***************************************************************** Bibliography Anthropology, Psychology and Psychoanalysis Created 1991 ***************************************************************** This file was created from the PSYCLIT CD-ROM Search string = anthropology and psychology This file is the ANTHPSYC BIBLIO from the CONTENTS Project fileserver, Listserv@UOTTAWA or @acadvm1.Uottawa.ca. Also available via FTP from PANDA1.UOTTAWA.CA as ANTHPSYC.TXT - Michael Strangelove ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TI: The field of psychohistory. AU: Lawton,-Henry-W. IN: Journal of Psychohistory, New York, NY, US JN: Journal-of-Psychohistory; 1990 Spr Vol 17(4) 353-364 TI: Psicologia ed antropologia cognitiva. Sviluppi recenti. (Psychology and anthropology: Recent developments.) AU: Girotto,-Vittorio IN: U degli Studi di Padua, Italy JN: Giornale-Italiano-di-Psicologia; 1989 Mar Vol 16(1) 19-41 TI: Anthropology of knowledge and cognitive psychology. AU: Allwood,-Carl-M. IN: Goteborgs U, Sweden JN: Communication-and-Cognition; 1987 Vol 20(4) 295-310 TI: La Barre's "The influence of Freud on anthropology": A retrospective commentary. AU: Manson,-William JN: American-Imago; 1989 Sum-Fal Vol 46(2-3) 247-254 TI: The influence of Freud on anthropology. AU: la-Barre,-Weston IN: Duke U, NC, US JN: American-Imago; 1989 Sum-Fal Vol 46(2-3) 203-245 TI: Psychoanalytic anthropology. AU: Paul,-Robert-A. IN: Emory U, Graduate Inst of the Liberal Arts, Atlanta, GA, US JN: Annual-Review-of-Anthropology; 1989 Vol 18 177-202 TI: The social construction of needs. AU: Buttle,-Francis IN: U Massachusetts, Flint Lab, Amherst, US JN: Psychology-and-Marketing; 1989 Fal Vol 6(3) 197-210 TI: Anthropologists and psychology. AU: Baumann,-Gerd IN: Brunel U, Uxbridge, England JN: Current-Anthropology; 1989 Feb Vol 30(1) 114-117 TI: Anthropology and labeling theory: A constructive critique. AU: Raybeck,-Douglas IN: Hamilton Coll, Clinton, NY, US JN: Ethos; 1988 Dec Vol 16(4) 371-397 TI: Small group "fantasy theme" analysis, anthropology and psychology: A comparative study of the psychosocial structure of a ritual ceremony. AU: Haskell,-Robert-E. JN: Journal-of-Psychohistory; 1988 Sum Vol 16(1) 61-78 TI: Psychohistorical teaching. Special Issue: Teaching psychohistory and psychoanthropology. AU: Elovitz,-Paul-H. IN: Private practice, Ridgewood, NJ, US JN: Journal-of-Psychohistory; 1988 Spr Vol 15(4) 435-445 TI: Teaching psychoanthropology (and such) to undergraduates: A guide for the perplexed novice. Special Issue: Teaching psychohistory and psychoanthropology. AU: Carroll,-Michael-P. IN: U Western Ontario, London, Canada JN: Journal-of-Psychohistory; 1988 Spr Vol 15(4) 427-434 TI: The importance of Erving Goffman to psychological anthropology. AU: Bock,-Philip-K. IN: U New Mexico, Albuquerque, US JN: Ethos; 1988 Mar Vol 16(1) 3-20 TI: Forschung in der Anthropologischen Psychologie. / Research in anthropological psychology. AU: von-Uslar,-Detlev IN: U Zurich Psychologisches Inst, Abteilung Anthropologische Psychologie, Switzerland JN: Schweizerische-Zeitschrift-fur-Psychologie; 1987 Vol 46(1-2) 67-75 TI: The butterfly and the serpent: Culture, psychopathology and biomedicine. AU: Littlewood,-Roland; Lipsedge,-Maurice IN: Oxford U, Inst of Social Anthropology, England JN: Culture,-Medicine-and-Psychiatry; 1987 Sep Vol 11(3) 289-335 TI: The cross-cultural study of human sexuality. AU: Davis,-D.