 16.求救 [qiu2jiu4], phr., to cry (ask) for help. 17.求牡 [qiu2mu3], v.i., (AC) as in 雉鳴求其牡 a female pheasant calls for mate, (fig.) a girl courts a boy. 18.求饒 [qiu2rao2], v.i., to ask for pardon. 19.求人 [qiu2ren2], phr., (1) to ask others for help; (2) to look for talents. 20.求容 [qiu2rong2], phr., ask to be permitted to stay, also to be pardoned for slight oversights. 21.求仙 [qiu2xian1], phr., seek to meet with (Taoist) immortals. 22.求心力 [qiu2xin1li4], n., (phys.) centripetal force. 23.求學 [qiu2xUe2], v.i., to go to school or college for further studies; try to improve oneself in studies.
 | 13B05 10.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄑㄧ [qi1] . [Var. of 漆 63A.02; dist. 黍] |  | |
 | 13B15 10.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄌㄧˊ [li2] . |  | | N | Saliva: 龍漦 (myth.) dragon's saliva (symbol of dyn.’s downfall).
| V | (AC) to flow downstream.
 | 13B30 10.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄅㄧㄠˇ [biao3] . |  | | N | (1) Outside, surface, contrasted with 裡 [li3], inside: 表裡相應 front attack helped by people inside the city; 表裡為奸 conspiracy with people working inside; 表裡如一 conformity of profession and conduct; 溢於言表 (feeling) shows between the lines, in overtones; 出了意表(之外) beyond expectations, unexpectedly; 表面 [biao3mian4]↓. (2) External appearance: 儀表不凡 handsome looks; 虛有其表 deceptively handsome, good in appearance only. (3) Memorial to emperor: 表章,表奏,奏表. (4) Chart, graph, any chart for consultation, meter, watch: 手表 wrist watch; 鐘表 clock and watch (also wr. 鐘錶); 計程表 taximeter; 溫度表 thermometer; 氣壓表 barometer; 電表,水表 power, water meter; 一覽表 general chart; 圖表 chart; 表格 [biao3ge2]↓. (5) Memorial tablet: 紀功表,碑表. (6) Cousin on mother’s side, contrasted with 堂 on father's side: 表妹,弟 cousin sister, brother; 表親 mother's relatives; 中表 first cousin, child of father’s sister or mother's brother.
| V | To show, manifest, bring to surface, mention: 表同情 show sympathy: 略表寸心 just to show my gratitude, remembrance; 表過不提 merely mention by the way; 表達,表示,表明 [biao3da2], [biao3shi4], [biao3ming2], etc.↓; 表汗 bring about perspiration.
| Words | 1.表白 [biao3bai2], v.t., express (real feelings, intentions, usu. under clouded circumstances). 2.表情 [biao3qing2], v.i., & n., (of actors) express feelings, such performance or expression. 3.表尺 [biao2chi3], n., gun sight. 4.表達 [biao3da2], v.t., express (ideas, feelings). 5.表格 [biao3ge2], n., blank form; chart 6.表彰 [biao3zhang1]1, v.t., commend (work); publicize (good works). 7.表章 [biao3zhang1]2, n., memorial to emperor. 8.表記 [biao3ji4], n., a mark; souvenir, mark of remembrance. 9.表決 [biao3jUe2], v.t., decide by vote: 付表決 put to the vote. 10.表殼兒 [biao3ke2er0], n., cover of watch. 11.表禮 [biao2li3]1, n., gift at first meeting. 12.表裡 [biao2li3]2, n., outside and inside. 13.表蒙子 [biao3meng2zi0], n., (dial.) watch cover. 14.表面 [biao3mian4], n. & adj., outside, surface; on the outside, superficial: 由表面觀之 look at on the surface; 當表面 as a front; n. & adj., 表面上 [biao3mian4shang4], adj. & adv., superficial, -ly: 表面上的進步,朋友 superficial progress, friends; n. & adj., 表面化 [biao3mian4hua4], v.i., come to the surface (of hidden feelings, currents). 15.表明 [biao3ming2], v.t. & n., express, demonstrate (friendship, etc.), give expression to: 表明奸情 show up conspiracy, hypocrisy. 16.表皮 [biao3pi2], n., (biol.) epidermis; (bot.) bark, outer layer. 17.表瓤(兒) [biao3rang2]([er0]), n., inside mechanism of watch (瓤=meat of melon). 18.表現 [biao3xian4], v.t., give evidence of, show (work, results), demonstrate (ability). 19.表象 [biao3xiang4]1, n., signs (of heavens, approval, etc.). 20.表相 [biao3xiang4]2, n., external appearance. 21.表率 [biao3shuai4], n., model, personal example for others. 22.表示 [biao3shi4], v.i., show, express, demonstrate: 表示同意,反對 express consent, disagreement; 表示樂觀 show optimism. 23.表土 [biao2tu3], n., (geol.) top layer of soil. 24.表字 [biao3zi4], n., secondary personal name=別號. 25.表演 [biao2yan3], v.t. & n., perform (-ance). 26.表揚 [biao3yang2], v.t., give public recognition.
 | 14A35 10.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄙㄤˋ [sang4] (*ㄙㄤ [sang1] ). [Pop. ] |  | | N | (*[sang1]) (1) A funeral: 喪事 ditto; 出喪 hold funeral procession; 送喪 partake in above; 弔喪 attend funeral. (2) Mourning: 居喪 be in mourning; 國喪 national mourning; 囚首喪面 with disheveled hair and dismal looks; 喪聲歪氣 (of servants) dismal and lazy.
| V | ([sang4]) To lose (life, parents, country): 喪命 [sang4ming4]↓; 喪妻,喪偶 lose one's wife (through death); 喪家狗 a stray dog (homeless), (fig.) dismal, crestfallen appearance; 如喪考妣 wearing a funeral face as if newly bereft of both parents.
| Adj | (*[sang4]) Downcast, outcast: 喪氣 [sang4qi4]↓: 頹喪 downcast, given up hope, dismal.
| Words | 1.喪榜 *[sang1bang3], n., white notice of funeral in home. 2.喪謗 [sang4bang0], v.t., to blaspheme; to revile, slander. 3.喪氣 [sang4qi4], adj., (1) downcast, frustrated; (2) ([sang4qi0]) adj., unlucky. 4.喪膽 [sang4dan3], v.i., to lose heart. 5.喪服 *[sang1fu2], n., funeral costume. 6.喪國 [sang4guo2], v.i., to lose one’s country to conqueror, see one's country subjugated. 7.喪家 *[sang1jia1] (*[sang1jia0]), n., family of deceased. 8.喪祭 *[sang1ji4], n., funeral sacrifices. 9.喪主 *[sang1zhu3], n., eldest son during a parent's funeral or eldest grandson in absence of eldest son. 10.喪種 *[sang1zhong3], n., a corruption of *[sang1zhu3]↑. 11.喪志 *[sang4zhi4], v.i., to lose ambition: 玩物喪志 be a playboy without ambitions. 12.喪居 *[sang1jU1], v.i., live in mourning. 13.喪亂 *[sang4luan4], n., (AC) war and turmoil. 14.喪門 *[sang1men2], n., bereft family; 喪門鬼 an evil spirit in charge of death (Death with a sickle). 15.喪命 [sang4ming4], v.i., to die, esp. during war and turmoil. 16.喪明 [sang4ming2], v.i., (1) become blind; (2) (AC allu. to father who) mourns the death of his son. 17.喪煞 *[sang1sha4], n., return of the ghost of deceased to his home for a last look. 18.喪身 [sang4shen1], v.i., to lose one's life (in accident, through drowning, incurring punishment, etc.). 19.喪心 [sang4xin1], phr., 喪心病狂 seized with crazy ideas, losing all balance of judgment. 20.喪師 [sang4shi1], v.i., be defeated in battle. 21.喪事 *[sang1shi4], n., funeral affair. 22.喪失 [sang4shi2], v.i., to lose (a wallet, ambition, etc.). 23.喪頭 *[sang1tou2], n., a slight nodding of head, less than usual, made by one in mourning.
 | 14C05 10.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄑㄧㄡˊ [qiu2] . |  | | N | (1) A surname. (2) A fur coat: 皮裘,裘衣 ditto; 狐裘 a fox coat; 輕裘肥馬 (AC) rich style of living (“light fur and well-fed horses”); 裘馬 ditto; 裘蔽金盡 (allu.) short of living expenses abroad (“coat tattered, gold gone”); 箕 裘 92A.80; 裘葛 change from fur to linen-passing of one year; 裘褐 simple gown of hempen material.
 | 14C25 10.02 | [nong2] . [Arch. of 農 22.02] |  | |
 | 14C35 10.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄓˋ [zhi4] . |  | | V | To cut and make (dresses), to make (shoes, movies, clocks), to manufacture: 土製 home-made; 製成 make into (utensils); 鐵製,銅製,皮製 made of iron, copper, leather; 製紙 paper-making; 製片 make (produce) films; 製圖 make charts or blueprints; 製版 set up (printing) plates; 仿製 make copy after ancient model; 複製 make duplicates; 製法 method for making; 製藥 make medical pills, powder or lotion; 製品 product.
| Words | 1.製片 [zhi4pian4], n., film producer. 2.製造 [zhi4zao4], v.t. & n., manufacture: 日本製造 made in Japan. 3.製作 [zhi4zuo4], v.t., to create; manufacture.
 | 15A00 10.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 22 | ㄋㄤˊ [nang2] . |  | | N | (1) A bag, case, sack, purse: 皮囊 a leather case; 革囊 ditto; 行囊 travelling bag; 背囊 knapsack; 被囊 sleeping bag; 囊空如洗 without a penny in one's purse; 探囊取物 things which one can readily lay hands on, easily, as easy as picking one's own pocket; 阮囊羞澀 (allu.) lacking sufficient funds to meet necessary expenses; 囊中物 things already in the bag; 囊中穎 talent is bound to make its mark (as point of awl in pocket) 錦囊妙計 have s.t. up one's sleeve; 酒囊飯袋 “wine bag and rice basket”-(derog.) a glutton and a drunk, a good-for-nothing. (2) A surname.
