DESCRIPTION: Galations Bibliography, 1979-1989
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AUTHOR: Frank Heilingbrunner
AUTHOR'S ADDRESS: Department of Religious Studies, University of
Ottawa, 177 Waller Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
DATE: 1989
COPYRIGHT: 1992 by Frank Heilingbrunner.
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GALATIANS -- Bibliography, 1979-1989
By Frank Heilingbrunner
(University of Ottawa, Department of Religious Studies, 1992)
This bibliography lists books and journal articles in English
and German, published after 1978, on the Letter to the Galatians.
It includes books and journal articles concerned solely with Gala-
tians; works addressing Galatians and any one other book of the New
Testament; works on Paul in general which treat Galatians to a
useful extent; and relevant study guides which appear to have aca-
demic value. It does not include review articles. The entries
were taken from New Testament Abstracts, Religions Index One (Peri-
odicals), Religions Index Two (Multi-Author Works), Elenchus, and
Those works which deal with the entire Letter (or, more accu-
ratley, for which no indication otherwise was given) are listed by
author in alphabetical order. Those which deal with specific chap-
ters or verses are listed in the order of chapter and verse (or
first verse of verse range). Different works discussing the same
verses are listed in chronological order.
Text marked with an asterix (*) is my transliteration of text
in Greek characters in the original titles.
Note: The German umlaut is not available on the keyboard
with which this bibliography was assembled.
Galatians As A Whole
Baasland, E.
1984 "Persecution: a neglected feature in the Letter to the Gala-
tians." Studia Theologica 38(2):135-150.
Barclay, J.M.G.
1987 "Mirror-reading a polemical letter: Galatians as a test
case." Journal for the Study of the New Testament
1988 Obeying the Truth: A Study of Paul's Ethics in
Galatians. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.
Barrett, C.K.
1985 Freedom and Obligation: A Study of the Epistle to the
Galatians. Philadelphia: Westminster.
Bauckham, R.
1979 "Barnabas in Galatians." Journal for the Study of the New
Testament 2:61-70.
Beavdean, J.W.
1988 Paul's Theology of Preaching. Macon, GA: Mercer
University Press.
Betz, H.D.
1979 Galatians: A Commentary on Paul's Letter to the Church in
Galatia. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
1988 Der Galaterbrief. Ein Kommentar zum Brief des Apostels
Paulus an die Gemeinden in Galatien. Munchen: Kaiser.
Borse, U.
1984 Der Brief and die Galater. Ubersetzt und erklart.
Regens-burg: F. Pustet.
Brinsmead, B.H.
1982 Galatians -- Dialogical Responses to Opponents.
Society of Biblical Literature, Dissertation Series 65.
Chico, CA: Scholars Press.
Brodie, L.T.
1981 "Galatians as art." Bible Today 19(5):335-339
Brooten, B.J.
1980 "The Gospel in conflict: Paul's opponents in Galatians."
Bible Today 18(2):89-95.
Bruce, F.F.
1982 The Epistle to the Galatians. A Commentary on the Greek
Text. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Collins, R.F.
1988 Letters that Paul Did Not Write. The Epistle to the
Hebrews and the Pauline Pseudoepigraphia. Wilmington,
DE: Glazier.
Cosgrove, C.H.
1988 The Cross and the Spirit: A Study in the Argument and
Theology of Galatians. Macon, GA: Mercer University
Cousar, C.B.
1982 Galatians. Atlanta: John Knox.
Davies, William D.
1982 "Paul and the Law: Reflections on pitfalls in interpreta-
tion." In M.D. Hooker and S.G. Wilson, eds. Paul and
Paulism: Essays in Honour of C.K. Barrett (London:
SPCK, 1982), pp. 4-16.
Ebeling, G.
1981 Die Wahrheit des Evangeliums. Eine Lesehilfe zum Galater-
brief. Tubingen: Mohr-Siebeck.
1985 The Truth of the Gospel: An Exposition of Galatians.
(trans. D. Green.) Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
Eshbaugh, H.
1979 "Textual variants and theology: A study of the Galatians
text of Papyrus 46." Journal for the Study of the New
Testament 3:60-72.
Farmer, W.R.
1984 "Galatians and the second-century development of the Regula
Fidei." Second Century 4(3):143-170.
Flanagan, N.
1986 Friend Paul: His Letters, Theology, and Humanity.
Wilming-ton, DE: Michael Glazier.
Fung, R.Y.K.
1988 The Epistle to the Galatians. Grand Rapids:
Getty, M.A.
