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ㄐㄧㄝˊ [jie2 (*ㄐㄧㄝ [jie1).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  A knot: 打 to tie knots;
a hard knot;
a slipknot, a running knot;
a double knot;
蝴蝶 a bowknot;
a knot of ribbon;
(2)  A written statement binding the signer to do or refrain from doing certain things: 保 a written bond offered as surety;
,具,出 a written promise to do or not to do certain things;
take such a promise.
V(1)  Unite, connect, join: [jie2li2], [jie2hun1], 給合 [jie2he2]1, [jie2qin1], [jie2bai4], [jie2jiao1], [jie2qi4], [jie2shi4], [jie2she4], [jie2yi4]↓;
fawn on, toady;
conspire, work in collusion with;
[jie2xian2], [jie2chou2]↓.
(2)  Congeal, coagulate: [jie2bing1], [jie2li4]↓;
congeal, coagulate, solidify;
,集 adhere, assemble, group together;
(3)  Constitute, compose, form: [jie2gou4], [jie2zhuan4], [jie2mao2], [jie2lu2]↓.
(4)  (Also *[jie1]) to bear fruit: 開花果 to bloom and bear fruit.
(5)  Bind into abundle: [jie2cao3], [jie2cai3]↓.
(6)  Settle (accounts), wind up, sum up, conclude: 總 render a final reckoning, summarize;
come to a conclusion, conclude;
案 to wind up a lawsuit;
,了 bring to an end, to end, put a stop to;
[jie2guo3], [jie2jU2]↓.
Adv finally, at last.
Words1.伴 [jie2ban4], v. i., go in company with s.o. 
2.拜 [jie2bai4], v. i., become sworn brothers or sisters. 
3.冰 [jie2bing1], v. i., freeze. 
4.腸 [jie2chang2], n., (physiol.) the colon. 
5.欠 [jie2qian4], phr., (accounting) debit balance in the red. 
6.契 [jie2qi4], v. i., become fast friends, be on intimate terms with each other. 
7.親 [jie2qin1], v. i., unite in marriage. 
8.仇 [jie2chou2], v. t., become enemies with, invite the enmity of. 
9.毒 [jie2du2], n., syphilitic infection. 
10.髮 [jie2fa3], n., (1)  (AC) the coming of age; (2)  first marriage: 髮夫妻 husband and wife by the first marriage. 
11.構 [jie2gou4], n., (1)  construction, structure (of buildings); (2)  composition, structure (of essay, novel); 構主義 structuralism. 
12.果 [jie2guo3](1)  n., outcome, result; (2)  v. i., to bear fruit; (3)  v. t., finish off, kill (person). 
13.合 [jie2he2]1, v. i., join together, be united, marry. 
14.核 [jie2he2]2, n., (med.) tubercles: 肺核,腸核 tuberculosis of the lungs, intestines. 
15.匯 [jie2hui4], v.i., to settle by a money transfer. 
16.婚 [jie2hun1], v. i., marry: 了婚 already married. 
17.賬 [jie2zhang4], v. i., to clear or close accounts. 
18.交 [jie2jiao1], v. t., become friends with, cultivate the goodwill or friendship of, befriend. 
19.晶 [jie2jing4](1)  v. i., crystallize; (2)  n., crystals, crystallization; n., (fig.) 晶品 produce of crystallization. 
20.撰 [jie2zhuan4], v. t., (of litr. works) write, compose. 
21.局 [jie2jU2], n., the final outcome, the last act, as of a drama. 
22.力 [jie2li4], n., (phys.) cohesion. 
23.縭 [jie2li2], v. i., marry, join in wedlock. 
24.論 [jie2lun4](1)  v. t., to sum up, conclude; (2)  n., summary, conclusion. 
25.廬 [jie2lu2], v. i., build a house, hut, cottage. 
26.茅 [jie2mao2], v. t., build (a hut) with straw. 
27.膜 [jie2mo2], n., (physiol.) the conjunctiva: 膜炎 conjunctivitis. 
28.念 [jie2nian4], v. t., be intent on, remember, constantly bear in mind. 
29.社 [jie2she4], v. i., form a club. 
30.舌 [jie2she2], adj., tongue-tied, speechless. 
31.繩 [jie2sheng2], phr., tie knots on cords as means of reckoning or record-keeping before invention of writing. 
32.嫌 [jie2xian2], v. t., incur the displeasure of, fall out with through misunderstanding. 
33.識 [jie2shi4], v. t., make the acquaintance of, become friends with. 
34.實 [jie2shi2](1)  v. i., (of plant) bear fruit, fructify; (2)  adj., (pr. [jie2shi0]) (of persons) strongly built, stout, robust, (of things) solid, firm, durable. 
35.穴 [jie2xUe4], n., (1)  the central theme, the dominant idea; (2)  good site for a grave. 
36.算 [jie2suan4], v. i., see [jie2zhang4]↑. 
37.束 [jie2su4], v. t., to wind up, suspend (business), to end (war, debate, quarrel, etc.). 
38.他 [jie2ta1], n., guitar. 
39.綵 [jie2cai3], v. i., to festoon. 
40.草 [jie2cao3], phr., give expression of gratitude to one's benefactor. 
41.存 [jie2cun2], v. i. & n., the balance of a bank account. 
42.子 [jie2zi0](1)  n., small knots; (2)  (*[jie1zi3]) v. i., bear fruit or seeds. 
43.業 [jie2ye4], v. i. & n., graduate, -tion. 
44.義 [jie2yi4], v. i., see [jie2bai4]↑. 
45.怨 [jie2yUan4], v. i., see [jie2chou2]↑. 
46.冤 [jie2yUan1], v. i., become deadly enemies. 
47.緣 [jie2yUan2], v. i., lay the basis for future relationship or intimacy. 
48.約 [jie2yUe1], v. i., sign a treaty or agreement.