| V | To put in a bag: 囊括 [nang2gua1]↓; 囊螢映雪 (allu.) to study hard in spite of poverty (lit., to read by the light of bagged fireflies or the reflected light of snow).
| Words | 1.囊 [nang2chuai4], n., (also [nang1]) pork near the pig's nipples. 2.囊括 [nang2gua1], v.t., to bag (wealth, etc.): 囊括一切 sweep up everything.
 | 15A45 10.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 2 | ㄕˊ [shi2]  |  | | N | Ten: 十多個,十來個 over ten (pieces); 十多歲,十來歲 over ten (of age); 幾十個 several tens or dozens; 百十來個 over hundred (pieces); 十二使徒 the Twelve Disciples; 十八羅漢 the eighteen Lohans (Arahats); 女大十八變 a growing girl changes a great deal, how a teenage girl changes from year to year; 十八般武藝 various skills in boxing, fighting with sword, spear, etc.; 十三經 the Thirteen Classics, see 經 93B.30; 十有八九 eight or nine out of ten; 十無二三 less than two or three out of ten; 十分之一 one-tenth; 十一 (a) eleven, (b) one-tenth; 十成,十分 [shi2cheng2], [shi2fen1]↓; 十室九空 almost all (nine-tenths) houses empty after raid; 十拿九穩 almost (nine-tenths) certain, 90 percent sure; 十羊九牧 nine shepherds for ten sheep-more officials than residents; 十目所視,十手所指 (AC) all eyes see it and all fingers point to it-useless to hide; 十年樹木,百年樹人 it takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men-long-term plan.
| Adj | Complete: 十全十美 perfect (beauty, character); 十足 [shi2zu2]↓.
| Words | 1.十成(兒) [shi2cheng2]([er0]), adj., hundred per cent (gold content, etc.): 有十成把握 hundred, percent certain. 2.十全 [shi2qUan2], adj., perfect, all complete (happiness, etc.). 3.十冬(臘月) [shi2dong1], n., the winter months (10th, 11th and 12th). 4.十二 [shi2e4] ([she4]), adj., twelve: 十二分抱歉,滿意 hundred percent (“120%”) sorry, satisfied; 十二宮 the twelve constellations of the zodiac; 十二指腸 [shi2e4zhi3chang2], n., the duodenum; adj., 十二時 the twelve two-hour periods, 子,丑,寅,卯 (see Appendix A); 十二小時 twelve hours; adj.,十二屬 [shi2e4shu3], 十二肖 [shi2e4xiao4], the twelve animals corresponding to twelve-year cycle (see Appendix A). 5.十方 [shi2fang1], n., (Budd.) the ten directions, north, south, east, west, four intermediate and above, below. 6.十分 [shi2fen1], adj. & adv., (1) hundred per cent (satisfied, pleased, etc.); (2) tenth part: 十分之一,之三 one-tenth, three-tenths. 7.十個頭兒 [shi2ge0tou2er0], adv., (coll.) very, extremely: 天氣十個頭兒的冷 bitterly cold. 8.十胡 [shi2hu2], n., name of card game (also wr. 十湖). 9.十進法 [shi2jin4fa3], n., the decimal system; the metric system. 10.十錦 [shi2jin3], adj., (dish) garnished with various ingredients: 十錦大鍋 casserole with different meat and vegetable contents. 11.十惡 [shi2e4], n., (1) the ten cardinal sins; (2) (law) 十惡不赦 formerly, ten unpardonable crimes, including rebellion and other not well-defined items, as lack of filial piety, of harmony in family relationships, lack of righteousness, of humanity, etc.; beyond redemption. 12.十項運動 [shi2xiang1yUn4dong4], n., decathlon. 13.十足 [shi2zu2], adj., hundred percent (pleased, arrogant, etc.): 十足赤金 24-karat gold; 十足洋奴 completely denationalized person, subservient to foreigners. 14.十字(兒) [shi2zi4] ([shi2ze4er0]), n. & adj., cross-shaped like letter +:十字架 the Christian cross; 十字街 or 街口 crossroads; 十字軍 the Crusades; 十字火 cross fire; 紅十字會 the Red Cross. 15.十姊妹 [shi2zi3mei4], n., (1) (zoo.) a kind of small singing birds, Uroloncha domestica; (2) (bot.) a plant of rose family, Rosa multiflora; (3) certain sisterhoods of Kwangtung, in which girls prefer independent work and pledge never to marry. 16.十月 [shi2yUe4], n., October; 十月革命 [shi2yUe4ge2ming4], October Revolution (the Russian Revolution in 1917).
 | 15C50 10.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄅㄣˇ [ben3] . |  | | N | A volume: 一本書 a book. (1) Stem, root of plants: 艸本 grass family; 木本 plants with stiff trunks; 本草綱目 classical Chinese Materia Medica, a treatise on medicinal plants. (2) Foundation of things: 本末倒置,捨本逐末 attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials; 事有本末 (AC) there is distinction of the basic essentials and the periphery. (3) Origins: 源源本本 (trace) from the origins; 細說本末 recount the development from the beginning; see 本源 [ben3yUan2]↓; 忘本 (derog.) forget one's ancestry or ancestral tradition. (4) Capital (vs. interest), capital investment: 資本 capital in gen.; 本利 capital and interest; 不夠本,虧本,賠本,折本 lose money, cannot cover cost; 小本,無本 small, inadequate capital; see 本錢 [ben3qian2]↓. (5) Edition, manuscript copy: 原刻本 original edition; 抄本 manuscript copy; 臨本 copy of calligraphy or painting; 拓本,搨本 rubbings from stone inscriptions; 奏本 memorial to emperor; see 本兒,本子 [ben3er0], [ben3zi0]↓.
| Adj | (1) This, the present, our: 本日,本月,本週,本年 this day,month, week, year; 本埠,本市 local (mail), this city; 本國,本省 our country, this or our province; 本鄉 or 本鄉土兒 our (one's) local district; 本校 our school; 本號 our shop; 本人 [ben3ren2]↓; 本土 native (products, etc.). (2) Original: 本籍 one's ancestral district; 本意 original meaning or intention; 本義 original meaning.
| Adv | Originally, indicating what is not, but should be (short for 本來): 本(來)應該如此 should have been so anyway, similarly 本應,本該,本當; 本(來)不如此 originally it was not so; 本屬,本是,本可 originally belong, should be, might; 本可合併討論 (the two problems) could have been discussed together.
| Words | 1.本部 [ben3bu4], n., headquarters, as 參謀本部 military staff headquarters. 2.本錢 [ben3qian2], n., capital investment, layout, sometimes display of a person's stock in trade, as physical charms of an attractive woman. 3.本地 [ben3di4], n., & adj., native place or people, local; 本地人,話 local people, dialect; 本地出產 local product. 4.本分 [ben3fen4], n., duty. 5.本工兒 [ben3gong1er0], n., (coll.) what is one's duty. 6.本行 [ben3hang2], n., (1) one's own profession: 這是我本行 this is my line; (2) our firm. 7.本家 [ben3jia1], n., same clan or family: 本家兒 (a) same clan; (b) the family of bride, groom or deceased, etc. on occasions (wedding, funeral, accident, etc.): 新娘本家 bride's family. 8.本金 [ben3jin1], n., = [ben3qian2]↓. 9.本州 [ben3zhou1], n., (1) Honshu, Japan's largest island; (2) this district. 10.本主兒 [ben3zhu3er0], n., (law) rightful owner; person involved on certain occasions. 11.本質 [ben3zhi2], n., innate character (of metal, children), essential character (of teachings). 12.本旨 [ben3zhi3], n., main purpose, tenet. 13.本兒 [ben3er0], n., (1) capital (money); (2) a copy, volume. 14.本來 [ben3lai2], adv. & adj., originally, as a matter of fact: 本來不該他的事 (this matter) should not concern him; 本來面目 real (unmasked), original appearance or character. 15.本利 [ben3li4], n., capital and interest; 本利和 total of capital and interest. 16.本領 [ben3ling3], n., skill, skillful ability. 17.本論 [ben3lun4], n., main tenet. 18.本命年 [ben3ming4nian2], n., recurrent year in the ewelve-year cycle, of the same animal (rat, cow, etc.) as one's year of birth. 19.本末 [ben3mo4], n., beginning and end, see N. 1↓; 紀 事本末93B.70 20.本能 [ben3neng2], n., instinct, born ability. 21.本票 [ben3piao4], n., promissory note; 銀行本票 cashier's check; 質押本票 collateral note; 動產抵押本票 cognovit note. 22.本人 [ben3ren2], n., the person himself (applicant, plaintiff, etc.); (court.) I, myself=鄙人 40S.22 23.本色 [ben3se4], n., true color: 英雄本色 true color of a hero; natural color; n., 本色兒 [ben3se4er0], n., unstained, undyed color of article. 24.本身 [ben3shen1], n., self, person himself: 本身品行 person's own conduct (apart from his preachings); itself (民族本身 the nation itself). 25.本生 [ben3sheng1], adj., natural; 本生父母 one's real, natural parents. 26.本性 [ben3xing4], n., man's natural character, what is born in man. 27.本心 [ben3xin1], n., true intention; conscience: 非出於本心 was forced by others, not one's free will. 28.本息 [ben3xi2], n., capital and interest (息=利息). 29.本師 [ben3shi1], n., one's master (in trade, religion). 30.本事 [ben3shi4], n., (1) [ben3ling3]↑; (2) resume of story in plays, movies. 31.本題 [ben3ti2], n., subject (of discussion). 32.本子 [ben3zi0], n., volume, edition, version, see N.5↑. 33.本字 [ben3zi4], n., the formal or early form of character, as opposed to later forms. 34.本問 [ben3wen4], v.i., (arch.) investigate, question (=盤問). 35.本位 [ben3wei4], n., basis, basic unit: 金本位,銀本位 gold, ailver standard of currency; 本位主義 working for self as motive; 本位工作 one's proper duty. 36.本務 [ben3wu4], n., proper duty. 37.本業 [ben3ye4], n., one's main profession; original profession. 38.本願 [ben3yUan4], n., true, real desire. 39.本源 [ben3yUan2], n., origins.
