扯![]() | 66C15 10A.30-2 | 部居 ![]() | 畫數 7 | ㄔㄜˇ [che3] ![]() | ![]() |
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V | (1) To pull (apart, off): 扯破了,扯壞了,扯爛 to pull about and spoil, break by pulling and fumbling; 扯開嘴巴 open mouth wide; 扯開嗓子 speak or sing out loud; 扯住袖子 pull by the sleeve; 扯住不放 grab (person) and will not let go; 扯鈴 pull the bell; 扯衣領 grab by the collar; 扯頭髮 pull by the hair; 扯上扯下 pull up and down; 東拉西扯 talk incoherently, also put together (money, etc.) from different sources or do patch work in writing. (2) To tear (off, apart): 扯碎 tear to pieces; 撕扯 crumble up and tear (paper); 扯票 [che3piao4]↓. (3) To hoist (sail, flag). (4) To involve by talk, to ramble in all directions, to lie: 牽扯的人太多 involve too many persons (in scandal); 扯拉 [che1la1]↓; 拉拉扯扯 or 扯扯拉拉 pull and push, ramble in talk; 扯東扯西 ditto. (5) To gossip, talk irresponsibly, to lie: 扯謊 [che3huang3]↓; 瞎扯,胡扯,亂扯 gabble, gossip irresponsibly. | |||||||||||
Words | 1.扯倒 [che2dao3], v.i., quit: 倘不願意,扯倒罷休 if you don't like it, you can just quit. 2.扯淡 [che3dan4], v.i., talk idly. 3.扯謊 [che2huang3], v.i., to lie: 不用扯謊 don't lie to me. 4.扯拉 [che3la1], v.t., involve (person) in talk: 扯拉上人 (or 別人) mention names, involve others. 5.扯落 [che3luo0], v.i., as in 心愛的人扯落著你 (MC) s.o., who loves you will not let you go. 6.扯票 [che3piao4], phr., (1) destroy (a ballot, ticket); (2) (coll) kill kidnapped person when ransom is not paid. 7.扯臊 [che3sao4], v.i., should be ashamed, shame on you! talk nonsense. 8.扯手 [che2shou3], n., the reins. |