1982 Invitation to the New Testament Epistles I. A Commentary
on Galatians and Romans with Complete Text from the Jerusalem
Bible. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Gordon, T.D.
1987 "The problem of Galatia." Interpretation 41(1):32-43.
Hall, R.G.
1987 "The rhetorical outline for Galatians: A reconsideration."
Journal of Biblical Literature 106(2):277-287.
Harnisch, W.
1987 "Einubung des neuen Seins. Paulinische Paranese am Beispiel
des Galaterbriefe." Zeitschrift fur Theologie und
Kirche 84 (3):279-296.
Hays, R.B.
1987 "Christology and ethics in Galatians: The law of Christ."
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49(2):268-290.
Heiligenthal, R.
1984 "Soziologische Implikationen der paulinischen Rechtsferting-
ungslehre im Galaterbrief am Beispiel der 'Werke des Gesetz-
es.' Beobachtungen zur Identitatsfindung einer fruhchrist-
lichen Gemeinde." Kairos 26(1-2):38-53.
Howard, G.
1979 Paul: Crisis in Galatia. A Study in Early Christian
Theology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hubner, H.
1984a Law in Paul's Thought. (Trans. by J.C.G. Grieg, ed.
J. Riches.) Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.
1984b "Der Galaterbrief und das Verhaltnis von antiker Rhetorik und
Epistolographie." Theologische Literaturzeitung
109(4):241-250.Hurtado, L.W.
1979 "The Jerusalem collection and the Book of Galatians."
Journal for the Study of the New Testament 5:46-62.
Kertelge, K.
1984 "Gesetz und Freiheit im Galaterbrief." New Testament
Studies 30(3):382-394.
King, D.H.
1983 "Paul and the Tannaim: A study in Galatians."
Westminster Theological Journal 45(2):340-370.
Klumbies, P.-G.
1987 "Zwischen Pneuma und Nomos. Neuorientierung in den galati-
schen Gemeinden." Wort und Dienst 19:109-135.
Koester, C.
1989 "Opportunity to do good: The letter to the Galatians."
Word and World 9(2):183-189.
Krimmer, H.
1981 Galaterbrief. Stuttgart: Hanssler Verlag.
Lull, D.J.
1980 The Spirit in Galatia: Paul's Interpretation of Pneuma as
a Divine Power. Chico, CA: Scholars Press.
McDonagh, E.
1983 "Set free for freedom -- the Letter to the Galatians."
Furrow 34(2):82-88.
Marrow, S.B.
1986 Paul: His Letters and His Theology. An Introduction to
Paul's Epistles. New York: Paulist Press.
Martyn, J.L.
1985a "Apocalyptic antinomies in Paul's letter to the Galatians."
New Testament Studies 31(3):410-424.
1985b "A law-observant mission to Gentiles: The background of
Galatians." Scottish Journal of Theology 38(3):307-
Mayer, Friedrich
1986 Die Gerechtigkeit aus dem Glauben; der rechtschaffene
Glaube; Betractungen uber den Galaterbrief und den
Jakobusbrief. Metzingen: Franz [sic].
Meeks, Wayne A.
1983 "Social functions of apocalyptic language in Pauline Christi-
anity." In David Hellholm, ed. Apocalypticism in the
Mediterranean World and the Near East (Tubingen: J.C.B.
Mohr (Paul Siebeck) [sic], 1983), pp. 687-705.
Mussner, F.
1981 Der Galaterbrief. Freiburg: Herder.
1983 "Gesetz -- Abraham -- Israel." Kairos 25(3-4):200-
Osiek, C.
1980a Galatians. Wilmington DE: Michael Glazier.
1980b "Galatians: Paul's gospel of freedom." Bible Today
18(2): 82-88.
Park Ik Soo
1985 Paul and the Abraham Tradition: A Challenge for the
Church Today. NJ: Madison.
Rommel, K.
1988 Der zornige Apostel: Paulus und die Galater.
Stuttgart: Quell.
Schmithals, W.
1983 "Judaisten in Galatien?" Zeitschrift fur die
Neutestament-liche Wissenschaft 74(1-2):27-58.
Schneider, Gerhard
1981 The Epistle to the Galatians. New York: Crossroad.
Smit, J.
1989 "The letter of Paul to the Galatians: A deliberative
speech." New Testament Studies 35(1):1-26.
Tarazi, P.N.
1989 "The addressees and the purpose of Galatians." St. Vladi-
mir's Theological Quarterly 33(2):159-179.