 | 16C55 10.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄈㄥ [feng1] . [Var. of 豐 21.30] |  | | Adj | Good-looking handsome, full and round.
| Words | 1.丰標 [feng1biao1], n., looks, appearance. 2.丰容 [feng1rong2], n., (court. to ladies) your face. 3.丰神 [feng1shen2], n., handsome looks. 4.丰態 [feng1tai4], n., demeanor. 5.丰采 [feng1cai3], n., personal appearance: 一瞻丰采 (court.) to have a look at person's beautiful appearance, i.e., to meet personally. 6.丰姿 [feng1zi1], n., handsome or pretty looks, demeanor (oft. of ladies). 7.丰儀 [feng1yi2], n., esteemed personality. 8.丰韻 [feng1yUn4], n., personal charm.
 | 17A25 10.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄔㄜ [che1] (re. pr. *ㄐㄩ [jU1] ). |  | | N | (1) A vehicle: 車輛 [che1liang4]↓; 汽車 an automobile, a motor car; 火車 a railway train: 火車頭 a locomotive; 馬車 a chariot, a carriage; 牛車 an ox cart; 手車 a handcart; 雞公車 (Szechuan dial.) a wheelbarrow; 戰車 chariot; 坦克車 a tank; 轎車 a sedan; 腳踏車,自行車 a bicycle; 摩托車,機車 a motorcycle; 電車 a tramcar, streetcar; 貨車 a motor truck, a lorry, a freight car; 旅行車 a station wagon; 油車 a tank truck; 跑車 a sport(s) car; 校車 school bus; 救火車 a fire engine; 救護車 an ambulance; 靈車 a hearse; 警車 a police van; 專車 a special car (train); 客車 a railway coach; 洋車,人力車,黃包車 a rickshaw; 三輪車 a pedicab, a tricycle. 餐車,飯車 a dining car, a diner; 臥車 a sleeping car, a sleeper, Pullman (car); 花車 floats: 花車遊行 a float parade; 駕車,開車 drive a car; 乘車,坐車,搭車 go by car (train); 上車 board a car (train); 下車 alight from a car (train); 車載斗量 immense quantities; 車水馬龍 heavy traffic on street (“an endless stream of horses and carriages”) 車匠 a wheel wright; 趕車的 a carter; 開車的 a car driver, chauffeur; 車禍 traffic accident; 車笠之盟 true friendship. (2) Any device which operates with the help of wheels: 紡車 a spinning wheel; 吊車 a crane; 滑車 a pulley; 風車 a windmill; 衣車 (Cantonese dial.) a sewing machine; 水車 a water cart, a water wheel, a wooden treadmill for lifting water. (3) (*[jU1]) A surname. (4) A pawn in chess, the “chariot.”
| V | (1) Carry in a cart: 車煤,車米 to cart away coal, rice. (2) To lift (water): 車水 do this by means of a water wheel. (3) To shape (things) on a lathe.
| Words | 1.車把 [che1ba3], n., the handle bars of a bicycle or rickshaw. 2.車前 [che1qian2]1, n., (bot.) the plantain, Plantago major var. asiatica . 3.車錢 [che1qian2]2, n., money paid for hiring a car (cart, rickshaw, etc.). 4.車床 [che1chuang2], n., a turner's lathe. 5.車道 [che1dao4], n., a driveway. 6.車燈 [che1deng1], n., the headlight of an automobile or motorcycle, a bicycle lamp. 7.車墊(子) [che1dian4]([zi0]), n., car cushions. 8.車費 [che1fei4], n., cartage, car fare, car hire. 9.車夫 [che1fu0], n., a carter, a cart driver; also chauffeur. 10.車轂轆 [che1gu1lu0], n., car wheels: 車轂轆話 the same words repeated again and again; 車轂轆圓 (sp. pr. [che1gu1lu0yUan4] a children's game in which they join hands to form a circle and dance and sing. 11.車行 [che1hang2], n., (1) a place where carts may be bought or hired; (2) a garage; (3) a car dealer's. 12.車後喘 [che1hou4chuan3], n., (sl.)part of retinue running after a carriage-a lackey. 13.車長 [che1zhang3], n., the conductor of a train. 14.車站 [che1zhan4], n., (1) a railway station; (2) a bus stop. 15.車照 [che1zhao4], n., a car license. 16.車轍 [che1zhe2], n., (1) a rut made by a passing vehicle; (2) a driveway or track for cars. 17.車腳錢 [che1jiao3qian0], n., fee paid for the delivery of goods. 18.車架 [che1jia4], n., a lathe. 19.車駕 *[jU1jia4], n., carriage. 20.車磔 *[jU1jie2], n., (AC) formerly, dismemberment of a person by making carts pull in different directions. 21.車騎 *[jU1ji4], n., (1) carriages and horses; (2) formerly, title of a military commander. 22.車軸 [che1zhou2], n., the axle. 23.車捐 [che1jUan1], n., a vehicle license fee. 24.車鍊 [che1lian4], n., the roller chain of a bicycle, the tire chain of an automobile. 25.車輛 [che1liang4], n., vehicles, carriages, carts, cars, esp. in traffic. 26.車裂 *[jU1lie4], n., (=車磔 [che1jie2]↑). 27.車輪(兒)(子) [che1lun2] ([che1lun2er0])([zi0]), n., car wheels: 車輪會 a group of persons who take turns to invite one another to dinner; 車輪戰 formerly, a fight in which several persons take turns to engage one opponent in combat to tire him out. 28.車馬 [che1ma3], n., carriages and horses: 門前冷落車馬稀 the house was deserted and there were few callers; 車馬費 travel allowance. 29.車幔 [che1man4], n., the curtain of a carriage. 30.車門兒 [che1men2] ([che1men2er0]), n., side doors of a motor vehicle or carriage. 31.車牌 [che1pai2], n., the number plate of a vehicle. 32.車棚 [che1peng2]1, n., a shed for vehicles. 33.車篷(子) [che1peng2]2([zi0]), n., the awning of a cart. 34.車票 [che1piao4], n., a train or bus ticket. 35.車皮 [che1pi2], n., (railway) unloaded rolling stock. 36.車身 [che1shen1], n., the body of a car or carriage. 37.車箱 [che1xiang1], n., (1) compartments of a railway train; (2) railway coaches; 車箱兒 (a) the inside of a car or carriage; (b) the boot (trunk) of an automobile. 38.車胎 [che1tai1], n., car tires. 39.車頭 [che1tou2], n., a train locomotive. 40.車僮 [che1tong2], n., attendants on a railway train. 41.車子 (1) *[jU1zi0], n., formerly, a cart driver; (2) ([che1zi0]), a cart, carriage, wagon. 42.車資 [che1zi1], n., car fare. 43.車帷 [che1wei2]1, n., see [che1man4]↑. 44.車圍(子) [che1wei2]2([zi0]), n., the cloth hood of a carriage. 45.車沿兒 [che1ya2er0], n., the edge of a carriage. 46.車轅(兒)(子) [che1yUan2] ([che1yUan2er0])([zi0]), n., the shafts of a cart or carriage.
 | 18A30 10.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 21 | ㄏㄨㄥ [hong1] . |  | | (1) To explode or make noise of explosion: 雷轟 the thunder strikes. (2) To attack by bomb, shell or by violence: 炮轟,轟擊 shell (enemy position); 他在議會上轟市長 he attacked the mayor in the Assembly; 寫文章轟他 attack him in writing; 轟走 show s.o. the door, run a person out of town; 轟出去 drive (person) out; 轟沉 to shell an sink (a boat).
Adj | A booming noise: see 轟轟 [hong1hong1]↓.
| Words | 1.轟動 [hong1dong4], v.i. & t., as in 轟動一時 cause a sensation; 轟動全國 make a sensation all over the country. 2.轟轟 [hong1hong1], adj., descriptive of big, booming noise: 轟轟烈烈 with a heroic determination or in a sensational manner. 3.轟炸 [hong1zha4], v.t., to bomb (a place). 4.轟擊 [hong1ji2], v.t., to shell by artillery. 5.轟然 [hong1ran2], adj. & adv., with booming noise.
 | 18B10 10.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄍㄨ [gu1] . |  | | N | (1) A crime, a criminal offense. (2) A surname.
| V | Be ungrateful: 辜負 [gu1fu0], 辜恩 [gu1en1]↓.
| Adj | Guilty: 無辜 innocent, free from guilt.
| Words | 1.辜恩 [gu1en1], v.i., show ingratitude for favors or kindnesses received. 2.辜負 [gu1fu0], v.t., be ungrateful to (person, his good intentions): 辜負朋友 to fail a friend; 辜負父母 fail one's parents for their solicitude, expectations (also wr. 孤負).
 | 18B40 10.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄋㄧㄡˊ [niu2] . |  | | N | (1) (Zoo.) cattle: 牛頭馬面 (chin. myth.) messenger boy of Hell; 牛鬼蛇神 (of things) supernatural, (of a person's appearance) ugly, (now) bad elements; 牛頭不對馬嘴 (of speech or action) incongruous; 水牛 water buffalo; 黃牛 common yellow cow or ox, also illegal agent for tickets or crossing forbidden territory; 乳牛 milk cow; 母牛 cow. (2) (Astron.) Sagittarius, one of the twenty-eight Chinese zodiac constellations. (3) A surname.
