劫 | 209A15 11S.00-2 | ㄐㄧㄝˊ [jie2] . [Var. of 劫 11S.50] |
劫 | 210A45 11S.50-9 | 部居 | 畫數 7 | ㄐㄧㄝˊ [jie2] . [Var. of 劫 11S.00] | ||||||||
N | Disaster, misfortune: 大劫,浩劫 a calamity; 在劫難逃 there is no escape from one's face; 萬劫不復 everlasting perdition; 劫後餘生 lucky survivor from a holocaust, 劫難 [jie2nan4]↓; 生死劫 fateful crisis, a matter of life and death. | |||||||||||
V | (1) Take by force: 劫道 [jie2dao4]1, 劫盜 [jie2dao4]2↓; 路劫 hold up (a person) to rob him; 洗劫 pillage, plunder; 劫奪 [jie2duo0]↓; 劫營 launch a surprise attack on enemy camp; 劫寨 rush an enemy fortress; 劫牢 force open a prison to free the prisoners; 打劫 to loot. (2) Coerce: 劫制 [jie2zhi4], 劫持 [jie2chi2]↓. | |||||||||||
Words | 1.劫騎 [jie2qi2], v.t., to hijack. 2.劫持 [jie2chi2], v.t., force one's hand, take as hostage, kidnap. 3.劫道 [jie2dao4]1, n., highway robbery. 4.劫盜 [jie2dao4]2, n., (1) robbers, bandits; (2) robbery, banditry. 5.劫奪 [jie2duo0], v.t., to loot, plunder, rob. 6.劫灰 [jie2hui1], n., ruins of destruction. 7.劫機 [jie2ji1], v.i., to hijack a plane. 8.劫制 [jie2zhi4], v.t., coerce to compel obedience. 9.劫掠 [jie2lUe4]1, v.t., rob, plunder, loot. 10.劫略 [jie2lUe4]2, v.t., ditto. 11.劫盟 [jie2men2], v.t., force to sign a treaty under duress. 12.劫難 [jie2nan4], n., a fateful calamity. 13.劫數 [jie2shu4], n., an inexorable fate. 14.劫運 [jie2yU4], n., an inescapable fate: 劫運難逃 impossible to escape one's doom. 15.劫餘 [jie2yU2], n., the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster. |