Ukpons, J.S. and Asahu-Ejere
1988 "The letter to the Galatians and the problem of cultural
pluralism in Christianity." Revue Africaine de
Theologie 12 (23-24):67-77.
Vouga, F.
1988 "Zur rhetorischen Gattung des Galaterbriefs." Zeitschrift
fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 79(3-4):291-292.
Wainwright, A.
1980 "Where did Silas go? (and what was his connection with Gal-
atians?)" Journal for the Study of the New Testament
Walker, W.O.
1981 "The Timothy-Titus problem reconsidered." Expository
Times 92(8):231-235.
Williams, S.K.
1988 "Promise in Galatians: A reading of Paul's reading of
Scrip-ture." Journal of Biblical Literature
Wrightman, P.
1983 Paul's Early Letters: From Hope through Faith to
Love. New York: Alba House.
1984 Paul's Later Letters: From Promise to Fulfillment.
Staten Island, NY: Alba House.
Yates, R.
1985 "Saint Paul and the Law in Galatians." Irish Theological
Quarterly 51(2):105-124.
Sections of Galatians
Bluhm, H.
1984 Luther Translation of Paul. Studies in Romans and
Galatians. Berne (Switz.): P. Lang. [History of
translation of Gal.1]
Dunn, J.D.G.
1982 "The relationship between Paul and Jerusalem according to
Galatians 1 and 2." New Testament Studies 28(4):461-
Gravento, B.R.
1986 "Galatians 1 and 2: Autobiography as paradigm." Novum
Testamentum 28(4):309-326.
Hanssler, Bernhard.
1985 "Autoritat in der Kirche." Internationale Katholische
Zeitschrift 14(6):493-504.
Baarda, T.
1988 "Marcion's text of Gal. 1:1. Concerning the reconstruction
of the first verse of the Marcionite Corpus Paulinum."
Vigiliae Christianae 42(3):236-256.
Nickelsburg, G.W.E.
1986 "An extromo*, though appointed from the womb: Paul's aposto-
lic self-description in 1 Corinthians 15 and Galatians 1."
Harvard Theological Review 79(1-3):198-205.
Kirshschlager, W.
1981 "Von Christus gepragt. Das paulinische Selbstverstandnis als
Zeugnis des Osterglaubens." Bibel und Kirche
Kirchschlager, Walter
1986 "Zu Herhunft und Aussage ven Gal 1:4." In Albert Vanhoye,
ed. L'Apotre Paul: Personnalite, Style et Conception du
Ministere (Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters, 1986), pp. 332-
Sundberg, Albert C., Jr.
1985 "Paul: a Christian Jonah." In Dennis E. Groh and Robert Jew-
ett, eds. The Living Text: Essays in Honour of Ernest W.
Saunders (Lanham, Md: University Press of America,
1985), pp. 45-58.
1:7-9, 23
Farmer, William R.
1985 "Some critical reflections on 2 Peter: A response to a paper
on 2 Peter by Denis Farkasfalvy." Second Century
Neyrey, J.H.
1988 "Bewitched in Galatia: Paul and cultural anthropology."
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50(1):72-100.
Behnisch, M.
1984 "Fluch und Evangelium. Galater 1:9 als ein Aspekt paulin-
ischer Theologie." Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift
1(2): 241-253.
Grant, Robert M.
1985 "'Holy law' in Paul and Ignatius [of Antioch]." In Dennis E.
Groh and Robert Jewett, eds. The Living Text: Essays in
Honour of Ernest W. Saunders (Lanham, Md: University
Press of America, 1985), pp. 65-71.
Borgen, Peder
1982 "Paul preaches circumcision and pleases men." In M.D. Hooker
and S.G. Wilson, eds., Paul and Paulism: Essays in Honour
of C.K. Barrett (London: SPCK, 1982), pp. 37-46.
Hurst, L.D.
1986 "Re-enter the pre-existent Christ in Philippians 2:5-11."
New Testament Studies 32(3):449-457.
Winger, Michael
1986 "Unreal conditions in the letters of Paul." Journal of
Biblical Literature 105(1):110-112.
Chamblin, K.
1986 "Revelation and tradition in the Pauline Evangelion."
Westminster Theological Journal 48(1):1-16.
Lategan, B.
1988 "Is Paul defending his apostleship in Galatians? The func-
tion of Galatians 1:11-12 and 2:19-20 in the development of
Paul's argument." New Testament Studies 34(3):411-
1:11-12, 14
Stenger, Werner
1981 "Biographisches und Idealbiographisches in Gal. 1:11-12, 14."