| Words | 1.牛蒡 [niu2bang4], n., (bot.) burdock, Arctiun lappa. 2.牛扁 [niu2bian3], n., (bot.) Aconitum lycoctonum. 3.牛鼻子 [niu2bi2zi0], n., (牛鼻子老道) (derog.) formerly old Taoist. 4.牛脖子 [niu2bo2zi0], n., person obstinate like cattle. 5.牛車 [niu2che1], n., ox cart. 6.牛氣 [niu2qi0], adj., arrogant. 7.牛刀 [niu2dao1], n., butcher’s knife: 割雞焉用牛刀 (lit.) why use a butcher's chopper to kill a chicken? -making unnecessarily great efforts to do trivial things; wasting of talent on trivials; 牛刀小試 (fig.) (of person of great potentials) give a little inkling of what one is capable of. 8.牛痘 [niu2dou4], n., vaccine against smallpox. 9.牛頓 [niu2dun4], n., Sir Isaac Newton. 10.牛犢子 [niu2du2zi0], n., a calf. 11.牛耳 [niu2er3], n., the ears of an ox or cow: 執牛耳 (AC) to “hold the cow's ear” before slaughter for blood sacrifice-an honor reserved for leader during conference of states-hence to be acknowledged leader. 12.牛黃 [niu2huang2]l, n., (Chin. med.) bile juice from the body of a diseased ox, congealed, and used for the cure of infant cramps. 13.牛角 [niu2jiao3], n., ox horn. 14.牛勁 [niu2jin4], n., as in (1) 一身牛勁 as strong as an ox; (2) 犯了牛勁 obstinate like an ox. 15.牛津 [niu2jin1], n., Oxford. 16.牛酒 [niu2jiu3], n., (lit.) beef and wine; (fig.) gifts for soldiers at the front. 17.牛郎 [niu2lang2], (1) n., a cowboy; (2) n., one of the Chinese zodiac constellations: 牛郎織女 the Cowboy and the Spinning Maid, two constellations, the separated lovers in Chinese mythology. 18.牛酪 [niu2luo4], n., cheese, yogurt. 19.牛馬 [niu2ma3], (1) n., cattle and horses; (2) v.i., slave for others: 莫為兒孫作牛馬 do not slave for your children. 20.牛毛 [niu2mao2], n., (1) , ox hair; (2) innumerable: 多如牛毛 innumerable as ox hair; 牛毛細雨 fine drizzling rain. 21.牛 [niu2mang2], n., (zoo.) horsefly, gadfly (also wr. 虻). 22.牛奶 [niu2nai3], n., cow's milk; 牛奶糖 butter candy, toffee. 23.牛排 [niu2pai2]1, n., beefsteak. 24.牛(兒)牌 [niu2]([er0])[pai2]2, n., set of playing cards made of cattle bone (also called 骨牌). 25.牛扒 [niu2pa2], n., beefsteak. 26.牛皮 [niu2pi2], (1) n., ox hide, leather: 牛皮靴 leather boots; 牛皮帶 leather belt; (2) gross exaggeration: 牛皮大王 person given to gross exaggerations: 吹牛皮 to brag; n., 牛皮紙 brown packing paper; 牛皮糖 a kind of chewing candy, also one who persists in forcing his attentions on others. 27.牛肉 [niu2rou4], n., beef. 28.牛乳 [niu2ru3], n., cow's milk, see [niu2nai3]↑. 29.牛膝 [niu2xi0], n., (bot.) hyssop. 30.牛性 [niu2xing4], n., obstinacy. 31.牛溲 [niu2sou1], n., in 牛溲馬勃 two lowly plants-worthless trifles. 32.牛子眼(兒) [niu2zi0yan3] ([niu2zi0ya3er0]), n., a tumor-like growth on the eyeball obstructing eyesight. 33.牛瘟 [niu2wen1], n., rinderpest. 34.牛衣 [niu2yi1], n., cattle blanket. 35.牛疫 [niu2yi4], n., cattle plague. 36.牛飲 [niu2yin3], n., unrestrained drinking bout (lit., “drinking like a cow”). 37.牛蠅 [niu2ying2], n., (zoo) gadfly. 38.牛油 [niu2you2], n., butter.
 | 19A45 10.10 | [ben1] . [Var. of 奔 12.20] |  | |
 | 19A50 10.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄌㄧˊ [li2] (also ㄇㄠˊ [mao2] ). |  | | (Zoo.) the yak.
 | 19B05 10.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄠˊ [ao2] . |  | | Words | 1.聱牙 [ao2ya2], phr., (1) in 詰屈聱牙 (of ancient writings) full of characters that are difficult to make out and pronounce, descriptive of foreign sounds, unpronounceable, crotchety writing; (2) twisting (old trunke); rough (experience).
 | 19B25 10.11 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄕㄥ [sheng1] . |  | | (1) Life: 生命 [sheng1ming4]↓; 生活 [sheng1huo2]↓; 舍生取義 sacrifice life for honor; 輕生 risk one's life; 起死回生 (of good doctors) effect a miraculous cure; 救生圈 lifebelt; 養生 cultivate health. (2) Lifetime, life span: 一生 whole life; 半生 half one's life (struggling, etc.); 此生,今生 this present life or incarnation; 來生 future life; 生生世世 generation after generation; 生時 when one was alive; 殘生 the remaining years of one's life; 偷生 keep alive without serious ambition or purpose; 再生,重生 next incarnation, also rebirth; 永生 eternal life, also 常生。 (3) Living beings : 生靈 [sheng1ling2]↓; 眾生, 生 all animal kingdom; 畜生 the beasts; 殺生 kill animate beings; 放生 (Budd.) buy fish and turtle and keep them alive in a pond (called 放生池). (4) A living: 謀生,營生 make a living; 生活,生計,生涯 [sheng1huo2], [sheng1ji4]2, [sheng1ya2]↓. (5) Student, pupil, scholar: 儒生 Confucian scholar; 書生 a scholar, a pedant: 書生之見 pedantic views; 學生,生徒 student, also apprentice; 先生 teacher, also “Mr.” (placed after surname), also (polite and friendly) after personal name; 生員 [sheng1yUan2]↓; 門生 formerly, personal student or pupil of a master, also successful candidate vis輁is the examiner; 男生,女生 boy, girl student; 小生,晚生 self-reference of student, esp. in letter to teacher; 畢業生 graduate student. (6) Male actor, opp. 旦 [dan4], actress.
V | (1) Happen, occur: 生起 [sheng1qi3]↓; 發生 v.i., (s.t.) happens, or v.t., produce (accident). (2) Produce, give birth to: 出生 be born; 出生年月 date of birth; 生下了男孩 give birth to a boy; 生育,生殖 [sheng1yU4], [sheng1zhi2]↓; 生財,生產 [sheng1cai2], [sheng1chan3]↓; 生聚 [sheng1jU4]↓; 胎生 viviparous, -ity; 卵生 oviparous, ovipara, -ity, those that produce offspring by eggs; 接生 midwifery. (3) Create (accident, trouble, etc.): 生事,生出事來 cause trouble; 生花樣 make difficulties; 節外生枝 bring up unnecessary ramifications; 無事生非 make uncalled-for trouble. (4) Be born (handsome, stupid, etc.), to grow: 生得很漂亮 grow up beautiful; 生得矮 be born short; 生長,生成 [sheng1zhang3], [sheng1cheng2]↓.
| Adj | (1) Raw.uncooked (meat, fruit), not processed (iron, copper, silk, oil, etc.): 生菜 uncooked, fresh vegetable; 生油 [sheng1you2]↓; unripe: 蘋果生得很 the apple is still quite unripe; 生地 one's birthplace, a strange place, a piece of uncultivated land; 生書,生課 a new, yet untaught lesson. (2) Crude, inexperienced, not smooth, not well learned: 生澀,生硬 [sheng1se4]2, [sheng1ying4]↓; 生手 [sheng1shou3]↓. (3) Strange, unfamiliar: 生人,生客 [sheng1ren2], [sheng1ke4]1↓; 面生,陌生 (face) not seen before; 生字 new, unlearned character. (4) Alive: 生擒 capture alive; 生吞活剝 interpret text, passage crudely without real understanding (“eat it alive”); 生拉硬拽 do arm-twisting, force s.o. to do s.t.
| Adv | (1) Keenly in 生恐,生怕 [sheng1kong3], [sheng1pa4]↓; 生疼 keenly painful; 活生生 very much alive. (2) Abruptly, rudely, by force: 生把他拉下來 pull him down by force; 硬生生 abruptly. (3) Used as adv. ending: 好生走路 walk cardfully; 偏生 unfortunately; 偏生我又不會 unfortunately, I don't know how; 怎生 how: 不知怎生是好 don't know what to do (esp. in MC=怎麼, also wr. 作麼生).