-L.; Whitten,-R.-G. IN: U South Dakota, Anthropology Program, Vermillion, US JN: Annual-Review-of-Anthropology; 1987 Vol 16 69-98 TI: Sex roles: Their relationship to cultural and biological determinants. AU: Sigmon,-Scott-B. IN: Irvington Public Schools, NJ, US JN: Sexual-and-Marital-Therapy; 1987 Vol 2(1) 29-33 TI: Native perspectives on distance and anthropological perspectives of culture. AU: Bachnik,-Jane-M. IN: U North Carolina, Chapel Hill, US JN: Anthropological-Quarterly; 1987 Jan Vol 60(1) 25-34 TI: Clinical psychoanalysis as an ethnographic tool. Special Issue: Interpretation in psychoanalytic anthropology. AU: Ewing,-Katherine-P. JN: Ethos; 1987 Mar Vol 15(1) 16-39 TI: The question of applied psychoanalysis and the interpretation of cultural symbolism. Special Issue: Interpretation in psychoanalytic anthropology. AU: Paul,-Robert-A. IN: Emory U, Graduate Inst of the Liberal Arts, GA, US JN: Ethos; 1987 Mar Vol 15(1) 82-103 TI: Encounter with other cultures: Psychological and epistemological aspects. Special Issue: Interpretation in psychoanalytic anthropology. AU: Kracke,-Waud IN: U Illinois, Chicago, US JN: Ethos; 1987 Mar Vol 15(1) 58-81 TI: In search of emotional meaning. Special Issue: Interpretation in psychoanalytic anthropology. AU: Briggs,-Jean-L. IN: Memorial U of Newfoundland, St John's, Canada JN: Ethos; 1987 Mar Vol 15(1) 8-15 TI: Personal experience and cultural representation in children's "personal symbols" among Bimin-Kuskusmin. Special Issue: Interpretation in psychoanalytic anthropology. AU: Poole,-Fitz-J. IN: U California, San Diego, US JN: Ethos; 1987 Mar Vol 15(1) 104-135 TI: Transitional objects in Sambia initiation. Special Issue: Interpretation in psychoanalytic anthropology. AU: Herdt,-Gilbert IN: U Chicago, Committee on Human Development, IL, US JN: Ethos; 1987 Mar Vol 15(1) 40-57 TI: Reflections on psychoanalytic subjectivity and objectivity as applied to anthropology. Special Issue: Interpretation in psychoanalytic anthropology. AU: Grolnick,-Simon IN: New York U Psychoanalytic Inst, US JN: Ethos; 1987 Mar Vol 15(1) 136-143 TI: Structural anthropology and the psychology of dreams. Special Issue: Cognition and dream research. AU: Kuper,-Adam IN: Brunel U, Uxbridge, England JN: Journal-of-Mind-and-Behavior; 1986 Spr-Sum Vol 7(2-3) 333-344 TI: The flood as male myth of creation. Special Issue: Dedicated to psychoanalytic anthropologist, Weston La Barre. AU: Dundes,-Alan IN: U California, Berkeley, US JN: Journal-of-Psychoanalytic-Anthropology; 1986 Sum Vol 9(3) 359-372 TI: Insight and symbol: Dimensions of analysis in psychoanalytic anthropology. Special Issue: Dedicated to psychoanalytic anthropologist, Weston La Barre. AU: de-Vos,-George-A. IN: U California, Berkeley, US JN: Journal-of-Psychoanalytic-Anthropology; 1986 Sum Vol 9(3) 199-233 TI: The anthropology of emotions. AU: Lutz,-Catherine; White,-Geoffrey-M. IN: State U New York, Binghamton JN: Annual-Review-of-Anthropology; 1986 Vol 15 405-436 TI: The bear cult that wasn't: A study in the psychohistory of anthropology. AU: Carroll,-Michael-P. IN: