============================================================================== LISTS IN REVIEW - A Supplement to The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS Volume 1.046 LIR 2 - 1992 ISSN 1188-5734 ============================================================================= If you have a favorite list you would like to monitor, let me know and I will be happy to assist you in any way that I can. LIR Editor: Michael T. Bradley, Jr. Department of Religion Columbia University Internet: mtb3@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu S-Mail: P.O. Drawer C, Blacksburg, VA 24063 USA Voice: (703) 951-3253 Lists Reviewed in this Issue: FEMREL-L IOUDAIOS RELIGION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using LISTSERV: To find out what files or logbooks (monthly records of list conversation) exist on a list's fileserver, send the following command interactively or as an email message: INDEX listname (where listname is the name of the list) This command must be send to LISTSERV@node - here node indicates the address of the list. If you wanted to find out what files are on the CONTENTS fileserver, you would send the following command to LISTSERV@UOTTAWA or LISTSERV@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA INDEX CONTENTS To retrieve a file from a LISTSERV fileserver, identify the name of the file or logbook from the list's filelist (which the above command would have sent to you) and then send the following command (remember that a LISTSERV file will always have two names, neither of which can be more than eight characters long): GET file name (where file name is the two-part name of the file you want) This command must also be send to LISTSERV@node - where node is the address of the list. So to retrieve the file METHOD BIBLIO from the list CONTENTS you would send the command GET METHOD BIBLIO as a mail message to LISTSERV@Uottawa (or @Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA). If you require assistance in retrieving list files or logbooks please contact your local computing services or retrieve the following help file LISTSERV MEMO from LISTSERV@bitnic and BITNET USERHELP from LISTSERV@marist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- List: FEMREL-L (Open discussion of women, religion and feminist theology) Address: FEMREL-L@MIZZOU1.BITNET Period Covered: May 8 - June 8, 1992 To subscribe to FEMREL-L, send e-mail to LISTSERV@MIZZOU1.BITNET with the one-line message: SUBSCRIBE FEMREL-L Your Name Topics Covered: analysis of newspaper story of effort by witches to ban story of Hansel and Gretel from schools as it presents distorted picture of witches which can lead to hatred are Christians who don't believe in divinity of Jesus Christ still Christians? can feminists be Christian? definition of subordination (in response to question whether Pauline writings demand subordination of women to men) designing the ideal retreat center differences between/defenses of Christianity vs. Wicca differences between Christian and Jews--divinity of Jesus discussion of "Burning Times," film on historical witchburnings gender of "Tweetybird" new womon myths and fairy tales ordaining women priests in Church of England problem of dualism rewriting doxologies and other parts of liturgies in inclusive language role of liturgical dance, metaphor of cosmic dance and how-to-do spiral dance stereotypes in fairy tales ways in which conscience may operate in catechistic discussion of sin who is Lilith? -- Monitored by LIR Assistant Editor: Elizabeth M. Bounds, Virginia Tech ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- List: IOUDAIOS Address: IOUDAIOS@YORKVM1.BITNET Period Covered: May 1992 To subscribe to IOUDAIOS, send e-mail to LISTSERV@YORKVM1 (LISTSERV%YORKVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU for Internet users) with the one-line message: SUBSCRIBE IOUDAIOS Your Name Topics Covered: A couple more stones... ABS Biblical CD ROM Review Announcing Reimer on McLean, CITATIONS AND ALLUSIONS Articles using TLG on early Christian texts Baptism Baptism / Eucharist Baptism at Qumran Baptismal initiation Bar Ilan Responsa subscription Basser on Lieberman Institute Projects Basser on Mason on Schwartz íon Josephus and Phariseesù Basser on Stern, PARABLES IN MIDRASH Bialik's Adam Bibliography crucifiction cursor DAKHLEH OASIS/SBL POLICY DAVKA SOFTWARE Death of Jesus death of Judas / stoning depiction of crucified Jesus: beard and dress? emerging from heads íclassical Greek deitiesù Fellowships Forgetfulness, the Golden Calf, Agnon haman hebrew language Herb Basser's review of Lieberman project talmud database Immersion Immersion, the first century and historical evidence Initiatory Immersion Jesus-Myth Theme John Gager, Origins of Antisemitism josephus conference Knees medicine Medicine (Evil Eye division) Nazareth íearliest reference in literatureù new issue of SVARA new judge Notes re crucifixion Paul and Tradition Personality Used as Explanation íin interpretation of ancient literatureù "proselyte baptism" R. Seeberg, LEHRBUCH DER DOGMATISCHEN THEOLOGIE Reimer on Roberts, NAHUM, HABAKKUK, AND ZEPHANIAH Religion Related Lists with Archives (?) Responsa Project íat Bar Ilan Universityù Sanhedrin 43a SBL Policy on Access íto ancient manuscriptsù SBL Policy on New Discoveries Seth and Steve ídiscussing Josephusù site of Jesus' crucifixion site of Jesus' death/burial Stone Stoning stoning and stephen Summer Language Courses SVARA Swartz TANAK The Qumran Collection in Oxford Two Little Pebbles... Was Jesus stoned? Zeus (one last time) Zeus and Chronos -- Monitored by LIR Assistant Editor: Paul J. Bodin Union Theological Seminary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- List: RELIGION Address: RELIGION@HARVARDA.HARVARD.EDU Period Covered: May 1992 To subscribe to RELIGION, send e-mail to LISTSERV@HARVARDA with the one-line message: SUBSCRIBE RELIGION Your Name TOPICS COVERED: Announcement of conference on E-Journals Announcement of draft of Networked Religious Studies Biblio Announcement of journal--Syzygy--covering new religious movements Call for article reviewers for CONTENTS Query regarding lists related to religious studies -- Monitored by LIR Editor: Michael T. Bradley, Jr., Columbia University ============================================================================== The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS is an electronic journal that disseminates table of contents, abstracts, reviews and ordering information on new and recent print and electronic publications of relevance to religious studies. Electronic subscriptions are free; to subscribe, send a mail message to Listserv@uottawa or listserv@acadvm1.uottawa.ca with the text: SUBSCRIBE CONTENTS your name. Inquires regarding the CONTENTS project should be sent to the project director: Michael Strangelove Department of Religious Studies University of Ottawa BITNET: 441495@Uottawa Internet: 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA S-mail: 177 Waller, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 CANADA Voice: (613) 237-2052 FAX: (613) 564-6641)