| Words | 1.生變 [sheng1bian4], v.i., trouble arises (mutiny, etc.). 2.生病 [sheng1bing4], v.i., fall ill. 3.生產 [sheng1chan3], v.i. & t. & n., (1) produce, production: 生產過剩 overproduction; 生產力 productivity; 生產率 rate of production; 生產費 cost of production; 生產量 volume of production; (2) give birth to children. 4.生辰 [sheng1chen2], n., birthday. 5.生成 [sheng1cheng2], adj., born (clever, stubborn, etc.). 6.生前 [sheng1qian2], adv., while person was living. 7.生氣 [sheng1qi4], (1) v.i., to get angry; (2) n., vitality (of vegetation, writing, also pr. ([sheng1qi0]). 8.生起 [sheng1qi3], v.t., to bring about. 9.生芻 [sheng1chu2], n., hay; (allu.) offering at grave, funeral gift. 10.生全 [sheng1qUan2], v. i., return alive, survive. 11.生趣 [sheng1qU4], n., as in 有生趣 (writing) has lively interest; full of vitality. 12.生齒 [sheng1chi3], n., population: 生齒過剩 overpopulation. 13.生動 [sheng1dong4], adj., moving: 氣韻生動 (painting) has rhythmic vitality. 14.生發 [sheng1fa1], v.i., produce (profit). 15.生髮油 [sheng1fa3you2], n., hair oil. 16.生番 [sheng1fan1], n., savage, cannibal; savage tribe. 17.生分 [sheng1fen0], adj., (person) not intimate enough, not well known to one: 不生分 quite familiar with each other. 18.生根 [sheng1gen1], v.i., take root (habit, studies). 19.生花 [sheng1hua1], phr., 生花之筆,筆生花 gifted pen, a rich style (Li Po dreamed that his “pen grew blossoms”). 20.生還 [sheng1huan2], phr., return alive. 21.生貨 [sheng1huo4], n., raw goods, material. 22.生火 [sheng1huo3], v.i., to light a fire. 23.生活 [sheng1huo2], (1) n., life, living, profession: 生活維艱 it is hard making a living; n., 做生活 make a living; 吃生活 (Shanghai dialect) get a beating; 生活費 living expenses, cost of living; 生活力 vitality; 生活素 vitamin (also 維他命); (2) v.i., to live: 民非水火不能生活 man cannot live without fire and water. 24.生虎子 [sheng1hu3zi0], n., (sl.) an inexperienced hand. 25.生長 [sheng1zhang3], v.i., (1) (plants) grow; (2) (the young) grow up: 生長得不錯 grow up quite handsome. 26.生機 [sheng1ji1], n., spring of vitality, a new lease of life. 27.生薑 [sheng1jiang1], n., raw ginger. 28.生忌 [sheng1ji4]1, n., birthday of deceased person. 29.生計 [sheng1ji4]2, n., living, means of livelihood, profession. 30.生就(的) [sheng1jiu4]([de0]), adj., born one way or another (nervous, suspicious, etc.). 31.生知 [sheng1zhi1], n., (AC) those who are born wise. 32.生殖 [sheng1zhi2], (1) v.i., (plants) grow, multiply; (2) v.i. & n., (men) reproduce, multiply,reproduction; v.i. & n., 生殖器 sexual organs (male and female). 33.生聚 [sheng1jU4], v.i., (AC, LL of a nation) grow in population. 34.生客 [sheng1ke4]1, n., a stranger. 35.生剋 [sheng1ke4]2, v.i., mutually accelerate, reinforce, or counteract, neutralize; phr. in 五行 (the five movements): 生 accelerate, 剋 counteract (木生火,火剋金 “wood” accelerates “fire”, and “fire” is inimical to “metal”). 36.生口 [sheng1kou3], n., (1) domestic animals (usu. wr. 牲口); (2) (AC) war prisoners. 37.生壙 [sheng1kuang4], n., tomb erected by person or for oneself, while living. 38.生恐 [sheng1kong3], v.i., to fear, be afraid, see [sheng1pa4]↓. 39.生來 [sheng1lai2], adj., see [sheng1jiu4], [sheng1cheng2]↑. 40.生冷 [sheng1leng3], adj., cold (in style, approach); n., (Chin. med.) cold dishes, cold drinks, fruits. 41.生臉兒 [sheng1lia3er0], n., a stranger. 42.生憐 [sheng1lian2], v.t., to love (child, helpless or small being). 43.生料 [sheng1liao4], n., dry goods; 生料廠 timber shop. 44.生利 [sheng1li4], v.i., (capital) bears interest; (business) makes profit. 45.生力軍 [sheng1li4jUn1], n., (mil.) fresh reinforcement. 46.生理 [sheng1li3], n., (1) 生理學 physiology: 生理化學 physiological chemistry; 生理學家 physiologist; (2) (dial.) business; (3) 料無生理 it is feared s.o. will not live. 47.生靈 [sheng1ling2], n., all living things: 生靈塗炭 the people's life destroyed, all life decimated. 48.生路 [sheng1lu4], n., way out: 無生路 no way out or chance of escape; 另謀生路 find another way of living. 49.生龍 (活虎) [sheng1long2], phr., 生龍活虎 (of fighter or painting) extremely forceful or vivid. 50.生煤 [sheng1mei2], n., unburnt coal. 51.生命 [sheng1ming4], n., life: 生命之保障 protection of life; 生命保險 life insurance. 52.生民 [sheng1min2], n., (LL) the people, mankind: 生民以來 since creation of mankind. 53.生母 [sheng1mu3], n., one's own mother. 54.生怕 [sheng1pa4], v.i., to fear, be afraid, lest: 生怕來不及 afraid it is too late; 55.生命 [sheng1ming4], n., 生怕他不答應 afraid that he will not consent. 56.生平 [sheng1ping2], adv. phr., all one's life; usually: 生平不好酒 usually (one) does not drink or never drinks. 57.生人 [sheng1ren2], n., a stranger. 58.生日 [sheng1](')[ri4], n., birthday. 59.生色 [sheng1se4]1, (1) v.i., add color or luster (to gathering), come alive; (2) adj., distinctive (performance). 60.生澀 [sheng1se4]2, adj., crude, faulty (knowledge), lacking in fluency (in reading). 61.生身 [sheng1shen1], n., as in 生身父母 parents who give you birth; the (Mongolian) one who has not had smallpox. 62.生生 [sheng1sheng1], adv., (1) generation after generation: 生生世世 ditto; (2) well and healthy: 生生憂慮出病來 get sick from sheer worry (for a healthy person); 好生生的怎麼就死了 how could he die so suddenly-he was looking so well? 生生不息 life and growth in nature, continuous reproduction (of plants and animals). 63.生肖 [sheng1xiao4], n., the year of the animal in which one was born: 十二生肖 (the year of the) rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, lamb, monkey, chicken, dog, pig-corresponding to the duodecimal cycle 子丑寅卯, etc.; see Appendix A. 64.生隙 [sheng1xi4], v.i., cause friction (between people). 65.生性 [sheng1xing4], (1) n., one's born nature (violent, gentle, etc.); (2) ([sheng1xing0]) adj., aloof, solitary in nature: 他有點兒生性 he does not get along well with people. 66.生心 [sheng1xin1], v.i., (AC) begin to feel disloyal. 67.生息 [sheng1xi2], v.i., (1) (money) bear interest; (2) (of animal herds) multiply. 68.生手(兒) [sheng1shou3]([er0]), n., an inexperienced hand. 69.生受 [sheng1shou4], v.i., (esp. Mc) to suffer: 不好生受 difficult to bear; (MC) to suffer: 不好生受 difficult to bear; (MC) 生受你 (=modn. 難為你) thanks for the trouble. 70.生疏 [sheng1shu1], adj., (1) (of friends) having less contact, getting more distant; (2) (piano playing, sleight-of-hand, etc.) having not played for a long time, getting rusty. 71.生水 [sheng1shui3], n., unboiled water; fresh water. 72.生事 [sheng1shi4], v.i., to cause trouble. 73.生石灰 [sheng1shi2hui1], n., (chem.) calcium oxide. 74.生死 [sheng1si3], phr., life and death: 生死關頭 grave crisis between life and death; 生死之交 a friend until death. 75.生態學 [sheng1tai4xUe2], n., ecology, study of environmental influence on living beings. 76.生鐵 [sheng1tie3], n., pig iron, cast iron. 77.生菜 [sheng1cai4], n., (1) uncooked or fresh vegetable; (2) lettuce. 78.生財 [sheng1cai2], v.i., to make money. 79.生存 [sheng1cun2], v.i. & n., survive, survive-al. 80.生祠 [sheng1ci2], n., temple to one still living. 81.生疼 [sheng1tong4], (1) adj., very painful; (2) v.t., to love dearly. 82.生徒 [sheng1tu2], n., disciple; pupil of private school; apprentice. 83.生子 [sheng1zi3], v.i., to give birth to a son. 84.生物 [sheng1wu4], n., living creature or plants; 生物學 [sheng1wu4xUe2], biology; 生物化學 biochemistry. 85.生養 [sheng1yang3], v.i., (of parents) give birth to and bring up children. 86.生涯 [sheng1ya2], n., see [sheng1ji4]2↑. 87.生業 [sheng1ye4], n., business: 不治生業 does not attend to business or hold a job. 88.生意 [sheng1yi4], n., (1) prospect of living or survival; (2) ([sheng1yi4] or [sheng1yi0]) a business or business deal: 做生意 run a business (shop, etc.); ([sheng1yi0]) a crooked deal; n., 生意口 [sheng1yi4kou3], n., words of a petty dealer, not to be trusted; n., business man's ways or know-how; 生意經 [sheng1yi4jing1], business sense, business expertise. 89.生硬 [sheng1ying4], adj., not smooth, not polished, crude (writing), rigid, stern, stiff. 90.生油 [sheng1you2], n., (1) peanut oil; (2) unrefined oil. 91.生員 [sheng1yUan2], n., formerly, students. 92.生育 [sheng1yU4], v.t. & n., give birth to and raise (children); growth (of population); 生育能力 fertility.
 | 21C05 10.11 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄧㄝˇ [ye3] . [Arch. of 野 41S.00] |  | |
 | 21C15 10.11 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄑㄧㄢˋ [qian4] . |  | | N | A trench, moat: 天塹 natural terrain for defense.
| Words | 1.塹壕 [qian4hao2], n., city moats; trench.
 | 21C30 10.11 | 部居
 | 畫數 18 | ㄌㄧˊ [li2] (*ㄒㄧ [xi1] ). |  | | (1) One thousandth of a Chinese 尺 foot. (2) One hundredth of a 畝 [mu3]. (3) One thousandth of a 兩 [liang3] or tael; see Appendix C. (4) (Rate of interest) one tenth of one per cent: 月息四釐 a monthly interest of 0.4 per cent; 年息四釐 an annual interest of four per cent. (5) Short for 釐金:釐金,釐捐,釐卡 [li2jin1], [li2jUan1], [li2qia3]↓. (6) (Interch. 禧 *[xi1]) happiness: 恭祝新釐 a Happy New Year!
