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ㄗˇ [zi3.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NPurple: 色 the purple color;
花 purple flowers;
紅 purple-red;
赯(膛)色兒 (of the human complexion) swarthy;
葡萄 European grapes;
臉色發 with a frightened look;
紅得發 at the height of one's power and influence, enjoying great popularity.
Words1.斑病 [zi3ban1bing1], n., purpura. 
2.貝 [zi3bei4], n., (zoo.) Cypraea macula
3.氣 [zi3qi4], n., an auspicious atmosphere. 
4.闕 [zi3qUe4], n., (1)  the royal palace; (2)  fairyland. 
5.萼 [zi3e4], n., (bot.) Hosta coerulea
6.羔(兒) [zi3gao1]([er0]), n., purplish-dark fur. 
7.姑 [zi3gu1], n., a legendary goddess supposed to be the patroness of sericulture. [WEdit: According to Hanyu Dazidian, 姑 refers actually to a deity in charge of the water closet (toilet). Legend has it that a certain woman, being murdered, was rendered a deity and assigned the role of a patroness of the toilet. The alleged "patroness of sericulture" as mentioned in Lindict should be referring to 馬頭娘, rather than to 姑]. 
8.毫 [zi3hao2], n., a writing brush made of brownish rabbit hair. 
9.河車 [zi3he2che1], n., (1)  the placenta; (2)  (bot.) Paris polyphylla
10.薑 [zi3jiang1], n., young ginger shoots. 
11.膠 [zi3jiao1], n., sealing wax (usu. called 火漆). 
12.禁 [zi3jin4], n., palace grounds: 禁城 the Forbidden City in Peking. 
13.堇 [zi2jin3], n., (bot.) Corydalis incisa
14.金 [zi3jin1], n., gold of the best quality. 
15.荊 [zi3jing1], n., (bot.) the Judas tree or red bud, Cercis chinensis
16.竹 [zi3zhu2], n., (bot.) Bambusa nana, var. gracillima
17.羅蘭 [zi3luo2lan2], n., (bot.) the violet. 
18.陌 [zi3mo4], n., (LL) roads leading to the national capital. 
19.茉莉 [zi3mo4li4], n., (bot.) Mirabilis jalapa
20.泥 [zi3ni2], n., purple sealing wax; 泥書 a royal edict. 
21.杉 [zi3sha1], n., (bot.) Taxus cuspidata
22.參 [zi3shen1], n., (bot.) Polygonum tenuicaule
23.水晶 [zi2shui3jing1], n., (min.) amethyst. 
24.蘇 [zi3su1], n., (bot.) Perilla nankinensis
25.檀 [zi3tan2], n., (bot.) the red sandalwood. 
26.藤 [zi3teng2], n., (bot.) the wistaria. 
27.草 [zi2cao3], n., (bot.) Lithospermum officinale, var. erythrorhiron
28.菜 [zi3cai4], n., (bot.) the laver, edible purple seaweeds. 
29.銅 [zi3tong2], n., bronze. 
30.藏 [zi3zang4], n., purple Tibetan incense. 
31.外線 [zi3wai4xian4], n., ultraviolet ray. 
32.薇 [zi3wei2], n., (bot.) the crape myrtle, Lagerstroemia indica
33.雲英 [zi3yUn2yin1], n., (bot.) the milk vetch, Astragalus sinicus