按 | 108B20 10A.93-6 | 部居 | 畫數 9 | ㄢˋ [an4] . | ||||||||
V | (1) To put hand on: 按劍 to put hand on sword. (2) To press down: 手指一按 press with finger; 按鈴 press the bell; 按鈕 press a button; 按箱蓋 press down trunk cover; (fig.) to repress, keep down by force; 按住,按不住 keep down by hand, cannot keep s.t. down; 按捺 [an4na4]↓; 按轡 draw up a horse; 按兵 [an4bing1]↓. (3) To make legal investigation: 按察,按問 [an4cha2], [an4wen4]↓. (4) To comment, make an editor’s or author’s comment: 編者按 editor's note, comment; 按語 [an4yU3]↓. | |||||||||||
Prep | (1) According to: 按照 [an4zhao4]↓; 按規矩 according to regulations or customs; 按理 [an4li3]↓; 按圖索驥 locate s.t. by a plan or chart; 按步(部)就班 go each according to his duties, proceed in order. (2) By, one by one: 按戶 (go round) door by door; 按次序 (proceed) in order; 按月交款 pay by the month; 按期清還 repay according to schedule. | |||||||||||
Words | 1.按兵 [an4bing1], phr., 按兵不動 keep back army from battle. 2.按察 [an4cha2], v.t., to investigate court cases; 按察使 formerly, inspector of justice (idea similar to circuit court). 3.按成(兒) [an4cheng2]([er0]), adv., proportionately (=按成分). 4.按蹻 [an4qiao1], v.i., (AC) to massage. 5.按堵 [an4du3], v.i., (AC) to settle down, return to normal (also 安堵). 6.按照 [an4zhao4], prep., according to (regulations, etc.). 7.按酒 [an4jiu3], n., (MC) snacks or things to go with wine. 8.按治 [an4zhi4], v.i. & t., to crossexamine. 9.按理 [an4li3], phr., according to reason; according to established principles (one should be punnished, but now need not, etc.). 10.按脈 [an4mo4], v.i., feel the pulse. 11.按摩 [an4mo2], v.i., give massage. 12.按納(捺) [an4na4], v.t., to repress anger, restrain: 按捺不住 could not restrain any longer. 13.按鈕 [an4niu3], v.i., press a button. 14.按說 [an4shuo1], phr., (=按理說) according to reason, see [an4li3]↑. 15.按次 [an4ci4], adv., in good order or sequence. 16.按問 [an4wen4], v.t., to crossexamine (person). 17.按壓 [an4ya1], v.t., to hold back (a document, report, decision) in bureaucratic tradition. 18.按語 [an4yU3], n., a comment (by author, editor). |