V | To regulate, rectify: 允釐百工 (AC) regulate the different offices; 釐定,釐正 [li2ding4], [li2zheng4]↓.
| Words | 1.釐卡 [li2qia3], n., see [li2jin1]↓. 2.釐定 [li2ding4], v.t., to work out or draw up (rules, regulations, etc.), also 釐訂. 3.釐革 [li2ge2], v.t., to reform, readjust (old practices, rules, etc.). 4.釐正 [li2zheng4], v.t., to correct, amend, edit (texts, drafts, etc.). 5.釐金 [li2jin1], n., an internal tax on the transit of goods (formerly, spelled“likin”). 6.釐捐 [li2jUan1], n., (=釐金 [li2jin1]↑). 7.釐剔 [li2ti4], v.t., to strike out, expunge (anything superfluous).
 | 22A20 10.20 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄏㄨㄟˋ [hui4] . |  | | N | 花卉 flowers and grass, plants in gen. flora (in painting).
| Adj | Plentiful.
 | 22A35 10.21 | 部居
 | 畫數 21 | ㄋㄧㄝˋ [nie4] . [Var. 囓; pop. 嚙] |  | | N | (AC) a dent in a sword.
| V | (1) Bite: 齧臂 bite one's arm, as a pledge; (of a man and a woman) as a pledge of love. (2) Erode, as water erodes a bank.
 | 22B00 10.22 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄎㄠˋ [kao4] . |  | | (1) To rely on: 倚靠,依靠 to depend on (s.o.); 無依無靠 no one to support for living, quite alone; 靠天吃飯 without visible means of support; 靠此為生 depend on this for a living; 靠自己 depend on oneself; 靠別人 depend on others; 可靠 dependable; 不可靠 not dependable; see 靠得住,靠不住 [kao4de2zhu4], [kao4bu2zhu4]↓. (2) To lean on: 靠著 leaning on; 靠在一起 huddle together.
Prep | Near, along, toward, by: 靠近 [kao4jin4]↓; 靠岸 alongshore; 靠牆 toward or by the wall; 靠海 (city) on the coast; 靠邊兒走 walk on the side (not in the middle); 靠右邊走 walk on the right; 背靠背 (sleeping, sitting) back to back; 靠山吃山,靠水吃水 on the mountain one lives by mountain products, near the water one lives by the sea or river.
| Words | 1.靠背 [kao4bei4], n., back of chair; (Chin. opera) armor; 靠背老生 (opera) military officer in armor. 2.靠不住 [kao4bu2zhu4], adj., undependable. 3.靠常兒 [kao4chang2er0], adj., (coll.) long lasting, wearing well. 4.靠旗 [kao4qi2], n., (Chin. opera) pennant on back of military officer. 5.靠得住 [kao4de2zhu4], adj., dependable. 6.靠枕 [kao4zhen3], n., hard cushion used as arm rest on couch. 7.靠近 [kao4jin4], adj. & prep., near: 靠近那邊 near that side. 8.靠賴 [kao4lai4], v.t., depend on (s.o.). 9.靠攏 [kao4long3], v.i. & t., lean toward; 靠攏份子 opportunist elements. 10.靠山(兒) [kao4shan1] ([kao4sha1er0]), n., person for political or financial backing. 11.靠手 [kao4shou3], n., arm rest. 12.靠子 [kao4zi0], n., hard cushion for arm or back support: 車靠子 (in cart). 13.靠托 [kao4tuo1], v.t., depend on (s.o. to do s.t.). 14.靠椅 [kao4yi3], n., easy chair; lounge chair.
 | 22C05 10.22 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄗ [zi1] . |  | | N | (AC) a tripod tapering off towards the top.
 | 22C20 10.30 | [shi4] . [Pop. of 世 22.21] |  | |
 | 22C30 10.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄓˊ [zhi2] . [Usu. wr. 直] |  | | V | To straighten up or out: 直其冤 to redress a wrong done to s.o.; 直直腰兒 stretch (body) a bit.
| Adj | (1) Erect, vertical, straight, not crooked: 垂直 perpendicular, hang straight; 直上 straight up; 直上直下 perpendicular; 伸直腿 stretch legs straight; 直挺挺,直蹶蹶 straight and stiff (in erect or prostrate position); 直勾勾,直瞪瞪 stare bluntly, scared stiff; 筆直 very straight; 曲直 the right and wrong of parties in quarrel. (2) Straight and honest: 正直 fair and honest; 忠直 loyal; 直道 [zhi2dao4]2↓. (3) Straight forward: 直脾氣 straight temper: 直性 [zhi2xing4]↓; 剛直 honorable, inflexible, incorruptible; 直心眼兒 forthright (person); 直漢 an honest fellow; 坦直,率直 frank, candid, straight forward (confession, admission); 說直話 give a straight talk; 直爽 [zhi2shuang3]↓. (4) On duty: 直日 (=值日) day on duty.
| Adv | (1) Straight, directly: 直達 go straight or directly; 直視 look straight; 秉筆直畫 write the truth without fear or favor; 直言,直說 talk straight; 直打直 in a straight manner; 直前,直向前往 go straightforward; 直陳 to present (facts) straight. (2) Continuously: 一直走 go without stop; 一直說 (or 哭) 下去 talk (or cry) on and on; 直去直來 go and come back without stopover; 直等一個人 keep waiting (without stop) for a person; 直到 (conj.) until: 直到日入 until sundown; 直到今日 until today. (3) Just, only indeed: 直是 be indeed, be just (a shadow, a phantasy, a joke, etc.); 直須 need only to (ask him direct, etc.); 直不百步耳 (孟子) (of a retreating army retreating fifty paces) only difference is that it did not retreat a hundred paces.
| Words | 1.直筆 [zhi2bi3], phr., record historical events without fear or favor. 2.直腸 [zhi2chang2], n., the rectum. 3.直臣 [zhi2chen2], n., an outspoken minister. 4.直到 [zhi2dao4]1, prep. & conj., until. 5.直道 [zhi2dao4]2, adj. & n., honest, straight dealing, the straight and narrow path. 6.直點兒 [zhi2diaaer0], adv., (apologize, etc.) continuously, repeatedly without stop. 7.直裰 [zhi2duo2], n., (of jacket or ancient robe) open with line of buttons straight down the center. 8.直根 [zhi2gen1], n., (bot.) axial root. 9.直觀 [zhi2guan1], n., intuition, intuitive perception, see [zhi2jUe2]↓. 10.直躬 [zhi2gong1], phr., (LL) see [zhi2dao4]2↑. 11.直棍兒 [zhi2guo4er0], n., (pop.) an honest fellow. 12.直講 [zhi2jiang3], n., formerly, a lecturer at government college (國子監). 13.直角 [zhi2jiao3], n., (math.) right angle; 直角柱 right prism; 直角錐 right pyramid; 直角體 a cuboid; 直角三角形 right-angled triangle. 14.直諫 [zhi2jian4], phr., to advise or admonish emperor at risk of latter's wrath. 15.直接 [zhi2jie2]1, adj. & adv., direct, direct-ly; 直接民權 rights of referendum and recall; 直接教授法 direct method of teaching modern language. 16.直捷 [zhi2jie2]2, adj. direct (communication, line): 直捷 (or 直截) 了當 phr., simple and direct (opp. beating about the bush). 17.直徑 [zhi2jing4], n., (math.) diameter. 18.直己 [zhi2ji3], phr., see [zhi2dao4]2↑. 19.直致 [zhi2zhi4], (1) adj., straight, without wavering; (2) adv., until, so that. 20.直覺 [zhi2jUe2], n., intuition. 21.直諒 [zhi2liang4], adj., (AC) right and honorable (persons). 22.直隸 [zhi2li4], n., formerly, name for Hopei Province. 23.直溜 [zhi2liu0], adj., very smooth and straight. 24.直流 [zhi2liu2], n., (phys.) direct current. 25.直脈 [zhi2mo4], (1) adj., (bot.) straight-veined; (2) n., direct line of descent, see [zhi2xi4]↑. 26.直聲 [zhi2sheng1], (1) n., reputation for honesty; (2) phr., (cry) aloud. 27.直升機 [zhi2sheng1ji1], n., helicopter (or 直昇). 28.直線 [zhi2xian4], n., (math.) straight line, or right line. 29.直轄 [zhi2xia2], adj., under direct jurisdiction of central government. 30.直系 [zhi2xi4], n., direct line (relatives). 31.直性(兒)(子) [zhi2xing4er0], (-[zi0]), adj., forthright (character). 32.直受兒 [zhi2shou4er0], phr., to receive gifts without giving in return. 33.直爽 [zhi2shuang3], adj., outspoken, straightforward, forthright. 34.直率 [zhi2shuai4], adj., ditto. 35.直譯 [zhi2yi4], v.t. & n., (to render) literal translation. 36.直 [zhi2yU4], n., simile.
 | 23B50 10.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 24 | ㄔㄨˋ [chu4] . |  | | Adj | Perpendicular: 矗立 stand erect; 直矗矗 very straight, straight up.
 | 23C05 10.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄔㄚˊ [cha2] (*ㄓㄚ [zha1] ). |  | | N | (*[zha1]) A surname.
| V | (1) To investigate, audit, check, find out, inspect: 檢查 to inspect (luggage), have physical checkup; 調查 to investigate; 盤查 investigate thoroughly, crossexamine; 清查 examine accounts; 查收 (in letter) please receive; 查照 [cha2zhao4]↓; 查看,查察 look into; 明查暗訪 investigate (crime); 查班 inspect class; 查賬 [cha2zhang4]↓; 查字典 look up dictionary; 查對無訛 formula for okaying accounts; 查戶口 check residents; take census. (2) In opening paragraph relating findings: have gone into the matter and found that.
| Words | 1.查辦 [cha2ban4], v.i., to investigate and prosecute (case, person). 2.查抄 [cha2chao1], v.t., to confiscate (property; lit., “take inventory”). 3.查點 [cha2dian3], v.t., check (inventory) item by item. 4.查封 [cha2feng1], v.t., to confiscate and seal up (property, goods). 5.查核 [cha2he2], v.t., to examine (accounts). 6.查賬 [cha2zhang4], v.i., examine accounts. 7.查照 [cha2zhao4], v.i., (in official communications among equals) am submitting for your attention: 查照辦理 please consider and act accordingly. 8.查禁 [cha2jin4], v.i., search for violations of ban (smuggled goods, etc.). 9.查究 [cha2jiu4], v.i., to investigate, follow up (a case): 查究辦理 investigate and act accordingly; 查究原因 find out the cause. 10.查考 [cha2kao3], v.t., look up for reference, data. 11.查勘 [cha2kan4], v.t., to investigate on the spot. 12.查明 [cha2ming2], v.t., to find out: 查明真相 find out the true facts. 13.查哨 [cha2shao4], v.t., search passengers at sentry point. 14.查驗 [cha2yan4], v.t., to check up (physical conditions); inspect, (goods). 15.查閱 [cha2yUe4], v.t., read (report, correspondence).