In Paul G. Muller and Werner Stenger, eds. Kontinuitat und
Einheit; Fur Franz Mussner (Freiburg: Herder, 1981), pp.
Baird, W.
1985 "Visions, revelation, and ministry: Reflections on 2 Cor
12:1-5 and Gal 1:11-17." Journal of Biblical
Literature 104 (4):651-662.
Fung, R.Y.K.
1985 "Revelation and tradition: The origins of Paul's gospel."
Evangelical Quarterly 57(1):23-41.
Nickelsburg, G.W.E.
1986 "An extromo*, though appointed from the womb: Paul's aposto-
lic self-description in 1 Corinthians 15 and Galatians 1."
Harvard Theological Review 79(1-3):198-205.
Raisanen, Heikki
1987 "Paul's conversion and the development of his view of the
Law." New Testament Studies 33(3):404-419.
Plevnik, Joseph
1988 "Paul's appeals to his Damascus experience and 1 Cor 15:5-7:
Are they legitimations?" Toronto Journal of Theology
Kilpatrick, G.D.
1983 "Peter, Jerusalem, and Galatians 1:13-2:14." Novum
Testamentum 25(4):318-326.
Hester, J.D.
1984 "The rhetorical structure of Galatians 1:11-2:14."
Journal of Biblical Literature 103:(2):223-233.
Wenham, David
1984 "Paul's use of the Jesus tradition: Three samples." In
David Wenham, ed. The Jesus Tradition Outside the
Gospels (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1984), pp. 7-37.
Fredriksen, Paula
1986 Paul and Augustine: Conversion narratives, orthodox tradi-
tions, and the retrospective self." Journal of
Theological Studies ns 37(1):3-34.
Kirchschlager, W.
1981 "Von Christus gepragt. Das paulinische Selbstverstandnis as
Zeugnis des Osterglaubens." Bibel und Kirche
Knox, J.
1987 "On the meaning of Galatians 1:15." Journal of Biblical
Literature 106(2):301-304.
Luck, Ulrich
1985 "Die Bekehrung des Paulus und das paulinische Evangelium:
zur Frage der Evidenz in Botschaft und Theologie des Apos-
tels." Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche
Wissenschaft 76(3-4):187-208.
Biser, Eugen
1985 "Die Geburt des Glaubens aus dem Wort." In Hans Waldenfels
and Thomas Immoos, eds. Fernostliche Weisheit und
Christlicher Glaube: Festgabe fur Heinrich Dumoulin
(Mainz: Matthias Grunewald Verlag, 1985), pp. 125-146.
Jones, Cheslyn P.M.
1986 "The New Testament" [bibliog.] In C. Jones, G. Wainwright,
and E. Yarnold, eds. The Study of Spirituality (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1986), pp. 58-89.
McCaughey, J.D.
1987 "The glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
Australian Biblical Review 35:95-98.
Hofius, O.
1984 "Gal. 1:18: historesai Kephon." Zeitschrift fur die
Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 75(1-2):73-85.
Dunn, J.D.G.
1985 "Once more -- Gal. 1:18: historesai Kephon. In reply to
Otfried Hofius." Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche
Wissenschaft 76(1-2):138-139.
Achtemeier, Paul J.
1986 "An elusive unity: Paul, Acts, and the early church."
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48(1):1-26.
Knoch, Otto
1984 "Maria in der Heiligen Schrift." In Wolfgang Beinert and
Heinrich Petri, eds. Handbuch der Marienkunde
(Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 1984), pp. 15-92.
Farmer, William R.
1985 "Some critical reflections on 2 Peter: A response to a paper
on 2 Peter by Denis Farkasfalvy." Second Century
Pesch, Rudolf
1981 "Das Jerusalemer Abkommen und die Losung des antiochenischen
Konflikts: Ein Versuch uber Gal 2, Apg 10:1-11, Apg 11:27-
30;12-25." In Paul G. Muller and Werner Stenger, eds.
Kontinuitat und Einheit; Fur Franz Mussner (Freiburg:
Herder, 1981), pp. 105-122.
Klein, P.
1979 "Zum Verstandnis von Gal 2:1. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Chro-
nologie des Urchristentums." Zeitschrift fur die
Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 70(3-4):250-251.
Hoffmann, Paul
1982 "Paul as a witness to dissent." In Hans Kung and Jurgen
Moltmann, eds. The Right to Dissent (New York:
Seabury Press, 1982), pp. 75-80.
