Course code : PHI 3770 (WS 1995) Course Title : Special Topic: Philosophy of Language -the Humboldtian Tradition Lecturer : Dr. Tze-wan KWAN (關子尹) ________________________________________________________________ Course Description: This course is designed to acquaint its participants with some general knowledge of the Continental European tradition in modern linguistics. Special effort will be made to feature the inherent linkage between general lingiustics as a new science and philosophy as a classical discipline. To provide leads for subsequent discussion, course material will cluster around the major work of Wilhelm von Humboldt, renowned as the father of modern general linguistics. Other authors, including Ferdinand de Saussure and Roman Jakobson, will also be referred upon wherever necessary. Main topics for discussion are: the problem of language as a semiotic system; the problem of articulation; the debate over the arbitrariness or inarbitrariness of linguistic signs; the relation between sound and meaning constitution: (onomapoeisis, sound symbolism and analogy); language and worldviews; language and cultural heritage; language, understanding and cognition or cognitive semantics etc. Toward the end of the course, an attempt will be made to see if the above linguistic analysis can throw new light on linguistic issues related to the Chinese language. The course consists of lectures as well as analysis and discussion of selected text. Participants are expected to take part actively in class discussion. A written report is required at the end of the course. □ Main Texts: 1. Wilhelm von Humboldt, On Language: The Diversity of Human Language-Structure and its Influence on the Mental Development of Mankind. Translated by Peter Heath with an introduction by Hans Aarsleff. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988). 2. Wilhelm von Humboldt, "{SYMBOL 220 \f "Times New Roman"}ber das vergleichende Sprachstudium in Beziehung auf die verschiedenen Epochen der Sprachentwicklung [1820]", in: Werke in F{SYMBOL 252 \f "Times New Roman"}nf B{SYMBOL 228 \f "Times New Roman"}nden, Band III. (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftiche Buchgesellschaft, 1979). Pp.1-25. 洪堡特著, 張烈材譯:〈論語言發展不同時期的比較語言研究〉。見《國外語言學》, 北京: 1987年第4期, 頁145-154。 3. Wilhelm von Humboldt, "Lettre {SYMBOL 224 \f "Times New Roman"} Monsieu Abel-R{SYMBOL 233 \f "Times New Roman"}musat sur la nature des formes grammaticales en g{SYMBOL 233 \f "Times New Roman"}n{SYMBOL 233 \f "Times New Roman"}ral et sur le g{SYMBOL 233 \f "Times New Roman"}nie de la langue chinoise en particulier", Paris 1827.(〈致阿貝爾•雷姆薩先生的信:論語法形式的通性與漢語精神的特性〉)。信件原文以法文撰寫,並於巴黎發表。德文翻譯 "Brief an M. Abel-R{SYMBOL 233 \f "Times New Roman"}musat, {SYMBOL 220 \f "Times New Roman"}ber die Natur grammatischer Formen im Allgemeinen und {SYMBOL 252 \f "Times New Roman"}ber den Geist der chinesischen Sprache im Besonderen." Translated into German by Christoph Harbsmeier. 參見 C. Harbsmeier, Zur philosophischen Grammatik des Altchinesischen im Anschluss an Humboldts Brief an Abel-R{SYMBOL 233 \f "Times New Roman"}musat. (Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 1979) Pp.17-88。 4. Wilhelm von Humboldt, "{SYMBOL 220 \f "Times New Roman"}ber den grammatischen Bau der chine-sischen Sprache〈論漢語語法結構〉" in: Wilhelm von Humboldts Werke, Band 5, hrsg. von Albert Leitzmann. (Berlin: B.Behr's Verlag, 1906), Pp.309-324. □ Other related texts 1. Ferdinand de Saussure, Course in General Linguistics. Edited by Ch. Bally and A. Sechehaye in collaboration with Albert Riedlinger, translated with an introduction and notes by Wade Baskin. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972) 2. N.S. Trubetzkoy, Principles of Phonology, transl. by Christine A.M. Baltaxe. (Berkeley: U.of California Press, 1969). 