U Western Ontario, London, Canada JN: Journal-of-Psychoanalytic-Anthropology; 1986 Win Vol 9(1) 19-34 TI: The anthropology of consciousness: Anthropology and parapsychology reconsidered. AU: MacDonald,-Jeffery-L. IN: New School for Social Research JN: Parapsychology-Review; 1986 Jul-Aug Vol 17(4) 13-16 TI: Nature, culture and social psychology. European Association for Experimental Social Psychology (1984, Tilburg, Netherlands). AU: Jahoda,-Gustav IN: U Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland JN: European-Journal-of-Social-Psychology; 1986 Jan-Mar Vol 16(1) 17-30 TI: Die Bedeutung der Sprachhermeneutik E. Bisers fur die medizinische und psychologische Anthropologie. (The significance of the linguistic hermeneutics of E. Biser for medical and psychological anthropology.) AU: Wyss,-Dieter IN: Bayerische-Julius-Maximilians-U Wurzburg, Inst fur Psychotherapie und Medizinische Psychologie, West Germany JN: Zeitschrift-fur-Klinische-Psychologie,-Psychopathologie-und-Psych otherapie; 1985 Vol 33(2) 101-110 TI: Antropologija i psihoterapija. / Anthropology and psychotherapy. AU: Matic,-Vojin IN: Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, Yugoslavia JN: Psihijatrija-Danas; 1985 Vol 17(1-2) 125-126 TI: Jung and Levi-Strauss: Whose unconscious? AU: Chang,-M.-Joseph IN: ISNR, The Hague, Netherlands JN: Mankind-Quarterly; 1984 Fal-Win Vol 25(1-2) 101-114 TI: Symbol and psychosomatic symptom in bodily space-time: The case of the Yaka of Zaire. Special Issue: Symbol and symptom in bodily space-time. AU: Devisch,-Renaat IN: Catholic U of Louvain, Ctr for Social & Cultural Anthropology, Belgium JN: International-Journal-of-Psychology; 1985 Oct Vol 20(4-5) 589-616 TI: An interdisciplinary perspective in psychology. AU: Sahoo,-Fakir-M. IN: Utkal U, Ctr of Advanced Study, Bhubaneswar, India JN: Perspectives-in-Psychological-Researches; 1985 Apr Vol 8(1) 1-5 TI: Approaches to symbol and symptom in bodily space-time. Special Issue: Symbol and symptom in bodily space-time. AU: Devisch,-Renaat IN: Catholic U of Louvain, Ctr for Social & Cultural Anthropology, Brussels, Belgium JN: International-Journal-of-Psychology; 1985 Oct Vol 20(4-5) 389-415 TI: Social anthropology in relation to psychiatry. AU: Littlewood,-Roland IN: U Birmingham, Queen Elizabeth Hosp, England JN: British-Journal-of-Psychiatry; 1985 May Vol 146 552-554 TI: The sexual body: An interdisciplinary perspective. AU: Efron,-Arthur IN: State U New York, Buffalo JN: Journal-of-Mind-and-Behavior; 1985 Win-Spr Vol 6(1-2) 314 p TI: Pena in the Ecuadorian Sierra: A psychoanthropological analysis of sadness. AU: Tousignant,-Michel IN: U Quebec, Montreal, Canada JN: Culture,-Medicine-and-Psychiatry; 1984 Dec Vol 8(4) 381-398 TI: Parapsychological anthropology: II. A multi-method study of psi and psi-related processes in the Umbanda ritual trance consultation. AU: Giesler,-Patric-V. IN: Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man, Inst of Parapsychology, Durham, NC JN: Journal-of-the-American-Society-for-Psychical-Research; 1985 Apr Vol 79(2) 113-166 TI: A preliminary model for the cross-cultural analysis of altered states of consciousness. AU: Locke,-Ralph-G.; Kelly,-Edward-F. JN: Ethos; 1985 Spr Vol 13(1) 3-55 TI: The anthropology of Carl