撲 | 96A15 10A.81-2 | 部居 | 畫數 15 | ㄆㄨ [pu1] . [Var. 扑] | ||||||||
V | (1) Assault, rush toward: 撲上來 lurch forward (esp. toward opponent). (2) Various forms of wrestling movements: 相撲,撲交 come to grips; 撲倒,撲跌 fall, fell (person) to the ground; 撲個空 overreach oneself, see 撲空 [pu1kong1]↓. (3) Strike, beat, flop, catch with a sudden movement: 撲殺此獠 “beat the beast to death”(allu. to brutal saying of Empress Wu Tsehtien); 撲蠅 swat fly; 撲蝶 catch butterfly with a quick flop. (4) Touch lightly, tap: 撲面 tap face with powder; 清風撲面而來 the gentle breeze brushes against one's face; 清香撲鼻 a sweet scent assails the nostrils. (4) In combb. 噗噗,噗通,噗落 describing sudden, light movement, see [pu1pu1], [pu1tong1], [pu1luo4]↓. | |||||||||||
Words | 1.撲嗤(兒) [pu1chi1] ([pu1che1er0]), adv., descriptive of burst of laughter, or guffaw. 2.撲的 [pu1de1], adv., suddenly. 3.撲燈蛾(子) [pu1deng1e2]([zi0]), n., moth (“beating at lamp”). 4.撲蠂會 [pu1die2hui4], n., butterfly-catching contest, on the Flower Festival (花朝), being 12th of 2nd month in lunar calendar. 5.撲地 [pu1di4], adj. & adv., (1) all over the ground; (2) suddenly: 撲地落下來 suddenly drops to the ground. 6.撲兒 [pu1er2], n., powder puff (粉撲兒 [fen3pu1er2]). 7.撲虎兒 [pu1hu3er0], v.i., throw body forward, lurch forward. 8.撲救 [pu1jiu4], v.i., fight fire. 9.撲克 [pu1ke0], n., (translit.) poker. 10.撲空 [pu1kong1], v.i., (oft. 撲個空) miss a punch; (fig.) be left holding the bag, fail to get what one wants. 11.撲鹿(撲漉) [pu1lu4], v.i., ditto. 12.撲落 [pu1luo4], v.i., scatter around. 13.撲滿 [pu1man3], n., clay coin bank, “broken when filled.” 14.撲忙子 [pu1mang2zi0], v.i., bustle about nothing. 15.撲撲 [pu1pu1], adv., descriptive of palpitation: 撲撲的心頭跳. 16.撲簌簌 [pu1shu1shu1], adv., gushing forth (tears). 17.撲朔迷離 [pu1shou4mi2li2], adj., whirling, confusing the eye. 18.撲騰 [pu1teng2], v.i., leap up, leap awkwardly; try to magnify (s.t.); n., show-off affair. 19.撲通 [pu1tong1], adv., descriptive of sound of s.t. dropping into water. | |||||||||||
Words | 1.撲鈍 [pu2dun4], adj., stupid, slow-witted. 2.撲拙 [pu2zhuo2], adj., uncouth (manners), straightforward. 3.樸質 [pu2zhi2], adj., unadorned, unsophisticated. 4.樸馬 [pu2ma3], n., (AC) unbroken horse. 5.樸實 [pu2shi0], adj., simple, direct honest: 樸樸實實(兒) adv., directly, in simple, direct way. 6.樸學 [pu2xUe2], n., name of scholastic tendency (Manchu Dyn.) devoted to philological research and spurning speculative philosophy. 7.樸素 [pu2su4]1, adj., (of dress, customs, way of living) simple. 8.樸樕 [pu2su4]2, n., (AC) brush, underwood. 9.樸野 [pu2ye3], adj., uncouth. |