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ㄌㄟˇ [lei3 (in sense of ‘accumulation'); *ㄌㄟˋ [lei4 (in sense of ‘cause trouble,' ‘implicate,' ‘fatigue'); *ㄌㄟˊ [lei2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(*[lei4]) Burden, responsibility: 室家之 family burden;
heavy responsibility.
(1)  (*[lei4]) Implicate, involve, -ment: 連,帶,受,拖 be implicated, get (s.o.) involved;
,受人之 be involved in (s.t., usu. unpleasant) by others.
(2)  (*[lei4]) Run into debt, indebtedness: 虧 suffer financial losses;
owe personal debts;
lose money in business.
(3)  V.t. & p.p., to tire out: 死人 tires one out completely;
病了 sick from overwork.
(4)  (*[lei2]) U.f. 縲, (AC) fasten, bind, put in chains: 係其子弟 (AC) seize his children and throw them into prison.
(5)  Accumulate, lay (s.t.) on top of another: 勢如卵 hazardous, precarious like a pile of eggs;
牆 lay bricks to build a wall;
Adj(1)  Tired, tiring, wearisome, exhausted (*[lei4]): 勞乏 tired out with too much exertion;
極了,死了 dead tired;
的慌 tired and nervous.
(2)  Tiring, wearisome: 活兒 [lei3huo2er0], [lei3ren2]↓.
(3)  (*[lei2]) Troublesome: [lei3zhui0]↓;
牘連篇 long and tedious writings.
(1)  One on top of another, progressively: [lei3jin4]↓;
(2)  Repeated(ly), again and again: [lei3ci4]↓;
戰皆捷 one victory after another;
著大功 score signal successes again and again;
徵不起 repeatedly refuse to be drafted for official service;
試不第 fail to pass the government examination year after year.
Words1.遷 [lei3qian1], n., (1)  (of residence) repeated removal; (2)  (of officials) repeated promotions; (3)  v.i., be repeatedly promoted. 
2.代 [lei3dai4], adv., one generation after another, for generations. 
3.堆 *[lei2dui1], adj., burdensome, troublesome, see [lei3zhui0]↓. 
4.犯 [lei3fan4], v.i., (1)  run foul of the law more than once; (2)  commit repeated offenses. 
5.活(兒) *[lei4huo2]([er0]), n., tiresome or laborious chores. 
6.積 [lei3ji1], v.t., gradually accumulate. 
7.計 [lei3ji4], n., total amount, sum total. 
8.進 [lei3jin4], adj., progressive: 進法 mathematical progression; 進稅 progressive taxation. 
9.及 *[lei4ji2], v.t., involve (others) in trouble: 及無辜 make the innocent suffer. 
10.贅 *[lei2zhui0]1, adj., tedious, repetitious (esp. speech). 
11.墜 *[lei2zhui0]2, adj., ditto. 
12.懇 *[lei4ken3], v.i., (coll.) please be so glad as to (also 肯). 
13.掯 *[lei4ken0], v.t., (coll.) force (s.o.) to do (s.t.); restrain (s.o.) from doing (s.t.). 
14. [lei2lei3], adv., (1)  oftentimes; (2)  one after another. 
15.利 [lei3li4], n., compound interest (also 複利). 
16.年 [lei3nian2], adv., year after year, for years. 
17.人 *[lei4ren2], adj., tiring: 抱這孩子真人 holding the child in one's arms is so tiring. 
18.日 [lei3ri4], adv., day after day, for days. 
19.心 *[lei4xin1], adj., suffering from too much mental strain. 
20.黍 [lei1shu3], n., a very small quantity: 不差黍 (LL) no whit different, not an iota of difference. 
21.世 [lei3shi4], adv., for generations. 
22.事 *[lei4shi4], adj., overworked. 
23.時 [lei3shi2], adj., standing the test of time, lasting. 
24.歲 [lei3sui4], adv., year after year. 
25.次 [lei3ci4], adv., repeatedly: 次三番 again and again. 
26.月 [lei3yUe4], adv., month after month: 月經年 month after month and year after year.