 | 24A15 10.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄏㄨㄟˋ [hui4] . |  | | N | (1) A broomstick. (2) 彗星 a comet.
 | 24A25 10.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄓㄥˇ [zheng3] . |  | | V | To put to order; to adjust: 整理,整頓 [zheng3li3], [zheng3dun4]↓; 整衣冠 to adjust hat and dress; 整裝就道 dress up and prepare for journey (also 整旆); 整裝待命 ready to move at short notice in full array; 整好 put in good shape; 別把他整壞了 don't spoil it, trying to fix it; 整隊,整旅 put army unit in good shape; also the whole unit, see Adj.2↓; to discipline, see 整肅 [zheng3shu4]2↓.
| Adj | (1) Neat, tidy, orderly: 整齊,整潔 [zheng3qi0], [zheng3jie2]↓; 齊整 tidy. (2) Whole, not divided: 完整 intact; 整個兒,整數 [zheng3ge4er0], [zheng3shu4]1↓; 整日整夜 whole day and night; 整夜不眠 did not sleep the whole night; 整塊給他 give him the whole piece; 整句唸出來 read the whole sentence; 說不出一句整話 cannot say a complete sentence; 整院子都聽見你叫了 the whole courtyard heard your scream.
| Words | 1.整編 [zheng3bian1], v.t., to reorganize (army). 2.整齊 [zheng3qi0], adj., tidy, orderly, well-arranged (group or row), forming a complete set. 3.整飭 [zheng3chi4], adj., clean and orderly, sharply disciplined (conduct): 軍容整飭 in fine battle array. 4.整頓 [zheng3dun4], v.t., to put to order, to restore to good shape: 整頓學風 restore good order among the students. 5.整風 [zheng3feng1], v.t., (in Communist China) to rectify atmosphere of schools, party, etc. 6.整個兒 [zheng3ge4er0], adv., the whole piece or lot; completely (fail, destroyed, etc.). 7.整整 [zheng2zheng3], (1) adv., exactly: 整整一百元 exactly $100; (2) adj., as in 整整齊齊 very neat and orderly, see [zheng3qi0]↓. 8.整潔 [zheng3jie2], adj., clean and neat. 9.整莊 [zheng3zhuang0], n., the whole amount. 10.整治 (1) [zheng3zhi4], v.t., see [zheng3li3]↓; [zheng3zhi4], (2) ([zhi0]), to prepare (food), mend (clothing); (3) to teach a lesson, punish: 我總得整治他. 11.整兒 [zheng3er0], n., round number. 12.整臉子 [zheng3lian3zi0], n., person habitually wearing a severe countenance. 13.整理 [zheng3li3], v.t., to put to order (accounts), tidy up (room, appearance), shape up, revise (material for book). 14.整容 [zheng3rong2], v.i., to dress up, esp. to shave. 15.整日 [zheng3ri4], adv., the whole day; 整日價 ditto. 16.整天 [zheng3tian1], adv., the whole day: 一整天. 17.整形 [zheng3xing2], n., orthopedics: 整形手術 plastic surgery. 18.整數 [zheng3shu4]1, n., a whole number, integral. 19.整肅 [zheng3shu4]2, v.t., (in communist China) to purge; also shortened to 整: 整他一下 to discipline him. 20.整體 [zheng3ti3], n., the whole; 整體化 integrate, integration.
 | 24B55 10.30 | [gu3] . |  | | N | A pot:(沙) 子 an earthen pot (related 鍋子 [guo1zi0]).
 | 24C05 10.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄠˊ [ao2] . |  | | (AC) a flat iron plate for making cakes.
 | 24C15 10.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄗㄢˋ [zan4] . |  | | A small chisel; engraving tool.
V | Engrave, carve: 鏨花 carve flowers; 鏨字 engrave characters.
| Words | 1.鏨刀 [zan4dao1], n., a graving knife. 2.鏨子 [zan4zi0], n., (1) a small chisel; (2) a graving tool. 3.鏨菜 [zan4cai4], n., (bot.) leomurus macranthrs.
 | 24C40 10.32 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄇㄞˋ [mai4] . (sp. pr.); ㄇㄛˋ [mo4] (re. pr.). |  | | N | (1) Wheat, (oft. [mai4zi0]): 大麥 barley; 小麥 wheat; 油麥,燕麥 oats; 蕎麥,烏麥 buckwheat. (2) A surname.
| Words | 1.麥餅 [mai4bing3], n., wheaten cake. 2.麥碴兒 [mai4cha2er0], n., potato grown on wheat field after wheat crop. 3.麥場 [mai4chang2], n., thrashing floor for wheat. 4.麥秋 [mai4qiu1], n., wheat harvest in 4th or 5th lunar month. 5.麥冬 [mai4dong1], n., see [mai4men2dong1]↓. 6.麥蛾 [mai4e2], n., a moth that feeds on wheat, Gelechia cerealella. 7.麥麩子 [mai4fu2zi0], n., chaff, bran. 8.麥糊 [mai4hu2], n., oatmeal. 9.麥角(菌) [mai4jiao3]([jUn4]), n., ergot, a wheat disease, caused by Claviceps purpurea, a fungus. 10.麥酒 [mai4jiu3], n., beer (usu. 啤酒 [mai4pi2]. 11.麥克風 [mai4ke4feng1], n., (translit.) microphone. 12.麥浪 [mai4lang4], n., waves of billowing wheat field caused by breeze. 13.麥芒 [mai4mang2], n., the awn (bristly fibers) of wheat, or prickly wheat sheaf. 14.麥門東 [mai4men2dong1], n., (bot.) a plant of leek family, Liriope graminfolia, much used as herb medicine. 15.麥苗 [mai4miao2], n., wheat seedling. 16.麥片 [mai4pian4], n., oatmeal. 17.麥信風 [mai4xin4feng1], n., the northeast wind in 5th lunar month. 18.麥穗兒 [mai4sui4er0], n., (1) ears of wheat; (2) lambskin with long hair resembling ears of grain. 19.麥子 [mai4zi0], n., wheat or barley. 20.麥牙糖 [mai4ya2tang2], n., malt sugar.
 | 25A40 10.32 | [meng4] . [Abbr. of 夢 20A.23-4] |  | |
 | 25A50 10.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄍㄨˇ [gu3] . |  | | (1) Time long past: 遠古 time immemorial; 上古 (史),中古 (史) ancient, medieval times (history); 古往今來 from ancient to modern times. (2) Ancient artifacts, relics of the past: 考古 to study ancient relics; 考古學 (家) archeology, archeologist. (3) A particular style of painting or pottery of the past: 仿古 in the style of an ancient master or period; 法古 (painting) imitate an ancient master; (of political or social institutions) follow an ancient practice. (4) The ancient people: 疑古 to doubt the ancients; 思古,懷古 nostalgia, thinking of the past; 作古 (of person) passed away, died (joined the ancients). (5) A surname.
Adj | (1) Old, ancient, classic, oldfashioned: 古代 [gu3dai4], 古人 [gu3ren2], 古物 [gu3wu4]↓; 古錢,古畫,古籍 ancient coins, paintings, books; 古裝 old-fashioned binding or dress; 古妝 in ancient costume; 古語,古諺 an old saying, proverb; 古井無波 (usu. of women) have no more sexual desire, (lit., “not a ripple in an ancient well”); 古色古香 (of ancient objects of art) having antique flavor; 古雅 [gu3ya3]↓; 古法 time-honored methods. (2) (Of persons or things) different from the gen. accepted norm: 古怪 [gu3guai0], 古板 [gu3ban3]↓.
| Words | 1.古板 [gu3ban3], adj., (1) ultra-conservative, single-track-minded; unavvommodating; (2) oldfashioned, out-of -date. 2.古剎 [gu3cha4], n., an ancient temple. 3.古代 [gu3dai4], n., ancient times. 4.古道 [gu3dao4], (1) adj., kind, considerate, generous (lit., “acting like a gentleman of old”): 古道熱腸 considerate and warmhearted; (2) n., ancient rules and methods; (3) n., ancient road. 5.古典 [gu3dian3], n., & adj., classic, classical: 古典主義 classicism; 古典派 classicist; 古典音樂 classical music. 6.古董(兒) [gu3dong3]([er0]), n., curios, antiques (also wr. 骨董). 7.古方 [gu3fang1], n., (1) an ancient medical recipe; (2) old methods or ways of doing things. 8.古風 [gu3feng1], n., (1) ancient manners, customs and habits; (2) ancient style poetry. 9.古怪 [gu3guai0], adj., peculiar, eccentric,exotic: 希奇古怪 strange and eccentric. 10.古跡 [gu3ji1], n., historic monuments, sites. 11.古記兒 [gu3jie4er0], n., ancient events or incidents: 聽古記兒 listen to a storyteller telling old stories. 12.古今 [gu3jin1], n., ancient and modern times. 13.古老 [gu3lao3], adj., old-fashioned, outmoded. 14.古來 [gu3lai2], adv., since ancient times. 15.古樸 [gu2pu3], adj., (of manners) simple and plain, uncontaminated by modern fads. 16.古人 [gu3ren2], n., (1) the ancients; (2) a person who has passed away. 17.古稀 [gu3xi1], adj., seventy years old: 古稀老人 an old man aged three score and ten; 年近古稀 approaching seventy in age. 18.古昔 [gu3xi2], adj., of old, in times gone by. 19.古學 [gu3xUe2], n., ancient learning, knowledge of the classic. 20.古時 [gu3shi2], n., ancient times. 21.古訓 [gu3xUn4], n., (1) ancient maxims or precepts; (2) ancient meanings of words. 22.古銅 [gu3tong2], n., (1) ancient bronze works; (2) the color of ancient bronzes. 23.古玩 [gu3wan3], n., curios. 24.古文 [gu3wen2], n., (1) archaic script of Jou period; (2) 古文學派 a school of Confucian classicists believing in the authenticity of parts of classics doubted by 今文派; (3) the classic style of writing. 25.古物 [gu3wu4], n., (1) ancient relics; (2) ancient objects of art. 26.古雅 [gu3ya3], adj., with a classic touch and in the best taste.