3. Roman Jakobson and Morris Halle, Fundamentals of Language. (New York: de Gruyter/ Hawthorne: Mouton, 1971) 4. Roman Jakobson, Six lectures on Sound and Meaning. With a preface by Claude L{SYMBOL 233 \f "Times New Roman"}vi-Strauss translated from the French by John Mepham. (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1978) 5. Roman Jakobson and Linda Waugh, The Sound Shape of Language. (Brighton: Harvester, 1979). 6. G.W. Leibniz, Unvorgreifliche Gedanken, betreffend die Aus{SYMBOL 252 \f "Times New Roman"}bung und Verbesserung der deutschen Sprache (Zwei Aufs{SYMBOL 228 \f "Times New Roman"}tze). (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1983). 7. Arthur Schopenhauer, "On Language and Words," in: Parerga und Paralipomena II, chapter 25. 8. Edward Sapir, Language. An Introduction to the Study of Speech. 9. Benjamin Lee Whorf, Language, Thought, and Reality. (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1956/1966). 10. {SYMBOL 201 \f "Times New Roman"}mile Benveniste, Problems in General Linguistics. Transl. by Mary E. Meek. (Coral Gables, Miami University Press, 1971). 11. Andr{SYMBOL 233 \f "Times New Roman"} Martinet, Elements of General Linguistics. Transl. by E. Palmer. (London: Farber and Farber, 1964). 12. J.R. Firth, The Tongues of Men & Speech. (London: OUP, 1966). 13. Ernst Cassirer, "Die Kantischen Elemente in Wilhelm von Humboldts Sprachphilsophie", in: Festschrift f{SYMBOL 252 \f "Times New Roman"}r Paul Hensel, hrsg. von Julius Binder, (Greiz i.V.: 1923), Pp.105-127. 14. Noam Chomsky, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. Especially Chapter 1. (The Hague: Mouton, 1967). 15. Noam Chomsky, Language and Mind, Enlarged Edition. (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc., 1972). 16. Eugenio Coseriu & Horst Geckeler, Trends in Structural Semantics. (T{SYMBOL 252 \f "Times New Roman"}bingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1981). 17. Eugenio Coseriu, Einf{SYMBOL 252 \f "Times New Roman"}hrung in die Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft. (T{SYMBOL 252 \f "Times New Roman"}bingen: Francke Verlag, 1988). 18. Umberto Eco, A Theory of Semiotics. (Indiana University Press, 1976). 19. Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method. Third Part. 20. Leo Weisgerber, Das Menschheitsgesetz der Sprache als Grundlegung der Sprachwissenschaft. (Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1964). 21. Karl-Otto Apel, Die Idee der Sprache in der Tradition des Humanismus von Dante bis Vico. 3. Auflage, (Bonn: Bouvier, 1980) 22. Elmar Holenstein, Roman Jakobson's Approach to Language. (Indiana University Press, 1976). 23. Robert Langham Brown, Wilhelm von Humboldt's Conception of Linguistic Relativity. (The Hague: Mouton, 1967). 24. Robert Miller, The Linguistic Relativity Principle and Humboldtian Ethnolinguistics. A History and Appraisal. (The Hague: Mouton, 1968). 25. Hans-Heinrich Baumann, "Die Generative Grammatik und Wilhelm von Humboldt", in Poetica. Zeitschrift f{SYMBOL 252 \f "Times New Roman"}r deutsche Philologie, Band 84, 1965. Pp. 498-508. 26. Louis Hjelmslev, Language. An Introduction. Transl. by Francis J. Whitfield. (Madison: U. of Wisconsin Press, 1970). 27. J{SYMBOL 252 \f "Times New Roman"}rgen Trabant, Tradition Humboldts. (Stuttgart: suhkamp, 1989). 28. 許慎: 《說文解字》。段玉裁注。 29. 胡樸安: 《從文字學上考見中國古代之聲韻與言語》。(香港: 龍門書店, 1969)。 30. 黃侃: 《文字聲韻訓詁筆記》。(台北: 木鐸出版社, 1983)。 31. 黃永武: 《形聲多兼會意考》。(台北: 文史哲出版社, 1984)。 32. 岑麟祥: 《語言學學習與研究》。(中州書畫社)。 33. 張世祿: 《張世祿語言學論文集》。(上海:學林出版社,1984)。 34. 孫雍長: 《轉注論》。(長沙: 岳懋書社, 1991)。 35. 申小龍:《中國語言的結構與人文精神》。 36. 關子尹:〈洪堡特《人類語言結構》中的意義理論-語音與意義建構〉,參見:《分析哲學與語言哲學論文集》,Pp.45-81。(香港: 新亞書院, 1993)。 37. 關子尹:〈從洪堡特語言哲學看漢語和漢字問題〉,收錄於「第二屆國際東西哲學比較研討會」論文集中。台北: 新文豐出版社, 1994。 38. 關子尹: 《從哲學的觀點看》。(台北: 東大圖書公司, 1994)。 {PAGE|3}