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ㄏㄡˊ [hou2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NThe throat, the larynx: 咽 “throat,” (fig.) strategic area;
科 (med.) laryngology, specialty on throat diseases.
Words1.急 [hou2ji2], adj., desperately anxious. 
2.嚨 [hou2long2] (hour-'lung), n., (phys.) the throat: 嚨疼 a sore throat. 
3.痧 [hou2sha1], n., (med.) diphtheria (also called 白). 
4.舌 [hou2she2], n., “throat and tongue”--mouthpiece: 為民舌 person who speaks for the people. 
5.頭 [hou2tou2], n., the larynx. 
6.痛 [hou2tong4], n., sore throat. 
7.音 [hou2yin1], n., glottal sound.