Radl, W.
1982 "Das 'Apostelkinzil' und seine Nachgeschichte, dargestellt am
Weg des Barnabas." Theologische Zeitschrift
Barrett, C.K.
1983 "Apostles in council and in conflict." Australian
Biblical Review 31:14-32.
Hollander, H.W.; M. de Jonge, and E.W. Tuinstra
1984 "A new type of help for translators." Bible Translator
35(3): 341-346.
Bruce, Frederick F.
1986 "Conference in Jerusalem -- Galatians 2:1-10." In Peter T.
O'Brien and David Peterson, eds. God Who is Rich in Mercy:
Essays Presented to Dr. D.B. Knox (Homebush, Australia:
Lancer Books, 1986), pp. 195-212.
Fiedler, Peter
1986 "Die Tora bei Jesus und in der Jesusuberlieferung." In Karl
Kertelge, ed. Das Gesetz im Neuen Testament (Freiburg:
Herder, 1986), pp. 71-87.
Hester, J.D.
1986 "The use and influence of rhetoric in Galatians 2:1-14."
Theologische Zeitschrift 42(5):386-408.
Martin, Ralph P.
1986 "The setting of 2 Corinthians." Tyndale Bulletin
Derrett, J.D.M.
1985 "'Running' in Paul: The midrashic potential of Hab 2:2."
Biblica 66:560-567.
Walker, W.O.
1981 "The Timothy-Titus problem reconsidered." Expository
Times 92(8):231-235.
Fung, R.Y.K.
1982 "A note on Galatians 2:3-8." Journal of the Evangelical
Theological Society 25(1):49-52.
Aus, R.D.
1979 "Three pillars and three patriarchs: A proposal concerning
Gal. 2:9." Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissen-
schaft 70(3-4):252-261.
Hainz, Josef
1981 "Gemeinschaft (koinonia*) zwischen Paulis und Jerusalem." In
Paul G. Muller and Werner Stenger, eds. Kontinuitat und
Einheit; Fur Franz Mussner (Freiburg: Herder, 1981), pp.
Luhrmann, D.
1981 "Gal 2:9 und die katholischen Briefe. Bemerkungen zum Kanon
und zur regula fidei." Zeitschrift fur die
Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 72(1-2):65-87.
Suggit, J.
1984 "The right hand of fellowship (Galatians 2:9)." Journal
of Theology for Southern Africa 49:51-54.
Matthews, R.J.H.
1986 "Pillars of the Church." Prudentia (Auckland)
Richardson, P.
1980 "Pauline inconsistency: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 and Galatians
2:11-14." New Testament Studies 26(3):347-362.
Neitzel, H.
1983 "Zum Interpration von Galater 2:11-21. Teil 1." Theolo-
gische Quartalschrift 163(1):15-39.
Neitzel, H.
1983 "Zum Interpration von Galater 2:11-21. Teil 2." Theolo-
gische Quartalschrift 163(2):131-149.
Dunn, J.D.G.
1983 "The incident at Antioch (Gal. 2:11-18)." Journal for the
Study of the New Testament 18:3-57.
Carson, D.
1986 "Pauline inconsistency: Reflection on 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
and Galatians 2:11-14." Churchman 100(1):6-45.
Holtz, T.
1986 "Der antiochenische Zwischenfall (Galater 2:11-14)." New
Testament Studies 32(3):344-361.
Marxsen, W.
1987 "Sundige Tapfer. Wer hat sich beim Streit in Antiochen
richtig verhalten?" Evangelische Kommentare 20(2):81-
Cameron, P.S.
1989 "An exercise in translation: Galatians 2:11-14." Bible
Translator 40(1):135-145.
Harvey, Anthony E.
"Forty strokes save one: Social aspects of judaizing and
apostasy." In Anthony E. Harvey, ed. Alternative
Approaches to New Testament Study (London: SPCK, 1985),
pp. 79-96.
Neitzel, H.
1983 "Zum Interpration von Galater 2:11-21. Teil 1." Theolo-
gische Quartalschrift 163(1):15-39.
Neitzel, H.
1983 "Zum Interpration von Galater 2:11-21. Teil 2." Theolo-
gische Quartalschrift 163(2):131-149.
Bouwman, G.
1979 "'Christus Diener der Sunde.' Auslegung von Galater 2:14b-
18." Bijdragen 40(1):44-54.
Dunn, J.D.G.
1983 "The incident at Antioch (Gal. 2:11-18)." Journal for the
Study of the New Testament 18:3-57.
