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A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Silk: 織品 silks, silk goods;
襪 silk stockings;
帶 silk ribbon;
巾 silk scarf;
,抽繭剝 to reel silk from cocoon;
(silkworm) spins silk;
raw silk.
(2)  Fine threads of many kinds: 蛛 gossamer;
馬跡 clues to murder, mystery, etc.;
flying gossamer;
copper wire;
fine drizzle;
thread of arrowroot;
藕斷連 (love affair) not completely cut off;
shredded meat;
命若懸 life hanging by a thread;
入扣 (story plot) intricately woven together.
(3)  (Poet.) u.f. 思 thread of thought: 愁 skein of sorrow;
longing of love.
(4)  One hundredth of 釐 [li1] or one hundred thousandth of 兩 [liang3];
infinitesimal part: 毫,髮,[si1hao2], [si1fa3], [si1hu1]↓;
不掛 stark naked.
(5)  Stringed instrument: 竹,[si1zhu2], [si1guan3] ↓;
Words1.蟲 [si1chong2], n., tapeworm. 
2.髮 [si1fa3], n., (1)  silky hair; (2)  adv., very small, see [si1hao2]↓. 
3.瓜 [si1gua1] ([si1gua0]), n., the loofah gourd. 
4.管 [si1guan3], strings and woodwind instruments. 
5.光棉 [si1guang1mian2], n., mercerized cotton. 
6.毫 [si1hao2], n. & adv., the slightest (usu. used negatively) (10 =1毫): 沒有毫不同 not the slightest difference; 毫不肯讓步 will not make the slightest concession. 
7.忽 [si1hu1], n., tiny, brief. 
8.竹 [si1zhu2], n., music of string and flute. 
9.兒 [se0er0], n., small, fine particles. 
10.綹(兒) [si1liu3] ([si1liu1er0]), n., tiny tuft (of s.t.). 
11.蘿 [si1luo2], n., (poet.) the bond of matrimony. 
12.綸 [si1lun2], n., (AC) royal maukate, imperial decree. 
13.棉 [si1mian2], n., silk wadding: 棉兒 silk quilted (dresses, etc.). 
14.帕 [si1pa4], n., silk shawl. 
15.絨 [si1rong2], n., silk velvet. 
16.紗 [si1sha1], n., gauze. 
17.線 [si1xian4], n., silk thread. 
18.絃 [si1xian2], n., stringed instrument in gen. 
19. [si1si1], adj., in fine threads: 雨 it drizzles; 拉拉 (of disease) long drawn out. 
20.桐 [si1tong2], n., the lute. 
21.子 [si1zi0], n., filament, fiber, fine thread.