損![]() | 93C50 10A.80-4 | 部居 ![]() | 畫數 13 | ㄙㄨㄣˇ [sun3] ![]() | ![]() |
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V | (1) To decrease: 減損 ditto; 損益 [sun3yi4]↓; 損壽 to shorten one’s life (by enjoying more than one's share). (2) To lose, damage: 損失 [sun3shi1]↓; 虧損 to lose money in trade; 損陰壞德,損陰騭 (Budd.) to sin and thus have to pay for it later; 損傷,損壞,損害 [sun3shang1], [sun3huai4], [sun3hai4]↓. (3) To criticize, deride or smear (person): 損人利己 to hurt s.o. for one's own benefits; 你別損人了 don't deride others. | |||||||||||
Adj | (1) Mean or cruel in criticism: 這話真損透了 it is really being mean to say so; 這法子真損到家 this is too mean. (2) (Chin. med.) debilitated, weakened from long illness. | |||||||||||
Words | 1.損到家 [sun3dao4jia1], phr., (1) minimum: 損到家的價錢 minimum price (i.e., at cost); phr., (2) really mean or cruel. 2.損德 [sun3de2], phr., wicked, unconscionable, what will damage one in final reckoning. 3.損根子 [sun3gen1zi0], n., wicked person. 4.損骨頭 [sun3gu2tou0], n., ditto. 5.損害 [sun3hai4], v.t. & n., to damage, a damage (to reputation, business, etc.). 6.損壞 [sun3huai4], v.t., to break, damage (reputation, furniture, etc.). 7.損傷 [sun3shang1], v.t., to hurt, be hurt. 8.損失 [sun3shi1] ([sun3shi0]), v.i. & n., lose (in business, bargain, reputation); lose. 9.損事(兒) [sun3shi4] ([sun3she4er0]), n., s.t. underhand, wicked. 10.損條子 [sun3tiao2zi0], n., words of vituperation: 直給他上損條子 gave him a string of invectives. 11.損益 [sun3yi4], n., addition and taking off, readjustment: 有所損益 there have been some readjustments. 12.損友 [sun3you3], n., (LL) a bad friend with demoralizing influence. |