Motyer, Steve
1986 "Righteousness by faith in the New Testament." In David
Field, ed. Here We Stand: Justification by Faith
Today (Lon-don: Hodder and Stoughton, 1986), pp. 33-56.
Hays, Richard B.
1986 "Relations natural and unnatural: A response to J. Boswell's
exegesis of Rom 1." Journal of Religious Ethics
Talbert, Charles H.
1987 "Paul on the covenant." Review and Expositor 84:299-
Gaston, Lloyd
1986 "Paul and the law in Galatians 2-3." In Peter Richardson and
David Granskou, eds. Anti-Judaism in Early Christianity,
Vol. 1: Paul and the Gospels (Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier
Press, 1986), pp. 37-57.
Perkins, Pheme
1989 "Not through the law." Christian Century 106:587
Dunn, J.D.G.
1983 "The new perspective on Paul." Bulletin of the John
Rylands University Library of Manchester 65(2):95-122.
Raisanen, H.
1985 "Galatians 2:16 and Paul's break with Jerusalem." New
Testament Studies 31(4):543-553.
Cosgrove, C.H.
1987 "Justification in Paul: A linguistic and theological reflec-
tion." Journal of Biblical Literature 106(4):653-670.
Lambrecht, J.
1987 "Once again Gal. 2:17-18 and 3:21." Ephemerides
Theologicae Lovanienses 63(1):148-153.
Zedda, Silverio
1985 "Christo confixus sum Cruci." In M. Angelini, G. Barbaglio,
C. Bissoli, et. al., eds. Testimonium Christi: Scritti
in Onore di Jacques Dupont (Brescia: Paideia Editrice,
1985), pp. 481-492.
Flusser, D.
1987 "'Durch das Gesetz den Gesetz gestorben' (Gal. 2:19)."
Judaica (Zurich) 43(1):30-46.
Lategan, B.
1988 "Is Paul defending his apostleship in Galatians? The func-
tion of Galatians 1:11-12 and 2:19-20 in the development of
Paul's argument." New Testament Studies 34(3):411-
Berenyi, G.
1984 "Gal. 2:20: A pre-Pauline or a Pauline text?"
Biblica 65(4):490-537.
Makarij [sic]
1985 "21st Sunday after Pentecost." Journal of the Moscow
Patriarchate 10:24-25. [sermon, orig. 1914]
Timofeyev, Nikolai Aleksandr (Bp)
1985 "For the 300 anniversary of the Moscow Theological Academy:
His Holiness Patriarch Pimen on the tasks of the theological
school." Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate 1:62-69,
Waldenfels, Hans
1985 "Sprechsituationen: Leid -- Ver-nicht-ung -- Geheimnis: Zum
buddhistischen und christlichen Sprechverhalten." In Hans
Waldenfels and Thomas Immoos, eds. Fernostliche Weisheit
und Christlicher Glaube: Festgabe fur Heinrich Dumoulin
(Mainz: Matthias Grunewald Verlag, 1985), pp. 289-312.
Laurence, John D.
1986 "The Eucharist as the imitation of Christ." Theological
Studies 47(2):286-296.
Hays, Richard B.
1986 "Jesus' faith and ours: A rereading of Galatians 3." In
Mark L Branson and Rene C. Padilla, eds. Conflict and Con-
text: Hermeneutics in the Americas (Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Eerdmans, 1986), pp. 257-268.
Williams, S.K.
1987 "Justification and the Spirit in Galatians." Journal for
the Study of the New Testament 29:91-100.
Williams, S.K.
1989 "The hearing of faith: achoe pisteos* in Galatians 3."
New Testament Studies 35(1):82-93.
Fung, R.Y.K.
1987 "Justification, sonship, and the gift of the Spirit. Their
mutual relationships as seen in Galatians 3-4." CGST
Journal (Hong Kong) [sic] 3:73-107.
Laurence, John D.
1986 "The Eurcharist as the imitation of Christ." Theological
Studies 47(2):286-296.
Neyrey, J.H.
1988 "Bewitched in Galatia: Paul and cultural anthropology."
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50(1):72-100.
Talbert, Charles H.
1987 "Paul on the covenant." Review and Expositor 84:299-
Gewalt, D.
1986 "Die 'fides ex auditu' und die Taubstummen. Zur Auslegungs-
geschichte von Gal. 3:2 und Rom. 10:14-17." Linguistica
Biblica 58:45-64.
3:2, 5
Williams, Sam K.
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