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ㄔㄣ [chen1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NAngry expression: 含 to pout, i.e., show contained anger.
V.i. & t.1
笑 pouting smile.
(2)  To taunt, chide (person): 著他 taunting him.
Words1.詬 [chen1gou4], v.t., (LL) to vilify, berate (person). 
2.怪 [chen1guai4], v.t., to upbraid (person). 
3.喝 [chen1he4], v.t., to yell at, rail at. 
4.狂 [chen1kuang2], adj., crazy, deranged. 
5.睨 [chen1ni4], v.t., to glance at (person) with anger. 
6.怒 [chen1nu4], v.i., to become angry.