Jung: Implications for pastoral care. AU: Hunt-Meeks,-Swanee IN: Iliff School of Theology JN: Journal-of-Religion-and-Health; 1983 Fal Vol 22(3) 191-211 TI: Psychological aspects of wealth in poorer societies. AU: Bloom,-Leonard JN: Journal-of-Psychoanalytic-Anthropology; 1984 Spr Vol 7(2) 189-208 TI: Continuity and transformation among the aged: A study in the anthropology of time. AU: Hazan,-Haim IN: Tel-Aviv U, Ramat-Aviv, Israel JN: Current-Anthropology; 1984 Dec Vol 25(5) 567-578 TI: Eine potentielle neue Kontakperspektive von Anthropologie und Entwicklungspsychologie. (A potential new contact perspective of anthropology and developmental psychology.) AU: Vogel,-Christian IN: Georg-August-U zu Gottingen, Inst fur Anthropologie, West Germany JN: Zeitschrift-fur-Entwicklungspsychologie-und-Padagogische-Psycholo gie; 1984 Vol 16(2) 119-133 TI: Symbolic and psychological anthropology: The case of Pentecostal faith healing. AU: Peacock,-James IN: U North Carolina, Chapel Hill JN: Ethos; 1984 Spr Vol 12(1) 37-53 TI: De la psychotherapie a la psychanalyse et reciproquement. (Psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and reciprocity.) AU: Muldworf,-Bernard JN: Revue-de-Medecine-Psychosomatique-et-de-Psychologie-Medicale; 1983 Vol 25(2) 39-45 TI: Anthropological perspectives on violence: Universals and particulars. AU: Heelas,-Paul IN: U Lancaster, Bailrigg, England JN: Zygon-Journal-of-Religion-and-Science; 1983 Dec Vol 18(4) 375-404 TI: Dyadic family relations and social support. AU: Johnson,-Colleen-L. IN: U California, Medical Anthropology Program, San Francisco JN: Gerontologist; 1983 Aug Vol 23(4) 377-383 TI: Psychoanalysis and social science: A review. AU: Rabow,-Jerome IN: U California, Los Angeles JN: Psychohistory-Review; 1983 Fal Vol 12(1) 34-41 TI: Emotions in personality and culture. AU: Izard,-Carroll-E. IN: U Delaware JN: Ethos; 1983 Win Vol 11(4) 305-312 TI: "Wind illness" or somatic depression? A case study in psychiatric anthropology. AU: Eisenbruch,-Maurice IN: Harvard Medical School, Boston JN: British-Journal-of-Psychiatry; 1983 Oct Vol 143 323-326 TI: An anthropological reinterpretation of Kohlberg's stages of moral development. AU: Reid,-Barbara-V. IN: U North Carolina, Chapel Hill JN: Human-Development; 1984 Mar-Apr Vol 27(2) 57-64 TI: Consideraciones antropologicas acerca de la salud mental en la sociedad contemporanea. (Anthropological consideration about mental health in contemporary society.) AU: Jacovella,-Blanca-T. IN: U Buenos Aires, Argentina JN: Neuropsiquiatria-y-Salud-Mental; 1982 Apr-Aug Vol 13(1-2) 65-68 TI: Disruption in communication at social occasions: An essay in social psychology. AU: Nandi,-Proshanta-K. IN: Sangamon State U, Sociology & Anthropology Program JN: Indian-Educational-Review; 1983 Jan Vol 18(1) 120-128 TI: The anthropology of magic and parapsychological research. AU: Winkelman,-Michael IN: U California, School of Social Sciences, Irvine JN: Parapsychology-Review; 1983 Mar-Apr Vol 14(2) 13-19 TI: / Culture and personality: Standpoints of psychology and cultural anthropology. AU: Hori,-Tadashi IN: Tokyo Metropolitan U, Japan JN: Japanese-Psychological-Review; 1980 Vol 23(4) 382-391 ************************end of file********************************