 | 26A00 10.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄒㄧㄥˋ [xing4] . |  | | N | Apricot: 杏仁 almond, see [xing4ren2]↓.
| Words | 1.杏脯 [xing4fu3], n., preserved apricot. 2.杏乾兒 [xing4ga1er0], n., dried apricot. 3.杏花 [xing4hua1], n., apricot flower; 杏花村 oft. used to describe a spring rustic scene. 4.杏黃 [xing4huang2], adj., apricot yellow. 5.杏臉 [xing4lian3], n., oval face of girl or woman. 6.杏林 [xing4lin2], n., (allu., rare) medical doctor. 7.杏仁 [xing4ren2], n., almond; 杏仁兒茶 almond cream; 杏仁兒粉 almond powder; 杏仁精 almond essence; 杏仁水 almond drink. 8.杏壇 [xing4tan2], n., school platform, the teaching rostrum; orig.the apricot grove where Confucius taught. 9.杏眼 [xing4yan3], n., woman's apricot-like eyes. 10.杏靨 [xing4ye4], n., a woman's oval face; see [xing4lian3]↓.
 | 26A35 10.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄍㄠˋ [gao4] (*ㄍㄨˋ [gu4] ). |  | | A declaration, announcement: 文告 statement by ruler or superior; 通告 public notice; 廣告 advertisement; 告白 [gao4bai2]↓.
V | (1) Tell, inform, announce: (LL) 告我, (vern.) 告訴我 tell me; 報告 v.i. & n., (to, a) report to a superior; 告密 give secret information against s.o., see 告密 [gao4mi4]↓. (2) Oft. used in the sense of “be”or “reported to be”in certain phrr.: 告罄 be exhausted: 存貨告罄 all our stock has been exhausted; 告乏 be tired or exhausted; 告捷 [gao4jie2]2↓; 告終,告成,告竣 be completed, see [gao4zhong1], [gao4cheng2], [gao4jUn4]↓. (3) Sue, accuse: 告訴 [gao4su4]↓; 告發 [gao4fa1]↓; 告他一狀 file a suit against him; 原告 the plaintiff; 被告 the defendant. (4) Ask for: 告老 [gao4lao3]↓; 告假 [gao4jia4]↓; 告退 [gao4tui4]↓; 告病 ask for sick leave, be sick; 告貸 [gao4dai4]↓; 告幫 [gao4bang1]↓; 告饒 ask for pardon; 自告奮勇 offer one's free services. (5) (*[gu4]) In 忠告 tell a.o. honestly what one thinks (also [gao4]); 告朔 (AC) ancient sacrifice at ancestral temple.
| Words | 1.告白 [gao4bai2], n., a public notice. 2.告幫 [gao4bang1], v.i., ask for financial assistance. 3.告窆 [gao4bian3], n., an obituary notice. 4.告便(兒) [gao4bian4] ([gao4biaher0]), v.i., (1) bid bood-bye to friends for a short leave of absence; (2) go to the toilet. 5.告別 [gao4bie2], v.i., take leave. 6.告稟 [gao4bing3], v.i., to file a petition, to request from superior. 7.告成 [gao4cheng2], v.t., announce the completion of s.t. important: 大功告成 the great task has been (reported) completed. 8.告貸 [gao4dai4], v.i., make a request for a loan, borrow money: 告貸無門 nowhere to borrow money. 9.告發 [gao4fa1], v.t., formally inform court of a crime committed, lodge complaint. 10.告假 [gao4jia4], v.i., ask for leave of absence. 11.告誡 [gao4jie4], v.t., warn, enjoin, admonish. 12.告訐 [gao4jie2]1, v.i., inform against s.o. 13.告捷 [gao4jie2]2, v.i. & t., announce victory, be victorious. 14.告警 [gao4jing3], v.i., to sound an alarm, give report of danger. 15.告急 [gao4ji2], v.i., make an emergercy request for help. 16.告狀 [gao4zhuang4], v.t. & n., to sue at court; text of formal complaint. 17.告終 [gao4zhong1], v.i., be completed. 18.告知 [gao4zhi1], v.i. & t., tell, inform, notify. 19.告竣 [gao4jUn4], see [gao4zhong1]↑. 20.告老 [gao4lao3], v.i., retire from age. 21.告密 [gao4mi4], v.i., give secret information against s.o. 22.告擾 [gao4rao3], v.i., to thank one's host for his hospitality, a phr. used on taking leave: 告擾了. 23.告示 [gao4shi0], n., a public announcement. 24.告訴 [gao4su4], v.t., (1) (law) bring a suit against s.o.: 告訴乃論 a case will be taken cognizance of by the court only if s.o. files a suit; (2) ([gao4su0]) tell, inform: 我告訴你 I tell you; 不能告訴你 I can't tell you. 25.告辭 [gao4ci2], v.i., bid good-bye, take leave. 26.告退 [gao4tui4], v.i., ask to be excused from meeting; resign from office. 27.告罪 [gao4zui4], v.i., (court.) please excuse me for any unintentional offense; 告無罪 can say I have a clear conscience, have done my best.
 | 26C30 10.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄓㄜˊ [zhe2] . |  | | N | (1) Wisdom: 哲學,哲理 [zhe2xUe2], [zhe2li3]↓. (2) Sage, wise man: 聖哲 the sages.
| Adj | Wise: 明哲 discreet; 明哲保身 keep out of harm by discretion.
| Words | 1.哲理 [zhe2li3], n., philosophy, philosophical principle. 2.哲人 [zhe2ren2], n., a wise man, the sage master. 3.哲學 [zhe2xUe2], n., philosophy; 哲學家 philosopher. 4.哲嗣 [zhe2si4], n., (court.) your son.
 | 26C50 10.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄕˋ [shi4] . |  | | N | An oath, a pledge: 誓願,誓言,誓約 [shi4yUan4], [shi4yan2], [shi4yUe1]↓; 宣誓 take oath in public; 立誓,起誓,發誓 take an oath; 背誓,違誓 break one's pledge.
| V | To swear: 誓不兩立 swear that one of the two must be destroyed; 誓不甘休 swear to fight to the finish; 誓死不屈 swear to die rather than submit; 誓必 swear to.
| Words | 1.誓詞 [shi4ci2], n., text of oath. 2.誓言 [shi4yan2], n., a pledge. 3.誓願 [shi4yUan4], v.i., to swear before God; n., a pledge. 4.誓約 [shi4yUe1], v.i. & n., (to make) a pledge (of alliance, marriage, etc.).
 | 27A20 10.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 18 | ㄠˊ [ao2] . |  | | To deride, clamor: 謷謷.
Adj | (AC) magnificent: 謷乎大哉.
 | 27A35 10.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄏㄨㄛˋ [huo4] . |  | | (AC) sound of crashing.
 | 27A40 10.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 20 | ㄈㄢˊ [fan2] . |  | | N | Alum: 明礬,白礬 alum; 皂礬,青礬 copperas, ferrous sulphate.
| Words | 1.礬紙 [fan2zhi3], n., sized paper (for painting). 2.礬石 [fan2shi2], n., (min.) alum shale. 3.礬土 [fan2tu3], n., (min.) alumina.
 | 27B05 10.41 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄧㄠˇ [yao3] (also ㄇㄧㄠˇ [miao3] ). |  | | Adj | (1) Deeply hidden: 杳冥,杳遠[yao3ming2], [yao3yUan3]↓. (2) Dark, silent: 杳然 [yao3ran2]↓; (3) 杳無音信 completely not heard from; 杳杳無蹤 left without a trace; 杳如黃鶴 (LL) gone like the yellow stork.
| Words | 1.杳冥 [yao3ming2], adj., dark and fathomless. 2.杳然 [yao3ran2], adj., without any sound. 3.杳遠 [yao3yUan3], adj., far distant.
 | 27B25 10.41 | [chun1] . [Anc. var. of 春 12.41] |  | |
 | 27B35 10.41 | [xi1] . |  | | (1) Clear (=晰 41A.22). (2) White (u.f. 皙).
 | 27B45 10.41 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄓㄢˋ [zhan4] (re, pr. ㄗㄢˋ [zan4] ). [Related 漸 63A. 22] |  | | (1) Temporary, for the time being: 暫且,暫時 [zhan4qie3], [zhan4shi2]↓; 暫定 temporarily decide(d); 暫住 stop at place for a while; 暫用,暫借 use, borrow, for a short period; 暫緩 postpone for the moment; 暫不施行 hold up measure for the present. (2) (AC) suddenly: 暫面 suddenly see one's face.
Words | 1.暫且 [zhan4qie3], adv., for the time being. 2.暫時 [zhan4shi2], adv., ditto.
 | 27C15 10.41 | [cao2] . [Form of callig. of 曹 20.41] |  | |
 | 27C20 10.41 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄒㄧ [xi1] . [Var. ] |  | | (1) (Of human skin) white: 白皙,白皙皙 very white. (2) Clear (var. of 晰 41A.22)
 | 27C35 10.41 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄕㄥˇ [sheng3] . |  | | N | (AC) (1) (med.) eye cataract. (2) Unfortunate mistakes: 除眚 eliminate errors, malpractices; 眚災 (AC) calamities.
 | 27C45 10.41 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄙㄜˋ [ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |